Long-term planning in junior group II according to T.S. Komarova with elements of I.A. Lykova

Long-term planning in junior group II according to T.S. Komarova with elements of I.A. Lykova

Planning in junior group II according to T.S. Komarova with elements of I.A. Lykova

Komarova T.S. Visual arts classes in the second junior group of kindergarten. Lesson notes. – M.: Mosaic – Synthesis, 2009. – 96 p.

Lykova I.A.
Visual activities in kindergarten: planning, lesson notes, methodological recommendations. Junior group. – M.: “KARAPUZ – DIDACTICS”, 2008. – 144 p. Topic of the lesson
: “My cheerful, sonorous ball...” -
substantive, diagnostic drawing.
Program content

: arouse interest in drawing toys. Develop the ability to depict round colored objects (ball). Learn to close a line into a ring, divide the circle into two parts and paint, repeating the outlines of the drawn figure. Practice the technique of painting with gouache paints. Develop the eye and coordination in the “eye-hand” system.

Materials for the lesson:

for children: sheets of square paper of different sizes (to choose from) - 15x15, 20x20, 25x25 cm; cardboard circles for examining the shape; gouache paints (two colors for each child); brushes, jars of water; cloth napkins for drying the pile. The teacher has: a blank sheet of square paper no less than 25x25 cm; pairs of semicircles for displaying color combinations (blue+red, blue+yellow, green+orange, etc.), brush, glass of water, napkin, cardboard circle, two-color balls.

Lykova I.A. With. 18-19.


Lesson topic

: "It's raining"
Program content

: teach children to convey impressions of the surrounding life in a drawing, draw short strokes and lines, hold a pencil correctly, see an image of a phenomenon in a drawing. Develop a desire to draw.

Materials for the lesson:

blue pencils, ½ landscape paper.

Komarova T.S. With. 50-51.


Lesson topic

: "Colour pencils"
Program content

: teach children to draw lines from top to bottom, try to draw them straight without stopping. Learn how to put paint on a brush, dip the entire bristles into the paint, remove the excess drop, rinse the brush in water, and dry it with a light touch of a cloth. Continue introducing flowers. Develop aesthetic perception.

Materials for the lesson:

½ landscape paper size. Gouache paints in four colors (on different tables in two colors in different combinations, but beautifully combined).

Komarova T.S. p.13.


Lesson topic

: “Beautiful striped rug
Program content

: teach children to draw lines from left to right, move the brush along the pile continuously; put paint on the brush well, rinse the brush thoroughly; paint carefully with another paint, without going into the places where it has already been painted. Develop color perception, consolidate knowledge about color.

Materials for the lesson:

square sheets of paper. Samples of striped rugs. Each table has two different, well-matching colors; jars of water, cloth rags, brush.

see Komarova T.S. p.14.



Lesson topic

: “Colorful balls”
Program content

: teach children to draw continuous lines in a circular motion without lifting the pencil from the paper; hold it correctly; When drawing, use pencils of different colors.

Materials for the lesson:

colored pencils or crayons, landscape paper.

see Komarova T.S. With. 15.


Lesson topic

: "Rings"
Program content

: teach children to hold a pencil correctly, convey a round shape in a drawing, practice circular movement of the hand. Learn to use pencils of different colors. Develop color perception. Reinforce knowledge about color.

Progress of the lesson:

With. 16.

Materials for the lesson:

colored pencils, sheets of round paper 20x20 cm.


Lesson topic

: “Yellow leaves are flying” -
decorative drawing.
Program content

: learn to hold the brush correctly, dip the entire bristles into the paint, remove the excess drop on the edge of the jar; depict leaves by applying the entire bristle of the brush to the paper and dipping it into paint as needed. Learn to recognize and correctly name the color yellow. Develop aesthetic perception. Create conditions for artistic experimentation: show the possibility of obtaining orange by mixing yellow with red; pay attention to the dependence of the size of the drawn leaves on the size of the brush. Develop a sense of color and rhythm. Cultivate interest in bright, beautiful natural phenomena, the desire to convey your impressions in drawings.

Materials for the lesson:

sheets of paper (1/2 landscape sheet) blue, gouache paints yellow and red, palettes or plastic lids for experimenting with color, brushes of two sizes, jars of water, paper and cloth napkins. Beautiful autumn leaves of different colors and sizes, collected on a walk.

Komarova T.S. With. 42-43.


Lesson topic

: “Berry by berry” -
finger painting.
Program content

: teach children to create rhythmic compositions “Berries on the bushes”. Show the possibility of combining visual techniques: drawing twigs with colored pencils and berries with your fingers (optional). Develop a sense of rhythm and composition. Cultivate interest in nature and displaying vivid impressions (ideas) in drawings.

Materials for the lesson:

for children: sheets of white or light blue paper, gouache paints in lids (2 contrasting colors - red and green), colored pencils or felt-tip pens, paper and cloth napkins. The teacher has: options for the composition “Berries on Bushes”, a sheet of white or blue paper, a felt-tip pen; flannelgraph or magnetic board and a set of red and green circles.

see Lykova I.A. With. 30-31.




Lesson topic

: “Hail, hail!”
- drawing with cotton swabs.
Program content

: teach children to depict a cloud and hail with cotton swabs, changing the color and frequency of spot placement (spots on a cloud are close to each other, hail in the sky is more rare, with gaps). Show the relationship between the nature of the image and the means of artistic and figurative expression. Develop a sense of color and rhythm.

Materials for the lesson:

sheets of blue paper, cotton swabs, blue and white gouache paints, paper and cloth napkins, cups of water. Variable samples to explain the technique.

Lykova I.A. With. 48-49.


Lesson topic

: "Beautiful balloons"
Program content

: Continue teaching children to draw round objects. Learn to hold a pencil correctly and use pencils of different colors during the drawing process. Develop an interest in drawing.

Materials for the lesson:

colored pencils (the whole box), a landscape sheet of paper.

Komarova T.S. – p. 18.


Lesson topic

: "Centipede in the store (polite conversation)"
Program content

: learn to draw complex-shaped images based on wavy lines, coordinate the proportions of a sheet of paper (background) and the intended image. To develop the ability to perceive color and shape as the main means of artistic expression.

Materials for the lesson:

long sheets or strips of paper in blue, yellow and light green (children’s choice), gouache paints (red, yellow, green), brushes, felt-tip pens (or pencils), paper and cloth napkins, cups (jars) of water.

Lykova I.A. With. 58-59.


Lesson topic

: “Striped towels for forest animals
Program content

: Teach children to draw patterns of straight and wavy lines on a long rectangle. Show the dependence of the pattern (decor) on the shape and size of the product (“towels”). Improve your brush painting technique. Show options for alternating lines by color and configuration (straight, wavy). Develop a sense of color and rhythm. Cultivate interest in decorative and applied arts.

Materials for the lesson:

elongated sheets of white paper, gouache paints of 2-3 colors, brushes, cups (jars) of water, paper and cloth napkins. Variable patterns on a rectangle. Towels with beautiful patterns. Rope for an exhibition of children's works and decorative clothespins. Balloon for blowing soap bubbles.

Lykova I.A. With. 62-63.



Lesson topic

: "Tree"
Program content

: teach children to draw an object consisting of straight vertical and inclined lines, place the image in the center of a sheet of paper, draw large, on the entire sheet. Draw children's attention to the fact that the tree has long and short branches.

Materials for the lesson:

½ landscape paper, colored pencils.

see Komarova T.S. With. 22 - 23


Lesson topic

: “Snowballs, big and small
Program content

: strengthen the ability to draw round objects. Learn the correct techniques for painting without going beyond the outline. Repeat the image, filling the free space of the sheet.

Materials for the lesson:

a sheet of colored paper the size of a landscape paper or a little larger, depending on the size of the brushes, white gouache.

Komarova T.S. With. 21 - 22.


Lesson topic

: “Serpentine is dancing
Program content

: teach children to freely draw lines of various configurations (wavy, spiral, with loops in different combinations), of different colors (red, blue, yellow, green). Release your drawing hand. Improve your painting technique (wet your brush often and move it freely in all directions). Develop a sense of color and shape.

Materials for the lesson:

white sheets of paper of different formats and sizes; gouache paints, felt-tip pens; brushes, palettes, cups (jars) of water; paper and cloth napkins; serpentine of different colors

Lykova I.A. With. 70-71.


Lesson topic

: Drawing by design
Program content

: make children want to draw, think about the content of the drawing, and fill out the entire sheet. Develop a desire to look at finished drawings, talk about them, and enjoy them. Foster independence and creativity.

Materials for the lesson:

landscape sheet of tinted paper of a dim color, white, green, yellow gouache.

Komarova T.S. With. 24.



Lesson topic

: “New Year tree decorated with lights and balls
Program content

: teach children to draw objects consisting of lines (vertical, horizontal or oblique). Learn to create an image of an elegant Christmas tree in a drawing. Learn to draw a Christmas tree large, on the entire sheet; decorate it using techniques of dipping, drawing round shapes, lines. Develop children's aesthetic perception. Introduce pink and blue flowers. Draw children's attention to the drawings by giving them figurative characteristics. Induce a feeling of joy from beautiful drawings. Continue teaching children how to use paint and brushes, and how to wash the brush.

Materials for the lesson:

landscape sheet of paper, paints - gouache in dark green, yellow, pink, blue, white colors; brushes of 2 sizes, cloth napkin, jar of water.

Komarova T.S. With. 25, 26.


Lesson topic

: “Look - bagels, rolls...”
Program content

: to arouse children's interest in drawing bagels and bagels. Learn to draw rings (donuts, bagels), contrasting in size (diameter), choose a brush yourself: with wide bristles - for drawing bagels, with narrow bristles - for drawing bagels. Practice the technique of painting with gouache paints. Develop the eye and coordination in the “eye-hand” system.

Materials for the lesson:

for children: sheets of paper to choose from - light blue, light green, pink (for the background), yellow gouache paints, brushes of 2 sizes, felt-tip pens, cardboard rings for examining the shape, jars of water, cloth napkins for drying pile. The teacher has two square sheets of paper of different sizes with drawn rings - a bagel and a donut.

Lykova I.A. With. 82-83.


Lesson topic

: “The bun rolled along the path” -
plot drawing.
Program content

: teach children to draw based on folk tales. Arouse interest in creating an image of a kolobok rolling along a path and singing a song. Combine different techniques: drawing a kolobok with gouache paints (a color spot in the shape of a circle or oval), drawing a long wavy or winding path with felt-tip pens. Develop visual – imaginative thinking and imagination. Foster interest in reflecting impressions and ideas about fairy-tale characters in visual arts.

Materials for the lesson:

elongated sheets (strips) of paper of different colors (white, light green, blue, dark blue) - children’s choice, gouache paints, brushes, cups (jars) of water, felt-tip pens or colored pencils, paper and cloth napkins. Puppet theater characters for the Russian folk tale "Kolobok".

Lykova I.A. With. 86-87.



Lesson topic

: "Snowman"
Program content

: exercise children in drawing round objects. Learn to convey in a drawing the structure of an object consisting of several parts, consolidate the skills of painting a round shape with continuous lines from top to bottom or from left to right with the entire bristle of the brush.

Materials for the lesson:

tinted paper - blue (dull), gray, white gouache, brush, jar of water, cloth napkin.

Komarova T.S. With. 28.


Lesson topic

: "Trees in the snow"
Program content

: learn to convey a picture of winter in a drawing. Practice drawing trees. Learn to place several trees on a sheet. Introduce new art materials (when working with charcoal and chalk). Strengthen the ability to wash a brush (when working with paints). Develop aesthetic perception.

Materials for the lesson:

½ landscape sheet (soft blue or gray), white chalk and charcoal or gouache paints (brown, white).

Komarova T.S. With. 31.


Lesson topic

Program content

: learn to draw objects consisting of several parts. Strengthen the ability to draw straight lines in different directions. Learn to convey the image of an object. Develop aesthetic perception.

Materials for the lesson:

light gray paint, landscape sheet of light blue paper.

Komarova T.S. With. thirty.


Lesson topic

: “Flowers for Mommy (greeting cards)” -
drawing with elements of appliqué.
Program content

: make you want to draw a picture as a gift for your mother on March 8th. Learn to draw flowers based on an idea of ​​the appearance of plants (corolla, stem, leaves). Practice the technique of painting with gouache paints: combine different shapes and lines, choose the color and size of brushes yourself. Develop a sense of shape and color. Cultivate a caring attitude towards parents.

Materials for the lesson:

sheets of white paper folded in half in the form of a double postcard, silhouettes of vases (children's choice), colored pencils or felt-tip pens, cotton swabs, gouache paints, brushes, jars of water, glue or adhesive pencil, paper and cloth napkins.

Lykova I.A. With. 106 - 107.



Lesson topic

: “The sun is shining
Program content

: learn to convey the image of the sun in a drawing, combine a round shape with straight lines. Practice the ability to squeeze excess paint onto the edge of the jar. Learn to supplement the drawing with images that correspond to the theme. Foster independence and creativity.

Materials for the lesson:

landscape sheet of colored paper (soft blue or gray tone), gouache yellow, white, red, brown, green, black; brushes, cotton swabs, markers, jars of water, napkins.

Komarova T.S. With. 118-119. Lykova I.A. With. 29.


Lesson topic

: “Let’s wash” handkerchiefs and towels
Program content

: learn to draw rectangular and square-shaped objects (handkerchiefs and towels) with separate vertical and horizontal lines. Introduce the rectangular shape. Arouse interest in decorating drawn objects and creating a composition based on a linear drawing (linen is dried on a line). Develop visual and imaginative thinking. Continue to practice drawing and coloring techniques with colored pencils.

Materials for the lesson:

colored pencils, a strip of paper measuring 10x20 cm, with a thread. Rope with decorative clothespins for organizing an original exhibition of children's drawings. Napkins for examining the form. Napkin and towel for comparison.

Komarova T.S. With. 32-33. Lykova I.A. With. 100-101.


Lesson topic

: "Spatula"
Program content

: learn to draw an object consisting of a part of a quadrangular shape and a straight stick, correctly convey its structure and proportions. Learn techniques for painting in one direction. Strengthen the ability to rinse a brush and dry it.

Materials for the lesson:

Spatula. Paper ½ landscape sheet size, red and yellow gouache; brush, jar of water, cloth napkin.

Komarova T.S. With. 33-34.


Lesson topic

: “Books are babies
Program content

: teach form-building movements of drawing quadrangular shapes with a continuous movement of the hand from left to right, from top to bottom, etc. (you can start the movement from any side). Clarify the technique of painting by moving your hand from top to bottom or from left to right. Develop imagination.

Materials for the lesson:

½ landscape sheet, pencils of different colors.

Komarova T.S. With. 34.


Lesson No. 28

Lesson topic

: "Birdhouse"
Program content

: learn to draw an object consisting of a rectangular shape, a circle, a straight roof, and correctly convey the relative size of the parts of the object. Reinforce painting techniques.

Materials for the lesson:

birdhouse (made of paper). Landscape sheet, green, yellow, brown gouache, jar of water, brush, cloth napkin.

Komarova T.S. With. 38.



Lesson topic

: "Beautiful cart"
Program content

: learn to depict an object consisting of several parts of a rectangular and round shape. Practice drawing and coloring with pencils. Develop the ability to choose a color to your liking, complement the drawing with details that match the content of the main image. Develop initiative and imagination.

Materials for the lesson:

½ landscape paper, colored pencils.

Komarova T.S. With. 39.


Lesson topic

: "Ladybug"
Program content

: teach children to draw bright, expressive images of insects. Show the possibility of creating a composition based on a green leaf cut out of paper by the teacher (integration of drawing and appliqué). Evoke an emotional response to beautiful natural objects. Improve the technique of painting with paints (repeat round curves, combine two tools - a brush and a cotton swab). Develop a sense of shape and color.

Materials for the lesson:

green leaves cut out by the teacher from colored paper (the basis for drawings), gouache paints in red and black, brushes of 2 sizes, cotton swabs, jars of water, paper and cloth napkins. Picture of a ladybug.

Lykova I.A. With. 130 - 131.


Lesson topic

: Drawing by design
Program content

: continue to develop the ability to independently determine the content of your drawing. Learn painting techniques with paints. Strengthen knowledge of colors. To develop children's sense of color and aesthetic perception.

Materials for the lesson:

a landscape sheet of colored paper of any soft tone (the background may be different for everyone), paints of 5-6 colors, brushes of 2 sizes, a jar of water, paper and cloth napkins.

Komarova T.S. With. 39-40.


Lesson topic

: “I am holding a flag in my hand”
- object drawing.
Program content

: Continue teaching children to draw square and rectangular objects. Clarify your understanding of geometric shapes. Arouse interest in the image of flags of different shapes according to your design (rectangular, square, semicircular, triangular). Develop a sense of shape and color.

Materials for the lesson:

½ album sheet, gouache paints in brown, red, yellow, green, brushes of 2 sizes, a jar of water, paper and cloth napkins.

Lykova I.A. With. 134 - 135.



Lesson topic

: "Dandelions in the grass"
Program content

: learn to convey in a drawing the beauty of a flowering meadow, the shape of flowers. Practice painting techniques with paints. Strengthen the ability to carefully rinse the brush and dry it on a cloth. Develop the ability to enjoy your drawings. Develop aesthetic perception and creative imagination.

Materials for the lesson:

a landscape sheet of green paper, yellow and green gouache, brushes of 2 sizes, cotton swabs, a jar of water, paper and cloth napkins, felt-tip pens.

Komarova T.S. With. 41-42. Lykova I.A. With. 140-141.


Lesson topic

: “Filimonov toys”
Program content

: to introduce children to the Filimonov toy as a type of folk decorative and applied art, which has its own specificity and figurative expressiveness. To form an initial understanding of the craft of toy makers. Create conditions for children's creativity based on the Filimonov toy. Learn to draw patterns on silhouettes cut out of paper. Give an idea of ​​the characteristic decorative elements and color combinations.

Materials for the lesson:

Children have paper silhouettes of hens and cockerels, gouache paints (the color palette of Filimonov toys), thin brushes, cups of water, paper and cloth napkins. The teacher has Filimonov toys, decorations for performing a mini-play; a didactic manual with characteristic color combinations and decorative elements.

Lykova I.A. With. 136 - 139.


Lesson topic

: Drawing with paints according to design
Program content

: develop independence in choosing a topic. Learn to introduce elements of creativity into your drawing, select the right colors for your drawing, and use the acquired skills and abilities in your work.

Materials for the lesson:

tinted paper, gouache red, white, blue, yellow, green; brushes of 2 sizes, a jar of water, cloth and paper napkins.

Komarova T.S. With. 42-43.


Lesson topic

: "Chicks and Dandelions"

Program content

: create monochrome compositions on a colored background. To enrich the possibility of modular drawing - to create images of chickens and dandelions using the “dipping” technique. Develop a sense of color and shape.

Materials for the lesson:

Sheets of green paper of the same size for creating a collective composition or album “Spring has come”, cotton swabs, cotton swabs, rags, napkins, (for prints) yellow gouache paint, felt-tip pens, paper and cloth napkins.

Lykova I.A. With. 140



Topic: “Introducing Pencil and Paper”

Goal: To teach children to draw with a pencil, to hold the pencil correctly, to guide it along the paper, without pressing too hard on the paper or squeezing it tightly in the fingers. Draw children's attention to the marks left by a pencil on paper; suggest running your fingers along the drawn lines and configurations. Learn to see the similarity of strokes with objects. Develop a desire to draw.

Visual activities in kindergarten, T.S. Komarova.

Theme: “Let’s tie colored strings to the ball”

Goal: To teach children to hold a pencil correctly; draw straight lines from top to bottom; lead the lines continuously, seamlessly. Develop aesthetic perception. Learn to see the image of an object in lines.

“Art in kindergarten” by T.S. Komarov) p.48

Theme "Beautiful stairs"

Goal: To teach children to draw lines from top to bottom; carry them straight without stopping. Learn to put paint on a brush, dip the entire bristles into the paint; remove the excess drop by touching the edge of the jar with the lint; rinse the brush in water, dry it with a light touch of a cloth to pick up paint of a different color. Continue introducing flowers. Develop aesthetic perception.

“Art in kindergarten” by T.S. Komarova page 49

Goal: To teach children to convey impressions of the surrounding life in a drawing, to see an image of a phenomenon in a drawing. Strengthen the ability to draw short strokes and lines, hold a pencil correctly. Develop a desire to draw.

“Art in kindergarten” by T.S. Komarova

Theme “Multi-colored carpet of leaves”

Goal: To develop aesthetic perception, to form imaginative ideas. Teach children to hold the brush correctly, dip the entire bristles into the paint, and remove excess drops on the edge of the jar. Learn to draw leaves by applying brush bristles to paper. Fix colors: red, yellow, green, orange.

“Art in kindergarten” by T.S. Komarova

Theme “Colorful balls”

Goal: To teach children to draw continuous lines in a circular motion, without lifting the pencil from the paper, and to hold the pencil correctly.

Goal: to learn to hold a pencil correctly, to convey a round shape in a drawing, to practice circular movements of the hand. Develop color perception. Fix colors: red, orange, names of fruits.

Topic Drawing: by design

" My favorite toy".

Goal: To teach children to independently think about the content of the drawing. Strengthen previously acquired skills in painting with paints. Cultivate a desire to look at drawings and enjoy them. Develop color perception and creativity

“Art in kindergarten” by T.S. Komarova

Theme "Beautiful Balloons"

Goal: To teach children to draw round objects. Learn to hold a pencil correctly and use pencils of different colors when drawing. Develop an interest in drawing. Induce a positive emotional attitude towards the created images..

“Art in kindergarten” by T.S. Komarova p.60

Theme “Colorful hoops”

Goal: To teach children to draw round objects with a continuous continuous movement of the brush. Strengthen the ability to wash a brush, blot the bristles of the washed brush on a cloth. Develop color perception. Strengthen knowledge of colors. Teach children to look at finished work and identify smooth, beautiful hoops.

“Art in kindergarten” by T.S. Komarov)" page 61

Theme "Draw something round"

Goal: To train children in drawing round objects. Strengthen the ability to use paints and hold a brush correctly. Learn to rinse your brush before picking up another paint, and after finishing work. Learn to work with your drawings, name the objects and phenomena depicted. Develop independence and creativity.

“Art in kindergarten” by T.S. Komarov) page 63

Theme "Draw your favorite toy"

Goal: To make children want to draw. Develop the ability to independently conceive the content of a drawing and implement your plan. Practice drawing with a pencil. Learn to enjoy your own drawing and the drawing of a friend; name the drawn objects and phenomena. Foster independence and develop creativity

“Art in kindergarten” by T.S. Komarov) p.65

Theme “Seeds for the birds” (“With cotton swabs”)

“Art in kindergarten” by T.S. Komarov" (edited Snowballs)

Theme: “Snowballs, big and small”

Goal: To strengthen children’s ability to draw round objects. Learn the correct techniques for painting with paints (without going beyond the outline, draw lines with a brush from top to bottom or from left to right). Learn to repeat the image, filling the free space of the sheet.

“Art in kindergarten” by T.S. Komarova

Goal: To teach children to convey the image of a Christmas tree in drawing; draw objects consisting of lines (vertical, horizontal or inclined). Continue learning how to use paints and a brush (rinse the brush in water and blot it on a cloth (napkin) before picking up paint of a different color).

“Art in kindergarten” by T.S. Komarova

Theme "New Year's toy"

Goal: Learn to draw an image of a New Year's toy in the form of a circle, learn to decorate with different shapes (dots, lines), evoke a feeling of joy from the upcoming holiday.

Theme “Christmas tree with lights and balls”

Goal: To teach children to convey the image of an elegant Christmas tree in a drawing; draw a Christmas tree large, on the entire sheet; decorate it using techniques of dipping, drawing round shapes and lines. Develop aesthetic perception, form imaginative ideas. Introduce pink and blue flowers. Induce a feeling of joy from beautiful drawings.

“Art in kindergarten” by T.S. Komarova

Theme “Let’s decorate the mitten (Teremok)”

((Integrated lesson based on theatrical performance)

Goal: To teach children to draw based on the fairy tale “The Mitten” (Teremok) to create a fairy-tale image. Develop imagination and creativity. Develop the ability to decorate an object. Strengthen the ability to use paints of different colors in the process of drawing; Rinse the brush clean and dry it on a cloth before using another paint.

“Art in kindergarten” by T.S. Komarova

Theme: “Let’s decorate the Dymkovo duck”

Goal: Continue to introduce children to the Dymkovo toy. Learn to highlight painting elements and apply them to a duck cut out of paper. Cause joy from the resulting result; from the brightness and beauty of Dymkovo painting.

“Art in kindergarten” by T.S. Komarova

Theme: “We made snowmen on a walk”

Goal: To make children want to create images of funny snowmen in their drawings. Practice drawing round objects. Continue to teach how to convey in a drawing the structure of an object consisting of several parts; consolidate the skill of painting a round shape with continuous lines from top to bottom or from left to right with the entire bristle of the brush.

“Art in kindergarten” by T.S. Komarova

Topic: Finger painting and cutting with scissors

"New blanket for the sofa"

Goal: Continue to learn how to draw with your fingertip, leaving an imprint. Continue to learn how to compose an image (bedspread), placing prints evenly over the entire surface. Learn to hold scissors and cut a leaf with them.

Children leave fingerprints by placing a fingerprint across the entire surface of the bedspread, then cut the fringe edges with scissors.

Theme "Planes are flying"

Goal: To consolidate the ability to draw objects consisting of several parts; draw straight lines in different directions. Learn to convey the image of an object in a drawing. Develop aesthetic perception.

“Art in kindergarten” by T.S. Komarova

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