Summary of an autumn music lesson with middle group children

Introductory part

Theme: “Journey to the autumn forest.”


Formation of musical and creative abilities in various types of musical activities.


  • multimedia projector;
  • video “Autumn Waltz”;
  • maple and rowan leaves for each child, 2;
  • two vases.

Summary of a music lesson in the middle group “Adventures in the autumn forest”

tobyndagy yyimdastyrylgan oku kyzmetinin notes
Summary of organized educational activities in the middle


Music zhetekshesi/Musical director:

Kyiv N.V.

Bilim take salas/Educational area:





"Adventures in the autumn forest"



1. Tarbielik - educational:

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers and convey your positive attitude in teamwork

2. Damytushylyk developing:

Develop creative imagination, fantasy, attention, observation. Continue to develop in children the desire to engage in manual labor.


Strengthen the skill of conveying the character of music in movement. Exercise in easy rhythmic running. Distinguish music of a cheerful, danceable nature, mark each part of the dance with movement. Correctly convey the melody of the song. Expressively perform a song of a playful, cheerful nature.

Distinguish sounds by pitch. Change the nature and direction of movement in accordance with the change in the nature of the music in a 2-part work.

Pedagogical technology / pedagogical technology:


Resurstarmen kamtamasyz etu/Resource support:

bell, pictograms, toys: nesting dolls, cat, cockerel cap, scarf.

Uyimdastyrylgan oku kyzmetinin Barysy/Progress of classes:

1.yimdastyrushylyk kezeni/organizational moment (2 min)

There are many colorful leaves on the floor. The children enter the hall to the familiar song about autumn. Greetings.

2. Negіzi bolіmі/main part


: Guys, today we were invited to an autumn meadow by forest dwellers.

I invite you to go for a walk in the autumn forest.

Guys, we can't find a more interesting adventure.

Stand one after another, hold hands tightly

Let's go for a walk along the paths and paths through the forest.

Maybe we will collect leaves in the autumn forest? Exercise “Walk” by Rauchwerger, “Let’s run” in German. n. m.

Children walk one after another at a calm pace, immediately start playing music for running, note the children's reactions, remind movements as necessary.
So we came with you to the autumn forest. Very beautiful in the forest in autumn. There is a carpet of leaves on the ground. What color are they? (Children's answers) Let's collect a bouquet of autumn leaves (children pick up the leaves). The wind swirled the autumn leaves, they flew from the trees easily and smoothly.

Blow on the leaves and see how they fly.

Breathing exercise “Blow on leaves”

Children blow on leaves. The teacher makes sure that children keep their palms at mouth level, do not puff out their cheeks, or raise their shoulders.


Let's walk through the forest. (Children walk to the sound of rustling leaves) Do you hear dry autumn leaves rustling under your feet? Take some leaves and let's dance with them!

"Dance with leaves"

(by show)


There are many animals living in the forest, let's take a look.

Video presentation “Forest BEASTS”


: Look, who is it under the bush here?
Bunny. A bunny appears on the screen. Bunny:
(the teacher controls the doll) Hello guys!
: Bunny, why are you trembling?
: I’m cold, the wind is blowing and howling “oooh”. (recording of wind sounds).


That's how the wind howls. Let us also sing the song of the wind - first quietly, and then louder, even louder. (make sure that children stretch out their lips with a straw)


Zainka, do you want our kids to sing a song about you?


Really want to!

Singing " Autumn in the Forest "


Bunny, how beautiful it is in the autumn meadow. Listen to wonderful music, it’s called... (Children name the play after listening to a fragment of a piece of music)

Listening: "Polyanka" r. n. m.

When listening to part 1, the teacher accompanies on a tambourine, and on part 2 – on a triangle.


: Thank you guys, I have to go, I need to get ready for winter and change my fur coat. Says goodbye to the children.


: (A rustling sound is heard) Guys, do you hear something rustling?

(A hedgehog appears on the screen - the teacher controls the doll) Look who’s hiding here.


Hello guys!
Oh, how bored and sad I am... M.r:
Hello, hedgehog!
Why are you so sad? Hedgehog
: It’s autumn, all the birds are flying south.
The ugly rain often pours and gives no rest to everyone. He's so cold, brrrr! M.r:
Hedgehog, don’t be sad, our guys will sing you a funny song about the rain, you too sing along with us, then there will be no time to be sad.

Singing "Do wait "

Singing without musical accompaniment, singing melodic phrases separately in subgroups, individually, in conclusion, everyone sings together.


Do you want to play with the guys?
: Of course.
I really love to play. Musical and didactic game: “Guess”
to identify registers

Children rotate their hands for high sounds, and clap their knees for low sounds. Hedgehog:

Thank you guys. Look, even the sun came out in the sky, he also liked your funny game. Guys, how much fun you have together, you are so friendly!


Do you want us to be friends with you, hedgehog? Guys, will we be friends with the hedgehog and all the forest animals? (answer)


Thanks a lot guys!
I made a lot of wonderful friends. Accept forest gifts from me as a gift. (Gives a basket with cones, acorns, nuts)

Thank you, Hedgehog, we will make many interesting crafts from these forest gifts and give them to all forest animals. And now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.

Children go to the group.

3. Korytyndy/final part (2 min)

Ask the children what songs they sang, what dances they performed, who visited them.

Encouraging children.

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the hall to the music of “Autumn Waltz” by Frederico Chopin.

The music director greets the children, singing: “I send you autumn greetings!” Children. imitating, they greet the music director and line up near the chairs.

Musical director: The leaves have turned yellow, the birds have flown away, it has been raining since the morning. What time of year, kids? CHILDREN'S RESPONSES.

Musical director: Guys, think about how you can say about autumn, what is it like? CHILDREN'S RESPONSES.

Musical director: Would you like to take a walk in the autumn forest? CHILDREN'S RESPONSES.

Physical exercise “On the path to the forest”

We will walk along the path into the autumn forest on a warm day. Walking along the path one after another.

And now we’ll all jump a little on the track. Jumping on two legs in place.

And now we will jump along the path on our right leg. And now we jump together along the path on our left leg! Jumping forward on the right and left leg.

Now run faster, it’s more fun after each other. Don't push, don't rush, keep your head up! Easy running after each other.

Walk again, kids, it's time to rest. Walking one after another.

Here we are, already at our destination. They sat quietly on the lawn. Stretch your arms and legs and rest a little!


Also an interesting autumn music lesson: Summary of a thematic music lesson in the middle group “Autumn Sun”

Listening to music


After watching and listening, the music director invites the children to remember once again what words can be used to describe autumn and the music written by the composer F. Chopin.

Musical director: What changes occur in nature with the arrival of autumn? CHILDREN'S ANSWERS


Musical director: What is leaf fall? CHILDREN'S RESPONSES.

Musical director: Today we will continue to study the song “Falling Leaves,” but first we will sing.


A leaf was flying from a tree and wanted to spin around. The yellow leaves are flying, they make the kids happy!

Children perform the song “Falling Leaves,” music by Popatenko.

Music director: Each tree has different leaves, do you want to play with the leaves? CHILDREN'S ANSWERS

Game "Collect a bouquet"

The teacher scatters maple and rowan leaves around the hall. To the accompaniment of light instrumental music, children run around the leaves on their toes. At the end of the music, boys collect maple leaves, girls collect rowan trees. They carry one leaf at a time in vases. The game is repeated 2 times.

Musical director: Look what beautiful bouquets we made! Let's sing another song about leaves.

Children perform the song "Autumn" lyrics and music by L. Gotman.

Finger gymnastics

3. 4.6 and 8 we will ask autumn: Children bend their fingers one by one.

Give me a leaf, Autumn, play with us! Stretch your arms forward, bend your palms.

And we will stand in a circle again and dance together! They run up and stand in a circle.

Musical director: Now we will be leaves, leaves, sons and daughters!


MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Musical lesson for children of the middle group using health-saving technologies “Visiting Autumn”.

Galochkina Elena Aleksandrovna, music director of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 4 “Bell”, city of Alatyr, Chuvash Republicelena.

Program content.

Educational objectives:

  • Musical-rhythmic movements - continue to develop in children the skill of rhythmic movement in accordance with the nature of the music, improve dance movements: walking, straight gallop, side step with a squat, easy running;
  • continue learning the ability to move by leaps; teach staging of musical games.
  • Singing - teach children expressive singing, develop the ability to sing drawn out, melodiously, promote the desire to sing a melody clearly, clearly pronounce words, teach them to sing harmoniously, without shouting.
  • Listening - to develop the skills of a culture of listening to music (not to be distracted and not to distract others, to listen to the end of the sound).

Developmental tasks:

  • Musical-rhythmic movements - contribute to the development of emotional-imaginative performance of musical-game movements, develop tactile sensitivity and visual-motor coordination of movements in finger games
  • Singing - develop the ability to take the breath correctly, develop the ability to convey the gentle, affectionate nature of the song; develop the ability to sing, purely intoning the major second down, the ability to pronounce words, sing stressed vowels in words drawn out, teach children to correctly perform articulation exercises; form the correct pronunciation of sounds;
  • Listening - develop an ear for timbre, continue to develop the ability to distinguish the sounds of different musical instruments (balalaika, guitar, pipe, piano), contribute to the further development of the foundations of musical culture.

Educational tasks:

  • cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers, emotional responsiveness, the ability to wait, rejoice at the achieved result, joyful empathy, sympathy, responsiveness; cultivate a caring attitude towards works of art (musical instruments).
  • Integration of GCD elements with other areas: “Cognition” , “Communication” , “Physical Education” , “Socialization” .

Equipment and visibility: image of musical instruments, violin with bow, Autumn costume, Gnome, Hare, Fox hat, autumn leaves (green on one side, gold on the other), golden

Children walk around the hall to the music and stand in a circle.

Music of hands: Hello, guys.

I am glad to see you all today on this autumn day.

Oh, look, the leaves in our hall are still green. What happened? After all, they should have turned yellow and fallen off long ago. I suggest going to visit Autumn and find out what’s going on. Are you ready to hit the road?

Valeological song - chant with self-massage “Autumn”:

Autumn walks along the path Smoothly leading the police with her fingers Decorated the aspen trees, lit the lights with her fingers “Draw” eyes, eyebrows, nose with her fingers. Slender mountain ash. Autumn has not come alone - The same thing, but lightly drumming with your fingers.

She brought the rain with her. He hits the puddles loudly and laughs like a girl! A breeze is blowing nearby, they “shake off” their forehead, temples, cheeks.

Restless friend:

Then he will rush faster than everyone else, Spiral movements with his index fingers

Then he will fall asleep among the branches. in the face. Gently stroke your face.

Musical and rhythmic movements (prevention of poor posture):

Let's go one after another (march). We perform an additional step to the right side with a squat, and now to the other. We run on our tiptoes (easy running), perform gallops, jumps (the musical director gives individual and general recommendations during the execution of movements)

Music Ruk.: So we ended up in a fairytale forest to visit Autumn. Here comes Autumn itself

Hello, autumn!

Educator-Autumn: Hello, guys!

Music hand: Dear Autumn, tell me why the leaves are still green?


I’m in trouble in the forest, but I don’t know what to do. The gold brush is missing. A magic brush with which I repaint all autumn nature, trees and fields.

You, friends, help me, find my brush.

Music manager: Let's help Autumn?


Maybe the mischievous gnome hid my brush. We’ll ask him quickly, Let’s call him more friendly. The Gnome enters.


I am a cheerful forest gnome And I live under a mushroom I will give you the brush. I'll bring it myself.

Guess the riddles

And get the brush right away.

(Gives away pictures)

Autumn: We love riddles, let's relax in the clearing (sit on chairs)

Music hands: “Find the extra one” Here is the first riddle (Look at pictures of musical instruments: guitar, balalaika, pipe). What's extra? Why?

The next musical riddle is “What does it sound like?” - development of timbre hearing

(excerpts of musical works performed by different instruments are heard, children answer which musical instrument sounds)

Articulation exercise “Drummer”

Let's take the drum in our hands and start playing it. They raised the tongue up, “D-d-d-d” they knocked.

Drum, knock-knock-knock. D-D-D-D Why are you knocking, my friend! D-D-D-D

- It’s not for nothing that I knock D-D-D-D in my mouth. I teach the correct sounds. D-D-D-D

Articulation exercise “Pipe”

Who plays the guitar, Well, we play the pipe, We stretch our lips forward with a narrow, narrow tube.

Music manager: Well done, you guessed all the riddles from the fairytale forest. And if you find yourself in a real forest and get lost, what will you shout? Singing "Aw!" The next musical riddle is what song is this? (musical accompaniment to “The Affectionate Song” ; lyrics and music by O.A. Sivukhin). Children will recognize the song. The musical director gives recommendations for performance and asks about the nature of the song. Perform together.

What song is this? ( "Golden Song" music by G. Vikhareva lyrics by Z. Petrova) Singing the song in rows (1 row - 1 verse, etc.)

Finger game “Autumn Leaves”

One, two, three, four, five (we bend our fingers one by one, starting with the thumb)

Let's collect leaves

Birch leaves, Rowan leaves, Poplar leaves, Aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves,

We'll include an autumn bouquet in the group.

Autumn: Everyone guessed the gnome's riddles. Well done. Now it's time to find my golden tassel. Let's get up quietly and go out into the circle. Children walk in a circle.

Gnome: Hold the brush

And forgive me!

Autumn (to the sounds of magical music) One, two, three, a miracle happen! (the music director turns over the leaves, they turn gold)

Autumn: Sorry, don't be naughty anymore! Better play with us! In my forest there lives a bunny (wears a hat) and a fox (puts on a hat). We will play, but we will not forget to dance in an even circle, one after another.

Speech musical game “Bunny and Fox”

Autumn: It’s time for us to say goodbye and go back. Sweet “mushrooms”

The children return to the group.

Galochkina Elena Aleksandrovna, music director of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 4 “Bell”, Alatyr city, Chuvash Republic

Musical lesson for children of the middle group using health-saving technologies “Visiting Autumn” .

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