Quiz game “Journey to the wonderful world of nature”

Ecological quiz for preschoolers

From early childhood, every child needs to be told about what surrounds him, to instill an interest and love for nature. By answering quiz questions, a preschooler learns to think logically, develops memory and imagination, and increases his vocabulary.

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Summary of the environmental quiz “Young Nature Experts”

(for children of the preparatory group)

Conducted and prepared by the teacher: Potapycheva Natalya Gennadievna, State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 29 of the Petrodvortsovo district of St. Petersburg


  • Expand children's horizons with information about the life of animals, birds, and plants.
  • Reinforce the rules of behavior in nature.

Program content:

Educational objectives:

  • Enrich the personal experience of a child’s positive, humane interaction with nature. Expand environmentally valuable contacts of children with plants and animals, objects of inanimate nature.
  • Strengthen the cognitive interest of love for nature, as well as aesthetic feelings.

Educational tasks:

  • Cultivate a caring attitude towards your native land.
  • Foster love and respect for nature.
  • Foster a sense of friendship and mutual assistance.
  • Expand children's horizons with information about the life of animals, birds, and plants.
  • Reinforce the rules of behavior in nature.

Developmental tasks:

  • Develop speech, attention, memory.
  • Develop children's creative abilities.

Preliminary work.

  • View the presentation "nature"
  • Memorizing poems, proverbs, asking riddles about nature and weather;
  • Conversations with children about endangered animals and plants that are listed in the Red Book;
  • We held a competition of advertising posters “Do not harm nature” ;
  • Board and educational games about nature and weather:
  • "Edible and Inedible";
  • "Field, forest, vegetable garden";
  • "Fishermen and Fishes";
  • Lotto "Domestic and wild animals" .
  • Consideration of the encyclopedia “Animals and Plants of Our Nature”
  • Watching videos about nature;
  • Observation while walking.
  • Learning movements and songs.

Objectives by educational areas:

NGO "Poznanie"

  • Formation of an initial system of value orientations (perception of oneself as a part of nature, the relationship between man and nature).
  • Formation of initial skills and habits of environmentally literate behavior that is safe for nature and for the child himself.

NGO "Communication"

  • develop the ability to think logically, draw conclusions, inferences, develop communication skills;
  • activate your vocabulary with new words
  • teach team members to act together

NGO "Health"

  • To form in children the concept that “tearing plants is not allowed” , we can thereby cause harm to the surrounding nature, and therefore to ourselves. After all, man is a part of nature.

OO "Trud"

  • develop a desire to work, to make your contribution to the cleansing of our planet from human waste products (garbage collection).

NGO "Music"

  • bring children joy and pleasure from joint dance compositions.


  • multimedia equipment
  • plant seed kits;
  • globe;
  • record player
  • animal costumes;
  • cards.

Quiz progress:

The children enter the hall to the music. They take out tokens of 2 different colors and sit down according to the color of the token.


- Hello, dear guys! Today we have gathered to hold an environmental quiz . Our quiz involves two teams.

I will ask the teams to come up with names for their teams.

1 team...

2nd team...

— Please greet the teams with loud applause.


I hugged the globe. One over land and water. In my hands the continents quietly whisper to me: “Take care .

The forest and valley are painted green. They tell me: “Be kind to us . Don’t trample us, don’t burn us, take care of us in winter and summer.”

A deep river gurgles, caressing its banks, and I hear the voice of the river: “Take care of us, take care of us .

I hear everyone from both birds and fish: “We ask you, man. Promise us and don't lie. Take care of us like an older brother.”

So that the flowers bloom in the forest, We will not collect large bouquets of them all spring and summer.

If the chick flies out of the nest before its time, We will help, no problem, Don’t crack, magpie.

Even though the fly agaric is harmful, we will not touch it. Suddenly the Forest Dweller needs him.

The fragile house of the ant must also be protected. He must definitely stand behind the fence.

Bunny and hedgehog - Forest dwellers You better not touch! Keep them safe! Let's protect nature, preschoolers!

We must not forget about her for a minute. After all, flowers, forests, fields and rivers, This is all for us forever!

— Our planet is like a big and beautiful house

“She delights us with gentle morning sunrises, colorful farewell sunsets, and landscapes of our native nature.”

— It fascinates us with its huge, deep and endless oceans, the expanses of the seas

— Surprising with high mountains, large slopes and hills

— Admires the dense, fragrant groves, pine forests, mighty oak forests

— Earth is a planet of harmony. Everything on it is proportionate and interconnected

— The nature of the planet is perfect

— Guys, do you see how beautiful the nature of our planet Earth is? Now let’s check what you know about the nature of planet Earth.

Competition “Find the correct answer” Envelope No. 1

(task explanation)

— There are pictures of seeds on the tray, look at them. Tell me, what plant does this seed come from? For the correct answer, the team receives a token. Time has passed!

(seeds: pumpkin, cucumber, sunflower seeds, watermelon, apple, cherry, persimmon)

Competition "What's extra?" Envelope No. 2

- I’ll ask you to open the envelope. Carefully look at the pictures and answer the question what is superfluous and why do you think so?

- Whoever answers the fastest and correctly will receive the coveted token.

Competition “Recognize by silhouette” Envelope No. 3

Host: Now let’s check how much you know the animal world.

Look carefully at the picture, all the animals are mixed up. You must name all the animals that are depicted here.

— Whoever answers the fastest and correctly will receive the coveted token

Musical break “The deer has a big house”

Competition "Forest Theater" No. 4

(task explanation)


— Once a fox, a hare and a bear met in a forest clearing. And they began to tell each other about their animal lives. Listen to the story and say what is true and what is not true.


“I live well in the forest, every bush is my home.” I only like to eat berries and plant roots.


- My house is small and cozy. I keep it clean and tidy. I wash the windows all day, clean them and sweep away the dust.


“And I went to the anthill, stuck my paw in and started licking it - it was very tasty.” And then he went to the river to catch fish.


- Yes, Mishenka, I love fish myself. I breed it in my pond, feed it and grow it.


- It’s not easy for me in the spring. I've lost weight over the winter and my appetite is good. Now I’m going to go collect acorns and the first mushrooms in the thawed patches.


“You’re all talking to yourself, talking to yourself, and I’m taking care of my bunnies all day.” I sit and do not leave the nest, protecting my children with my breasts.

(summarizing and distributing tokens for correct answers)

Competition "Lost" Envelope No. 5

Host: Look carefully at the picture and quickly name who lost what?

Competition “Answer correctly” No. 6

Presenter: There is a poster on the board with a picture of a bird’s beak and paws. I will name the bird, and you must find the beak (paws) of the bird that I name.

Competition “Fold the picture” No. 7

— Whoever answers the fastest and correctly will receive the coveted token

Presenter: There are geometric shapes in front of you, you need to make a picture from them

- Whoever quickly and correctly draws a picture will receive the coveted token.


Love your native nature. Lakes, forests and fields. After all, this is our forever native land.

You and I were born on it, you and I live on it. So let us, people, all together We treat her kinder.


— Our quiz has come to an end. Let's see whose team won?

(awarding prizes to teams)

On the board is a poster with a picture of a beak: (a) - woodpecker, (b) - crane, (c) - parrot, (d) - duck, (e) - hawk, (f) - sparrow.

A duck's (a) legs are adapted for swimming, a parrot's (b) for climbing trees, an eagle's (c) for capturing prey, and a pigeon's (d) for walking on the ground.

Next >

Ecological quiz game: Prisursky reserve, keeper of the marmot

The Prisursky Nature Reserve is located in the Chuvash Republic; it includes a special area where marmots are protected. These are quite large rodents of the sciuridae order. Every year, at the beginning of February, the administration of the reserve organizes a quiz of republican significance, the hero of this quiz is the marmot (another name for boibak). We invite you to test your knowledge about this animal.

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