Lesson 2. Eat my apple (Plasticine molding) Program content. Teach children to roll small ones
Progress of the game: Start of the game: interest the children with the help of a poem Look what happened Everyone
“Model of a gaming educational environment in the middle group” (methodological development) Natalya Zinovieva “Model of a gaming educational environment
The importance of the educational process The importance of the educational process is to create conditions that are most suitable
Children’s work in nature and its uniqueness in younger groups PLAN Introduction…………………………………………2 Forms of organization
Children's work in the open air Children's feasible work in the open air Good feelings take root
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Methodological development “Interactive forms of working with parents in preschool educational institutions” Updating the preschool system
Features of the interaction of a teacher-psychologist with kindergarten teachers 11. Provides psychological preventive assistance to teachers with
Card file of work orders for children of senior preschool age Alexandra Alekseeva Card file of work orders for
The use of outdoor games in the pedagogical process requires strict adherence to the didactic principles of accessibility, systematicity, consistency