Card file of greetings for classescard file (preparatory group)
Types of classes in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard Where to go to work without work experience and education?
Online reading of the book Fairy Tales 187. The Hare and the Hedgehog
Russian fairy tale Leo Tolstoy's fairy tale “The Hedgehog and the Hare” For children who benefit from the great Russian writer Leo
Card index Reading fiction on lexical topics for every day (junior group)
Children's perception of fiction and folklore in early preschool age We use children's folklore
Methodological recommendations for the development of sociocultural values ​​in preschool children
Methodological recommendations for the development of sociocultural values ​​in preschool children Olga Aleksandrovna Ryabtseva Methodological
Abstract of GCD on cognition (formation of a holistic picture of the world) with elements of research activities of children in the senior group “Human Internal Organs”
Summary of the lesson on the formation of a holistic picture of the world Objectives: Educational. Give children the concept of facial expressions.
Long-term plan for individual work with children in visual arts in the middle age group
“File file of conversations on life safety in the second junior group” card file on life safety (junior group)
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Card file of games to develop a sense of personal security. Junior preschool age. Prepared by: Educator:
Self-analysis of GCD in the preparatory school group. Educational field "Speech development". Topic: Quest game “Journey to the Island of Correct Speech.”
Self-analysis of an open display of directly educational activities Edrets Olesya Self-analysis of an open display of directly educational activities
Collective work of children: content, methods of organization, pedagogical guidance
Development of work activity in preschool age While performing a work task, children often switched to play,
Modern methods and forms of partnership between preschool educational institutions and families
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