Summer physical education holidays for older preschoolers

Crazy sporty couple

The guests are formed into pairs. Each pair receives a task sheet, which can be read only after the start. The sheet will contain a list of exercises to be done. And not just do it, but do it faster than your rivals. Examples of tasks: jump over each other; hold hands and jump on your left legs 10 times; climb a tree one by one (20 cm from the ground); collect a pile of 10 stones; try to make a bridge one at a time, supporting each other and so on, depending on the weather and the outdoor environment. As soon as the presenter has distributed the sheets to the pairs, he gives the command “start”. The pairs begin to complete the tasks. The presenter makes sure that everything is fair. Whoever does it faster wins.

Winter sports festival on the streetmaterial (preparatory group) on the topic

Characters: presenter (adult); Snowman (adult); children.

The course of the holiday: A Russian folk dance melody sounds. Children gather on the playground. Leading. Good afternoon, the most friendly, inquisitive, charming, knowledgeable, skillful, charming, kindest, coolest guys! Winter has come, transforming the world with its cold frosty breath and sparkling silver. Now everything around looks like a white fairy tale. But what is a fairy tale without fairy-tale heroes? Which of the winter fairy-tale heroes, besides Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, do you know? Here's a hint, listen carefully: What kind of ridiculous person made his way into the twenty-first century? Carrot nose, broom in hand, Afraid of the sun and heat! Children. Snowman! Leading. Right! What's winter without a children's favorite? In addition, he is honored to celebrate his day. January 18 is International Snowman Day. Russian people have long sculpted snow figures and called them snowmen, snow women and snow maidens. Do you know how to sculpt a snowman?

A snowman enters to the music.

Snowman. Hello, kids, girls and boys! I was running past and heard a cheerful laugh. And I decided to seriously look in, at least for a minute, to see what kind of people live in this kindergarten! My greetings to all the guys and this word: If you love sports from childhood, you will be healthy! Come on, come on together, kids, let’s all shout...

Children. Physical training!

Snowman. Well, shout together and convince all your friends: Even the Russian winter is not scary for us athletes! And now there will be games, there will be laughter, and I have prepared fun things for everyone!

Leading. Our cheerful stadium invites you all to visit! You guys will be friends with physical education forever!

The snowman and children line up one after another and, to the music, move like a snake around the site, overcoming various obstacles.

Snowman. I love fun, laughter, I know a lot of games. And now, guys, I’ll play with you here! Before playing or competing, everyone should warm up. Do the exercises, repeat after me together. Hands to the heels and to the ears, On the knees and to the shoulders, To the sides, to the waist, up! And now cheerful - laughter: All the boys - “Ha - ha - ha!” All the girls - “Hee-hee-hee!” And all together - “Ho - ho - ho!” Answer in unison! Are you dexterous? Children. Yes!

Snowman. Are you brave?

Children. Yes!

Snowman. Are you strong?

Children. Yes!

Snowman. Is everyone here? Is everyone healthy? Are you ready to run and play?

Children. Yes!

Leading. Let's start the winter holiday! There will be games, there will be laughter, We have prepared fun things for everyone! Children are divided into two teams and take places at the start.

Snowman. For victory, I will reward the team with a snowflake.

Leading. And at the end of your competition, We will announce the result. If you try hard, you won’t leave without rewards! The team of the preparatory group “Vasilki” takes part in our celebration. Let's greet her with applause! Children (team motto “Cornflowers”): We are not afraid of frost, We love to have fun! Presenter: The team of the preparatory group “Semitsvetiki” is taking part in our celebration. Let's greet her with applause! Children (team motto “Seven Flowers”): We are not afraid of threats, And we are not afraid of frost! Snowman: Tell me, guys, do you like riddles? Children: Yes! Snowman: I have winter riddles, not simple ones - sports ones. Listen to the riddle, Answer without looking back: In order for us to play hockey, What should we take in our hands? (Stick) “Hockey” relay race Each team is given a stick and a puck. The first participants dribble the puck with their stick, tracing the bumps with a “snake”, runs around the post, runs back with the stick and puck in their hands, and passes the baton to the next participant. The team that completes the relay faster wins. Snowman: I put them on and I’m not afraid that I’ll fall into the deep snow. I can ride down the mountain and rush through the snowdrifts. (Skis) Relay race “Ski racing” In front of each team there is one ski (two skis are possible, as an option), having put on a ski, you need to move, simulating a ski move to the rack. The team that finishes the relay first wins. Snowman: Round snowball Called... (Snowball) Relay race “Carry the snowball in a spoon” Each team member takes turns carrying a snowball in a wooden spoon, going around the counter. Passes the baton to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay first wins. Snowman: Build a little snowball and roll it through the snow. He became a big ball and is called a snow ball... (Lump) Relay race “Roll a snowball” Each team member must roll a large hop ball to the stand and back. Pass the baton to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay first wins. Snowman: This bird doesn't fly! In Antarctica, between the ice floes He walks with importance and is proud That he is dressed in a tailcoat... (Penguin) Relay race “Jolly Penguins” Each team is given a medicine ball. Holding the ball between your legs, you need to run around the counter and pass the ball to the next one. The team that completes the task first wins. Snowman: We drag them up the hill to have a race. (Sled) Relay race “Transport the snowballs in an ice sled” There are empty boxes near the teams. There are boxes with cubes (balls) at the racks. Each team member runs with an ice sled to the racks, takes one cube (ball), puts it in the sled and runs back to the empty box, puts the cube (ball) in it, passes the baton to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay first wins. Presenter: Snowman, the children guessed all your riddles, showed how strong, dexterous, and skillful they are, and now you can play with us! Our children are not afraid of cold and frost! Snowman: How come they aren’t afraid? Why? Let's see, let's see! Game “Commotion” Children run scattered around the playground saying: “Snow, snow, chaos!” Hello, winter-winter! (repeat 2 times) Snowman: (knocks with a broom) Get up in pairs, freeze your knees (ears, bellies, noses, hands, etc.)! Children freeze and freeze. Snowman. Wow, how frozen I am, I can’t separate it. (Knocks with a broom) Well done, and also! Repeat the game 3-4 times. Snowman: Yes, you children are great - Strong, skillful, Friendly and brave.

The presenter sums up the results of the competition, reports how many snowflakes each team has and who won. Snowman: The holiday has a beginning, the holiday has an end. Whoever played and laughed with us was great! Well, I have to go! Goodbye friends! Children: Goodbye, snowman! Come visit us again! (The snowman leaves) The children leave for the group.

Varied relay

Guests are divided into teams with the same number of participants. The participants of each team stand at the same distance from each other (about a couple of meters), since the game will be a relay race. So, the first member of the first team is standing, and next to him in a step is the first member of the second team. A few meters from the first participants stand the second, then the third and so on. For each team, a bag with identical forfeits has been prepared, which will indicate ways to overcome the distance, for example, on squats; on one left leg; for kicking; backwards and so on. Important: each team has the same set of forfeits. Then the members of each team are given bags of forfeits and in each team the participants pull out one forfeit. Having become familiar with their method of overcoming the distance, the participants take their positions. The presenter hands the baton to the first participants and gives the command “start”. The first participants get to the second - each in their own way, and the second - to the third, and so on. The winning team will be determined by speed and accuracy.

Run-marathon “Bitsevskaya Direct”


November 22.


Moscow city.

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Running enthusiasts, who are not stopped even by cold and gloomy weather, can take part in the run in the Bitsevsky Forest Park. There are many distance options to choose from: from 500 meters to 50 kilometers. So you can easily find a route according to your level of training.

To participate, pre-paid registration is required. More details about the conditions can be found on the website.

Time to warm up. What to wear for a run in the fall?

Ask the tree

The leader attaches notes to each tree. Each note contains a specific task, for example, squat 10 times; Jump up 10 times with your legs crossed; Jump on your left leg 10 times; roll forward; stand on the “bridge”; make a “swallow” and so on. All participants are gathered at one point. The presenter gives the command “start” and the participants scatter in search of notes in the trees. As soon as the participant finds the note, he immediately performs its action, after which he goes to search for the next note. Whichever participant at the end of the game (when there are no more notes left) collects more notes, that is, performs more actions, will become the winner.

DAB Vertical AUTUMN Night


November 28-29.


Moscow city.

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This year, a trail race from the Four Seasons DAB Vertical series will take place in Moscow for the first time. After climbing the hills, participants will have a beautiful view of the autumn capital. Not only adults can run - children from 0 to 16 years old have their own distance.

To participate, pre-paid registration is required. See the website for details.

The first trail and how to survive it: 15 things you need to know about it

Baseball penalty

The guys are divided into 2 teams with the same number of participants (approximately 5 participants each). Among the participants in each team, the most dexterous one is chosen. He will be the one to take the penalty kick. So, the team’s batter becomes, who is handed a bat (a child’s paddle will also work), and opposite the batter at a certain distance a mark is placed (drawn), to which all participants (except the batter) of the opposing team will take turns approaching and throw their ball (they will approach simple or tennis). The winning team will be determined by the number of balls hit by their batters. Whoever has the most rebounded balls wins.

Summer sports entertainment for children of the younger group of preschool educational institutions “Hurray, summer!”

Summer sports entertainment for children of the younger group of preschool educational institutions : Hurray, summer .

Goal: To develop in children the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Develop interest in competitive sports games;

Develop agility , accuracy, speed;

— Learn to play in a team, act together, on a signal;

— Foster a healthy spirit of competition;

Aids: 2 cones, 10 hoops, chalk, cardboard daisy petals, 2 buckets, small cubes, 2 watering cans,

Orienteering competition "Moscow Autumn"


November 22.


Moscow city.

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The 14th stage of mass orienteering starts will take place in Kuzminki Park. Both trained athletes can participate, for example, at a distance of 5-8 kilometers, and those who are just starting to practice orienteering - a short route of 1-2.5 kilometers is provided for them.

Pre-registration and payment of the registration fee is required. Check the website for details.

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