Health Day “I will save my health - I will help myself!” For preschool teachers

Preliminary work

You should begin preparing for the holiday with an introductory conversation. Tell children about what health is and why it is needed. Remember all the hygienic, preventive, hardening measures that are known to children.

Active recreation can be called Health Day in kindergarten (senior group). Vitamins and proper nutrition are already mostly familiar information for children. Therefore, more attention should be paid to organizing relay races and outdoor games. You can prepare proverbs and sayings about health for the celebration. Learn poetry, make crafts or draw pictures.

In the menu, reflect the main theme with appropriate names of dishes. For example, “Cutlet for health”, “Juice for rosy cheeks”, “Vitamin salad”.

Working with parents

In kindergarten, great importance is attached to working with parents. Be sure to post information about the upcoming Health Day. Promoting a healthy lifestyle among parents and participating in certain activities will teach them to pay more attention to their well-being. Caring for the health of adults and children means basic corrective gymnastics, physical education, self-massage, and hardening procedures.

It is necessary to familiarize parents with the rules and timing of the holiday. Their participation in Health Day is the best gift for children. Discuss with your parents the gifts that will be given after the holiday. Those who wish can make a craft together with their child or learn a poem for the holiday.

Gifts for children

Gifts at the end of the celebration are a must. Then the day will be remembered with souvenirs, which will add a joyful mood and a feeling of celebration. These can be construction sets, creativity kits, coloring books.

It’s a good idea to end the day with a festive table with your parents. Where there will be salads and desserts made from vegetables and fruits. And also compotes, lemonades, juices. And also healthy sandwiches with carved figures of vegetables and herbs.

You can end Health Day in kindergarten (senior group) with a photo session. A souvenir photo will decorate the group. A collage of pictures is suitable for a wall newspaper or a parent’s information corner.

Health Day for Preschoolers

Health Day is a wonderful opportunity to draw children’s attention to their health in an entertaining and educational way. Teach to take care of him, take care of him. Tell in an accessible form about the importance of physical education and hygiene activities.

Throughout Health Day, children should alternate between rest and physical activity. At the same time, do not disrupt the established daily routine. Therefore, you should draw up an event plan that integrates different types of activities, spells out game material, and various forms of its implementation.

Positive emotions are an important component of a children's holiday. More emphasis should be placed on fun and entertainment, reducing the time spent on traditional learning activities. Do not under any circumstances allow mental or physical overload on Health Day. In kindergarten, the older group (5–6 years old) is completely independent. Children can cope with feasible tasks and independently prepare simple game material for the holiday.

Goals and objectives of the holiday

The main goal of the holiday is to bring pleasure to children and introduce them to a healthy lifestyle. A health day usually begins in the morning, with the child’s arrival at kindergarten. Morning gymnastics and game physical education prepare for the main celebration.

Depending on the weather conditions, Health Day is held in kindergarten (senior group) outside or in the building. The objectives of the event will help you prioritize your holiday planning.

  • Strengthen children's physical health through exercises and games.
  • To consolidate children's knowledge about hygiene and hardening procedures.
  • Develop strength, agility, coordination of movements, spatial orientation.
  • Strengthen knowledge about vitamins and healthy foods.
  • Create conditions for children to be in a happy mood.
  • Develop a desire to exercise every day.

Health Day in kindergarten (senior group) consists of a whole range of events. Morning gymnastics is replaced by physical education minutes between classes. The holiday itself can be divided into two parts. The first (cognitive) one should be held in the hall. The second (entertaining) should be timed to coincide with a walk.

When waking up after a quiet hour, start with gymnastics, which is done while lying in bed. After afternoon tea, watch a puppet show or have a dance party with elements of step aerobics.

Report on the Health Day at the preschool educational institution

Nina Gorenkina

Report on the Health Day at the preschool educational institution

Report on the Health Day at MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 11 “Cherry”

In our kindergarten, caring for the health of children is one of the priorities. Annually held health festivals , sports competitions, physical education events and leisure activities help children to join a healthy lifestyle in a fun , easy and joyful way. April 7 is World Health . So this year, on April 8, Health

, the main goal of which was to involve parents in promoting
a healthy lifestyle , increasing their and their children’s interest in physical education and sports.

For parents:

1) Give parents an idea of ​​the importance of joint physical activity with children.

2) Expand parents’ knowledge about children’s physical abilities and skills.

3) Increase the pedagogical competence of parents on the issue of preserving and strengthening the health of the child .

For children:

1) To increase children’s interest in a healthy lifestyle through various forms and methods of physical education and health work .

2) Strengthen and protect the health of children .

On this day, the doors of our kindergarten opened not only for young pupils, but also for their fathers, mothers, grandparents. Students from all groups took part in our celebration. An action plan was developed, in the preparation of which not only the entire teaching staff, but also the majority of parents were involved.

The day began with morning exercises, which were conducted by parents :

The children received a charge of vivacity and good mood. After breakfast, the guys were ready to go to the Land of Health . In the first half of the day, all groups had conversations about the importance of physical education and sports for human health , about healthy and unhealthy food, about the rules of personal hygiene, about vitamins from the garden and orchard.

“Doctor Aibolit” was shown in the younger groups

on instilling cultural and hygienic skills.
Little spectators watched with great attention as Doctor Aibolit treated forest dwellers and told them what to do to stay healthy .

In the second junior group there was entertainment “I take care of my health - I want to be healthy

A Cold came to visit the kids, but the preschool children drove away the insidious “Cold,” which came to them in the gym and wanted to infect them. In the middle group “Golden Key”
there was
an “Open Day”
, where parents
conducted a variety of gymnastics.

The senior group held fun competitions A healthy mind in a healthy body

. The participants bravely overcame obstacles, the children showed their skills in jumping, agility and ingenuity. Spectators and participants received positive emotions and a charge of energy.

The children from the school preparatory group greeted each other through “Training of Emotions”

, talked about
healthy eating and good and bad habits. During organized educational activities with the aim of fostering a caring attitude towards their health and ideas about the rules of a healthy lifestyle, the children set off on the “Road of Good
Health .
At the stations, the guys looked for vitamins, provided assistance, guessed riddles, and staged an excerpt from Aibolit

During productive activities, the children made a collage of their drawings “Sport is health

. They also shared their impressions of how they play sports in their free time.

Before the walk we played our favorite outdoor games: “Round dance”

“Shark and Fish”
, well, and outside, children could run, play “Catch-up”, and twirl a hoop.

Work continued in the afternoon. The teachers gave the children a wake-up call after sleep, acupressure, hardening, a health and corrective gymnastics.

Various didactic games also held “What is healthy and what is harmful to health

“Dress the doll for a walk”
“What is good and what is bad for the body”
“What would happen if...”
“What do you know about...”
“Healthy food”
“Guess the sport”
“Dress the athletes before the competition
Based on a series of plot pictures, children composed stories on the topic “About proper nutrition”
“About their favorite sport”
a healthy lifestyle ).
Reading fiction, memorizing proverbs, sayings about health looking at illustrations, photographs, paintings about health . The following role-playing games were carried out “The doll Masha got sick”

At the stands and in the locker rooms for parents, there were folders dedicated to the theme of the day and the role of parents in shaping a healthy lifestyle .

In the evening, children from older groups came out with posters “We are for a healthy lifestyle !”


The day passed in one breath - everyone left in a good mood, received a charge of cheerfulness and energy, and useful information.

Design, attributes

The design of Health Day should begin from the entrance to the preschool building. These could be “Happy Health Day!” banners, garlands of flags and balloons. You can decorate the walking area of ​​the older group with plumes (stick them in the snowdrifts or lawns, depending on the time of year).

Prepare a welcome stand in the kindergarten hall about the event plan. For parents who want to attend certain moments of the day, it is necessary to schedule all the components of the holiday in time.

In the group itself, publish a wall newspaper with a list of hardening procedures, doctors’ recommendations, and a set of exercises for morning exercises. Decorate it with photographs of children and their parents participating in any sporting events.

Select video material about organizing meals in the senior group. Children can independently tell their parents about the benefits of products. You can add children's drawings on the topic of health. Prepare interesting crafts, and at the end of the day give out prizes to all participants of the holiday.

Health Day in kindergarten (senior group) should remind children and their parents about the importance of physical health and caring for it.

Psychological characteristics of the older group

In the older group, the center of interest in the field of communication shifts. Previously, the main figure was an adult. For children 5–6 years old, interaction with peers is of great importance. Without the help of an adult, they are able to establish interpersonal connections, start a game and stick to their roles until it ends. Interest in personal qualities appears. Sympathies and antipathies in the children's team become more active.

At this age, imagination and fantasy become the basis for solving mathematical exercises, developing speech and creative activity. Perception, thinking, and attention continue to develop. Speech improves. Arbitrary memory begins to form.

In addition to relay races and entertainment, the educational part should include Health Day in kindergarten (senior group). The scenario can be scheduled according to time, where the first half of the day is educational classes on hygiene and health, educational cartoons. The educational part of the holiday must be alternated with physical activity. Arrange entertaining relay races or a game with a trip to health stations.

The second half of the day is less intense in terms of psychophysical effects. It is more advisable to spend physical education after a quiet hour or show a puppet theater performance.

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