10 tips for parents to improve their child’s physical health

How children can lead a healthy and correct lifestyle.

Currently, maintaining a healthy lifestyle (HLS) has become not only useful, but also a fashionable hobby. More and more people are choosing active sports and proper nutrition, which are the key to health, well-being, excellent mood and a beautiful figure. They try to attract their family and children to a correct lifestyle. Health is our gift. Therefore, it is necessary to protect and preserve it from early childhood by any means. A healthy lifestyle for children is a fundamental factor in the physical and moral development of a child, his harmonious existence in society.

The main components of a healthy lifestyle are:

  • schedule;
  • Fresh air;
  • physical activity;
  • healthy eating;
  • mental and emotional state.

How to organize an active lifestyle for a child?

For every child, the most important example and motivator in life are their parents, whom they strive to be like in everything, so a healthy lifestyle should start with them.

Children easily listen to the advice of mom and dad, are interested in their hobbies, and joint sports and proper nutrition as a family will help you unobtrusively teach your child to do this from an early age.

For example, in the summer, arrange regular family walks with a bicycle, scooter, roller skates, play ball, go to the pool, go for a morning jog, go hiking, and in the winter, go sledding, skating, skiing, etc. If you have a hobby, then involve your children in it too. This is not only a good method of raising and developing a child, but also an excellent way to unite a family.

According to the Ministry of Health, children and adolescents should devote at least 60 minutes/day to physical activity. Of course, this does not mean that the child should go to the sports section every day; it is enough to go for a walk or ride a bicycle with the child, or play any outdoor games. Moreover, playing together with your child allows you to spend more time together with your child.


The child’s daily routine is built taking into account his age and individual qualities. Educational potential is also important.

A properly organized daily routine should satisfy the key physiological needs of the body (rest, sleep, nutrition). Fulfillment of these conditions will ensure that the child receives all the necessary knowledge and skills in the field of health culture.

People are divided into night owls and larks, which must be taken into account when determining a child’s daily routine.

How many hours a day should a child sleep?

Adequate sleep is as integral a part of a healthy lifestyle as nutrition and physical training. A child who gets enough rest is usually happier and healthier than his sleep-deprived peers.

Preschool children should sleep 9-10 hours a day

School-age children and teenagers should sleep at least 8-9 hours a day.

Fresh air

Fresh air and daily walks have a beneficial effect on the body. You need to walk in any weather. It is useful to be in places where there is a lot of greenery, trees and flowers. It is better to avoid noisy streets polluted with harmful car exhausts. Sleeping in the fresh air is very beneficial for a child's health. For example, on the balcony, near an open window or in a stroller.

Movement and sports are the key to health

A sports lifestyle leads to the strengthening and healthy development of a child. Physical education classes make the child more resilient and healthy. Physical exercise strengthens bones, muscles and joints. It is also useful for weight control and burning excess calories. After all, modern lifestyle and poor nutrition do not have a very beneficial effect on children’s bodies.

Proper nutrition:

How to provide your child with proper nutrition?

The simplest and most visual method is the so-called “smart plate” or “health plate” method.

Half of the child’s diet should consist of non-starchy vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, broccoli, spinach, legumes, etc.)

A quarter of the child’s diet should contain starchy foods (whole grain bread, potatoes, corn, peas, cereal, rice, etc.)

The remainder of the diet should contain lean meat (chicken, turkey, fish or lean beef).

To all this, add fruit and low-fat milk.

Many children are overweight, which is associated precisely with poor nutrition, which is just as difficult to get rid of as it is for adults. Parents whose children tend to be overweight should be especially careful about their proper nutrition. Otherwise, an irresponsible attitude towards this issue in childhood will lead to big problems with the child’s health at an older age.

Proper baby nutrition is also inextricably linked with a family healthy lifestyle and it is necessary to accustom a child to it from an early age. This is the second very important component of a healthy lifestyle for children.

Healthy eating

The child’s diet should contain only natural products, without chemical additives. It is recommended to regularly eat lean meat, fresh fruits and vegetables, fish dishes and dairy products. Balanced and healthy food has a positive effect on the health of children, allowing them to grow and develop normally.

For newborn babies, the best nutrition is mother's milk. It contains all the useful vitamins and microelements necessary for the body of a small family member. The mother's diet should also include natural foods, without preservatives and harmful substances. It is not recommended to give additional complementary foods to the child until he reaches 6 months of age. When the time comes, the baby himself will begin to show interest in new dishes. The first complementary foods are usually special porridges, vegetable and fruit purees, and low-fat chicken broth. Steamed products have more beneficial properties than canned ones. Through them, the baby will receive the maximum amount of vitamins and microelements.

Mental and emotional state.

The emotional state of children is largely determined by the psychological atmosphere in the family. In the future it will affect his health. The main causes of many childhood diseases are negative emotions, worries and stress, overwork and family troubles.

If a child is emotionally comfortable at home, he will be happy, calm and confident. Positive thoughts improve hormonal levels and strengthen the immune system. A child needs love, understanding and care. It is very important to always support your children, strengthen their moral and physical spirit. Kind words, warmth and approval are fundamental factors in a healthy lifestyle for every child.

All parents want their baby to grow up strong, healthy and smart. But this requires a little effort. Only if you follow all the rules for maintaining a healthy lifestyle can you get a good result. They will help you and your children avoid many problems in the future.

Tips on how to teach your child a healthy lifestyle:

Involve your child in grocery shopping and cooking together. A trip to the grocery store is a great opportunity to introduce your children to the different foods you eat. Ask your child to explore the shelves in the store, and then help you find and select the necessary products from your list. Some supermarkets regularly host tastings, this is a way to let your child try a new product and expand their gastronomic preferences. When you're preparing family dinner, call on your kids to help. Cooking skills will be very useful in a child’s adult life. When a person knows how to cook, he consumes less processed foods and fast food. On top of that, while preparing dinner together, the child will have a desire to try new dishes in the preparation process of which he participated.

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