Work plan for self-education “Project activities in the development of children of senior preschool age”

Main questions

What is important to include in the self-education of a teacher in a preschool educational institution (middle group)? The teacher develops a professional development plan taking into account the topic he has chosen. For example, within the framework of the chosen problem, the teacher tries not only to improve his educational level, but also to involve the parents of his students in joint research. Only in this case can one count on the full self-education of a teacher in a preschool educational institution? The middle group is ideal for group interaction, so family collaboration options can be offered. For example, for Victory Day, children, together with their parents, can prepare a story about their great-grandfathers - veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

What else can be included in the self-education of a preschool teacher? The middle group, in which the topics of classes can be completely different, is ideal for improving the qualifications of a teacher.

To fully achieve your goals, you need to pay attention to the following issues:

  • history and essence of the design methodology;
  • relevance of technology use in this group;
  • practical implementation of created projects.

Relevance of the topic

Currently, design plays a special place in domestic preschool education. This technique has become an integral element of the productive education system. Its purpose in kindergartens is to develop the child’s creative, free personality. Project technology is a way of organizing the educational process, based on the connection between the teacher, parents, and students. It involves active interaction with the environment, step-by-step practical work to achieve the set goal.

The choice of this technique for raising children of middle preschool age is not an accident. Children have no life experience, their intellectual and creative abilities are not sufficiently developed, so they cannot independently choose the best ways to solve emerging problems.

Option for advanced training

We offer a plan for self-education for preschool teachers. The middle group is suitable for implementing project technologies. That is why this issue can be made the basis for the professional growth of a teacher.

As a topic, you can take the material: “Project technologies as a way to develop cognitive activity in children of middle preschool age within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.” The goal is to study and implement into practice activities to improve the cognitive activity of preschool children through the use of project-based educational technologies.


Where to start self-education for a teacher in a preschool educational institution? The middle group is suitable for drawing up a long-term plan for the teacher’s activities. Working with children of this age, the teacher has an excellent opportunity to increase his level of theoretical knowledge. That is why among the main tasks that a teacher sets for himself within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education:

  • study of theoretical literature;
  • attending methodological councils and conferences;
  • working with a bank of pedagogical information

The teacher tries to think through his own strategy for working with parents and children. Approximate topics for self-education of preschool teachers should be based on the age and individual characteristics of the children. The teacher tries to think through work that allows students to develop independence. Based on the results obtained after implementing the project into practice, the teacher can generalize the experience and disseminate it through speeches at conferences and seminars, during master classes, and open lessons.

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