Dolphins: description, types, lifestyle, communication, how they sleep, how they drink, photos and videos

Dolphin - description and photographs. What does a dolphin look like?

Some people mistakenly believe that dolphins are fish. In fact, they belong to the class of mammals and are easily recognized by their characteristic appearance. They have an elongated body, starting with an elongated head and ending with a tail. There is a long fin at the top of the body.

Upper fin of a dolphin

There are 80-100 teeth on the upper and lower jaws, slightly directed inward. The eyes are located at the level of the corners of the mouth, and have poor vision, since for dolphins this organ of touch does not play an important role even during hunting.

The body is covered with fatty enzymes that ensure easy gliding in water.
Thanks to this, they swim without encountering resistance, which allows them to develop greater speed. However, this feature leads to the fact that the dolphin's skin is constantly abraded and washed off with water. Because of this, the body is forced to continuously regenerate the upper layer of the body, based on internal reserves. Interesting fact : dolphins shed so quickly that they can completely renew the top layer of skin in an hour.
Thus, it can shed up to 24 times per day. In length, various types of these creatures can grow up to 4.5-5 meters, although most of their representatives are comparable in size to human dimensions. In color, different types are gray, blue, black and with different color pigments.

Lifespan and reproduction

Bottlenose dolphins begin to breed in spring and summer. Females reach the age of 5 years, and males - 8. Dolphins are polygamous animals; they can interbreed with other species of cetaceans. During the mating season, which lasts from 3 days to 3-4 weeks, dolphins swim in a special position, often rub their heads against each other and make mating sounds. Pregnancy lasts 11-12 months, and when the baby appears, the flock rejoices and welcomes it. The newborn and its mother are accompanied by other females to their first breath on the surface.

For 18 months, a young bottlenose dolphin feeds on its mother's milk. By the way, the product’s fat content is noticeably higher than cow’s. 4 months after birth, the baby tries different food for the first time. Dolphins live on average up to 40 years, and also suffer from some human diseases (strokes, heart attacks).

How do dolphins breathe?

Upon a detailed examination of the mammal’s body, one immediately notices that it has no gills. If in many fish the head is disconnected from the body by a cut under which the respiratory organs are hidden, then in a dolphin it is connected to it as a single whole and has no pronounced boundaries. It can be assumed that because These creatures are mammals, they should not have gills, but they also do not have nostrils at the tip of their nose. This raises a logical question: how do dolphins breathe?

Dolphin blowhole located on the back of the head

On the crown of the animal there is a blowhole - a small hole that is tightly closed with a movable lid while it is under water. When the dolphin comes to the surface, it opens and air enters. The collected oxygen is enough for the mammal for a long time, thanks to which it can swim long distances underwater. However, sooner or later he will need to surface to take another breath.

Dolphin and man

Interesting facts about dolphins say that they are smarter than any person on the planet. As already mentioned, the brain of these creatures can reach a weight of 1700 mg, while in humans it is 1400 mg. In addition, compared to humans, dolphins have significantly more convolutions in the cerebral cortex. Interesting facts (for children) about these creatures help develop in the younger generation a desire to learn more about our smaller brothers.

Dolphins have a “lexicon” of fourteen thousand signals, which are pronounced with different intonations and unique voices. Animal psychologists claim that dolphins have quite developed self-awareness and social consciousness. Since they live in a collective, its problems are not alien to each individual. If a sick or weak dolphin appears in a family, then all its relatives help it and push it to the surface, giving it the opportunity to take a breath of fresh air. Some people should learn compassion from these noble animals.

Do dolphins have ears?

There are no hearing organs on the dolphin's head, just like most underwater inhabitants. But they have a highly developed inner ear, reinforced by air cushions located in the upper part of the head. This feature of the body structure works as an accurate echolocator.

Dolphins are sensitive to sound vibrations emitted by objects underwater. Thanks to them, the source of the sound is determined with incredible accuracy, and its dimensions are also recognized. They also subtly sense the wavelength that creatures and objects send in their direction. Thanks to this parameter, they can calculate the distance to the object.

Comparison of echolocation of a bat, dolphin and submarine

A reliable echolocator serves as an excellent replacement for poor eyesight. While underwater, a dolphin does not need to look around and see its surroundings. It is enough for him to feel the vibrations in the water to form a correct idea of ​​​​the surroundings in his head.

“Combat” dolphins in the USA and USSR

The use of dolphins was first proposed back in the 19th century, but this idea was only realized in the 1950s. The US Navy conducted many tests involving different animals (more than 19 species). Dolphins and sea lions were sampled. They were trained to find underwater mines and destroy submarines using the kamikaze method . But the US Navy denies it has ever done anything similar. But, nevertheless, training bases exist, they have a special Marine Mammal Fleet.

The USSR established its own research center near the Black Sea in 1965, in Sevastopol. In the early 1990s, dolphins stopped being trained for military purposes. But in 2012, Ukraine continued training, and in 2014, Crimean fighting dolphins were accepted into the service of the Russian Navy.

How do dolphins sleep?

Considering that dolphins regularly need to surface to get air, they also cannot spend a lot of time on the surface, because... their delicate skin quickly dries out and becomes damaged. Things with sleep for dolphins are very interesting.

Dolphins do not sleep at all! However, every creature on Earth needs rest, so dolphins also have a period during which they rest. Their body is designed in such a way that it can turn off one of the hemispheres of the brain. Thus, while the left one is working, the right one is in hibernation, then everything happens exactly the opposite. This allows the creature to rest, gain strength, but at the same time carry out simple actions such as swimming and rising to the surface to obtain oxygen.

Interesting: Sharks of the Black Sea

Incredible regeneration speed

Amazing dolphins will not bleed even after meeting a shark. In the event of a wound, the tissue begins to heal so quickly that in just a few weeks there will be no marks or scars left on it. Interestingly, the behavior of an injured dolphin does not differ from its usual behavior. This suggests that the dolphins' nervous system blocks pain sensations.

How do dolphins drink?

Mammals require regular fluid intake, but finding fresh water in the middle of the seas and oceans is quite difficult. Dolphins solve this problem with the help of food present in their diet. Since they cannot drink sea water, the source of liquid is plankton, squid and other local inhabitants, which are approximately 80% water, which they themselves filter.

Plankton is one of the sources of water for dolphins

Since dolphins do not have sweat glands, moisture is slowly removed from the body, which allows it to be replenished less frequently. Once having eaten squid, the animal can easily store water reserves for several days until it can be replenished again.

Bottlenose dolphin: interesting facts

The bottlenose dolphin differs from its fellow white-sided dolphins in its intense coloration. The top of the animal is dark gray and the bottom is white. They reach a length of 3 meters and weigh 200-400 kg. Individuals living in cold waters of the ocean or seas are much larger than those living in warm waters. The bottlenose dolphin breathes oxygen and rises to the surface after it every 6-8 minutes.

Dolphin teeth differ in structure. They are not designed for chewing food, but for capturing it. The canonical teeth, which create the bottle-nosed muzzle, are capable of capturing 20-30 kg of food, the diet of which includes fish, squid, and shrimp. The bottlenose dolphin's lifespan is 30-40 years.

Unusual facts about bottle-nosed dolphins include acute vision, the inability to distinguish colors, holding their breath for up to 7-8 minutes, and the presence of a thick subcutaneous layer of fat. A thick layer of fat provides streamlining and buoyancy to the body. The bottlenose dolphin's pregnancy lasts 1 year. Calves - calves are born 2.5 meters long. After birth, the baby, with the support of its mother, takes its first breath on the surface of the water. Calves accompany their mother for 4-5 years.

Bottlenose dolphins are intelligent and emotional mammals that feel joy, sadness, fatigue and other emotions that are inherent in humans. They make 17 sounds, 5 of which are shared by other dolphin species, including pilot whales and common dolphins. 12 sounds are used only within a school of bottlenose dolphins. They quickly respond to training and remember 15-20 command words spoken by the trainer.

Dolphins are friendly towards people and help them escape from drowning in the waters of the seas and oceans. There are often news stories about how a dolphin saved a drowning sailor or surfer. Scientists have come to the conclusion that they are able to help humans and fellow humans because of their emotionality and intelligence.

Scientists have proposed a theory that explains the dolphin's compassion and help to humans. They consider people similar to themselves. Echolocation, which dolphins use throughout their lives, helps them discern a similar respiratory organ in humans - the lungs. Developed intellectual abilities allow them to compare obvious facts: a creature with lungs swims underwater and does not swim to the surface of the water, so it dies. Dolphins, seeing a creature without signs of life, try to help by lifting it to the surface of the water.

And not only people

But no less interesting facts about dolphins, animals from the cetacean order, also indicate the other side of their relationship to humans. There are many cases when a school of dolphins carried a drowning person into the open sea. This is due to the fact that for a dolphin, a person is both a friend and an enemy, who poses a threat to the life of the animal. Dolphins become victims of smugglers. Dolphin subcutaneous fat is a substance used to treat vitamin deficiency and is used in the pharmaceutical industry.

Beautiful bottlenose dolphins are the most common type of this mammal. They belong to cetaceans, and therefore dolphins can be safely called small whales or large bottlenose dolphins. Within the species, they are also divided into subspecies: in addition to the large one, there is the Australian and Indian bottlenose dolphin.

How long do dolphins live - in the wild or in captivity?

Dolphins are considered long-lived. Possessing an unusual body structure and body characteristics that allow them to correctly distribute resources, they can live from 25 to 50 years. Moreover, this applies to most species, but there are also those who can compete with humans in terms of average life expectancy. For example, male killer whales live on average 55 years, and females live on average 85 years.

Killer whales are the longest-living dolphins

For dolphins in captivity, things are much worse. Individuals trapped in dolphinariums or other artificial reservoirs can survive only 10 years. This is due to unnatural environmental conditions, disrupted feeding cycles, limited space and simple stress to which the animal is exposed, due to which it cannot rest properly.

Interesting fact : the record holder for longevity in a confined space is Moby the dolphin. He lived for 58 years, and he spent only 10 in the wild. The remaining 48 years he spent in the dolphinarium.

Nowadays, humanity is actively raising questions regarding the keeping of dolphins in captivity. It is not difficult to guess that in the seas and oceans mammals could live several times longer than in captivity. Because of this, new artificial reservoirs are being designed to improve the habitat for dolphins and make it more natural. Environmental companies are also developing special programs and equipment to track dolphins in the wild and help them if necessary.

"Grey's Paradox"

He is associated with dolphins. In the 1930s, James Gray found that dolphins move at enormous speeds, at least 37 km/h. This surprised him, because... according to the laws of hydrodynamics, then they should have had 8-10 times more muscle power. Gray decided that these mammals control the streamlining of their body; their body has 8-10 times less hydrodynamic drag .

In our country, research was carried out until 1973, and the first experiments appeared confirming Gray’s statements. Most likely, Gray was mistaken about the speed of movement of dolphins, but they still know how to reduce the resistance to their movement, but not by 8 times, as the Englishman believed, but by 2 times.

Where do dolphins live?

Dolphins live in bodies of water located all over the planet, some are even found in Arctic waters. Most species live in seas and oceans, but there are certain types that prefer freshwater rivers. These include the Amazonian dolphin.

Dolphins live in schools

Mammals try to choose places where there are enough small fish, since an adult requires about 30 kg of food per day to keep the body fully functional and replenish nutrients.

The most common dolphins

The common dolphin/white-sided dolphin is recognized as the most widespread species on earth. The upper body and fins are dark brown or black. The white sided belly is white. An additional effect is created by a light stripe on the sides of pale yellow or light gray.

On average, the body length reaches 2 m, the dorsal fin can have a height of 80 cm. The bobwhite lives in flocks (from 10 to 1000) of individuals in the seas of the northern hemisphere.

The sound signals of white sided dolphins are numerous, varied and similar to the signals of bottlenose dolphins:

  • quack;
  • long howl;
  • plaintive squeak;
  • croaking;
  • "baby" cry;
  • whistling.

Strong signals unique to white sideds: “shots” and “rumbles” have an unknown meaning and remain a mystery to scientists. The dolphin's peaceful attitude towards humans presupposes good contact, but this species does not tolerate captivity well. Despite the widespread distribution of this species, people are little familiar with the common white sided.

What do dolphins eat?

Most of the dolphins' diet is fish, with particular preference given to anchovies and sardines. Animals try to hunt in a pack to make it easier to catch prey. Realizing from the vibrations of the waves that there is a large school of small fish nearby, the dolphins swim up to it from different directions and begin to make hostile sounds.

Sardines are the favorite delicacy of dolphins

The prey gets scared and flocks together, and the dolphins open their mouths with pleasure, literally crashing into a dense layer of fish.

Interesting fact : there have been cases when dolphins drove small fish into fishing nets in this way. Whether they did this on purpose or not remains a mystery.

Dolphin behavior

Since dolphins are on a par with apes in terms of intelligence, their behavior is little more than a set of instincts. Mammals live in packs and constantly communicate with each other. A dolphin can make sounds of various intonations, conveying the necessary information to its relatives. For example, he warns of danger, asks you to follow him, etc. If desired, the creature can even “speak” entire sentences, emitting a sequence of sounds.

School of dolphins

Dolphins are known for their peaceful nature. They never conflict with their own kind, always making a compromise. Often the pack is ruled by a leader - the most experienced representative of the species, responsible for order.

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Dolphin tongue

The category “The most interesting facts about dolphins” includes their ability to communicate with each other and detect prey. Researchers have discovered that these creatures have their own sounds for different life situations, and they are divided into sonar and communicative. Sonar signals are used to detect prey, and communication signals are used to communicate within the family.

Ordinary human hearing is unable to catch the dolphin call. People perceive sounds up to twenty kilohertz, and dolphins emit signals at a frequency of up to two hundred kilohertz.

Scientists have found that in the speech of animals there are more than one hundred and eighty different whistles. Dolphin sounds form syllables, words and even phrases. And representatives from different regions each whistle in their own dialect.

American scientists have created a device with which they are trying to recognize the meaning of dolphin signals.

Not long ago it was found that the ultrasound emitted by dolphins has a beneficial effect on human health and even helps in the treatment of certain diseases.

Why do dolphins wash ashore?

Cases of dolphins washing ashore are regularly recorded around the world. This behavior may be due to several reasons.

With the onset of old age, the echolocation ability of mammals is impaired. Because of this, they are less oriented in space and can accidentally swim into shallow water. The closer the bottom gets to the dolphin, the harder it is for him to navigate. Because of this, he gradually swims ashore. Since animals swim in schools, relatives may try to help the victim, but in the end they will also end up on the shore.

People try to help stranded dolphins

If a ship is passing near the dolphins, transmitting various signals, the latter can disorient the animal and force it to swim in an unknown direction until it ends up on land. Water pollution has a similar effect: chemicals and garbage impair dolphins' skills.

Interaction with other inhabitants can also lead to beaching. While chasing prey or swimming away from a predator, the dolphin forgets itself and swims into shallow water.

Bottlenose Dolphin Lifestyle

Bottlenose dolphins live in many parts of the planet, prefer warm waters, but are found in the Norwegian, Red Sea, near Greenland, as well as in the Mediterranean Sea, near Japan, New Zealand and Argentina.

Dolphins have a sedentary lifestyle, but can wander in search of food. Schools of dolphins are divided into small groups according to age. Each group has functions. However, mammals tend to be solitary for unknown reasons. Sometimes individuals leave the flock for a while and then return. In captivity, the dolphin hierarchy becomes stricter. The leaders are the older males of large size.

There are 7,000 individuals of the Black Sea mammal living in the Black Sea. However, their numbers are constantly decreasing due to gas and oil production, shipping, and poachers.

Natural enemies of the dolphin

Since dolphins can grow up to 4 m in length, there are not many creatures underwater that can compete with them in physical power. Perhaps sharks are one of the few inhabitants that can enter into an equal battle with them, and thanks to their large teeth, emerge victorious.

Sharks swam to a school of fish driven by dolphins

Also for dolphins, the enemy is their elders - killer whales. Possessing large dimensions, they are able to displace flocks of mammals from their habitable places and take away food.

Unfortunately, humans can also be considered an enemy of dolphins, although they are unaware of it. People continuously pollute water bodies, worsening living conditions. Dolphins often get caught by boat propellers and mistakenly eat trash thrown into the water. And regular catching of animals for artificial reservoirs shortens their lifespan several times.

Character of bottlenose dolphins

Bottlenose dolphins are as trainable as dogs, demonstrate incredible tricks and are friendly to humans in captivity. Even in their natural environment, they show interest in people and often make contact. Bottlenose dolphins are characterized by a strong attachment to humans. If you release a dolphin that has lived in a dolphinarium for a long time into the wild, it will not swim far from this place. The trainability of bottlenose dolphins has made them in demand in the navy. The military uses them as aquatic “dogs”: video surveillance and photography, delivery of explosives.

Bottlenose dolphins are easy to train

Since 1966, catching bottlenose dolphins in the Black Sea

prohibited on Russian territory. The Black Sea bottlenose dolphin is in the International Red Book. But every year, dozens of dolphins are killed in poachers' nets, while others die from being close to tankers and other industrial ships.

An essay describing a dolphin and information about dolphins for children will help prepare for the lesson.

Description of a dolphin for children

If you asked me what smart animal I know, I would certainly name a dolphin. After all, few people know that a dolphin is not a fish at all, but a mammal. Therefore, this “miracle of nature” is one of the most mysterious in the water empire and an extremely intelligent creature.

Dolphins are often called the sirens of the sea. All this is explained by the wide amplitude of sounds. This is how animals recognize each other and gather in flocks. The peculiarity is that they are capable of self-sacrifice. And they will fight for their relative to the last.

Dolphins have an interesting structure, because their size is close to that of humans. The skin color is more often than series. Their naked, strong and muscular body with developed fins allows them to move quickly in the water. The transition between the nasal and frontal parts is quite well defined. Although there is no nose as such, because it is fused into one nostril, this does not prevent them from swimming in the depths. Dolphin eyes are tiny, like beads. Therefore, they perceive the world around them through sounds.

For some reason, these brave animals fell in love with humans very much. This can be seen beautifully in dolphinariums. They quickly jump out of the water and happily greet spectators. They are very trainable.

Dolphins have long been a symbol of the sea. There are many legends about them. They rescue those who ask for help at sea. Dolphins are also priceless companions of sailors, accompanying them on long sea voyages.

Essay on the topic “My favorite animal is the dolphin”

My favorite animal is the dolphin. I think they are especially elegant and beautiful. Dolphins live in the seas and oceans. When you watch a movie, they often show how a dolphin saves people. I would really like to ride a dolphin. You can say this is my dream. I really love going to the dolphinarium, especially stroking the cute dolphins’ wet bodies. Dolphins also make very funny sounds, similar to a child screaming for joy when they play with him.

Dolphin species

There are 17 main species of dolphins living on Earth, divided into subgroups. They are also divided according to the types of reservoirs where they can be found: sea, lake, etc. The main types of mammals include the following.

White-bellied dolphin

The white-bellied dolphin
lives in the vicinity of Chile and is protected by local authorities because it is on the verge of extinction. Distinctive features are a white belly, clearly visible against the background of the overall gray carcass, as well as small size: adult individuals grow up to 1.8 m in length. White-sided dolphin. Lives in many seas and oceans. It grows up to 2.5 m and weighs on average 70 kg. The animal has a three-color color: black top, yellowish sides and white bottom.

White-faced dolphin

White-faced dolphin
Despite the fact that they can grow up to only 3 m, representatives of this species weigh as much as 250-300 kg. They live in the waters of Turkey, the North Atlantic and Portugal. Most species of small fish encountered along the way are eaten. They can also feed on crustaceans. The main distinguishing feature is the white head, while the body is black.

Large-toothed dolphin

Large-toothed dolphin
The main characteristic of representatives of the species is white spots on the gray body and rather large teeth. Found in the bays of North America and the Caribbean Sea.

bottlenose dolphin

The bottlenose dolphin takes part in a circus performance
. It is a large species, the size of individuals of which can reach 3.6 m. They have a brown color with a gray belly. They live in many seas and are also found in the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Often used by people for demonstration in artificial ponds and water therapy.

Broad-faced dolphin

The broad-snouted dolphin
species prefers a tropical climate, which is why it is often found near the Hawaiian Islands. A distinctive feature is a wide head with a large forehead, which ends at the same level with the mouth.

Chinese dolphin

Chinese dolphin
Representatives of this species change the color of their body throughout their lives. They are born black, but gradually, as they molt, the body becomes gray. Closer to adulthood, their skin completely turns white, acquiring a pink tint. In addition to everything, mammals have a large hump on their backs, which does not interfere with their ability to swim. The animals live exclusively in Asian waters, but during the breeding season they can migrate towards Africa and Australia.

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Irrawaddy dolphin

Irrawaddy dolphin
They have a round head that lacks a beak. The body is gray with a blue tint. The upper fin is small and located far from the head, located closer to the tail. They prefer to choose warm waters with a tropical climate as their habitat.

Crossed dolphin

Crossed dolphin
One of the most beautiful species, having a black color with two large white spots in the shape of an hourglass. They prefer an Arctic climate, so they can only be found in the waters of Antarctica and Subantarctic. Adults grow up to 2 m and can weigh up to 100 kg.

killer whale

The largest species of dolphin: adults can grow up to 10 m in length and weigh more than 10 tons! They have a massive body with a black top and white belly. Killer whales are also easily recognized by the white oval spots near their eyes. Mammals are found in all the world's waters, with the exception of seas with cold climates.

Interesting fact : a killer whale’s teeth can grow up to 13 cm, with which they can compete with even the largest and most dangerous predators.

Each species of dolphin is unique in its own way, with interesting habits and distinctive features.


Dolphins are deservedly considered the most amazing creatures in the whole world! In the soul of any person, even someone who is far from receptive, they are capable of causing a storm of emotions. Dolphins are intelligent, friendly and sensitive creatures.

Who are dolphins? We all know that dolphins are small whales. Like other cetaceans, dolphins breathe air rather than through gills. They never leave the sea; their young are born here. Their mother feeds them with milk, so dolphins are classified as mammals. They are warm-blooded. They have sharp teeth and their head ends in a mouth like a bird's beak. The main food of dolphins is fish, shellfish and small sea animals. Regular dolphins are about 1.6 meters long. They have a large mouth with 80-100 teeth. They are black or gray on top, and their belly is white with black fins. Porpoises belong to the same family as dolphins. The harbor porpoise, which lives at all latitudes from Greenland to North Africa, is one of the most peaceful dolphins. In addition to fish, she eats crustaceans and even algae. Therefore, she tries to stay in shallow water, where there is a lot of food for her.

Dolphin sense of smell. Many important secrets of dolphins have not yet been fully studied and explained by researchers. Researchers made many mistakes on the way to studying living beings, unwittingly comparing the object of their research with a person. Such mistakes were once made when studying the olfactory apparatus of dolphins. Considering the sense of smell of dolphins with an eye to the olfactory mechanisms inherent in other mammals, and, in particular, humans, a hasty and not entirely correct conclusion was made that the sense of smell does not play a significant role in the life of dolphins. For a long time it was believed that short-term diving of dolphins can hardly be sufficient for analyzing odors using the nasal passage, which during diving and being under water is generally closed and does not allow the dolphin to sense odors in the water. Based on these statements, erroneous conclusions were drawn about the underdevelopment of the olfactory organs in dolphins, and these conclusions are currently being revised. Observations of dolphins living both in aquariums and in the natural environment have shown that dolphins not only leave odorous traces of their presence in the water, but also instantly react to traces left by other inhabitants of the water. The mechanisms and receptors responsible for the perception of odorant signals require serious study, and research in this area can radically change our understanding of the life of sea inhabitants.

Legends about dolphins. There are many myths and legends about dolphins. They tell how these animals helped sailors in trouble and rescued those who were drowning. I want to tell you one of the legends about the eternally young god Dionysus, who in Ancient Greece was considered the god of entertainment and holidays. One day, sea robbers managed to capture him. However, they did not know that they had captured not an ordinary young man, but a god. In their plans they already saw a good ransom for the captive who they were going to sell into slavery. However, when the robbers tried to put Dionysus in chains, they failed; the shackles themselves fell off his hands and feet. The pirates were at a loss, but when they saw that wine was flowing across the deck out of nowhere, and the masts of their ship began to be covered with ivy and vines, they realized that in front of them was the god Dionysus himself. From the horror of what they had done, the robbers rushed in all directions into the open sea to escape the wrath of God. However, Dionysus decided that they did not deserve to die in the depths of the sea and did not let them drown. Instead, he turned them into dolphins. Another legend tells us that Apollo, another god of Ancient Greece, could himself turn into a dolphin. One day he saved a wandering ship of Cretan sailors and helped him get to the shore, accompanying the ship and showing him the right path. Now, in the place where the dolphin-god of sailors led, a city called Delphi is founded. Once upon a time, by the way, the famous temple of Apollo was located in Delphi. It is interesting that some tribes and peoples have legends associated with dolphins, which they believe in to this day. For example, in one African tribe they firmly believe that pink dolphins living in the waters of the Amazon River are capable of turning into young men of unprecedented beauty on a full moon who seduce young and inexperienced girls. Another African tribe believes that the soul of a drowned man is reborn in a dolphin, which at some point can also turn into a young man.

"Conversation" of dolphins. Marine mammals are far from silent. It has now turned out that all whales make sounds, but dolphins turned out to be the most “talkative”. They use sound signals of a wide variety of frequencies. The ultrasounds they produce serve mainly for echolocation. In the language of dolphins, whistles are very important, which are used in different situations, expressing a whole range of feelings. They are very diverse in their characteristics - each dolphin has its own manner of “speech”. Therefore, dolphins in a group recognize each other by the nature of their whistle. In addition, dolphins have sounds that we hear without special devices. They are also quite varied. This includes barking, squealing, chirping, as well as howling, clicking and grunting. The biological meaning of many signals has not yet been clarified, but some sounds have been deciphered. For example, flapping jaws is a signal of threat, a signal such as a loud squeal is severe pain, yapping is an expectation of food, and a sound such as barking is a “conversation” between males and females during the mating season. Dolphins are good at imitating foreign sounds, and the famous dolphin Elvar could even pronounce some human words. Based on work with dolphins, some scientists have concluded that they can be taught meaningful human speech.

Is dialogue with dolphins possible? Among all the animals inhabiting the globe, we consider only humans to be intelligent creatures. But there are animals about which we can also say that they are endowed with intelligence. These are dolphins. Their brains are larger and richer in convolutions than humans. The intelligence of these animals is evidenced by numerous facts of dolphins saving people. And it turns out that dolphins possess “language,” one of the evidence of the presence of intelligence. With its help, they transmit a wide variety of information to each other. If people learned to understand this “language,” perhaps they would be able to unravel many of the mysteries of the ocean. Domestic and foreign scientists have discovered many patterns in the “language” of dolphins. They found that when communicating with each other, marine “intellectuals” use several hundred diverse and complex sound signals. Interestingly, in normal conversation we use the same number of words. Experts analyzed the “language” of dolphins and found that it is structured in approximately the same way as human speech. Unfortunately, so far scientists’ attempts to decipher the “language” of dolphins have ended in failure. But if we can't exchange thoughts, why don't we try to communicate on the level of feelings?

Sea acrobats. Representatives of the dolphin family are among the most sociable and friendly members of the animal kingdom. In total, 40 species of dolphin-like animals live in the World Ocean. The two most famous dolphins are the bottlenose dolphin and the common dolphin, or common dolphin. Bottlenose dolphins are especially numerous off the eastern coast of the United States, as well as in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Common dolphins live in temperate and warm waters of the Pacific Ocean. The length of the bottlenose dolphin is from two to three meters. Usually the color is dark brown on top, turning white on the belly. Apparently, the dolphins of ancient myths are bottlenose dolphins. Nowadays, it is the bottlenose dolphin that is most often used for experiments than other species. During the Vietnam War, the Americans used specially trained bottlenose dolphins to mine bays and piers. The common dolphin is smaller in size than the bottlenose dolphin. Its length is about 2.5 meters, its sides are covered with brown, yellow and white stripes. The dark stripe bordering the eyes and disappearing on the beak gives the white sided a very cute appearance. Whitetails love to accompany ships. They jump out of the water or swim, almost standing on the tail fin and peer into the distance. Seeing the ship, they surround it from all sides and, as if welcoming the sailors, begin to jump high out of the water. Squirrels can swim tirelessly for tens of kilometers and perform various acrobatic stunts for hours.

Interesting facts from the life of dolphins. Of course, it’s no secret that dolphins are one of the most mysterious species of animals on our Earth. Their intelligence is considered so high that they can be compared to humans. Dolphins always help each other and never abandon their fellow creatures in trouble. In this way they are very similar to people; they are characterized by mutual assistance and self-sacrifice. Dolphins' hearing is unique; it operates on the principle of an echolocator. They can determine the distance of an object, its size, shape by reflected sounds. Therefore, in the water space they navigate more through hearing than through vision. They can eat up to 30 kilograms of fish per day. This is very important because they are warm-blooded animals and they need to maintain a constant body temperature in any water, even very cold. And their body temperature is quite high. It is also interesting how dolphins sleep. It is easy to drown in the sea or become a victim of other predators. And in this regard, the sleep of dolphins is not similar to the sleep of ordinary animals. During sleep, one hemisphere of the dolphin rests, and the second is awake, that is, vigilant. Therefore, the dolphin is always in control of the situation and at the same time resting. The life of dolphins is not very long, only about 30 years, in more rare cases - 40-45. Replenishment of the dolphin family occurs approximately every two years. Dolphins can be compared to penguins in that they are very touching parents who protect, teach and care for their young for about five years.

The uniqueness of dolphins. Dolphins are mysterious and very intelligent animals. They have a unique hearing of two types. They see equally well in water and in air - this ability has also not yet been solved. Dolphins are very fast animals - they reach speeds of up to 55 kilometers per hour. They are exceptionally intelligent. They are much easier to train than dogs. Two or three shows are enough for them. Dolphins carefully take fish from a plate, catch it in flight and take it from the trainer’s hands, jumping to a height of more than four meters. They serve things thrown into the water, jump through a hoop engulfed in flames, play basketball and water polo, throwing balls with great accuracy. They perfectly imitate the human voice, pronouncing entire phrases. The ability to imitate is much higher in dolphins than in parrots. In ancient legends of different nations, the ability of dolphins to save drowning people was praised. There are several real cases known. In the press, these real cases are explained by the “humanity” and friendliness of dolphins towards humans. In fact, these actions are most likely based on an inherited reaction. Because dolphins are social creatures, they live in families. Typically, the family is led by a female dolphin, and this is beneficial as the young dolphins grow up. And during the trip, several families unite to create a higher level of protection.

Dolphins' ability to heal wounds. Nature hides great wonders from us. Just look at the amazing abilities of dolphins, which were discovered by Michael Zaslow , a researcher at Georgetown Medical Center. Recently, in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, the scientist published his article in which he talked about documented cases of serious injuries to dolphins, which they most likely received in fights with sharks. The deep bites, which could be compared to a basketball, healed very quickly, literally in weeks. At the same time, they almost did not bring any pain to the dolphins, and did not leave scars after healing. Some surprising features work together to enhance the dolphins' recovery abilities. The first of these is the ability not to experience bleeding. Zaslow said marine mammals have the ability to trigger a mechanism that stops blood flow to parts of the body. Secondly, during the healing process of the wounds, the dolphin does not show any signs of infection. Researchers have discovered that the skin and fat layer of animals contain antibacterial compounds that can stop infection in open wounds. “Within a few weeks, dolphins can replace all of the lost tissue, even the size of two footballs, without any defects or scars on the body,” says Zaslow. They have the ability to harness the regenerative abilities of specialized stem cells, such as those found in many amphibians, which can grow new legs.

Thus, science knows that there is a unique animal in the world that has developed and continues to develop in the waters of the ocean without arms and legs. This animal is able to swim much faster than us, and it has an intelligence that is likely equal in complexity to human emotional and social abilities. In addition, this animal has healing powers to restore its own body. This is a dolphin.

Dolphin breeding, baby dolphins

Dolphins do not have a specific time of year for mating. They can do this business any day, depending on the surrounding conditions. Only the male of the pack is responsible for the production of offspring. He gradually pays attention to each female, after which they begin to bear cubs.

Dolphin pregnancy lasts one and a half years, and only one baby dolphin is born. During the gestation period, the female requires the help of other members of the pack, as she becomes clumsy, loses her reaction and is less oriented in space.

Mom and baby

Childbirth occurs right afloat, without any preparation. The baby is born approximately 50-60 cm in size and fully prepared for life under water. From the very first seconds, he follows his mother and feeds on her milk as much as possible. Its echolocator works perfectly and allows you to see your surroundings.

Interesting fact : only females are involved in raising the cubs. Male dolphins are considered one of the most indifferent fathers.

Romantic dolphins

Ethologists have discovered that dolphin relationships are not without romantic gestures. In some species, the male gives gifts to the female during courtship! These could be bunches of seaweed, fragments of coral, or pieces of sponge lifted from the bottom. What matters, of course, is not the practicality of the item, but the ritual itself.

Perhaps everyone would like to have such a kind, loyal and intelligent friend. Fortunately, meeting a dolphin is easy these days. You just need to visit the Nemo Dolphinarium in Minsk. You can admire the colorful show from the stands, or you can choose a gift certificate for dolphin therapy, which is available in Minsk, and touch the living miracle with your own hands. The beauty of the gift is that it has no contraindications! Quite the opposite. It has been proven that communication with dolphins has a positive effect on the human body and psyche.

Dolphin therapy at Nemo helps in the treatment of children with psychophysical developmental disabilities and significantly improves the well-being of expectant mothers. And this is not to mention the delight that everyone who has ever tried swimming with a dolphin experiences.

Agree, it’s great that you don’t need to fly anywhere to do this, because swimming with dolphins is available in Minsk! All you need to do is buy a gift certificate for yourself or as a gift and enjoy communicating with these amazing aquatic inhabitants.

People and dolphins

Creatures have long been closely integrated into human life. In addition to the fact that people study these mammals, they try to interact with them in every possible way. Since dolphins are easy to train, they are used in various circus performances, as well as for medicinal purposes.

Dolphins love to play with children

During the rehabilitation of children with neurological diseases, animals play the role of some kind of mentors, helping to perform water exercises. Thanks to them, children feel supported, achieve positive results faster and get better.

Interesting fact : The most famous species of dolphin is the bottlenose dolphin. It is more trainable, and representatives of this species act in films, perform in the circus and “work” with people in other areas.

In addition to great intelligence, dolphins have boundless kindness. It is she who allows you to get closer to a person. Many cases have been recorded when mammals swam to the site of a shipwreck, found surviving people and allowed them to hold on to themselves as if they were a life preserver. After that, they swam to land so that the victims could get ashore and be safe.

Role in nature

Reports or presentations with information about dolphins can explain the role these animals play in nature. Mammals bring the most benefit to humans. They often appear in front of ships and boats and can warn sailors of danger . Dolphins can form schools and drive ships away from reefs and coral thickets.

And during shipwrecks, they reach the shore or lifeboats and with their screams attract the attention of people, directing them to the site of the disaster. Some members of the family pick up the wounded. In such cases, they act as a life preserver: the victim clings to the dolphin’s fin, and the animal drags him to dry land.

Some mammal species are on the verge of extinction, so their protection should be taken seriously. In North Zealand there is a Hector Maui dolphin; there are only 150 representatives of this species left. And in the Soviet Union in 1966, the catching of mammals was banned. This helped increase their population.

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