Long-term planning. Modeling, applique in the middle group

Long-term planning in the middle group “Application. Manual labor"

GCD theme Program content Material Methodological literature Notes date
1 "Beautiful flags" Teach children to work with scissors: hold them correctly, squeeze and unclench the rings, cut a strip along the narrow side into equal pieces - flags. Reinforce techniques for careful gluing and the ability to alternate images by color. Develop a sense of rhythm and a sense of color. Evoke a positive emotional response to the created images. Handouts: paper the size of 1/2 a landscape sheet cut horizontally), 4 paper strips of two colors for each child, scissors, glue, glue brush, napkin, oilcloth. T.S. Komarova pp.44-45
2 Application according to plan Teach children to cut a wide strip of paper (about 5 cm) and hold scissors correctly. Strengthen the techniques of careful use of glue. Handouts: strips of colored paper 5 cm wide, white paper ¼ sheet in size for gluing images (3-4 sheets for each child), scissors, glue, napkins, oilcloths T.S. Komarova pp.45-46
3 "Decorate the napkin" Teach children to make a pattern on a square, filling in the middle and corners with elements. Teach them to cut a strip in half, after folding it, hold scissors correctly and use them. Strengthen the ability to carefully glue parts. Teach children to evaluate each other's work. Handout: square sheet of white paper measuring 16*16cm, strips of different colors measuring 6*3cm, scissors, glue, napkins, oilcloths, glue brushes. T.S. Komarova p.47
3 "Merry Cooks"

(manual labor)

Introduce children to the work of a pastry chef and the characteristic features of their appearance. Expand children's horizons and vocabulary.

To develop the ability to design according to plan, taking into account the characteristics of the material. Introduce children to salt dough and its properties. encourage and reinforce the desire to work.

Material: A picture depicting a cook, pastry chef;

Musical accompaniment “Gingerbread” (arranged by A. E. Frunz

Handouts: colored salt dough, beans, various pasta, modeling boards, wet wipes, cardboard stands.


(Note attached)

1 "Handkerchief Decoration" Learn to transform the shape by cutting a square into triangles, a circle into strips. Teach children to find the angles and sides of a square. Strengthen ideas about round, square and triangular objects. Develop compositional skills and color perception. Demonstration material: paper circle and square

Handouts: paper circles and squares, scissors, glue, glue brushes, napkins, oilcloths.

T.S. Komarova p.53
2 "Penguin"

(manual labor)

consolidate children's knowledge about the animal world of the North; about appearance; about penguin species; develop an eye; cognitive processes; small muscles of the fingers, speech; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature; the ability to evaluate both your own work and the work of your comrades. Handout: paper template with a picture of a penguin, cotton wool, glue stick, lining for working with glue. https://nsportal.ru/detskiy-sad/applikatsiya-lepka/2020/12/16/applikatsiya-iz-vaty-pingvinyonok Abstract attached
3 "Boats float on the river" Teach children to create images of objects by cutting off the corners of rectangles. Strengthen the ability to create a beautiful composition and carefully paste images. Handouts: long narrow strip (river) or oval (lake) of blue or gray paper, wide paper strips of different colors for making boats, scraps of paper for boat parts, scissors, glue, glue brushes, napkins, oilcloths T.S. Komarova p.54-55
4 “Let’s treat the bunny with carrots”

(manual labor)

Development of creative abilities in mastering an unconventional technique of attaching cut threads to cardboard to obtain a three-dimensional appliqué. Handouts: toy hare, glue, glue brush, cut wool thread, oilcloth, ready-made carrot templates on cardboard according to the number of children, sample. https://www.maam.ru/detskijsad/konspekt-od-po-hudozhestveno-yesteticheskomu-razvitiyu-aplikaci-dlja-detei-mladshego-doshkolnogo-vozrasta-978968.html

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5 "Vegetables on a plate" Continue to teach children how to work with scissors: hold them correctly, squeeze and unclench the rings, arrange objects according to the pattern. Reinforce techniques for careful use of paper and glue. colored paper of red, orange and green, ready-made white circle plates, scissors, glue, glue brush, napkin, oilcloth https://nsportal.ru/detskiy-sad/applikatsiya-lepka/2019/08/23/ovoshchi-na-tarelke-applikatsiya

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2 "Bouquet in a vase" Learn to make patterns from geometric shapes; develop cutting skills; develop speed and agility; strengthen your hands. Handouts: sheets of paper; squares, triangles, rectangles, strips cut out of colored paper; sample applique “Bouquet in a Vase”; wreath of autumn leaves, beads made of berries. https://nsportal.ru/detskiy-sad/applikatsiya-lepka/2019/09/11/konspekt-zanyatiya-v-sredney-gruppe-po-applikatsii-buket-v

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1 "Big house" Strengthen the ability to cut a strip of paper in a straight line, cut corners, and compose an image from parts. Learn to make applique at home. Develop a sense of proportion and rhythm. Reinforce techniques for careful gluing. Handouts: paper the size of ½ landscape sheet, rectangles of colored paper in light colors (different for all tables), strips of colored paper, scissors, glue, glue brushes, napkins, oilcloths. T.S. Komarova p.58
2 "Basket of Mushrooms" Teach children to cut the corners of a square, securing them. Strengthen the ability to hold scissors correctly, cut with them, and carefully glue parts of the image into the applique. Lead to a figurative solution. Teach children to evaluate each other's work. Demonstration material: a basket for mushrooms, drawn and pasted onto a square sheet of paper so that there is space left for sticking mushrooms.

Handout: colored paper rectangles for mushroom caps; white and light gray rectangles for mushroom stems, glue, glue brushes, napkins, oilcloths.

T.S. Komarova p.61
1 “Cut out and paste whatever building you want” To develop in children the ability to make applications of various buildings. Continue practicing cutting strips straight, squares diagonally, etc. teaches you to think through the selection of parts according to shape and color. Reinforce techniques for careful gluing. Demonstration material: wooden, plastic construction set parts of various shapes (cubes, bricks, triangular prisms)

Handouts: strips of paper of different colors measuring 3x8 cm, square sheets of paper 16x16 cm, scissors, glue, glue brushes, napkins, oilcloths.

T.S. Komarova p.65-66
2 "Snowman" Continue teaching children to round and cut corners of a square. Strengthen the ability to hold scissors correctly, cut with them, and carefully glue parts of the image into the applique. Lead to a figurative solution, a figurative vision of the results of work, to their evaluation Snowman toy, white squares, orange rectangle, colored stripes for the bucket. https://nsportal.ru/detskiy-sad/applikatsiya-lepka/2019/01/29/konspekt-nod-po-applikatsii-v-sredney-gruppe-snegovik

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3 "Zimushka-winter"

(break applique"

Develop the ability to create a winter landscape using the cut-out appliqué technique. Materials: CD player with a recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky’s melody “Seasons” “January”, ready-made parts for the applique (trees), a sheet of white paper for snow, a base for a dark-colored applique, a glue stick (for each child), sample application, reproduction of I. Shishkin’s painting “Winter”, illustrations depicting winter natural phenomena, magnetic board. https://nsportal.ru/detskiy-sad/applikatsiya-lepka/2018/01/28/konspekt-nod-po-applikatsii-zimushka-zima-v-sredney-gruppe

Abstract attached

4 "Beads for the Christmas tree" To consolidate children's knowledge about round and oval-shaped objects. Learn to cut corners of rectangles and squares to obtain oval and round beads; alternate beads of different shapes; stick them carefully, evenly, in the middle of the sheet. Demonstration material: beads for decorating a Christmas tree.

Handouts: paper rectangles and squares of different colors, thread (not very thin, about No. 10) for gluing cut out beads, glue, brushes, napkins, scissors.

T.S. Komarova p.69
1 “Beautiful pyramids were brought to the store” Exercise children in cutting out rounded shapes from squares (rectangles) by smoothly rounding the corners. Develop the ability to use scissors correctly. Learn to select colors and develop color perception. Learn to arrange circles from largest to smallest. Handouts: paper squares of different colors and sizes, sheets of paper the size of ½ landscape sheet, scissors, glue, glue brushes, napkins. T.S. Komarova p.72
2 "Bus" Strengthen the ability to cut off the corners of a rectangle, rounding them (bus body), cut a strip into identical rectangles (bus windows). Develop the ability to formulate your idea compositionally. Handouts: rectangular colored paper for the bus body (10x4cm), strips of blue paper for windows (2x8cm), 2 black squares for wheels (2.5x2.5cm), scissors, glue, glue brushes, strips of paper of different colors (from which children will cut out the details). T.S. Komarova p.73
3 “Trolley with toys (balls, bricks, cubes)” Teach children to use scissors: hold them correctly, cut paper in a straight line, round the circles around the square to get a circle. Learn to compose an image from parts, correctly positioning and carefully gluing them. Develop initiative. Demonstration material: toy cart, bricks, balls, cubes.

Handouts: colored paper, scissors. Glue, glue brushes, napkins.

T.S. Komarova p.74
1 "Flying Planes" Collective composition. Teach children to correctly compose an image from parts, find the place of this or that detail in the overall work, and carefully stick it on. To consolidate the idea of ​​a rectangle, to learn how to smoothly cut off its corners. Invoke joy from a picture created collectively. Demonstration material: toy airplane, large sheet of blue paper.

Handouts: paper rectangles for the body, tail and wings of the aircraft, scissors, glue, glue brushes, napkins.

T.S. Komarova p.79
2 Decorative applique on a square Teach children to make a pattern on a square, rhythmically arranging geometric shapes. Learn to transform shapes by cutting them (a square into 2 triangles, a rectangle into 2 squares). Reinforce cutting techniques. Foster independence. Stimulate creative solutions. Handouts: white paper measuring 18x18cm, strips of colored paper, beautifully combined in color, scissors, glue, glue brushes, napkins T.S. Komarova p.85
3 "Lamb"

(manual labor)

Learn how to correctly lay out the details of a future craft. Develop spatial orientation. Strengthen ideas about the appearance and proportions of domestic animals. Continue to learn how to combine different materials in your work. Improve your brush and glue skills. Materials and equipment:

Parts for making crafts (ready-made forms), cotton wool (pieces) of string of the same length, felt-tip pens, glue, glue brushes, napkins, oilcloths for each child.


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4 “Cut out and paste what is round and oval” Learn to choose a topic of work in accordance with certain conditions. Practice cutting the corners of a rectangle and square, rounding them. develop creativity and imagination. Strengthen your neat gluing skills. Demonstration material: round and oval objects or pictures with their images.

Handout: a set of colored paper squares, rectangles and triangles for cutting, scissors, glue, glue brushes, napkins.

T.S. Komarova p.86-87
1 "A beautiful bouquet as a gift." Teamwork Expand children's figurative ideas, develop the ability to create images of the same objects in different, variable ways. Continue to develop team creativity skills. Create a desire to please others, to create something beautiful for them. Demonstration material: a large sheet of paper (whatman paper) of any light color.

Handouts: paper (6 cm) in different colors, gouache 5-6 primary colors and shades (pink, blue), brushes, jars of water, napkins.

T.S. Komarova p.82
2 "Gift for mom and grandma" Learn to cut and paste a beautiful flower, cutting corners by rounding or slanting. Develop a sense of color, aesthetic perception, figurative ideas, imagination. Make children want to please their loved ones with a beautiful gift. Demonstration material: illustrations depicting beautiful flowers.

Handouts: white paper, a set of colored paper, scissors, glue, glue brushes, napkins.

T.S. Komarova p.84
3 "Tulip"

(manual labor)

To form children's knowledge about the non-traditional technique of applique from finely chopped thread, expand knowledge about fine arts, and instill interest in decorative creativity. Material: Threads of different colors; PVA glue, tulip templates, tassels, napkins, oilcloths, scissors. https://www.maam.ru/detskijsad/konspekt-nod-po-aplikaci-iz-nitok-tyulpan-v-srednei-grupe.html

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4 “Cut out and stick on whatever toy you want” Teach children to think about the content of their work, select pieces of paper of suitable shape and color for the image. Develop thinking and creative imagination. Reinforce cutting and pasting techniques. Foster independence. Demonstration material: simple-shaped toys (pyramid, tumbler, chicken, cart, etc.)

Handouts: paper strips and squares of different colors and sizes, scissors, glue, glue brushes, napkins.

T.S. Komarova p.88
1 "Puzzles" Strengthen children's ability to correlate flat geometric shapes with the shape of parts of objects, create an image from ready-made parts, and independently cut out small parts. Practice careful gluing. Develop creativity, imaginative perception, imaginative ideas, imagination. Handouts: envelopes with ready-made parts from which you can create images of objects familiar to children (a house, a carriage, a flower, a boat, a snowman, a tumbler, etc.), strips of paper of different colors, glue, glue brushes, napkins, oilcloths. T.S. Komarova p.94
2 "Caterpillar made of cotton pads"

(manual labor)

To form children's knowledge about the non-traditional technique of appliqué from cotton pads. Develop thinking and creative imagination. Foster independence. Necessary materials for work: (paper, gouache, brushes, cotton pads, glue). https://www.maam.ru/detskijsad/aplikacija-iz-vatnyh-diskov-s-yelementami-risovanija.html

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3 "Cut and paste whatever you want" Teach children to conceive an image. Learn to cut out rectangular and round parts of objects, small parts from paper. Foster independence and creativity. Handouts: envelopes with colored and white paper ½ landscape size, brushes, jars of water, napkins T.S. Komarova p.97
4 "Dog"

Origami (hand labor)

Teach children to create crafts using the origami technique, actively using the diagram of construction stages.

Fix the names of geometric shapes. Develop the ability to fold a sheet of paper in given directions, accustom to precise finger movements under the control of consciousness. Develop imaginative thinking, fine motor skills, attention, eye.

Demonstration material: Sample design diagram, format A 3.

Handouts: construction diagrams in A4 format, a square sheet of origami paper 10x10, pencils (for each child in the group)


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5 "Bragging Hare"

(manual labor)

Formation of the ability to create images of fairy tale heroes from natural materials. Develop imagination, attention, perseverance, artistic and creative abilities of children. Material. Plasticine, modeling boards, fir cones.

Preliminary work. Reading the fairy tale “The Boasting Hare”, looking at the illustrations.


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1 "Little Red Riding Hood" Continue to learn how to depict a person, characteristic details (cap), observing the ratio in size. Learn to convey fairy-tale images in applications. Strengthen the ability to carefully cut and paste. Handouts: colored paper, scissors, glue, glue brushes, napkins, oilcloths. T.S. Komarova p.101
2 “Make and stick whatever object you want” Strengthen your neat gluing skills. Continue to develop figurative perception, imaginative ideas, imagination, creativity. Demonstration material: pictures depicting round-shaped objects or objects consisting of round-shaped parts.

Handouts: paper the size of ½ landscape sheet, 5 paper circles of different sizes (each child has circles of the same color), glue, glue brushes, napkins, oilcloths.

T.S. Komarova p.102
3 "Magic Garden". Collective composition. Teach children to create a collective composition, independently determining the content of the image (magic trees, flowers). Learn to cut straight with scissors; round the corners of a square or rectangle. Develop figurative perception and imagination. Demonstration material: large-format white sheet or tinted paper).

Handouts: colored paper, gold and silver, scissors, glue, glue brushes, napkins, oilcloths.

T.S. Komarova p.104
4 "Porcini"

(manual labor)

To form children's knowledge about the non-traditional technique of applique from finely chopped thread, expand knowledge about fine arts, and instill interest in decorative creativity. Teach children to apply cut threads to a base coated with glue, without going beyond the contours of the template; continue to teach how to work carefully with glue, use a piece of paper to press the threads Material: Threads of red, white and green colors; PVA glue, mushroom templates, brushes, napkins, oilcloths, scissors.

Preliminary work: Conversations with children about mushrooms, reading poems about mushrooms, memorizing poems, solving riddles, looking at paintings and illustrations.


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“Artistic and aesthetic development” Application. Manual labor.

Explanatory note

The average group has four classes per month, a total of 36 classes per year. The duration of classes is from 15 to 20 minutes. Innovative preschool education program “From birth to school”, ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, E.M. Dorofeeva Forms of monitoring and recording the achievements of students: diagnostics, monitoring (September - incoming, December - intermediate, May - final)


• Develop children's aesthetic senses, artistic perception, figurative representations, imagination, artistic and creative abilities.

• Develop children's artistic creativity, interest in independent creative activities (visual, constructive-model, musical, etc.); satisfy children's need for self-expression

• Teach cutting, starting with the formation of the skill of cutting in a straight line, first short and then long strips, to compose images of different objects from the strips (fence, bench, ladder, tree, bush, etc.).

Objectives: develop interest in the application; develop the ability to hold and use scissors correctly, make different types of straight cuts, cut round shapes from a square; skills in carefully gluing parts; improve the technique of cutting in a silhouette symmetrical way, the ability to make curved cuts by eye. Encourage activity and creativity

Planned results:

• be able to create images of objects from ready-made figures;

• To develop children’s knowledge about non-traditional appliqué techniques

• decorate paper blanks of different shapes;

• hold the scissors correctly and cut with them in a straight line, diagonally (square and rectangle, cut a circle from a square, an oval from a rectangle, smoothly cut and round the corners;

• select colors that match the depicted objects and at your own discretion; use materials carefully

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