Practical recommendations for planning play activities (Consultation) Natalya Simakina Practical recommendations for planning play activities
The system of health work in the preschool educational institution has halls for physical education and music classes, with the necessary
Olga Medovarova Notes for a lesson on FCCM in the preparatory group Notes for a lesson on FCCM Topic
Speech game with toys 2. “Teams” We teach the child to use imperative verbs in speech
Multicultural education of children in kindergarten Multicultural education of preschool children Description. The article traces the relevance
Experts constantly emphasize that by developing the speech of a preschooler, parents can achieve a lot in intellectual education
MAGAZINE Doshkolnik.RF “Cooperation between family and pre-school educational institution: traditions and innovations” FROM HOW IT PASSED
The role of cultural and hygienic skills in the upbringing of children of primary preschool age Everyone knows that the health of the body