Abstract of GCD in mathematics for the preparatory group “Tsarina Mathematics”

Abstract of the educational activity "An entertaining journey to the land of Mathematics" in the preparatory group.

Abstract of the educational activity “An entertaining journey to the land of Mathematics” in the preparatory group.


Shirko Galina Leonidovna, teacher of the first category, MBDOU "Kindergarten "Umka", Abakan, rep.
Khakassia Description:
the lesson was built taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard using game technology and active learning methods.
Summarize the knowledge gained.
Objectives: Educational
- developing computing skills;
- exercise children in forward and backward counting within 10; - practice establishing equality between numbers; - consolidate the ability to distinguish and correctly name geometric shapes. Developmental
- creating conditions for the development of logical thinking, intelligence, attention;
- development of imagination, ingenuity, visual memory; - contribute to the formation of mental operations, speech development, and the ability to argue one’s statements. Educational
- fostering interest in mathematical knowledge;
- developing the ability to understand a learning task and carry it out independently. Demonstration material:
balloon, letter, letters, names of stations, geometric shapes.
cards with numbers, squared pieces of paper, pens.
Methodical techniques:
- game (surprise moment); - verbal (reading a letter, questions, conversation, logical tasks); — visual (demonstration material); - lesson analysis, encouragement.

GCD move:

A ball with a letter flies into the group.
The children notice the ball and gather around it. Educator:
Guys, where did this ball come from? Who could give us such a surprise? (During the discussion we find out that the postman brought it). “Let’s see what this letter is, maybe we’ll learn something interesting from it.” (I unfold the letter) - It was written by a Fairy from the country of “Mathematics”.

Guys, who can read here? (I ask a child who can read to read the letter).

“Dear guys, I invite you to go on a trip to the land of Mathematics, where I have prepared various tasks for you. You will need to add, subtract, compare, solve fun problems, think and reflect. For each completed task you will receive a letter. Then make a word from these letters. These tasks are for smart and resourceful children! Fairy from the Land of Mathematics." Educator: Guys, do you agree to go on a trip? Aren't you afraid of difficulties? Do you love to travel? What do you think you can travel with? (children's answers). - I like to travel too! We'll go by train.

What do you need to buy for a train trip? (tickets) - Dear passengers! Take your tickets and take your seats in the carriages. Have you noticed that the tickets are unusual? How do you know what your place is? (tickets are cards with written examples of addition and subtraction, and on the chairs are cards with answers). - Certainly. An example needs to be solved. (Children solve examples and find their places. Children who find it difficult are helped by other children). - Guys, look at each other, are you in the right place? But before our train sets off on its journey, let's remember: - how many days are there in a week? - name them; — what day of the week is it today? - what number is he? - What day of the week was yesterday? - What day of the week will it be tomorrow? - Well done! Go! The song “We are going, going, going to distant lands” is played.

- Attention!
Attention! Stop! Guys, let's read the name of the station? (children read) “Warm-up”
Game: “Question and answer.” Questions: - serial counting up to 10; - count down from 10; - counting from 1 to 10; - counting from 4 to 9, from 7 to 2, from 9 to 3; - name the neighbors of the numbers 5, 3, 6, 8; - name the previous number of numbers 8, 2, 6; - name the next number of numbers 3, 5, 7.

- You completed the task, you get a letter. What letter is this? (children's answers). - That's right, the letter M. Let's continue our journey! Take your seats! Go! The song “We are going, going, going to distant lands” is played.

- We've arrived!
Let's read the name of the station. (Children read). "Counting".
Fill in the blanks by inserting the missing character or number.
3+5 8, 8 1=7, 2 2=4, 7 2=5, 10-3 7, 4+4 8, 6 4 10, 4 3 1. You did a great job with this task too! Get a letter! What letter is this? (children's answers). – That’s right, letter O. Let’s continue our journey! Take your seats! Go! A song is playing.
- We've arrived!
What kind of station is this? (Children read). "Geometric".
Logical problem “Which figure is the odd one in the row?”

You did a good job with this task too! Here's a letter for you! (Children name the letter) - That's right, the letter L. And our journey continues! Take your seats! Go! A song plays and the children sing along.

- We've arrived!
What kind of station is this? (Children read). "Jokes are riddles."
Task "Logic puzzles".
Be careful and you will definitely cope with them. 1. How many ears do three mice have? (6) 2. How many paws do two bear cubs have? (8) 3. What is lighter than 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of honey? (weight is the same) 4. Two willows grew, on each willow there were two branches, on each branch there were two pears. How many pears are there in total? (Not at all. Pears don’t grow on willows). “You did a good job, here’s your letter.” (Children name the letter). Letter O. Now you can relax. Physical education minute.
We've done some work, guys, and now let's all get exercise! Now we will all get up together, we will rest at the rest stop. Turn left, turn right, bend over, rise up. Hands up and hands to the side, And jump and jump on the spot! And now let’s skip and run, Well done, kids! Let's slow down, children, and stand still! Like this! And now we will sit down together, We still need to work.

- Take your seats on the train! Go! A song is playing.

- We've arrived!
What kind of station is this? (Children read). “Take a guess.”
Compare the numbers and put the appropriate equal or inequality sign. 2 5, 4 4, 3 1, 7 7, 9 10, 5 5, 8 6. Place cards with numbers in pairs so that the sum of each pair results in the number 10. 1 and 9, 2 and 8, 3 and 7, 4 and 6, 5 and 5, 6 and 4, 7 and 3, 8 and 2, 9 and 1.

- For completing a task you receive a letter. What letter is this? (D) Take your seats on the train! Let's move on! A song is playing.

- We've arrived!
What kind of station is this? (Children read). "Graphic".
Here we will do a mathematical dictation. From the point to the right 2 cells, Up 1 cell, Right 1 cell, Up 1 cell, Right 1 cell, Down 4 cells, Right 3 cells, Up 1 cell, Right 1 cell, Down 5 cells, Left 2 cells, Up 1 cell, Left 2 cells, Down 1 cell, Left 2 cells, Up 4 cells, Left 2 cells, Up 2 cells.

- What did we do? (Dog) . For completing a task you receive a letter. What letter is this? (C) Take your seats on the train! Let's move on! A song is playing.

- We've arrived!
What kind of station is this? (Children read). "The ultimate."
Solve the rebus: 4 3 2 5 1 T R A A P Having guessed the word PARTA correctly, children receive the letter Y. - Guys, you completed all the tasks! For each task you received letters. Let's read what kind of word we got.

- Well, it’s time for us to return. Take your seats on the train. A song plays and the children sing along.

Educator: Guys, here we are in kindergarten. Did you enjoy our trip? Were the tasks difficult? Would you still like to travel to the land of Mathematics? (children's answers) And for good knowledge, the Fairy of the Country of Mathematics left you a gift, medals. Presentation of medals.

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