Summer sports events and entertainmentmethodological development on the topic

Summer sports events and entertainmentmethodological development on the topic

Summer sports festival "Robinson's Journey"


instilling in children a responsible attitude towards the environment and the ability to follow environmental rules; expansion of ecologically valuable contacts with objects of living and inanimate nature.


an hourglass, a map of the Robinsons' hiking route, necessary items for various situations on a hike; attributes for games, natural material for building a hut; food supplies, medicines.


  1. Leading.
  2. Chief Robinson.
  3. Old forest man.
  4. Forest Fairy.
  5. Friday.
  6. Children are little Robinsons.

Holiday scenario

The holiday is held on the territory of the kindergarten.

Children of older groups gather on the sports ground.

Educator. Guys, are you all familiar with Robinson? What happened to him? Yes, he ended up on a desert island and all sorts of adventures happened to him. Life without adventure is uninteresting. Do you want fun adventures? Let's play Robinson and go hiking. To do this, you need to turn into Robinsons. So, we cast a magic spell (close our eyes).

One, two, three - turn around,

Turn into Robinsons.

Children repeat several times.

Educator. Look how many Robinsons there are! Who will lead us on the hike? We need a Chief Robinson.

Robinson. And I’m already here, I’m so glad that you have so many adventure lovers. So let's be friends and rejoice together.

Robinson. Look at the hours. This is an hourglass. Even ancient people used them (Check the time.). What will we take with us on a hike?

From the laid out items, children choose a magnifying glass and equipment for games.

Educator. What kind of package is this? Oh, you and I are just lucky! We will travel along a map that shows Robinson's travel route.

They remember all the rules of human behavior in nature, everyone makes a fire together, puts supplies in the pot, and leaves Robinson in charge for cooking.

Educator. Is everyone ready? Let's hit the road. We walk together, single file, and there are dangers on the untrodden paths. Be extremely careful.

Educator. Look, the trace of some unknown beast. Maybe it's Bigfoot?! No, it’s warm in these parts. Who could it be?

(They approach the “forest.”)

The Old Forest Man comes out to meet the travelers.

Old forest man. What's that noise in my forest?

I hear the cracking of branches.

Who broke the silence?

I'm better off here without you.

Robinson. So this is whose traces there were. We are greeted unkindly by the Old Forest Man. Behave well in the forest, maybe he will become more gentle.

Old forest man. Who are you, good or evil?

Robinson. We are travelers and will not commit evil in your forest.

Old forest man. Do you know how to behave here?

Children tell the rules of human behavior in the forest.

Old forest man. Now I see that you are good people. I allow you to inspect my property. Do you know the inhabitants of the forest? For example, what kind of birds are these?

Children recognize birds from the illustrations. The old forest man calls for protecting the birds and awards the winner the title “Bird Expert.”

Robinson. Let's learn to move carefully through the forest so as not to alarm the birds.

Game "Sneak up".

An adult (teacher) portrays a fox, children – birds. The fox is hiding behind a stump, her eyes are hidden. A calm melody sounds, the children silently, on tiptoes, creep up to the fox, trying to pass by it or around it so as not to be detected. If the fox “smelled and felt” the bird, she catches it and “hides” it in her hole.

Robinson. Look how many cones there are in the forest. In order to continue the path, you still need to practice your dexterity.

Game "Hit the Target".

The players are given cones (equal amounts). At a certain distance, a target is placed in front of each player - a basket or basket. The players' task is to hit the target and throw all the cones into the basket. The one who has the most accurate hits wins - more cones in the basket.

Old forest man. You must always be careful on the road. I'll check it now. Here are the squirrels sitting, see? They love to dress up and tie colorful ribbons on their tails. Help them dress up - decorate their ponytails in an unusual, original, bright way.

Game "Squirrel tails". Squirrel girls tie bows on their hair.

Robinson. Thank you, Old Forest Man, for your hospitality. Time is running. We need to move on.

Robinson. The forest is not over yet, look - there is a clearing. Maybe we can rest a little. (They sit on the grass.) Oh-oh, so many beautiful butterflies! Remember the forest commandments: “You cannot catch butterflies!”

Game with hoops.

A cheerful moving melody sounds. The children are located opposite each other at a distance of 5–6 m. One has a hoop in his hands, which he rolls to the player opposite. While the hoop is rolling, the “butterfly” child tries to “fly” into it as many times as possible without hitting or dropping it. The team whose hoop rolls from start to finish, and whose “butterfly” flies through it more often than others, wins.

The Fairy of the Forest comes into the clearing.

Robinson. We were spotted again. Who are you, beauty?

Fairy. I am the Fairy of the Forest. I love everything beautiful. That's why I live close to flowers. Do you know forest flowers? How wonderful it is in the forest! A cool breeze is blowing. The trees whisper their forest tales. Do you know what trees are surrounded by bushes? Which ones did you meet along the way?

Children also name fruit trees.

Robinson. Tell me, what kind of dimples are there on the paths?

Fairy. These forest animals make a shelter for themselves - they will hide in a hole to be unnoticed, wait out the danger and then run on. Birds use dimples to build a nest in the recess.

Game "Dimples".

At some distance from each other, brown cardboard circles are laid out across the group’s territory - these are “dimples in the forest.” At the teacher’s command “Start,” the children begin jumping over the dimples. At the teacher’s command “Hide”, they must stop in the “hole”, frozen in the position in which the team found them, and hold out in the “hole” until the teacher’s new command.

Robinson. We have ropes with us. We have not yet found a place where we can collect branches with which we will tie bundles of brushwood. So let's play with these strings.

Game "Wind the string".

Two guys stand opposite each other, a rope is stretched between them, a rack is attached to the ends, and a bow is tied in the middle. Whichever child winds the rope into a bow the fastest will win the game.

Fairy. You are all cheerful, and I wish you a happy journey!

Robinson says goodbye to the Fairy and moves on.

Robinson. Oh, what a big rope! We can use it to cross the river if we suddenly meet it on the way. I suggest you try it.

Game "Don't fall into the river"

(children must carefully step on the rope so as not to fall “into the river”).

Robinson. We need to hurry.

Friday appears.

Friday (surprised that he sees many Robinsons). Robinson! Robinson! I'm Friday! I lost Robinson!

Robinson. I see, friends, that you are a little sad. Maybe we can have some food to lift our spirits? Now our tourist lunch is probably ready. I smell delicious smells. We are all preparing our tummies for food.

Children are treated to sweets. The holiday ends.

Goals and objectives of sports festivalsmaterial on the topic

Goals and objectives of sports festivals.

Currently, raising children healthy, strong, and cheerful is the task of every preschool institution, including ours. Being on the move means improving your health. We cannot imagine the life of a child in kindergarten without fun entertainment, noisy holidays and competitions, interesting games, and exciting attractions. Some develop ingenuity, others develop ingenuity, others develop imagination and creativity, but they are united by a common task - nurturing in the child the need for movement and emotional perception of life.

We believe that by moving, a child gets to know the world and himself, learns to navigate and act purposefully in it. Working with preschool children is also valuable because it creates conditions for emotional and psychological well-being, because has a great influence on the development of the mind, education of character, will, morality, creates a certain spiritual mood, stimulating interest in self-expression, contributes not only to better assimilation of knowledge and consolidation of skills, but also has a beneficial effect on the child’s psyche.

We strive to ensure that children have as much opportunity as possible to demonstrate their activity, independence, and initiative at the sports events and entertainment events we hold.

Knowing that children are especially receptive to the positive example of their parents, we try to actively involve them in participating in joint sports events, leisure activities and entertainment that are held in our preschool institution.

A holiday is always joy and fun. His anticipation alone can evoke positive emotions in a child and distract him from “going” into illness (V.L. Strakovskaya). Outdoor games, attractions, competitions, practical jokes, fun, surprises, which fill the program of any holiday, are often accompanied by spontaneous comical situations, causing sincere laughter, surprise, and delight. This circumstance alone makes the holiday an indispensable means of preventing and even treating various health disorders. It has long been known (V.V. Dineika) that a good mood and a life-affirming mood have a high healing power.

When preparing and holding physical education and sports events, children get the opportunity to show activity, initiative, independence, and creativity, which has a beneficial effect on the development of their abilities and personal qualities.

The most important result of the holiday is the joy of participation, victory, communication, and joint activities. Outdoor games, which constitute the main content of any physical education and sports holiday, are more adequate than other forms of organizing motor activity, adequate to the child’s needs for movement and contribute to his harmonious physical development, nurturing dexterity, speed, coordination of movements, the most important moral, volitional and friendly qualities.

The process of preparing for the holiday unites the children's team, children and adults (teachers and parents) with unity of purpose and common goals. The position of the physical education instructor and parents largely determines the children’s attitude towards physical education and sports. If adults lead a healthy lifestyle, regularly perform at least the simplest physical exercises with their children, are active and easy-going, this is “fertile soil on which good shoots will sprout” - strong, healthy children who love physical education.

Analysis of scientific and methodological literature and experience in organizing physical education and sports events with preschoolers, including our own, allow us to formulate the main tasks and goals.

The main goal of sports holidays is to satisfy children’s natural need for movement, to cultivate the need for systematic physical education and sports. Achieving this goal includes solving health, educational and educational problems.

Health-improving tasks include protecting the lives and strengthening the health of children, their comprehensive physical development, hardening, improving body functions, increasing activity and performance, creating a cheerful and cheerful mood.

Educational objectives include consolidation and improvement of motor skills, development of physical qualities and expressiveness of motor actions, formation of the foundations of festive culture.

Solving educational problems is aimed at developing in children the desire for systematic physical education and the need for a healthy lifestyle.

During any holiday, a comprehensive solution to a number of tasks is carried out that contribute to the harmonious development of the child, but at the same time the main task is set, in accordance with which the theme and content are selected, and methods and techniques of work are determined.

Based on the dominant task, we consider it appropriate to highlight the following holidays.

Create a healthy lifestyle. These are thematic holidays such as “Sun, air and water are our faithful friends”, “Cleanliness Holiday”, “Adventures of No-Sick”, “Visiting Aibolit”, etc. Properly selected thematic outdoor games and exercises in combination with text, fights between children and enemies of health (laziness, gluttony, fears, etc.) allow you to form a positive attitude towards hardening, physical education, hygiene procedures, and daily routine.

Cultivate a strong interest in physical education and sports, in personal achievements, in sporting events in our country and around the world. A characteristic feature of these holidays is the inclusion in their program of games with elements of team and individual competition and relay races. An important role is also given to the selection of educational material aimed at systematizing children’s knowledge about sports, the Olympic movement, Russian athletes, etc. The themes of such holidays are varied: “Olympians Among Us”, “Journey to Sportlandia”, “Fun Starts”.

Amuse the children and give them pleasure. These are comic entertainment holidays with the aim of creating a good mood from games, attractions, joint activities with adults, musical accompaniment, funny attributes, etc.

Develop creativity, initiative, and communication skills. A well-thought-out motivation for action (providing assistance to heroes, searching for treasure, demonstrating one’s prowess and strength), interconnected task-tests make this holiday very attractive for children 6-7 years old. Their activities in this case are less regulated: they themselves find a way out of a critical situation, enter into confrontation with the forces of evil, the elements of nature, and weather surprises. The topics are determined by the interests of children and the capabilities of adults. These are “Young Robinsons”, “Space Adventures”, “In the Underwater Kingdom”, “Rescuers”, “SOS Signal Received”.

Demonstrate sporting achievements. Such a holiday is usually combined with final events in the lives of children: the end of the school year, graduation from kindergarten (“What We Have Become,” “Growing Up”) — or seasonal changes: the end of winter, summer (“Skiing competitions,” “Bicycle racing,” "Festival of Mermaids").

Cultivate interest in folk traditions. These folklore holidays in theme and content are held in accordance with the Christian calendar (Christmas, Maslenitsa, Magpies, Trinity). They are compiled on material accessible to children using folk games, fun, round dances, songs, attributes of national clothing, and equipment.

Form cognitive activity. The goal is to expand and systematize knowledge in the field of ecology, geography, astronomy, literature, the basics of safe life, etc. Such holidays include competitions among scholars (young astronomers, ecologists, traffic rules experts, etc.): quizzes, crossword puzzles, riddles, etc. Children's knowledge and skills are tested in solving socially significant problem problems: how to save the Earth from environmental disaster; how to establish contact with extraterrestrial civilizations; how to master the rules of safe living. Traveling from era to era, across different continents, children gain basic understanding of geography, history, natural science and other sciences.

Cultivate moral qualities. Such holidays are especially significant for groups of different ages and genders, in which favorable conditions are created for the formation of friendly relationships between children and a humane attitude towards all living things. Game activities aimed at developing the readiness and skills to come to each other’s aid or rescue each other from a dangerous situation are an indispensable component of the content of these holidays. As a rule, their plot develops in two directions: on the one hand, all the children are united by one goal (to help the hero-character in trouble by confronting the forces of evil); on the other hand, children are usually divided into two or more teams (traveling sailors and aborigines, earthlings and aliens, people, animals and birds) and are involved in a joint struggle against common enemies (evil, fears, cruelty, envy).

Thus, knowledge of the goals, objectives and content of sports festivals will help every teacher to educate not just a personality, but a harmoniously developing personality! Childhood impressions remain for life. Let one of the brightest memories of your childhood be sports holidays filled with emotional excitement, positive energy, joy and unusualness.

Preschool education


A physical education and sports festival, one of the forms of active recreation for children and adults, includes various types of physical exercises (gymnastics, outdoor and sports games, sports exercises) mainly outdoors in combination with elements of dramatization, choreography, singing, quizzes, competitions and attractions.

A holiday is always joy and fun. His anticipation alone can evoke positive emotions in a child and distract him from “going” into illness (V.L. Strakovskaya). Outdoor games, attractions, competitions, practical jokes, fun, surprises, which fill the program of any holiday, are often accompanied by spontaneous comical situations, causing sincere laughter, surprise, and delight. This circumstance alone makes the holiday an indispensable means of preventing and even treating various health disorders. It has long been known (V.V. Dineika) that a good mood and a life-affirming mood have a high healing power.

When preparing and holding physical education and sports events, children get the opportunity to show activity, initiative, independence, and creativity, which has a beneficial effect on the development of their abilities and personal qualities.

The most important result of the holiday is the joy of participation, victory, communication, and joint activities. Outdoor games, which constitute the main content of any physical education and sports festival, are more adequate than other forms of organizing motor activity, adequate to the child’s needs in movement and contribute to his harmonious physical development, development of dexterity, speed, coordination of movements, the most important moral, volitional and friendly qualities .

The process of preparing for the holiday unites the children's team, children and adults (teachers and parents) with unity of purpose and common goals. The position of educators, physical education instructors, and parents largely determines children’s attitudes toward physical education and sports. If adults lead a healthy lifestyle, regularly perform at least the simplest physical exercises with their children, are active and easy-going, this is “fertile soil on which good shoots will sprout” - strong, healthy children who love physical education.

Analysis of scientific and methodological literature and experience in organizing physical education and sports events with preschoolers, including our own, allow us to formulate the main approaches to their classification.

During any holiday, a comprehensive solution to a number of tasks is carried out that contribute to the harmonious development of the child, but at the same time the main task is set, in accordance with which the theme and content are selected, and methods and techniques of work are determined.

Based on the dominant task, we consider it appropriate to highlight the following holidays.

Create a healthy lifestyle. These are thematic holidays such as “Sun, air and water are our faithful friends”, “Cleanliness Holiday”, “Adventures of No-Sick”, “Visiting Aibolit”, etc. Properly selected thematic outdoor games and exercises in combination with text, fights between children and enemies of health (laziness, gluttony, fears, etc.) allow you to form a positive attitude towards hardening, physical education, hygiene procedures, and daily routine.

Cultivate a strong interest in physical education and sports, in personal achievements, in sporting events in our country and around the world. A characteristic feature of these holidays is the inclusion in their program of games with elements of team and individual competition and relay races. An important role is also given to the selection of educational material aimed at systematizing children’s knowledge about sports, the Olympic movement, Russian athletes, etc. The themes of such holidays are varied: “Olympians Among Us”, “Journey to Sportlandia”, “Fun Starts”.

Amuse the children and give them pleasure. These are comic entertainment holidays with the aim of creating a good mood from games, attractions, joint activities with adults, musical accompaniment, funny attributes, etc.

Develop creativity, initiative, and communication skills. A well-thought-out motivation for action (providing assistance to heroes, searching for treasure, demonstrating one’s prowess and strength), interconnected task-tests make this holiday very attractive for children 6-7 years old. Their activities in this case are less regulated: they themselves find a way out of a critical situation, enter into confrontation with the forces of evil, the elements of nature, and weather surprises. The topics are determined by the interests of children and the capabilities of adults. These are “Young Robinsons”, “Space Adventures”, “In the Underwater Kingdom”, “Rescuers”, “SOS Signal Received”.

Demonstrate sporting achievements. Such a holiday is usually combined with final events in the lives of children: the end of the school year, graduation from kindergarten (“What We Have Become,” “Growing Up”) — or seasonal changes: the end of winter, summer (“Skiing competitions,” “Bicycle racing,” "Festival of Mermaids").

Cultivate interest in folk traditions. These folklore holidays in theme and content are held in accordance with the Christian calendar (Christmas, Maslenitsa, Magpies, Trinity). They are compiled on material accessible to children using folk games, fun, round dances, songs, attributes of national clothing, and equipment.

Form cognitive activity. The goal is to expand and systematize knowledge in the field of ecology, geography, astronomy, literature, the basics of safe life, etc. Such holidays include competitions among scholars (young astronomers, ecologists, traffic rules experts, etc.): quizzes, crossword puzzles, riddles, etc. Children's knowledge and skills are tested in solving socially significant problem problems: how to save the Earth from environmental disaster; how to establish contact with extraterrestrial civilizations; how to master the rules of safe living. Traveling from era to era, across different continents, children gain basic understanding of geography, history, natural science and other sciences.

Cultivate moral qualities. Such holidays are especially significant for groups of different ages and genders, in which favorable conditions are created for the formation of friendly relationships between children and a humane attitude towards all living things. Game activities aimed at developing the readiness and skills to come to each other’s aid or rescue each other from a dangerous situation are an indispensable component of the content of these holidays. As a rule, their plot develops in two directions: on the one hand, all the children are united by one goal (to help the hero-character in trouble by confronting the forces of evil); on the other hand, children are usually divided into two or more teams (traveling sailors and aborigines, earthlings and aliens, people, animals and birds) and are involved in a joint struggle against common enemies (evil, fears, cruelty, envy).

According to motor content, holidays are divided as follows.

Combined. It is built on the basis of a combination of different types of physical exercises: gymnastics, outdoor and sports games, sports exercises. Its advantage is the ability to attract children aged 5-7 years to competitive activities with elements of sports, and junior and middle preschoolers to perform simple gymnastic exercises and participate in outdoor games and fun.

Based on sports games (holding championships in football, basketball, hockey, etc. between parallel groups). Such a holiday can be organized if the children have a good command of the technique of the game and are familiar with its rules. To attract all children to participate, you can organize dance performances for girls and games for fans between halves. If the level of motor preparedness of children is not high enough, then the holiday can take the form of competitions between teams on the speed and quality of performing individual elements of sports games (dribble the ball and throw it into the basket; hold a tennis ball longer on the racket; hit the shuttlecock with a racket in a circle, etc. .). You can also include relay games and games with elements of individual and collective competitions into the holiday.

Based on sports exercises. Such holidays are organized by combining several seasonal sports (for example, skiing, sledding in winter or cycling, rollerblading, scootering in summer). The content of the holiday may include sports exercises of one type (for example, swimming).

Based on outdoor games, attractions, fun. This is the most common type of holiday. It does not require complex equipment or a specially equipped area (it can be carried out in a clearing or compacted path). The universality of the holiday lies in the fact that children of all ages and adults can be involved in it.

Integrated. The content of these holidays, along with motor tasks, includes elements of cognitive, visual activity, theater, etc.

According to the methods of holding holidays, the following varieties are distinguished.

Games (carried out with children of all ages).

Competitive (conducted with children 5-7 years old). Participants of two or more teams compete with each other, or all children enter into confrontation with a real or imaginary character.

Plot. Motor tasks are performed in accordance with the leader’s story, and all games and exercises are connected by a single theme and idea.

Creative. Their goal is to develop creative activity, the ability to make decisions independently, and initiatives (problem situations and tasks, puzzle tasks, provocative questions, search questions, group discussion methods, etc.). Holding such holidays requires high professionalism from an adult, since unexpected decisions of children can change the course of the scenario. Therefore, the scenario includes different options for exiting the proposed situation so that children feel responsible for the course and results of their actions.

Note. The classification of holidays according to the method is quite arbitrary: any of them uses a wide arsenal of methods and techniques for teaching and raising children. Therefore, we are talking about the preferential use of any method.

According to the location of the holidays, they are divided as follows:

• on a sports ground or stadium;

• in natural conditions (in a forest, near a pond, in a park);

• in the gym;

• in a swimming pool.

Based on the composition of children, it is most expedient to classify holidays as follows.

Children from 4 to 7 years old and adults can participate in the holiday As a rule, it is based on outdoor games, attractions and amusements, in which all children participate (one at a time or in small groups of the same age), and in mass games, round dances and dances, everyone takes part at the same time.

• The holiday can be organized by bringing together children of the same age or close in age. If it is based on games with elements of competition or sports games, then the participants are children 6-7 years old. If this is an entertainment holiday in which story games and musical surprises predominate, children 4-5 years old can become participants.

• The holiday can be held as a fun competition in which parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters participate. General and individual game tasks and mass comic relay races are determined, which include children 2-3 years old (the task is to crawl between the legs of their brothers and sisters) and grandmothers (the task is to dress their grandson as quickly as possible).

The classification of holidays according to the nature of the equipment, inventory, and benefits used is very conditional: if the kindergarten’s equipment with physical education, sports and gaming equipment is insufficient, this is not a reason to deprive children of a holiday - an adequate replacement for the specified equipment can be found.

• Using sports, physical education and tourism equipment.

• Using natural materials ( autumn leaves, flowers, snow buildings, pieces of ice, snowballs, cones, pebbles, stumps, logs, etc. - depending on the season and natural environment).

• Using homemade or adapted equipment . Tires of different sizes can be used (from which you can construct a variety of projectiles), a ladder, a clothesline, household items, children's furniture (chairs, stools), even plastic bottles filled with sand, etc.

• With story-based toys and play aids for young children ( dolls, animals, cars, rolling toys, building materials).

The classification of holidays depending on the season is traditional. (These are four seasonal holidays.)

The methodology for organizing any holiday is a rather complex process, including the stages of preparation, holding and summing up.

Preparation for the holiday includes drawing up a script, distributing roles and responsibilities between participants, selecting musical accompaniment, decorating the site or hall, preparing sports uniforms, emblems, invitations, etc. The preparatory work can be led by a physical education instructor or teacher. Older brothers and sisters and parents can provide very tangible help. The organizers of the holiday determine its type depending on the season, the age of the participants, the availability of equipment, and the interests of the children.

The duration of the holiday is determined by the age of the participants: 45-50 minutes for children 4-5 years old; 60-90 minutes for children 6-7 years old. If children of different ages and adults participate in the holiday, then the duration of children’s participation is determined by their mental and physical capabilities. However, in any case, the holiday should not last more than 2 hours, otherwise fatigue sets in, reducing interest in what is happening.

When drawing up a holiday plan-scenario, it is necessary

• ensure a gradual increase in physical and mental stress;

• provide for alternating games and competitions with high physical activity and emotional intensity and tasks aimed at relieving tension;

• alternate mass and individual games and tasks (if possible);

• provide for the participation and assessment of the activities of each child, taking into account his individual characteristics and capabilities;

• combine games and tasks that are familiar to children and evoke a positive emotional state with the inclusion of new attributes, music, and characters.

The most interesting part of the preparatory stage is the production of attributes, posters, decorations, emblems and prizes for participants, invitation cards for fans and relatives. This type of work is quite within the capabilities of older preschoolers under the guidance of an adult. Note that it is not necessary to purchase expensive prizes: it is not the cost that is important to the child, but the love and attention that is shown to him. Therefore, adults must first of all know the individual characteristics of each participant so that the prize becomes truly valuable to him.

...The “Space Travel” holiday was planned in kindergarten. There were no funds available to purchase prizes. Adults thought for a long time what to give to children who were supposed to “return from a long journey to the planets of the solar system.” And... they collected colorful stones, washed them, polished them and painted intricate hieroglyphs on them. Imagine the amazement of the children who discovered pebbles of “unearthly origin” in their shoes - gifts from the inhabitants of another civilization... The surprise prizes made by the children for the rival team are educationally valuable. These can be drawings, crafts made from natural and waste materials, etc.

For mass celebrations, you can make simple but cute souvenirs (a balloon, an apple, a chocolate medal, etc.). Most importantly, every child should be rewarded regardless of the place they take.

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of music and the preparation of means for its broadcast. Musical accompaniment provides an appropriate emotional mood, helps synchronously perform physical exercises, fills pauses, concentrates children's attention, and signals the beginning and end of a game-task. You should consider musical accompaniment of physical exercises (parade, rhythmic or morning exercises) and musical screensavers, background music for attractions, surprise moments, awards, etc.

Holiday scenarios usually include performances by children reading poetry, performing songs, and performing magic tricks. Naturally, you can’t do without preparation here. However, you should abandon rehearsals, drills and training sessions! Remember that the holiday is organized for children, not spectators and guests. Therefore, impromptu, live, relaxed communication is appropriate, rather than elaborate and memorized scripted dialogue with children’s pre-learned answers. Rehearsing surprise moments in the presence of celebration participants is absolutely unacceptable. The absence of a sacrament, a miracle designed to bring surprise, insight, delight, makes the holiday a boring event with a predetermined end.

The celebration must be entrusted to a host Experience suggests: 80% of the success of the holiday depends on the preparation and abilities of the host. He must be artistic, be able to manage a group of children, know and take into account their characteristics, change the script if necessary during the course of the event and regulate physical, mental and emotional stress. It is advisable that the presenter be athletic and able to perform this or that exercise himself, if necessary.

You can make the task of holding a holiday easier by including in the script two presenters who are able to “insure” each other if an unforeseen situation arises.

On the day appointed for the holiday, in the morning an atmosphere of anticipation of general fun should already be created. Each child (or group of children), together with the teacher or his assistant, is responsible for a specific part of the preparatory work: someone distributes invitation cards, someone arranges benches, hangs festive garlands, balloons, sets up a scoreboard... The professionalism of the organizers also lies in involve everyone in the process of preparing the holiday, do not suppress the initiative of children, but provide them with the opportunity to feel like full owners of the event.

The structure of the holiday is varied and depends on its type. Conventionally, it can be divided into three parts.

The first, the introductory part, can be organized in the form of a parade of participants with the raising of the flag and lighting of the Olympic torch. A good tradition could be a mass jog across the territory of the kindergarten of all participants and fans, including adults; the unexpected appearance of fairy-tale characters or barkers who invite everyone to take part in mass games, attractions and fun. In winter, the holiday can begin with the movement of a long sleigh train or three horses. The beginning of holidays and games of rescuers, travelers, and cosmonauts could be different: an alarm that calls on all the strong and brave to take part in rescuing animals affected by floods (fire, earthquake, etc.). There are many options...

The main part of the holiday, aimed at solving its main task, is filled with appropriate motor content: games, competitions, attractions. It is important to ensure that every child participates in them. If the scenario is designed to alternate participation of members of different teams in games, it is necessary to consider how to ensure the participation of everyone. Usually in response to challenging questions like “Who is our bravest?” or “Who wants to play this game?” the same children respond, while the shy and indecisive ones remain out of work. In this case, you can do this: each child, upon entering the hall, receives a ticket (tickets can be of different colors, shapes, etc.); During the holiday, the host invites only those who have a ticket in the shape of a red circle to participate in any game, and those children who have a ticket in the shape of a hare to participate in the “Jumpers” competition. Tickets should be handed out by an adult who knows the characteristics of each child well, so that he does not feel out of place. So, if a boy gets a ticket with a picture of a jump rope, but he doesn’t know how and doesn’t like this exercise, then he will feel disadvantaged when paired with a girl or simply refuse to participate. Therefore, you need to decide in advance who to give which ticket to avoid negative emotions.

If the holiday is of a mass nature, then the presenter should have several assistants from among teachers or schoolchildren who will help arrange and remove equipment, provide musical accompaniment, and present gifts.

At a festival with a pronounced competitive focus, it is important to timely evaluate the performance of individual participants or teams. To do this, a jury of three to five people is selected in advance and a scoreboard is placed in a visible place. It can be traditional or unusual (for example, basketball baskets into which balls are thrown - one for each team victory). At the end, the points or goals earned by the team are counted. Another option for summing up the results could be to build a tower from building material: whose tower is higher, he won, etc.

to sum up both during and at the end of the holiday. After each relay game or competition, the presenter can sum up the results himself and evaluate the physical, moral and volitional qualities of the teams as a whole and individual players. It is wiser to give the jury the floor after two or three competitions, so as not to turn the holiday into continuous performances by adults.

The presenter needs to be very delicate when summing up: children are vulnerable, they cannot adequately assess their abilities and experience failures painfully. Therefore, it is necessary, firstly, to form teams correctly: they should be approximately equal in strength and with an equal number of boys and girls; secondly, talk tactfully about victories and defeats, maintain a spirit of optimism and confidence in children. At the end of the holiday, you can plan a game in which the losing team's victory is guaranteed. For example, the presenter offers both teams the outdoor game “Trap”. When catching up with the children, he only insults the players from the winning team. This helps to offset the clear advantage of one of the teams. As a result, by the end of the holiday, “friendship wins”! The organizers can use another way to equalize the results: one team is awarded in the category “The most dexterous and fastest”, the other - “The most friendly and cheerful”.

The culmination of any holiday is a surprise moment. Its content and time of inclusion in the course of the holiday depend on the age of the participants and the type of holiday. Most often, the unexpected appearance of fairy-tale characters (adults or older children) and the performance of a short performance are used as a surprise moment. Characters can invite children to play with them, solve a problem they are facing together, or teach them to do physical education. In any case, the performance should be spectacular and fun and accompanied by music and unusual sounds (for example, a whistle announces the appearance of the Robber Nightingale, the clatter of hooves - a troika). If the holiday is held indoors, you can apply lighting effects (sudden blackout, lighting the place where the hero appears with lanterns, etc.).

At the end, it is appropriate to hold a general game of medium mobility (preferably in a circle) such as “Mousetrap”, “Carousel”, or organize a mass dance.

The award ceremony should be solemn and fun. Pennants, emblems, souvenirs can be placed in the most honorable place in the group (sports corner, information stand for parents). If these are individual prizes and the children want to take them home, advise parents to find a place in the children's room (shelf, closet) where the prizes will be visible to everyone. Such a “victorious” corner is a source of pride for a child. Here you can place photographs and drawings on the theme “Our holiday”. This will allow children to develop a strong interest in physical education and their achievements in sports, which is one of the most important conditions for developing motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

N. BOCHAROVA, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Oryol State University

Bocharova N. Physical education and sports events in kindergarten: new approaches, methodological recommendations // Preschool education. 2004. No. 1. P. 46-51.

Scenario for a summer holiday at a preschool educational institution

With the arrival of summer warmth comes the most fruitful days for activities with children. This is the best time for group work outdoors. Teachers have an excellent opportunity to prepare and conduct sports, artistic and aesthetic activities with children, for example, drawing, modeling, appliqué, and crafts from collected natural materials.

In addition, you can have conversations on the playground and watch nature. All these events awaken children's interest in the flora and fauna, increase the desire to create, to convey the beauty of what they see in drawing, modeling, and appliqué.

The cognitive sphere is considered one of the important points in planning children's events. After all, little children are young explorers who are interested and fascinated by everything. For children's holiday events, summer time is perfect. After all, it is in the summer that there are so many fresh fruits and flowers, which are extremely necessary for organizing holidays.

In addition to having fun, holiday events teach children interaction, respect, and mutual assistance. Games, songs, dances, and competitions help children make friends and feel important and irreplaceable. This is very important, because children in early preschool age are just beginning to form, they urgently need communication and interaction, a sense of team.

Everything that is instilled in them in a junior preschool institution, they will carry with them throughout their lives. The attitude at school and other educational institutions depends on the atmosphere and holiday in the kindergarten. Therefore, educators are faced with the task of helping children open up. The main tool for this is precisely a children's party.

Let's look at what a summer holiday could be like in a preschool educational institution using the example of a prepared scenario.

Sports entertainment “Summer fun” in kindergarten. Scenario. Senior - preparatory group

Scenario of sports entertainment “Summer Fun” for children of the senior preparatory group

Sports entertainment scenario “Summer Fun” for aunts 5 – 7 years old
Author: Oksana Petrovna Kharina, physical education instructor, MADOU No. 26 “Fairy Tale”, Irbit Description: this material will be useful for physical education instructors and kindergarten teachers. Equipment and supplies: hoops, large spoons, potatoes, balls (basketballs), children's umbrellas, galoshes from boxes, mugs or small buckets, two large buckets of water, everything according to the number of teams, select a musical repertoire of summer songs, microphone. Goals: increasing children's interest in the summer months of the year through sports relay races; achieving a positive emotional mood Objectives: - Improve motor skills and abilities. - develop physical qualities: strength, agility, speed, coordination of movements. - Cultivate friendly relations and attention to each other. Children line up on the playground to the music.
Progress of the event.
Leading. To the red summer, to the clear sky, To the sun, which turns all the children into chocolate, Let us shout loudly, children, Our physical education - hello! Hooray! We gathered at the central platform to celebrate the summer with fun games and relay races. Let the summer sun see you cheerful, seasoned, dexterous, and skillful. So, we are starting sports entertainment, and we invite everyone present to take part in it. 1st child. So that we grow strong, dexterous and brave, Every morning we do exercises. 2nd child. Today we went out for exercise together, in order, and did the exercises with special pleasure. Children line up in columns. It sounds like a funny song about summer. Leading. We raise our hands to the sun, We walk together, cheerfully, We squat and stand up, And we don’t get tired at all. As shown by the instructor or teacher, rhythmic gymnastics (possible with ribbons and balls)

Leading. Who among you does not know boredom? Who's the jack of all trades here? You have to go through the path with obstacles and come back to your squad. The first obstacle is water! Carrying it is a disaster! Whoever carries the bucket poorly will leave the game wet! Relay “Water Carrier” Transfer water in a mug or small bucket from a bucket to another bucket.

Leading. The second obstacle is the spoon! And there are potatoes in the spoon. You can't run, you can't tremble! You can breathe, just be careful! Relay race “Bring it, don’t drop it”

Leading. The third obstacle is hoops! You need to stand up in pairs, run in small steps, then remove the hoops and quickly pass them on to the next pairs. Relay "Running in pairs"

Leading. Let's continue our holiday. Remember and name the summer sports you know. Children list sports.
And now, to play the next relay race, you must guess the riddle: The ball is in the ring!
Team goal! We play ... (basketball) Relay race “Hit the basket” The teacher holds a hoop in his hand, children from the starting line hit the target. Regardless of whether he hits or misses, he picks up the ball and passes it to the next player. The teacher counts the team's hits.

Leading. Next riddle. They are waiting for me, they won’t wait, And when they see me, they will run away. (rain) Guys, are you afraid of rain? We are always ready for it. Umbrella and galoshes and no fear of rain. Relay race “Running under an umbrella in galoshes”

Galoshes can be made from 2 liter juice boxes. Leading. You conducted the training very cleverly. You are all wonderful athletes. I want to wish you health and a good summer mood. Toughen up, kids! Good morning! Children. Physical training! All children are treated to juice. Leading. Juice from fruits and vegetables - It is for adults and children. Drink juices, enjoy and gain health. Until the end of the walk, songs about summer are heard. Note. The success of physical education entertainment lies not in the special preparation of children for it, but in everyday, large, serious work with children on the development of movements.

We recommend watching:

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Scenario for the summer name day holiday

While staying at a summer health camp, there are birthday children among the children who must be congratulated on their birthday. This is very important, because a birthday is a grand holiday for every child. And if he is away from his family and gifts, this day becomes doubly special.

Each counselor knows all the kids in his troop, and once or twice a week he organizes parties to mark their name days. The number of name day holidays is regulated by the camp charter. In large camps they are celebrated every day.

Either the entire squad takes part in the celebration, or the celebration is organized for all the birthday people of the camp. Here, too, everything depends on the camp regulations.

Let's look at what a summer holiday - a name day - can be using the example of a prepared scenario.

“Games-competitions” - sports leisure

“Games - competitions” sports leisure
(senior group)
Program content:

Develop physical qualities - speed, agility; promote the manifestation of endurance and strength; cultivate moral and volitional qualities: endurance, persistence in achieving positive results, organization, independence; learn to fairly and honestly evaluate your behavior and the behavior of peers in the game, show friendly mutual assistance.

(Before the start of the game, children are divided into two teams)

We repeat the rules of relay games with the children: - We play fairly and together. — We play not for profit, but for pleasure. - If you win, be happy; if you lose, don’t be upset.

Sports, guys, are very necessary. We are very friends with sports. Sport is a helper! Sport – health! Sport is a game! Physical training

-Let's play. And to make it more interesting for you to play, we will organize a competition between two teams. The children of the first team wear yellow ties, the second team wear pink ties. If you want, come up with names for your teams.

1 game "Have time to build"

Rules of the game. Teams are lined up in two lines. Look carefully who is standing where and remember. When the music starts, you must run around the entire hall. While the music is playing, you are running. As soon as the music stops playing, take your place in the ranks. The team whose members line up the fastest wins.

Game 2: “Hit the target.”

Rules of the game. There are hoops at a distance of 2 meters. The task is to get the bag into the hoop. Whoever has the most accurate shots wins.

(Children throw bags into the hoop in pairs. After counting the accurate throws, the results of the game are summed up).

3 game-attraction “Steam locomotive and carriages”.

Rules of the game. Each team lines up one behind the other at the start. The first numbers are “trains”. At my signal, the “trains” run forward, go around the cube and run back to their team. Next, the next participant, the “train”, joins the “train”, grasping it by the belt. And now they are running together. Then they are joined by third numbers, etc. The team that finishes the competition first wins.

Relay 4: Jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop.

Each team has 5 hoops. You need to jump from hoop to hoop as quickly as possible without hitting them. The child's speed and accuracy are assessed.

5th relay race “Jumping on two legs with a ball held between the legs.”

Each child on the team holds the ball between their knees and jumps to the finish line, trying not to drop the ball. He comes back running. At the start line, he passes the baton to the next person by touching his hand.

6th relay race “Crossing”.

Each child in the team has 1 cube. The captain runs first and carries his cube. He remains at the crossing. You need to move all the cubes 1 at a time as soon as possible and give them to the captain.

7th “Jumping” relay race.

Jump forward on one right leg. Back - on the other left leg. Hands on the belt. At the start line, he passes the baton to the next person by touching his hand.

8th relay race “Knock down the pin.”

Team captains are invited. You need to roll the ball with both hands to knock down the pin standing 3m in front. Each captain has 3 attempts, 1 point for each pin knocked down.

Relay 9 “Walking like a snake between objects”».

Each child on the team needs to walk like a snake between the cubes without hitting them. The speed and accuracy of children in each team is assessed. At the starting line, the baton is passed to the next one.

10 relay race “Who will roll the ribbon faster.”

Children from each team compete in pairs. It is necessary to roll the tape as quickly as possible. The total number of points in the team earned by each child is calculated.

11th relay race “Passing the ball”.

Children line up in a chain on each team and, at a signal, begin to pass the ball forward to each other. The captain, who is given the ball first, raises it up.

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