Summary of GCD for design in the preparatory group on the topic: “We are builders.”

Summary of a lesson on paper construction “Our City” in the preparatory group


1 Summary of the lesson on designing from paper “Our City” in the preparatory group Fomina N.Yu. Educational field: artistic and aesthetic development. Type of activity: constructively - modeling. Goal: to develop children's artistic creativity, interest in creative, constructive and modeling activities. Objectives: 1. Continue to introduce children to paper sculpture techniques. 2. Teach children to analyze houses from the point of view of identifying the general method of their creation, understand the drawing and act in accordance with it. 3. Develop fine motor skills, improve skills in working with scissors and paper. Activate children's imagination and support creative initiative. 4. To develop the ability to work collectively, to combine their crafts in accordance with a common plan. Preliminary work: virtual tours of the city, organizing games with building materials, looking at illustrations depicting various houses, watching the cartoon “How to build a city?” Equipment: square sheets of white and colored paper (20x20 cm, scissors, glue, pencil, additional waste material). 1

2 Course of educational activities: Today, I brought you something very interesting. What do you think it is? That's right, this is a layout, although it can be called a playing field because it is intended for play. Do you want to play with him? Then now we will think about how you can play with the playing field. But first, look at it carefully, what do you see on it? Absolutely right, roads, grass, river, flower bed, pond. Since our playing field has straight, level roads, it is very similar to a city street. But still, I can’t call it a city. Why do you think? Of course, there are no houses or cars on the streets; there is no city without people. Children, do you want to build a city? What kinds of cities are there? Yes. There are different cities - big and small. Our city will be small and cozy, the houses in it will be low-rise, one- and two-story. Who is building the houses? That's right, builders. Who decides what kind of house to build? 2

3 Of course, architects, well done guys. What can we make houses for our layout from? Well done kids, you can build houses out of cubes. You can build houses from bricks. You can make them from Lego. You can do it as you said, but I suggest you revive our city and make houses with your own hands from cardboard and supplement it with parts from waste material. These are the houses I built according to the architect's design. Let's look at these houses with you. What parts from “The Builder” do they resemble? That's right, on a block, what about this one? That's right, per cube. That's right, these houses look like a cube and a block. Guys, do you want to know how to make houses out of cardboard? Let's go and see what's on our easel. So, here we have drawn patterns that we will use at home. These are two identical patterns, a sheet of paper is drawn into small squares. Let's try to read these patterns the dotted line means. the fold line, the solid line where the cut needs to be made, and the shaded squares mean they need to be cut off. 3

4 Using the first pattern, you can fold the box. Does everyone remember how to fold a box? Guys, from this same square sheet of paper you can make not only a one-story house box, but also a 2-story block. Please note that the pattern is the same as for the box, but there are no shaded squares here, what does this mean? Well done, this means you don’t have to cut anything off. See how else these two patterns differ? That's right, on the first pattern there are 2 cuts on each side, and on the second there are three. According to the pattern for making a block - or a two-story house, you need to make three cuts on each side the size of one square. Watch me do it. The block is folded and glued together in the same way as a box. Children, imagine yourself as builders who must build houses according to architects' designs. Look, in all projects the houses consist of one-story or two-story blocks. However, the houses in the projects are very different. Why? Yes, guys, you saw correctly how the projects differ from each other, the blocks are arranged differently. There are not enough roofs. I remind you that we already know how to make triangular roofs with you, but you can get creative and come up with them from waste material. I suggest you warm up a little. 4

5 Physical education minute Knock knock, knock knock, knock knock! (With a finger on the open palm) Take the hammer, my friend! (Fist on open palm) We will build a new house, (Fist on fist) There are windows in that house. (Imitation of a window) There is another one higher, (Hands up, on your toes) There is a pipe at the top of the roof. (Jumping in place, imitation of the roof) The house is ready, we invite guests: (Show the house, thumbs up) “Come quickly.” (Walking in place, arms to the sides) So, I will be your foreman - construction manager. The first thing you should do is divide into teams and choose a foreman, discuss which project you will choose. The second thing is to distribute the work among yourself. Some will build a one-story block, others a two-story block of the house. When the blocks are ready, they will need to be placed next to each other, as in the project, one of the sides should be marked with a pencil, why do you think? That's right, so as not to make a mistake, now you can choose a material of any color for the construction of your block. (They sit down at the tables) Let me remind you that when you fold a box or a block, you will need to stick windows and doors on them; you can complement your houses with any material that is on the creativity table and in the traffic rules corner. Children design: As a construction manager, I can ask: 5

6 Do you like the buildings? Look what a bright city we have turned out to be? Why? What did you manage to do together as a team? Did everything work out for you? And who didn’t succeed? What exactly? Why do you think? Well guys, do you have a desire to play with our layout? Did you like building our city with your own hands? Thank you for your friendly work and for helping each other. Let's invite the toy people to the opening of our city. Children take small toys and cars and play the game “In the City” (playing out buildings). 6


Summary of direct educational activities on design in the senior group on the topic “Magic transformation of a cylinder”

Prepared and conducted by: Irina Sergeevna Kolmakova, teacher of the First Moscow Gymnasium, 2013-2014 academic year.

  • Strengthen the ability to transform flat material into three-dimensional forms: twisting a cylinder.
  • Learn to construct a tiger cub toy from cylinders.
  • Develop the ability to independently analyze finished crafts from the point of view of identifying the general method of their manufacture.
  • Develop imagination and creative imagination.
  • Instill interest in constructive activities.

Soft toy sparrow. Magic box and sample of the “Tiger Cub” craft.

Yellow or orange squares 8x8 cm for each child.

Scissors, glue, napkins, glue boards.

Colored paper for making small details - eyes, nose.

Preliminary work: examination of photo illustrations “Animals of Africa”; didactic games “Collect a picture”, “The third wheel”; reading: S. Marshak “Children in a Cage”, “Where did you have lunch, sparrow?”

  1. Creative artistic design. L. Paramonova / Preschool education, No. 2 - 2005.
  2. V. Kozhevnikov. Kids about kids. – M.: “Fine Art”, 1991.
  3. Lesson plans for the “Development” program for the senior group of kindergarten. – M.: UTs im. L.A. Wenger "Development", 2000.

Task: to attract children to the upcoming activity.

All the children gathered in a circle:

I am your friend and you are my friend!

Surprise moment. A sparrow flies to visit the children.

- Hello, sparrow! Where have you been? What did you see?

“I wanted to fly to distant countries, but I’m a sedentary bird, I don’t fly far from home.” But I really want to meet animals from distant countries.

— Guys, where can you see animals from different countries? - children's answers. - Yes, of course, at the zoo. Sparrow, stay with us, today the guys and I will make a kitten toy.

A noise is heard from a box on the teacher’s desk, and a toy appears, a sample of a tiger cub’s handicraft.

Hey, don't stand too close -

- Hello, tiger cub. Guys, look what an amazing beast was hiding in our magic box. Why, guys, did I call the tiger cub a kitten? - children's answers.

— Guys, look at a sample of the craft and tell me which parts can be identified in the toy? – head, body, paws, tail.

—What figure does the body of a tiger cub remind us of? Head? – cylinder.

- You and I have already learned how to twist a cylinder. Let's remember how to tighten the cylinder?

The teacher and the children read a poem and show step by step the transformation of a square into a rectangle, and then into a cylinder.


Abstract of GCD for design

“Making toys from cylinders for a puppet theater”

Subject. Making characters from cylinders for a tabletop theater based on familiar fairy tales (children's choice).

Artistic creativity. To promote the development in children of the ability to create artistic images. Form their aesthetic taste. To develop imagination, ingenuity, the desire for creativity, knowledge of the properties of materials, and the desire to experiment with them.

Cognition. Introduce them to making crafts based on a cylinder and learn how to perform them according to the teacher’s verbal instructions. Learn to manage your activities, organize your work independently, and perform a variety of intellectual actions.

Communication. Learn to reason, explaining your point of view. To develop intonation expressiveness of speech in children.

Socialization. Develop the ability to determine mood. Foster empathy and group cohesion.

Health. Develop expressiveness of movements (facial expressions, pantomime).

Safety. Strengthen the skills of safe use of scissors.

Material. Toilet paper rolls, paint, brushes, markers, colored paper, glue, scissors.

Preliminary work. Reading fairy tales, looking at illustrations, playing games in the theater corner.

Progress of direct educational activities.

Teacher. Guys, today Pinocchio came to visit us, he ran away from Karabas Barabas and decided to organize his own puppet theater. But he doesn’t have artists, he asks you to help make characters for a tabletop theater from cylinders.

The teacher shows the children how to make an owlet from a cardboard toilet paper cylinder.

  • We paint the cylinder or cover it with colored paper.
  • Cut out the wings, tail, eyes, beak.
  • Glue the parts to the body.
  • We draw feathers with a brush or felt-tip pens.

Children are offered templates for making various toys.

Children with a high level of training can invent and design their own characters for the theater.

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