Entertainment on life safety with children of the middle group “The Adventures of Little Brownie Kuzi”

Sports entertainment on life safety “Young rescuers” for the middle group


1 Sports entertainment in life safety “Young rescuers” for the middle group Author: Lyubchenko Natalya Ivanovna, physical education instructor of the first qualification category of MBDOU 1 “Rodnichok”, Karasuka, Novosibirsk region. P/s: enrich the motor experience of children. Give students knowledge of basic safety rules and the ability to navigate in an emergency situation. Develop speed, agility, coordination of movements, ingenuity. To cultivate stable attention, thinking when solving problem situations, caring attitude and responsibility for the surrounding nature. Equipment: a hare costume, green leaves with riddles, a telephone, fire extinguishers, a first aid kit and other items for extinguishing a fire. Children's buckets, a container of water, red and green chips, pictures of fire hazards, a wooden house. Physical education equipment for the obstacle course: gymnastic arches, hoops or “bumps”, pins or cones. PROGRESS Children enter the playground to rhythmic (march) music and line up in a circle.

2 Instructor. I’m glad to see everyone now, After all, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time. Let's hold hands together and smile at each other! Guys, today we have gathered to talk about safety once again. What is security? (children's answers) If people, animals, birds are in trouble, rescuers come to their aid. Who are the rescuers? (children's answers) What do rescuers do? (children's answers) Suddenly the phone rings loudly. Voice from the phone. "Guys! There is trouble in our fairy forest! Ushastik was playing with matches and accidentally set fire to his house behind the forest on the edge of the forest! We're on fire! Hurry, help and save us!!!" Instructor. Guys, what a terrible misfortune happened in the forest! Why did this happen? Children. Because Ushastik was playing with matches! Instructor. Remember: never play with fire!!! We need to rush to help Ushastik before anyone gets hurt! What important things do we need to take with us on the road to put out the fire? (children choose objects on the table..)

3 Children: first aid kit, fire extinguishers, etc. (and explain what these items are needed for). Instructor. When setting out on a journey, we must be attentive and careful. Everyone should know their comrades by voice, in case someone gets lost or lags behind on the way. And now we will check how you know each other’s voices. Game “Recognize by Voice” Instructor. Well done! We can hit the road. We need to hurry, so we'll ride horses.

4 Children in a circle, one after another, ride “horses” (run at a straight gallop) to the music. Instructor. Guys, you are great! But look, ahead of us on the way is a forest full of fairy tales, mysteries, and miracles. Let's try to solve its riddles. 1. What kind of forest animal stood up like a post under a pine tree, and stood among the grass, with ears larger than its head. (Hare) 2. Not a crow, not a tit, What is the name of this bird? She perched herself on a branch, and heard in the forest: “Ku-ku.” (Cuckoo) 3. Who collects honey from a flower into its proboscis? And having finished the job, quickly flew away to the hive? (Bee) Instructor. Guys, having guessed all the riddles, we found ourselves in a fairytale forest. But here another obstacle awaits us: there is a long “tunnel” ahead, and then a swamp. You can pass through the swamp only over hummocks; immediately behind the swamp there is a barrel of water and buckets for extinguishing the fire. We must overcome this path as quickly as possible

5 and take buckets to put out the fire! Let's hurry forward, Ushastik is waiting for us!!! Game exercise “Obstacle course” Children take turns crawling into the “tunnel”, then jumping through the swamp over “bumps” (from hoop to hoop, arranged like a snake) and take buckets.

6 Instructor. Guys, here we are. Look, Ushastik’s house is on fire, we need to put it out quickly! Outdoor game “Caution, fire!” Children scoop water from a barrel with a bucket, run to the “burning” house, and fill it with water (the fire is painted in gouache on a wooden board).

7 Instructor. And here is the culprit of the fire, Ushastik. Look, Ushastik, what happens when you play with matches. If it weren’t for the courage, speed, dexterity and knowledge of our guys, the entire fairytale forest could have caught fire and its forest inhabitants could have suffered. Matches are not toys!

8 Ushastik. Guys, you did great, you saved my house, our fairytale forest and its inhabitants from the fire!!! Thank you! But in order to prevent this from happening again, please tell me which objects in the picture can be used independently, and which only with the help of an adult or not at all. Game "You can - you can't." Children take one red and one green chip. Red color means that you cannot use this item on your own, and green color means you can use this item, but very carefully or with the help of an adult. The presenter shows pictures depicting fire-hazardous objects, and the children determine whether this object can be used or not, and pick up a chip of the desired color.

9 Instructor. You guys are great! Now I see that each of you knows what dangers may await you and what needs to be done to prevent anything bad from happening. And you, Ushastik, don’t do this again, but be careful with fire-hazardous objects.

10 And also, guys, today you were real firefighters and therefore deservedly receive a young rescuer badge! (children are presented with badges during the solemn march of rescuers)

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