Short-term project on the theme “Autumn” in the senior group of kindergarten

Project activity “IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF AUTUMN” in the senior group

There is no sun, there are clouds in the sky, the wind is harmful and prickly, it blows like that, there is no salvation! What's happened? Give an answer! (Late autumn) *** Leaves are spinning in the air, Quietly lying on the grass. The garden is shedding its leaves - It’s just... (leaf fall) *** Autumn has come to visit us And brought with it... What? Say it at random! Well, of course... (Leaf fall) *** The branches in the park rustle, Shedding their finery. It is near the oak and birch trees. Multi-colored, bright, catchy. (Leaf fall) *** Yellow leaves are flying, falling, circling, and just laying under your feet like a carpet! What is this yellow snowfall? It’s just... (Leaf fall) *** Red Egorka Fell on the lake, He didn’t drown and didn’t stir up the water. (Autumn leaf) *** Who beats on the roof all night, taps, and mutters, and sings, and lulls you to sleep? (rain) *** The wind will call the cloud, The cloud will float across the sky. And over the gardens and groves A cold drizzle... (rain) *** A lanky man walked and got stuck in the damp ground. (rain) *** Large, frequent, and wet the whole earth. (rain) *** He is walking, and we are running, He will catch up anyway! We rush into the house to take shelter, There will be a knock on our window, And a knock and a knock on the roof! No, we won’t let you in, dear friend! (rain) *** Without a path and without a road, the longest-legged one walks, He hides in the clouds, In the darkness, Only his feet are on the ground. (Rain) *** The field, forest and meadow are wet, the city, the house and everything around! He is the leader of clouds and clouds, You know, this is... (Rain) *** In the gray sky, low Clouds walk close, Covering the horizon. It will be raining. We took... (umbrella) *** It has become gloomy outside the window, The rain is asking to come into our house. The house is dry, but outside Appeared everywhere... (puddles) *** The clouds are gathering, Howling, blowing. Prowls the world, sings and whistles. (Wind) *** It flies, not a bird, Howls, not a beast. (Wind) *** The boy is almost seven years old. I have a backpack behind me. And in the hands of a large bouquet, There is a blush on the cheeks. What holiday date is this? Answer me guys! (September 1, Day of Knowledge) *** Not prickly, light blue Hung in the bushes... (Hoarfrost) *** It began to get colder at night, the puddles began to freeze. And on the grass there is blue velvet. What is it? (Rime) *** Not snow, not ice, but will remove the trees with silver. (Rime) *** Riddles with the answer autumn The fields are empty, the ground is getting wet, It’s raining, when does this happen? (In autumn) *** Leaves fly off the branches, Birds fly away to the south. “What time of year is it?” - we’ll ask. They will answer us: “This is...” (autumn) *** The days have become shorter, the nights have become longer, Who can say, who knows, When does this happen? (Autumn) *** In the morning we go into the yard - The leaves are falling like rain, rustling under our feet And flying, flying, flying... (Autumn) *** Leaves are falling from the aspen trees, A sharp wedge is rushing in the sky (Autumn) *** I am carrying the harvests, I sow the fields again, I send the birds south, I strip the trees, but I don’t touch the pines and fir trees. I - ... (Autumn) *** Came without paints B without a brush And repainted all the leaves. (Autumn) *** The forest has stripped, Ask for the sky, This time of year is... (Autumn) *** I bring the harvests, I sow the fields again, I send the birds to the south, I strip the trees, But I don’t touch the pines and fir trees, I... (Autumn) ) *** Riddles about the autumn months Summer is over, It's time to go back to school, kids, To the atlases and primers. What month is it to visit us? (September) *** Following August, it dances with the falling leaves And it is rich in harvest, We, of course, know it! (September) *** Following August, it dances with the falling leaves, And it is rich in harvest, We, of course, know it! (September) *** Our Queen, Autumn, We will ask you together: Tell your children your secret, Who is your second servant? (October) *** The maple leaves have turned yellow, the pines and spruce trees are turning green, the wind, the rain, there are ripples along the river. This has come to us... (October) *** Nature's face is becoming increasingly gloomy: The vegetable gardens have turned black, the forests are becoming bare, the bird voices are silent, the bear has fallen into hibernation. What month did he come to us? (October) *** Our Queen, Autumn, We will ask you together: Tell your children your secret, Who is your second servant? (October) *** The field became black and white: Rain and snow are falling. And it got colder - the waters of the rivers were frozen with ice. The winter rye is freezing in the field. What month is it, tell me? (November) *** Autumn according to the calendar, But severe winter is already knocking with might and main on the doors, Shedding snow on the fields. (November) *** Who doesn’t let warmth in to us, Who scares us with the first snow? Who is calling us to the cold, do you know? Of course yes! (November) *** Guess the month quickly: It is thirty days long. Often these days are with rain, And it follows October. (November)

Creative pedagogical project “Colorful Autumn”

Performers of the main events. Educators

Explanatory note

Currently, scientists and practitioners are faced with the task of implementing environmental and valeological education, starting from preschool childhood.

Familiarization with nature is essential for the harmonious, full development of the personality of a preschooler. Environmental education occupies a special place in the development of a child. Nature leaves a deep imprint on a child’s soul, influencing his feelings with its brightness, diversity, and dynamism.

Modern preschoolers do not always look at the world around them with interest, they do not see, they do not notice the main thing. Therefore, there should be a teacher nearby who wonders with them, teaches them not only to look, but also to see. Only then will children want to learn about natural phenomena and learn to admire its beauty at any time of the year. In addition, the teacher must not only give certain knowledge, but also teach children to love and take care of nature, their native places, their homeland. This can be achieved if the child is introduced to its secrets, shown interesting things in the life of plants and animals, taught to enjoy the smell of flowering herbs, the beauty of a flower, and the landscapes of their native places.

The perception of nature helps to develop such qualities as cheerfulness, emotionality, a sensitive, attentive attitude towards all living things. A child who loves nature will not mindlessly pick flowers, destroy nests, or offend animals. Nature contributes to the mental development of children, their logical thinking and speech. If the teacher teaches you to admire the bright colors of the sky at sunset and sunrise, the intricate shape of snowflakes, the beauty of the forest, the flight of a swallow, the child will develop artistic taste, he will be able to better understand the world around him, and will strive to create beauty with his own hands. Nature is full of extraordinary wonders. It never repeats itself, and we, adults, should teach children to look for and find new things in what is already known and seen.

A very effective means for forming and consolidating children’s ideas about nature and changes in it is the project method. And the project “Colorful Autumn” allows you to expand knowledge about the characteristic features of autumn and promotes the creative and speech development of the child. The theme of the project is reflected in all types of joint activities: gaming, educational; in activities on moral, labor, physical education, etc. The successful implementation of this project is ensured not only thanks to the professionalism of the teacher, but also through the active participation of parents in the process of learning and developing children on this topic. I am convinced that this problem can only be solved in close cooperation between teachers, parents and children. If, through joint efforts, we learn to love and notice the beauty of nature (in this case, in the autumn period), then it will appear before us as kind, generous, giving us its riches and the joy of communicating with it.

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