Quiz with answers on the topic Autumn for primary school

Quiz with answers on the topic Autumn for primary school

Quiz with answers on the topic “Autumn Time” for primary schoolchildren
Author: Yulia Vladimirovna Malysheva, teacher of the after-school group at MBOU Gymnasium No. 3, Sharya city, Kostroma region. Description: This material is intended for elementary school students. The material can be used in lessons about the surrounding world. Purpose: to summarize students’ knowledge about the season - autumn. Objectives: • consolidate students' knowledge about the characteristic signs of autumn; • broaden students' horizons, develop logic and imagination; • instill a love for nature. Autumn walks along the path, her feet are soaked in the puddles. The rains are pouring, And there is no light, Summer is lost somewhere... Autumn is walking, autumn is wandering, The wind has thrown the leaves off the maple tree. There is a new rug underfoot, yellow-pink maple. V. Avdienko

Quiz questions:
Part 1 1. The most colorful time of the year. spring autumn summer 2. Names of the Slavic autumn months. “grass”, “jelly”, “serpen” “gloomy”, “gryaznik”, “breast” “cut”, “lute”, “pollen” 3. What are the names of the hares that are born in the fall? nastovichki herbalists deciduous plants

4. What birds come to us for the winter? seagulls, swallows, swifts, crossbills, waxwings, redpolls, pigeons, tits, sparrows

5. What month does summer end and autumn begin? October July September 6. What animal can turn into an ice cube for the winter? chameleon frog jay

7. What is the name of the autumn phenomenon when the leaves fall? snowfall leaf fall rain 8. A thick cloud that formed at the very surface of the earth. frost dew fog

9. What is the longest autumn month? November October November 10. Which tree's leaves fall green in the fall? alder birch oak 11. Where do butterflies disappear in the fall? hide in cracks, fly under the bark of trees to warm regions, bury themselves in the ground

12. What are the names of large groups formed by birds before flying to warmer climes? company flock group 13. What main change occurs in inanimate nature in the fall? birds fly south, cold weather sets in, leaves begin to fall

14. Day of the autumn equinox. September 23 October 21 November 23 Part 2 1. Autumn time, when the weather is like summer? (Indian summer) 2. September smells like apples, October smells like ... (cabbage). 3. Which trees' leaves turn red in autumn? (Leaves of rowan, aspen, maple). 4. What holiday is celebrated on the first day of autumn? (Day of Knowledge). 5. What is harvested from the fields in the fall? (harvest). 6. What color are the clothes on the trees in autumn? (yellow). 7. This month is the dear grandson of September, the son of October and the father of winter. (November) 8. Formation of stationary ice on the surface of a reservoir or watercourse. (freezing) Autumn is the time...When the world becomes brighter than ever!

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Quiz “Autumn Outside”


1 Quiz “Autumn Outside the Window” Compiled by: Voloshina I.A., additional education teacher Progress of the quiz Today we will hold a quiz, these are competitions where you will show your knowledge about autumn, ingenuity and ingenuity. For the correct answer, each team will receive a token. Warm up the mind: “Say a word” (answers in chorus) He will wash the roof of the hut. He will take Misha to the den, complete the peasant’s work, and then rustle the leaves. We will quietly ask her: “Who are you?” And will we hear? (autumn) What's that creak? What's that crunch? What kind of bush is this? How can there be no crunch, If I (cabbage) are both green and thick A bush has grown in the garden bed. Dig a little: Under the bush (potatoes). Round side, yellow side, Gingerbread Man sits on the bed. Rooted firmly into the ground. What is this? (turnip) Near the forest on the edge, Decorating the dark forest, It grew motley, like parsley, Poisonous (fly agaric). A solid, steep-faced (zucchini) leaned on a barrel in the garden. Quiz “What do we know about autumn” 1. When does autumn begin according to the folk calendar? (September 14) 2. Why do birds fly to warmer regions in autumn? What are these birds called? (migratory), (the amount of food decreases, it is more difficult to find it) 3. How many days does “Indian summer” last? (from September 14 to 21) 4. What happens every year on September 23? (day of the autumnal equinox) 5. What date does summer end? (September 24, when the duration of daylight becomes less than the duration of darkness) 6. What three seasons do we distinguish in autumn? (September primrose, October deep autumn,

November 2 pre-winter) 7. At what time of autumn does leaf fall usually occur? (for the first half of October) 8. Which trees do we observe the latest leaf fall? (oak, aspen) 9. Which trees’ leaves turn red in autumn? (rowan, maple, aspen) 10. What month do people say that it is the son of October, the grandson of September and the dear father of winter? (November) Proverbs and sayings about autumn: September sees off the red summer, welcomes the golden autumn. September is cold, but full. They don’t pour winter winter grain into the bin. The autumn fly bites more painfully. Autumn is a stock-up, winter is a pick-me-up. In autumn the sparrow is also rich. Autumn, not summer, is dressed in foliage. In autumn, the cat also has a pie. Autumn will give orders, and spring will say its own. In autumn, a gray morning, a red day. November with a nail, December with a bridge. Grass should not grow after autumn, flowers should not bloom in the snow in winter. Rainy summer, worse than autumn. Spring and autumn, there are eight weather conditions per day. Spring is rich in flowers, and autumn is rich in sheaves. In September there is one berry, and that bitter rowan. In autumn bad weather there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it twists, it stirs, it tears, it pours from above, it sweeps from below. Thunder in September foreshadows a warm autumn. The bee is small, and it works. There will be rain, there will be mushrooms. Riddles about autumn phenomena: It is unknown where he lives. It will fly and bend the trees. If he whistles, the river will tremble, Mischievous, but you won’t stop. (wind) The bags are full of holes, and sometimes water flows from the bags. Let's hide better From the holey (cloud) She came without paints and without a brush, But she repainted all the leaves. (autumn) She walked through the meadows, through the forests, through the fields, she prepared supplies for us, hid them in cellars, in bins, said: “Winter will come for me! (autumn)

3 The garden in the village is empty, Cobwebs are flying into the distance, And cranes have flocked to the southern edge of the earth. School doors opened. What month has it come to us? (September) Nature's face is becoming more and more gloomy: The vegetable gardens have turned black, the forests are becoming bare, the birds' voices are getting wet, the bear has fallen into hibernation. What month did he come to us? (October) The field became black and white; It's raining, then snow, and it's also getting colder. The waters of the rivers are frozen in ice. The winter rye is freezing in the field. What month is it, tell me? (November) The fields are empty, the ground is getting wet, the rain is falling. When does this happen? (in autumn) Autumn has come to our garden. The red torch was lit. There are blackbirds here, Starlings are scurrying about, and, noisily, they peck at him. (rowan) A lanky man walked and got stuck in the ground. (rain) Guess what month we're talking about? The collective farm garden is empty, Cobwebs are flying into the distance, And cranes have flocked to the southern edge of the earth. School doors opened. What month has it come to us? September heather (heather blooms), deciduous Signs In September the forest is thinner and the birds' voices are quieter. In September (October) there is one berry, and that bitter rowan. September is cold, father, but there is plenty to feed. Thunder in September for warm autumn.

4 Now what month will you hear about? The face of nature is becoming increasingly gloomy: The vegetable gardens have turned black, the forests are becoming bare, the bird voices are falling silent, the bear has fallen into hibernation. What month did he come to us? October Mud Signs In October neither on wheels nor on a sleigh. October is crowned with white snow and great mud. October often cries into the scarf of the red dawn. September smells like apples, October smells like cabbage. October thunder for a snowless winter. Finally, the last autumn month of November, the field became black and white: now it rains, now it snows. And it got colder - the waters of the rivers were frozen in ice. The winter rye is freezing in the field. What month is it, tell me! November is a semi-winter road, off-road. Signs November has a small forge, but forges fetters on all rivers. November nails, and December paves. November is the twilight of the year. Father, October is cold, and November has made it too cold. The last month of autumn is November, the gates of winter. Riddles “Rich Harvest”: Which vegetables have mustaches? (peas, beans) Which vegetable has eyes? (potatoes) What parsley is not put in cabbage soup? (toy) Which vegetable prevented the princess from sleeping? (peas) Which vegetables have a red nose? (radishes, carrots, beets) Round like the moon, leaves like a spruce, and a tail like a mouse? (turnip) Game: “Collect an autumn bouquet” The task is in envelopes, each group individually needs to collect a bouquet of flowers from cut-out pictures Game: “Autumn Leaves” In the hall on the floor there are leaves of different colors (burgundy, yellow, red, green). Or leaves of different trees (aspen, oak, birch, poplar, willow). Two people from each team come out and quickly collect leaves into bouquets.

5 Blitz survey: What animals eat mushrooms? What kind of fish is called an orderly? (pike, she eats weakened, sick fish first) What harm does collecting juice cause? (without sap the tree dries up) What beetle is called a “dangerous criminal”? (Colorado) What bird can count years? (cuckoo) Who is called the forest orderly? (wolf) Who is called the forest doctor? (woodpecker) What kind of wood are matches made of? (aspen) What is silent hunting? (mushroom picking) Name the second autumn month. List migratory birds. Which animal species hibernates during the winter? (bears, hedgehogs, badgers, snakes, etc.) Why is autumn golden? What is the name for the phenomenon of waltzing leaves? (leaf fall) List edible mushrooms. Game “Jump over puddles” Children (each group is divided into two teams) at a signal, jump over “puddles” (unfolded newspapers). The team that was faster wins (you can’t step on puddles) Listen and remember some more signs of autumn: In the circle, the moon in October Says from heaven to you: - In the summer it will be dry, A fly won’t get drunk. The moles dragged a lot of straw into their holes. Wait for the cold winter and insulate the apartments. If there are a lot of nuts in the forest, But there are no mushrooms, Expect a harsh winter, There will also be plenty of snow. Thunder was heard in October, Know that the winter will be snowless. If the fox crumbles and falls on the wrong side, then don’t be afraid of winter, it will be soft.

6 If the leaves fall off and fall on their front side, then in winter it will be chilly, wait for a cold winter. Migratory birds fly very low to the ground, This is for a frosty winter. If birds fly high from the ground, then you will wait for a warm winter. A late fungus has appeared. There will be a late snow. A lot of rowan. Autumn is rainy, Few rowan is dry and sweet. The cranes have flown, wait for the cover of frost. We flew to Intercession, Winter will come, be healthy! Indian summer without rain It will be dry for many days. Birds fly away late, foretelling a warm winter. Summer is damp, and autumn is warm, which means winter will be cold. If the leaves fall late, then no one is happy about it, a long winter is expected then. If in autumn a leaf falls from oak and birch, But not all the leaves are removed, Expect frost. Thunder rumbles in September. Warm autumn promises. Who is the author of these lines? Glorious autumn! Healthy. Vigorous Air invigorates tired forces. N.A.Nekrasov

7 The sky was already breathing in autumn, The sun was shining less often, The day was getting shorter - Who is the author of these lines? A.S. Pushkin Between the thinning tops, blueness appeared. Bright yellow foliage rustled at the edges. A. Tvardovsky. “Forest in Autumn” The forest looks like a painted tower, purple, gold, crimson, like a cheerful, motley wall, standing above a bright clearing. I. Bunin. "Autumn" Autumn. Our entire poor garden is crumbling, Yellowed leaves are flying in the wind; Only in the distance do they show off, there, at the bottom of the valleys, the bright red brushes of withering rowan trees. A. Tolstoy Already the sky was breathing in autumn, The sun was shining less often, The day was becoming shorter, The mysterious canopy of the forest was exposed with a sad noise. A.S. Pushkin The lingonberries are ripening, The days have become colder, And the cry of birds makes the heart sadder K. Balmont On a clear September morning, the villages are threshing bread, Birds are rushing across the seas, And the school of S.Ya. Marshak The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard, But the first winter storms are still far away, And clear and warm azure is pouring onto the resting field F. Tyutchev Name the Russian artists who painted paintings with the same title “Golden Autumn” at different times (I. S. Ostroukhov, V.D. Polenov, I.I. Levitan)

8 Crossword Horizontal: 1. It is round and red, like the eye of a traffic light. Among the vegetables there is no juicier... 2. For the crest and into the cauldron, and then borscht on the table 3. A beautiful maiden, she grew up in a dungeon. People took them in their hands and tore off their braids. 4. An interesting leaf grows: sour, sour, but useful 5. Red cheeks, white nose, I sit in the dark all day 1 O 2 V 3 O 4 5 I


10 Guess the riddles: A brave army was walking along the garden bed along the fence. Hundreds of hands hold the peaks, Bitter onions (onions) grow in the summer in the garden, fresh, green, and in the winter yellow, salted in the barrel. Guess, well done, What is our name? (cucumbers) All year round with a green roof, Rounder and taller every day. It has no windows or doors, and a hundred friends live in it. One hundred cheerful little ones, And the house is called (watermelon) What did they dig from the ground, Fried, cooked? What did we bake in ashes, eat and praise? (potato) The Golden Sun grew from a seed. (sunflower) I spent the whole summer trying: I dressed and dressed, and when autumn came, I gave away all my outfits. We put a hundred clothes in a barrel. (cabbage) It is round and red, Like the eye of a traffic light, Among vegetables there is no Juicier (tomato) A first-class sweet vegetable The color will turn dark red Borscht, lettuce and vinaigrette. He has no competitors! (beets) Admire the scarlet cap with white sprinkles. Look if you come across it, but don’t put it in the basket. (fly agaric) Round, not the sun, Yellow, not oil,

11 Sweet, not sugar, With a tail, not a mouse. (turnip) Ten boys live in green closets. (peas) Balls are hanging on the branches, Turned blue from the heat. (plum) I met an old grandfather. The grandfather was not yet gray at all, he stood among the leaves and grass, wearing a hat, but without a head. (mushroom) Round, ripe, tanned, Caught on a tooth, Could not split, But fell under a hammer, Crunched once and cracked the side. (walnut) Sits turns green, falls turns yellow, lies turns black. (leaf) *What they dug out of the ground, fried, boiled. What did we bake in ashes, eat and praise? (potatoes) (children's answers) Crossword Horizontal: 1. Head on a leg, peas in the head. 2.I am important and juicy, I have red cheeks. 3. There is a leg, but no boot, there is a hat, but no head? 4. It makes noise in the field and garden, but does not get into the house. And I won’t go anywhere while he goes. 1

12 2 3 4

13 Crossword Horizontally: 1. Is a tree a symbol of our Motherland? 2. This is a natural phenomenon in which the air temperature decreases. A sure sign of this phenomenon is ice on puddles. Most often this happens in autumn or spring. What is this? 3. Which bird throws its eggs into other people's nests? 4. This only happens in autumn. The trees dress up in colorful dresses and then shed their leaves. What is this? 5. In the summer it is warm - mushroom, and in the fall it is cold and drizzling?




Ecological quiz “Hello, golden autumn!”

KOU OO "Naryshkin Boarding School"

Ecological quiz

“Hello, golden autumn!”


Obolsheva K.V.


Goal: to instill an environmental culture in children, to instill an interest in didactic games. Objectives: broaden the horizons of children; develop cognitive interest among students; develop logical thinking, memory and speech. Equipment:

presentation, pieces of paper, pens.


- Hello guys. I invite you to take part in our environmental quiz “Hello, golden autumn!” (Slide 1)

So autumn has come - Everything around has become rich: I sewed sundresses for the maples, I gave asters to the flowerbeds, Apples and pears for the garden, rain and puddles for the park, cranberries and mushrooms for the forest, hats and umbrellas for people!

— And the first game of our environmental quiz is called “Autumn Riddles.” (Slide 2)
Didactic game “Autumn Riddles”. (Slide 3-12)
Task: guess riddles about autumn.
1. Leaves fly off the branches, Birds fly away to the south. “What time of year is it?” - we’ll ask. They will answer us: “This is...” (autumn)
2. The leaves are spinning in the air, Quietly lying on the grass. The garden is shedding its leaves - It’s just... (leaf fall)

3. The wind will call the cloud, the cloud will float across the sky. And over the gardens and groves there is a cold drizzle... (rain)

4. It has become gloomy outside the window, the rain is asking to come into our house. The house is dry, but outside there are appeared everywhere... (puddles)

5. The autumn leaf circles for a long time, and Varvara dries it. And then together with Varya we make Houses... (herbarium)

6. It hung on a branch since spring, It was green - it turned yellow, As soon as a weak wind blew, It already flew away. (sheet)

7. Summer is over, It's time to go back to school, kids, to atlases and primers. What month is it to visit us? (September)

8. The maple leaves have turned yellow, the pines and spruce trees are turning green, the wind, the rain, there are ripples along the river. This came to us... (October)

9. Guess the month quickly: It is thirty days long (often these days are with rain), And it follows October. (november)

10. Rain and slush, dirt and wind, Autumn, you are responsible for everything! The man is freezing, the man is freezing, the first white snow has fallen... (snow)

- And how many proverbs and sayings there are about autumn. And now we will remember a few proverbs about autumn. The game is called “Proverbs about Autumn”. (Slide 13)

Didactic game “Proverbs about autumn”.
(Slide 14-21)
Assignment: insert the missing word in the proverb, choosing from the options provided.
1. In September... autumn asks for a visit. (sparrow, tit, crow)
2. Autumn comes and follows itself... leads. (rain, harvest, snow)

3. The day was missed - the harvest…. (collected, disappeared, lost)

4. September smells like apples, October smells like....

(cabbage, potatoes, onions)

5. October will deliver - ... pick up. (September, December, November)

6. In September... he reaches for his caftan. (fur coat, hat, felt boots)

7. In November... if it inflates, the bread will arrive. (snow, rain, wind)

8. In November, winter and autumn…. (play, fight, swear)

Correct answers: 1. Tit. 2. Rain. 3. Lost. 4. Cabbage. 5. November. 6. Fur coat. 7. Snow. 8. They fight. — And now we bring to your attention the educational test “Autumn Calendar.” (Slide 22)

Cognitive test “Autumn calendar”.
(Slide 22)
Task: answer the questions of the “Autumn Calendar” test. (Slide 23-31)
1. What did the ancient Slavs call September? A) leaf fall; B) chest; B) frowning; D) grass. Answer: frown.
2. What holiday is celebrated on September 27? A) Teacher's Day; B) Teacher's Day; B) Day of Knowledge; D) Children's Day. Answer: Teacher's Day.

3. Which birds fly south first in October? A) swallows; B) rooks; B) crows; D) woodpeckers. Answer: rooks.

4. According to the folk calendar, what vegetable should be dug on September 13? A) potatoes; B) cabbage; B) beets; D) carrots. Answer: potatoes.

5. What mushrooms can be picked in the forest until mid-October? A) milk mushrooms; B) waves; B) boletus; D) chanterelles. Answer: milk mushrooms.

6. What useful berries are picked in the fall after the first frost? A) sea buckthorn; B) rowan; B) blueberries; D) lingonberry. Answer: rowan.

7. What garden flowers continue to bloom in the fall until the first snow falls? A) roses; B) chrysanthemums; B) gladioli; D) chamomile. Answer: chrysanthemums.

8. Which tree has leaves that turn red in autumn? A) aspen; B) birch; B) oak; D) poplar. Answer: aspen.

9. What is called “silent hunting” in the fall? A) harvesting wheat; B) picking berries; B) picking mushrooms; D) harvesting. Answer: mushroom picking.

Presenter: The birds are escorted on their way by the forests. A long echo flies into the sky. The birds are seen off on their way by the meadows: The grass has grown into large stacks. Even after them, as if with a wing, the Scarecrow waves his empty sleeve.

But not all birds fly south; many birds remain to spend the winter in their native lands. They are called sedentary or wintering birds. We must help these birds in the cold winter. How will we help wintering birds? The next game of our environmental quiz about autumn is called “Wintering Birds.”

Didactic game “Wintering Birds”.
(Slide 32)
Task: name the wintering birds in the picture.
(Slide 33-40)
Answers: crow, woodpecker, tit, partridge, goldfinch, bullfinch, tap dancer, waxwing. Guys, name the migratory birds. Children's answers.
- Since you know migratory birds so well, I have prepared puzzles for you.
Didactic game “Birds of Migratory”.
(Slide 41)
Task: solve puzzles about migratory birds. (Slide 42-46)

Answers: swallow, stork, lark, rook, heron. — Our next environmental quiz game is called “Edible Mushrooms.”

— Our next game is called “Vitamin Crossword Puzzle.”

Didactic game "Vitamin scanwords".
(Slide 47)
Task: solve crossword puzzles about vitamins.
(Slide 48-49)
Answers: carrots, rose hips, cabbage, zucchini, tomato, sea buckthorn, garlic, pumpkin.

— Every year in the fall, grain growers collect rich harvests of wheat. And how rich is the range of bakery products on the shelves of our stores. And now we will find out what bakery products are sold in stores. The next game of our autumn quiz is called “Fillword “Bakery Products”.

Philword "Bakery products".
(Slide 50)
Task: find 8 names of bakery products.
(Slide 51-52)
Answers: bun, baguette, loaf, bagel, loaf, drying, cheesecake, kalach.

- Well done boys! You did an excellent job with our autumn environmental quiz. (Slide 53)

Autumn is walking in our park, Autumn gives gifts to everyone: Red beads for rowan, Pink apron for aspen, Yellow umbrella for poplars, Autumn gives us fruits. - And now all participants in our quiz are given autumn gifts - fruits.


1. Folk monthbook: Proverbs, sayings, signs, sayings about the seasons and the weather. – M.: Sovremennik, 1992.

2. Native nature: poems by Russian poets. – M, 1971.

3. Zaitseva O.V., Karpova E.V. Let's celebrate the holiday cheerfully. Games for the whole family. – Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 2001.


Literary quiz “Autumn is a sweet time!” for students in grades 5-6

Extracurricular event in literature, grades 5-6

Literary quiz “Autumn is a sweet time!” for students in grades 5-6.

Author: Elena Viktorovna Sharun, teacher of Russian language and literature, Secondary School No. 11, Krasnodar.
Description of the material: a literary quiz intended for students in grades 5-6, consists of 7 tasks. For each correct answer, the team earns 1 autumn leaf, the team with the most leaves wins. Preliminary preparation: the teacher invites students to select material on an autumn theme (poems, proverbs, sayings, riddles, works of artists, composers, etc.). Goal: to systematize and expand students’ ideas about autumn. Objectives:
checking the general level of erudition;
development of cognitive interest, generalization and expansion of students’ knowledge about autumn; development of creative abilities, outlook and aesthetic taste; nurturing love for the Motherland; creating a favorable psychological climate, team unity, and the ability to work in a team. Progress of the event: Presenter:

A chilled leaf touches the ground... And now the July thunderstorms are not heard, The yellowed birches are bored, About the warm days that are gone.
The leaves are dancing their farewell blues, The beautiful maples are sparkling with color. And the branches with a rowan bracelet revive their union with coolness. Nature broke out in a riot of color, Playing in red colors, it took a walk. Enjoying the last rays, slowly spinning in the autumn waltz... Today's quiz is dedicated to autumn. Each season is unique, nature is beautiful in any of them, but it is especially beautiful in the fall. Autumn is my favorite time of year. This is a bright and stunning time of beauty. Autumn is different and many-sided. Sometimes she is thoughtful and sad, sometimes solemn and majestic, sometimes sad and rainy. And how many poems have been written about it, proverbs, riddles, signs, sayings have been created, how many composers and artists have been inspired by autumn to create. To start the quiz, you need to split into two teams. On the teacher's table there are cards, the number of which corresponds to the number of children. The numbers 1 and 2 are indicated on the back of the cards. Each participant comes up and draws out a card with the team number indicated. Quiz questions “Autumn Kaleidoscope”

1. Flower, which is the talisman of September?
(Aster). 2. Name the autumn months. Why are they called that? (September, October, November. The names of the months were given by the Roman calendar. September is the seventh, October is the eighth, November is the ninth. These are the serial numbers of the month. In the Roman calendar, the year began in March). 3. Name the holidays celebrated in the fall. (Knowledge Day, Teacher's Day, Elderly Person's Day, National Unity Day). 4. Which painters did autumn inspire their creativity? (Levitan, Shishkin, Savrasov, Nesterov). 5. What is between winter and autumn? (Conjunction “and”). 6. Name the longest autumn month. (October). 7. What is the name of the autumn season, when the weather is like summer and there are a lot of cobwebs flying? (Indian summer). 8. When did the New Year begin in Rus'? (September 1). 9. Name the zodiac sign of a person born between September 24 and October 23. (Scales). 10. In what autumn month does winter begin? (In November. People say: in November, autumn gives way to winter). 11. Guess the riddle. Every year they come to visit us: one is gray-haired, the other is young, the third is jumping, and the fourth is crying. (Seasons). 12. In the fall, many people celebrate their birthday. Do you know their names? (Andrey, Timofey, Ivan, Anastasia, Fedor, Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov, etc.) 13. Does the number of letters and sounds in the word “September” match? (No). 14. Name a rhyme for the word “harvest.” (Gather, may, wither, serve, plant, etc.). 15. Continue the proverb “September is cold, father, yes... (it’s a lot to feed). 16. Are there birds that collect supplies for the winter? (Yes. Owls, jays). 17. Why were balls and weddings traditionally held in the fall? (End of agricultural work). 18. The day became shorter, the mysterious forest canopy was revealed with a sad noise... What is a “canopy”? (Canopy (obv.) – something that covers, shelters someone or something). 19. What was another name for late autumn? (Pre-winter). 20. What figurative device (trope) is used by the author of the lines “And the sky frowns, and the wind rushes towards us”? (Personification). Host: People treat autumn differently: some are indifferent to it, some don’t like it, others admire it and sing its praises. Each poet has his own palette of colors, only his colors, unlike ordinary ones, are not made by hands. We move on to the next competition “Charm of the Eyes!” Listen to excerpts from poems dedicated to autumn, identify the author of the lines. 1. Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up, and the white bushes look sad. (A. N. Pleshcheev). 2. Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous Air invigorates tired forces... (N.A. Nekrasov) 3. In the original autumn there is a short but wonderful time... (F.I. Tyutchev). 4. The fields are compressed, the groves are bare, there is fog and dampness from the water. (S. A. Yesenin). 5. The forest is like a painted tower, Lilac, golden, crimson... (I. A. Bunin). 6. It's a sad time! Ouch charm! I am pleased with your farewell beauty. (A.S. Pushkin). Presenter: The next task is creative. Teams are invited to write a syncwine on the theme “Autumn”. On the cards you will find the rules for writing it. (Autumn. Mysterious, many-sided. Coming, happy, sad. Seeing summer off the threshold. Pre-winter.) Presenter: The next competition is called “The letters are mixed up.” On each card, proverbs and sayings about autumn are written in an unusual way, the words are in their places, but the letters in them are mixed up. Return the letters to their place and read the proverbs and sayings correctly. 1. Nyose vastlikhva, snave vaprasvedli. (Autumn is boastful, spring is fair). 2. Senyo vadozhdli, let him be satisfied. (Autumn is rainy, but satisfying). 3. Yeson en yotzhd, yeson pirotot. (Autumn does not wait, autumn hurries). 4. Senyo godpone is closer. (Autumn brings bad weather). 5. Njose yotdi and dijod az boyso detev. (Autumn is coming and the rain is coming with it). 6. Yeson kaveli, yes ointment ladog. (Autumn is great, but winter is long). Host: Autumn is a mysterious time of year, and no one can guess the riddle of this time. Competition “Mysteries of Autumn”. This competition will feature riddles about autumn, nature, the calendar, plants, trees, and natural phenomena. 1. She turned green in the spring, tanned in the summer, and wore red corals in the fall. (Rowan). 2. The gentleman flew, fell on the water, he himself does not drown and does not muddy the water. (Sheet). 3. People are waiting for me, calling me, and when I come to them, they run away. (Rain). 4. Two sisters are green in the summer, By autumn one turns red, The other turns green. (Black and red currants). 5. I bring the harvests, I sow the fields again, I send the birds to the south, I strip the trees. (Autumn). 6. The field has become black and white: Either rain or snow is falling. And it got colder - the waters of the rivers were frozen in ice. The winter rye is freezing in the field. What month is it, tell me? (November). Presenter: You have completed this task, let’s move on to the next competition, which is called “Drawing a proverb (saying). One participant from both teams is invited. Each of you is given a sheet of Whatman paper, a felt-tip pen and a card with a proverb (saying). In 5 minutes, you must use a drawing to convey its essence without using words or letters. Then each team presents its masterpiece, the opposing team must guess the proverb (saying). 1. Spring is red with flowers – and autumn with pies. 2. Chickens are counted in the fall. Host: Each season has its own signs, and autumn also has them. Do you know them? Competition “Finish the sign”. Teams take turns being offered signs related to autumn that need to be completed. 1. Thunder in September foreshadows (a warm and long autumn). 2. Mice make nests on the top of the hay - (autumn will be wet and long). 3. If autumn is rainy, then (spring is rainy). 4. In autumn, cattle get fat, and (man becomes kinder). 5. Friendly leaf fall in the fall (for a frosty winter). 6. In autumn, birds fly low - (to be cold in winter). Presenter: Final competition “Choose an epithet.” Teams take turns naming epithets that can be attributed to the word “autumn.” If a team finds it difficult to select an epithet, it loses. (Autumn - dreary, golden, colorful, fiery, lush, crystal, red, amber, bitter, dead, ringing, weeping, red, gloomy, dreary, thoughtful, rotten, strong, romantic, rustling, crimson, fruitful, fabulous, windy , purple, glorious, etc.) Presenter:

Slow down, autumn, don’t rush to unwind your rains, spread your fogs on the unsteady river surface. Slow down, autumn, show me the turns of the yellow leaves, Let me see, slowly, How fresh your silence is. And how bottomless the sky is blue Above the hot flame of the aspens. It's time to find out the results of the quiz and announce the winners.

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