Summary of the integrated lesson "Theater" for children of the middle group

Theater day in kindergarten. Middle group

Thematic day “WORLD THEATER DAY” for children 4-5 years old

Goal: Development of children's communication abilities through theatrical and play activities Objectives: To promote the development of the child's individual creative abilities and artistic inclinations; Arouse in children a sustainable interest in the theater; Cultivate friendly communication with each other; To form a sustainable interest in literature in children; Involve children in telling fairy tales Planning: 1. Conversation about the theater 2. Table theater “Mashenka and the Bear” 3. Physical exercise “We are in the theater of animals” 4. Game - concert “On the theater stage...” 5. Didactic game “Collect a fairy tale” 6 Showing the play by parents “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” 7. Drawing “My Favorite Fairy Tale” (joint creativity of parents with children) MORNING 1. CONVERSATION ABOUT THE THEATER Educator: There is a stage and backstage, And actors and actresses, There is a playbill and an intermission , Scenery, sold out. And, of course, the premiere! You probably guessed it... (theater)
- Today is World Theater Day.
- What is theater? (children's answers)
- What professions do people work in the theater?
(children's answers)
- Today you and I will be both actors and spectators.
I suggest you go to a fairy-tale place called “Theater”. — In order for you and me to go to the performance, we need to buy tickets. — Why do you need tickets at the theater? (children's answers) Children go to the ticket office and buy tickets.
— Before going to the auditorium, you need to remember the rules of behavior in the theater.
(children's answers)
- Listen, we are invited by a theater bell into the auditorium.
You need to have time to take your seats in the auditorium. — There are three bells in total in the theater before the start of the performance. The third bell indicates that the performance is beginning. After the third bell, the lights in the auditorium go out. It is indecent to enter the auditorium after the third bell. — Prepare your tickets and look carefully at what is indicated on the ticket? (children's answers) Children take seats in the auditorium.
The third bell rings. - Today we will see the premiere of the fairy tale “Mashenka and the Bear”, because today the actors are on stage for the first time.
- Did you like the fairy tale?
Did you like the acting? (children's answers) The bell rings.
“I suggest you rest a little.”
Now a short break has been announced, and it is called INTRACT. During intermission, all spectators usually go out into the theater foyer. At this time, you can go to the BUFFET, clean up in the toilet room, and also get acquainted with various photographs of theater artists that are hung on the walls of the foyer. - Today is an unusual day in the theater and therefore you and I can turn into fairy-tale animals... 3. PHYSICAL MOMENT “WILD ANIMALS” On a hot day, along a forest path, the animals walked to a watering hole. (Children walk in a circle, one after another)
A moose calf stomped behind the mother elk,
(They walk, stomping loudly)
A little fox crept behind the mother fox,
(They walk stealthily)
A hedgehog rolled behind the mother hedgehog,
(They move in a deep squat)
Behind the mother bear a bear cub was walking,
(They move in a deep squat)
The squirrel cubs were galloping after the mother squirrel,
(They were jumping on their toes, with their arms bent in front of the chest)
Behind the mother-hare were slanting hares,
(They were jumping, making “ears” from their palms)
The she-wolf led the wolf cubs.
(Walk on all fours)
All mothers and children want to get drunk.
(They walk on all fours) The bell rings.
Children take place in the auditorium. The third bell rings. 4. GAME - CONCERT “ON THE THEATER STAGE...”
Children optional: read poetry, sing songs, dance. Educator: - Our stay in the fairy-tale land called “Theater” has ended. — Did you like it at the theater? (children's answers)
- I suggest thanking all the actors for their wonderful performance with applause and giving flowers.
- What new did you learn? - What do you remember? - What new words did you meet, etc. 5. DIDACTICAL GAME “ASSEMBLE A FAIRY TALE” Children collect puzzles, call the name of the fairy tale from the assembled picture
Parents are actors, children are participants
(joint creativity of parents with kids)

Material used: • • zanyatiya-na-temu-den-teatra-1298084.html •

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Long-term plan for working with middle-aged children

Objectives of theatrical entertainment activities for middle-aged children:

Continue to develop and maintain children’s interest in theatrical activities by acquiring more complex gaming skills (monitor the development and interaction of characters)

Develop performing skills (role embodiment, ability to act in an imaginary plan)

Perform simple performances based on familiar literary works, using expressive means (intonation, facial expressions) to embody the image.

Introduce various types of theater (stand theater, mask theater, plane picture theater, finger theatre, picture theater on the hand, riding puppet theater (puppets on “spoons”) - help children accumulate ideas about various types of puppet theater, scenery, teach techniques puppeteering of various types of dolls.

Expected results:

By accumulating emotional and sensory experience and interacting, children will begin to take initiative and offer new roles or actions that enrich the plot.

In independent theatrical games, they will begin to arrange a place for the game, to embody the role (movements, intonation, facial expressions)

Master the techniques of puppeteering various types of puppets.

Children treat each other kindly; become more confident.

Perspective lesson plan “Theater of Everything”, middle group

Name Month
1 1. “We are playing theater” - articulation gymnastics

2. “We are future artists” - exercises for the development of expressive plasticity of movements, for the development of expressive facial expressions.

3. “I’ll change myself, friends, guess who I am?” - dressing up in costumes, imitation sketches

4. Sign language - conversation with children

2 1. Theatrical sketch “About Mushrooms” - reading and conversation based on the content, searching for expressive intonations, facial expressions, gestures to convey the image.

2. The fairy tale “Colors of Autumn” - work on individual episodes, expressiveness of speech

3. Display of a fairy tale with scenery details, musical accompaniment, and costume elements. Theatrical dictionary “Costumer”, “Make-up artist”.

4. The “Generous Autumn” holiday - enrich with vivid impressions, evoke a desire to take an active part in the holiday.

3. 1. “It’s very difficult to live in the world without a girlfriend or boyfriend!” Reading a poem - “Say a kind word about a friend”, Performing the song “If you went on a journey with a friend”, music. V. Shainsky

2. The fairy tale “Teremok in a new way” - to cultivate the ability to monitor the development of actions, to involve in the telling of a fairy tale, to convey the character and emotional state of the selected personnel.

3. The fairy tale “Teremok in a new way” - arouse interest in what is happening, intonationally and expressively convey the character of the selected personnel.

4. Showing fairy tales to children of other groups.

4 1. Comic performances and pantomimes

2. Staging “On a visit to the Christmas tree” - creative tasks, distribution of roles

3. Theatrical game “Circus of Animals” - consolidating the elements of acting, memory, and imagination in the game.

4. “New Year’s holiday!” - create a joyful mood, evoke a desire to actively participate in the holiday.

5 1. Creative games: “Good - bad” - rules of behavior in the theater, players portray using facial expressions and pantomime. Game “Animals in the Zoo”, game “Animal Voices”

2. "Christmas festivities"

3. Picture theater “We play and sing”

4. Introduction to the puppet theater

6 1. Dramatization of familiar songs

2. Tabletop theater

3. “The Gray Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood”, based on the fairy tale by C. Perrault. Conversation on content. Getting into character.

4. “The Gray Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood” - convey the character and emotional state of the selected character intonationally and expressively.

7 1. Showing the fairy tale “The Gray Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood” at the All Ladies’ Day, using musical costumes and attributes. musical arrangement.

2. Theatrical game “Pump” and inflatable toy: act with imaginary objects, interact with each other.

3. Finger theater “Fox, Hare and Rooster” - work on individual episodes, on the expressiveness of speech.

4. Showing the fairy tale “The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster” to children of younger groups.

8 1. “We played and danced” - imitation of accompanying nursery rhymes on children's musical instruments.

2. Improvisation on a theme using sounding movements

3. Song improvisation

4. Flannelograph Theater

9 1. Comic poems: play around, assign roles yourself

2. Sound therapy

3. Fabulous concert. Dramatizations of fairy tale fragments. “There are many fairy tales in the world - kind and funny, and we cannot live in the world without them.”


Lesson summary for the middle group (4-5 years old) “What is theater”

Lesson notes for the middle group (4-5 years old) “What is theater?”


1. Expand knowledge about the theater, who works in it, what theatrical productions there are. 2. Develop interest in theatrical activities, imagination, speech, and expand vocabulary. 3. Cultivate a willingness to provide help and friendly relations with each other.

Preliminary work:

Reading fairy tales; conversation and retelling of short tales; dramatic games “Masha and the Three Bears”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Teremok”, drawing fairy-tale characters.

Vocabulary work:

theater, box office, wardrobe, director, decorator, illuminator, prompter, make-up artist, conductor,

costume designer, choreographer, sound engineer, composer, playwright, artist.

Equipment and materials:

paper doll character Masha, laptop “Theater”, tickets, photographs “What kind of theater is there”, photographs “Who works in the theatre”, paper table decorations for the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”

Progress of classes:


Let's hold hands together (children stand in a circle and shake hands)

And let's smile at each other,

Everyone! Everyone! Good afternoon!

We are not too lazy to play!


Guys, do you hear someone crying bitterly? Look at this little girl! Let's ask her what happened? Why is she crying?


Guys, I'm crying because I can't remember which fairy tale I'm from? I went out for a walk and got lost.


Girl, what's your name?


My name is Masha.


: Guys, let's help Masha remember which fairy tale she is from?




Masha, tell us what your house looks like? Where do you live?


I live in an amazing house where they show performances, fairy tales, where they dance and sing, and recite poems. And it's called Theatre.


Have you guys been to the theater?


(Children's answers)


Dear Masha, not all of our children were in the theater when they were born. Please tell us what kind of theater it is?


The theater is a place for spectacle. This is a type of art where the main thing is the stage action that occurs during the actor’s performance in front of the public. There are several types of theaters: opera and ballet theater, operetta, puppet theater, Puppet theater, Drama theater, shadow theater, Finger theater and others.


Masha, what a wonderful house you have! Who else lives in it?


Many interesting people live in our theater.


is a director of opera performances.


Specialist in creating the external image and design of objects and premises.


the person who sets the light and works with it throughout the entire performance.


a theater worker who monitors the progress of rehearsals and performances based on the text of the play and, if necessary, suggests the text of the role to the actors.

Makeup artist

a person who professionally changes an actor's image for a given role.


musical director of learning and performing ensemble (orchestral, choral, opera, etc.) music.


Specialist responsible for storing and preparing costumes in the theater.


author and director of ballets, dances, choreographic numbers, dance scenes in opera and operetta, creator of dance forms.

Sound engineer

this is the one who is responsible for the quality of the recorded sound.


This is the head of the musical part of the theater, he is also the conductor of the theater orchestra.


writer who writes dramatic works, author of plays.


This is a person who is able to transform into various heroes.


-Guys, what kind of document do you think we need to go to Tert?




That's right, we need a ticket. Where can we buy it?


At the register.


Well done! We can buy a ticket at the box office. The ticket indicates the row and place where you will sit in the hall.


: Guys, where do you think you can donate your things (coats, jackets, bags)?


To the wardrobe.


That's right! In the wardrobe you can leave your things for storage. The cloakroom attendant will give you a number.

Physical school

(Children depict the actions of the characters.

The weather was clear and sunny. The trees extended their branches towards the sun (hands up). Suddenly a small cloud came and a breeze blew. The trees swayed (leaning to the left, to the right with raised arms). The leaves fluttered (movements of the hands). But the cloud quickly flew away. It became warm and calm again (hands up - inhale, hands down - exhale)


Guys, do you like fairy tales?


: Yes.


Now I believe how much do you know fairy tales?


  1. We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let a wolf into the house...

Who were these

Small children? (seven kids)

  1. I went to visit my grandmother,

I brought the pies to her.

The Gray Wolf was watching her,

Deceived and swallowed. (Little Red Riding Hood)

  1. She was a friend of the dwarves

And, of course, you are familiar with it. (Snow White)

  1. Grandfather and grandmother lived together

They made a daughter out of a snowball,

But the fire is hot

Turned the girl into steam.

Grandfather and grandmother are sad.

What was their daughter's name? (Snow Maiden)

  1. Near the forest, on the edge,

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three Bears)

  1. Misha is walking through the forest,

Korb carries on his back-

Pies for grandma and grandpa

Granddaughter Masha baked

Uncooperative Misha

I've got my finger wrapped around it! (Masha and the Bear)


Masha, look how great our guys are! They solved all your riddles. Guys, can any of you guess what fairy tale our Masha is from?


Masha and the Bear.


Well, of course! How could I forget! Thank you guys ! You helped me a lot.

Just today the play “Masha and the Bear” will be shown in our theater, I invite you all and give you tickets (I give out tickets to everyone)

Educator: - Guys, why do you want to go to the puppet theater?




Then you need to say the words:

Theater is a magical land

I want to go there too!

Screening of the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" tabletop theater.



Guys! Did you like the performance? What fairy tale was shown today? (Masha and the Bear) Where was the fairy tale shown, in which fairytale house? (theater). What kind of theaters are there? Who lives and works in the theater? Well done! Let's get along with our actors and return to our group. Let's say thank you and clap your hands.



Guys, as a souvenir of our trip to the theater, I suggest you decorate the characters from the play “Masha and the Bear.”

Conversation with children of the middle group “What is theater?” material (middle group) on the topic

Conversation with preschool children

“What is theater?”

Goal: to expand children’s ideas about the world of theater, about theatrical professions, to stimulate their interest in theatrical art, to enrich children’s vocabulary with theatrical terms.

Equipment: illustrations of the theater premises, theater poster, theater tickets, theater programs, slides with views of various theaters, photographs of actors, fragments of various performances, didactic game “Theater Professions,” dummies of vegetables and fruits, artificial flowers, attributes for the game “Barbershop.”

Educator: Do you know what theater is, what “theater art” means, what professions people work in the theater? (children’s answers).

Theater - the art of the stage - was born in ancient times. The word THEATER came to us from the Greek language and means “place for spectacle, spectacle.” But theater is not only an art form, but also a building where we come to performances.

Want to take a tour of the theater? (Illustrations of various theater buildings are exhibited).

Here is a house, big, beautiful, elegant, old. This is the theater building. Look, in front of him is a colorful, bright poster - a theater poster, which, using drawings, photographs and various words, contains information about upcoming performances in the theater (author of the play, director, actors who play the main roles, title, date and time of the performance). Let's go into this beautiful house. Where have we ended up? Look, we see a small window on which is written “Theater Box Office”.

Come to the window

Give him the money.

And a little window in response

Gives you a ticket.

A theater box office is a place where tickets for theater performances are sold. They contain the name of the theater, the name of the performance, its author, the date and beginning of the performance, as well as the place and row in the auditorium. A cashier sells tickets at the theater box office. Upon entering the theater, the ticket attendant checks the spectators' tickets. A theater performance usually takes a long time, more than an hour. It will be uncomfortable for spectators to sit in outerwear. What should I do? Where should viewers go first? (Children's answers). In the theater, the locker room is called a wardrobe, and the profession of the person who accepts the audience's outerwear is a cloakroom attendant. The cloakroom attendant gives you a number, you clean yourself up and move on.

Are you interested in knowing what today's performance will be about, what actors will play in it? Then you and I simply need to purchase a theater program from the theater employee, the usher. Look, it indicates the characters (heroes) of the play, as well as the names of the actors who play the roles of these characters. The program may also contain a brief description of the performance.

So, you and I are spectators. The performance will begin soon and it’s time for us to go to the auditorium. But what is it? Which of you is the most attentive and heard an unusual sound? This is a theatrical call. In total, the theater rings three bells before the start of the performance. The third bell indicates that the performance is beginning. After the third ring, the lights in the hall go out. It is indecent to enter the auditorium after the third bell. Before the third bell rings, let's take a closer look at the auditorium. This is the largest room of the theater. Take a closer look, do you like it? What makes an auditorium beautiful? (Walls, lamps, in the center of the ceiling there is a huge chandelier). Do you have chandeliers at home? Are they the same as this one? (Children's answers). This chandelier is very large, as the auditorium itself is huge. When the performance begins, this chandelier will go out, darkness will fall in the auditorium, and special spotlights will illuminate the stage. Soffits are special lamps in the auditorium that illuminate the stage from the front and above. With the help of spotlights, lighting designers can depict sunrise or sunset, flashes of lightning, starry skies and much more on stage.

Let's take our seats in the auditorium. How to do it? (See what is indicated on the ticket). The seat you should sit in is indicated on your theater ticket. Parterre - front, bottom rows, amphitheater - top, back. If you are sitting far from the stage, you will need theater binoculars, which you can bring with you or purchase from the cloakroom.

Let's take a look at our auditorium. The most important place in the auditorium is the stage on which the performance is performed. The scene itself is not yet visible. It is still closed with a curtain. A theater curtain is a piece of cloth that covers the stage from the audience. Curtains are made of thick, dyed fabric, folded and decorated with theater emblems or wide fringe sewn to the bottom of the curtain. The performance will begin as soon as the curtain rises or moves apart, as they are sliding or rising.

Many performances in theaters are accompanied by music. Where do you think the musicians sit, is it really on the stage? (Children's answers). The orchestra pit is a special room for the orchestra in the theater, located in front of the stage.

Before the audience can see the performance, people of different professions prepare it for a long time. Let's list them and try not to forget anyone! (Theater professions)

• The scenery for the performance is made in the painting and decoration workshop according to the sketches of the decorative artists.

• Prop - fake, specially made objects of sculpture, furniture, dishes, used in theatrical performances instead of real things. A theater worker who makes props is called a prop maker.

(The teacher shows the children fake things as examples: dummies of vegetables and fruits, artificial flowers, etc.).

• The sound for the performance - the phonogram - is prepared by the sound engineer. During the performance, he can turn on any soundtrack: the sound of rain or the roar of waves, the roar of the crowd or the whistle of the wind.

• Actors for a performance may need a variety of costumes: ancient and modern, fairy-tale and ordinary. The profession of a person who sews and makes suits is called a “costumer.”

• Before the performance, the make-up artist applies makeup to the actors. An experienced make-up artist can change an actor's face beyond recognition.

• The director chooses which play to stage, assigns roles, organizes and conducts rehearsals and everything that happens on stage.

• An actor is a person who plays a role in a play.

• A person who monitors the progress of the performance, the performance of the actors, and can, if necessary, suggest the words of the role to the actors - a prompter.

• A person who leads (conducts) an orchestra of musicians is called a conductor.

A didactic game “Theater Professions” is being held

Today our performance is on stage for the first time, so today is the premiere of this performance. So, the first act (part) of the play began.

(Children are invited to look at the illustrations of any children's performance or watch a video).

Are you tired, do you like our performance? The actors play wonderfully! Do you think they need to rest and prepare for the continuation of the performance?

(Children's answers).

The break between the actions of the play is called intermission. During intermission, all spectators usually go out into the theater foyer. At this time, you can go to the buffet, clean up in the toilet room, and also get acquainted with various photographs of theater artists that are hung on the walls of the foyer.

(Children look at photographs of Perm theater artists and excerpts from the performances in which they played).

Our performance has come to an end. Did you like him? How can we express this without words? Should I thank the actors for their wonderful performance? That's right, applause! Applause is a form of expressing gratitude to artists. If you liked the acting, give it a round of applause! You can also give them flowers.

Educator: We learned a lot of interesting things about the theater today. But there is a special place in it, which is called the mysterious word “backstage” - what is behind the stage. Today we were allowed to visit there with you. You can find a lot of interesting things here. The audience does not see this space. The actors and employees of the theater have their own entrance from the street, leading directly to the stage. Let's get acquainted with the premises of the “backstage kingdom”.

(The teacher lists these rooms and explains their purpose: decorator and props workshop, costume room, actors’ dressing room).

Educator: let us go into one of these rooms. Look, a table! Is he wearing a mirror, paints, powder, makeup, wigs? What kind of room is this? (Children's answers). That's right, this is the actors' dressing room. Let's now play actors and make-up artists, make princesses out of girls, and grandfathers out of boys.

(Children distribute the roles of make-up artists and actors among themselves and the transformations begin before everyone’s eyes)

The children then “return” back to kindergarten.


Educator: What new did you learn? What surprised you the most? What did you remember? What new words did you meet, etc.

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