“Creating play motivation in working with preschool children” consultation on the topic

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

“Creating play motivation at different age stages”

The topics of OOD, its purpose and course involve a creative approach. I try to use as many means as possible to make educational activities interesting, educational and educational in nature! Children are very affectionate, trusting, and inquisitive. Each activity opens up something new for them, which then becomes their own, familiar, understandable, and close to them. They do not like monotony, they cannot listen for a long time, or sit quietly. They love to play. That's why I include games during the learning process. During OOD we play serious and smart games. But we play not for the sake of playing, but in order to awaken in all children the spark of inquisitiveness and curiosity. People come to us and we invite famous heroes of children's fairy tales, cartoons, cheerful and funny people to visit us. They ask children “tricky” questions, bring letters with requests, tasks, puzzles, etc.

Someone went to visit children, to those who correctly explained the route from kindergarten to their home.

Why always came with difficult questions. He himself is very literate and knows a lot. He is upset if few of the children can answer his questions. After all, something interesting and mysterious is remembered for a long time.

The children loved it when Pinocchio appeared in class and loved correcting his mistakes. Dunno was also interesting to them.

This is how I taught my children a lot using elements of play. Their mental stress and fatigue disappeared. They quickly and eagerly completed all tasks.

So, a serious, purposeful game helped to consolidate the children’s knowledge, summarize the lesson, and relieve mental stress.

Playing in preschool is one of the favorite activities.

Therefore, the game method occupies an important place in the education of preschoolers. Creating game situations allows you to attract the involuntary attention of children. In a game setting, it is easier for a teacher to activate children’s attention, keep it focused on the proposed content, and develop interest in working in a group environment.

The opportunity to develop creative abilities in preschoolers through play attracts the teacher’s attention to this type of children’s activity and allows him to use gaming techniques in the classroom.

When conducting games, children’s knowledge and interest are taken into account, to know and take into account the children’s gaming experience, to imagine what specific tasks are solved during educational activities when using one or another gaming technique.

The game is offered by the teacher, and this is how it differs from free play. The game should feel like a real game. One of the signs of a gaming technique is a gaming task - determining the goal of upcoming gaming actions by the teacher or children.

Age-appropriate play provides children with incomparable joy and allows adults to effectively guide their actions.

To arouse and maintain children’s interest in activities aimed at mastering basic knowledge and skills and developing cognitive activity, gaming techniques are widely used. Often the entire lesson is conducted in the form of a game.

  1. Tell the children that something happened to some game characters. As a result, they urgently need those objects that can be sculpted, drawn, built, etc. The characters themselves cannot do this, but they have heard that in this group there are very kind and skillful children who will help them.
  2. Ask the children if they agree to help (wait for an answer - consent).
  3. Invite the children to teach them how to do this very well (also wait for an answer - consent).
  4. During work, each child should have his own ward toy character, who is nearby and rejoices along the way, expresses his wishes, etc.
  5. These toys are also used by the teacher to evaluate the children’s work, which is given on behalf of the toys, as if from their position.
  6. At the end of the work, children must be given the opportunity to play with their charges, using the resulting product if desired.

It is advisable that the teacher’s stories should mostly feature the same characters. Then the children will love them and acquire a lasting interest in their lives and the events that happen to them.

The children's favorite was the bear cub Misha, a puppet theater character. He knows how to talk, pat the most distinguished people on the head, shake his head and feel sorry if something didn’t work out for someone or someone is upset about something. Misha congratulated the children on their birthday. He looked into children's works and “whispered” words of approval. Sometimes he would get angry with someone and go back into the forest. The forest is quiet, no one makes noise or bothers him. The children were interested in him and tried not to offend him so that he would not leave. They believe that Misha, like them, can think, get angry, and be happy. After all, children have no boundaries between the real and the imaginary.

The need to create play motivation continues in the older group of preschool age.

Game techniques are used to arouse preschoolers’ interest in the proposed tasks.

Already on the new program content, solving new educational tasks, the teacher continues to present children with tasks that are difficult for them in a playful form, introducing motives that encourage preschoolers to do their work efficiently.

The preparatory group also uses game-based teaching techniques, but their share is significantly reduced, giving way to other techniques that allow children to form a conscious attitude towards the learning task.

In the senior, preparatory group, it is advisable not to include didactic games, but to unite them with a single theme, plot. For example: travel (to the forest, circus, space, etc.).

Game forms of OOD: performance, fairy tale, meeting, etc.

Every time we prepare for OOD, we repeatedly find it difficult. How to start? Why? To make it interesting for children. Our children love to travel, so I spend OOD in the form of travel.

I travel on a variety of occasions:

"To the land of fairy tales".

"To the Land of Curiosities".

"To Fantasy Island".

“A trip to the Arts Square , where we will get acquainted with architectural monuments.”

"Space flight on a rocket" . Etc.

Let me give you an example (construction).

— Guys, are you ready for our next trip?

- Check if you took everything with you? Did you remember to take your imagination, invention, and good mood with you on the journey?

Before we map out the route for today's journey, listen to a story.

One day in a museum they accidentally discovered an old envelope that had fallen behind a shelf. Its edges were very frayed. The appearance of the mysterious envelope indicated that he had experienced a lot in his lifetime. The envelope attracted the attention of museum workers, and they immediately opened it. There lay a scrap of a letter, yellowed with age. In all likelihood, it belonged to some traveler. This envelope is with me now. Let's read it.

“On the map I depicted the location of the island, but, unfortunately, I cannot convey to you the beauty of its castles, palaces, towers, which was told to me by a person who visited this island and took part in its development. He also noted that all the structures were erected from rectangular, square and triangular blocks of various sizes.

It’s a shame that this fabulously beautiful island no longer exists.”

— Guys, what do you think was written next, what did the traveler dream about? (The traveler dreamed of restoring these marvelously beautiful buildings).

So, we will go to Stroiteley , where we will have to prepare construction details and plan the structures.

Let me give you an example of a mathematical train journey.

— Now you and I will go on a mathematical journey, where we will solve problems, examples, and count. We will learn ourselves and teach others.

Our train is unusual - mathematical. (I display a train and several trailers.)

And our familiar little engine brought us interesting tasks.

(Then the children complete tasks: for example: name the geometric shapes that make up the train and trailers, count how many trailers, etc.)

You can start OOD with a surprise moment (someone sent a telegram, a meeting with a literary hero, a letter of invitation, a meeting with various animals, dolls).

OOD can be started by listening to a piece of music, by asking riddles, by making up a fairy tale, by having a conversation, by reading an excerpt from a poem, by reading an invitation card, by viewing a painting, etc.

When conducting OD on FEMP, when becoming familiar with the concept of “order,” you can use this method.

When studying the concept of “order,” it is useful to arrange children in accordance with some order: by height, by age, by number order, etc. You can count various objects forward and backward. For example: based on the pictures, suggest questions and tasks: (pictures: boy, fish, cat, hare, butterfly, wolf, chicken, bird, moth, bee).

- Count everyone in order (the first is the boy, the second is the fish, etc.).

- How much is a bunny worth? Wolf?

- Who is located next to the butterfly? In front of her? After her?

- What is the kitten's value from the end?

Children really like this game to develop attention: they close their eyes, and the teacher changes the order of objects or removes some object. We need to restore order.

According to FEMP. "Exploring the number 7 and the composition of 7" .

The number is illustrated on a number line as the result of adding 1 to the number 6. The composition of the number 7 is shown.

The number 7 played a large role in ancient mythology (7 Roman gods, seven wonders of the world in Ancient Greece, etc.) and retained this role in literature. They remember the 7 dwarves from the fairy tale about “Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs” , you can read an excerpt from the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin “About the Dead Princess and the 7 Bogatyrs” . Everyone knows the proverbs and sayings in which the word “seven” : “Seven do not wait for one” , “Measure seven times - cut once” , “Seven troubles - one answer” , “One with a bipod - seven with a spoon”, etc. In these proverbs and sayings, the word “seven” acts as the word “many” . You can remember that we use a seven-day week, we talk about the seven colors of the rainbow.

I consider motivation to be mandatory and one of the main elements in the upbringing and education of preschoolers. Otherwise, we risk ruining our children's childhood. Whatever preschoolers do within the walls of our kindergarten, they must do it with interest, so that their eyes light up, so that the children enjoy communicating with us. Otherwise it will be hard work. We will develop the child’s head, but his soul will suffer.

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“Creating play motivation in working with preschool children” consultation on the topic

Consultation for educators:

“Creating play motivation in working with preschool children”

Educator - Kolesnikova S.V.

Teachers are faced with the task of providing every child with the opportunity to have a joyful and meaningful life during preschool childhood. This means that the interaction of the teacher with children in everyday life and in the learning process should be carried out without coercion of the child and taking into account the fact that each age creates the most favorable opportunities for acquiring certain knowledge, for mastering certain skills that act as means of child development.

One of the ways to solve this problem is to use gaming methods and techniques when teaching children. These methods, which represent a specific didactic system, are aimed at children mastering the methods of role-playing games.

Currently, teachers use many gaming methods and techniques, which, unfortunately, are not always effective.

Firstly, because the play situation created by an adult does not captivate children, does not bring them joy and does not develop them.

Secondly, because gaming methods and techniques do not contribute to the effective mastery of the skills for which they are actually used.

The most common ways to use gaming techniques.

  1. Educators often resort to a gaming technique that involves simulating a particular game character coming to visit the children. The teacher pretends to knock on the door, and then, opening it, announces that “someone has come to them.”
  2. The game character (bunny, dog, etc.) “asks for help. Children fulfill the toy’s request (they make a “carrot” for a bunny or a “bone” for a dog). The teacher, on behalf of the toy, thanks them.
  3. When performing any task, the teacher encourages children to transform into certain images. For example, when drawing fruit trees, he suggests becoming a gardener; when creating an image based on decorative and applied arts, he suggests becoming a folk craftsman, etc.
  1. Children 2-3 years old treat the “arrival” of a toy or bibabo doll with genuine, sincere interest, but for older children this technique is not only ineffective, but can even cause poorly concealed ridicule.
  2. Younger and older preschoolers also react differently to the “requests” of the game character: the kids are willing, the older ones are indifferent.

Children 2-3 years old are ready to “help” the toy and “fulfill” its request with some effort. But for this, the toy must literally become closer to the child. First he must take her in his hands, act with her, “talk”, and then, perhaps, want to do something for her. As a result, apart from the effect of novelty, this gaming technique does not have any emotional or playful impact on young children.

  1. Firstly, this approach is pedagogically incorrect from the point of view of building a game, because:
  • Contains a requirement to act out a ready-made plot given by an adult;
  • It does not contribute to enriching the content of the play role, since carrying out such work requires reading special literature, which makes it possible to reveal the professional functions of a gardener or artist in a form accessible to children.

Secondly, this gaming technique is also ineffective for solving visual problems, because taking a role does not affect the increase in the level of the child’s ideas about the depicted object and does not contribute to the formation of his visual skills.

The disorder in the use of gaming methods and their inconsistency with the methods of constructing plot-role-playing games at different age stages of preschool childhood does not have a positive effect either on the development of the game or on increasing the effectiveness of learning.

According to research by N.Ya. Mikhailenko and N.A. Korotkova, throughout preschool childhood, children master 3 ways of constructing a role-playing game:

  • Subject - effective (early and junior preschool age);
  • Role-playing (middle preschool age)
  • Plot-complication (senior preschool age)

Each stage of mastering the methods of constructing a game is valuable in itself and is a powerful means of child development and the formation of his personality. In addition, age-appropriate play provides children with incomparable joy and allows adults to effectively guide their actions.

The process of depicting objects and phenomena that do not emotionally affect the child (a ball of thread, rain, etc.) is meaningless for him, and he acts without effort and interest.

But this attitude of children towards learning is quite understandable and justified, but does not contribute to the development of creativity.

How can you make completing educational tasks meaningful and interesting?

For this, a small child, like a person of any age, needs and is important to know that he does not work in vain, and that what he does is necessary for someone. Not necessarily for himself. It's even better if it's different. But to whom? In what world can balls of thread drawn by children or rain be used?

This is the world of children's play. That's where it rains, etc. can be very useful.

The introduction of games into the learning process makes children want to master the proposed educational content and creates motivation.

Game motivation is a serious matter. Why? If only because the work of creating play motivation presupposes the teacher’s ability to play.

Invading a child’s play area is a subtle and delicate matter. For a preschooler, the actions of an adult aimed at his upbringing and education are quite understandable. But when the teacher starts playing with the children, they are quite wary of this: “Will he really play or is he pretending and wants to use the game for some selfish purposes?”

In order to influence children with the help of play motivation, the teacher himself must make the transition from one activity to another, take the position of an “equal” partner. And as you guide children’s activities, do not “slip” from the game, maintaining the playful nature of the activity.

The difficulty in fulfilling this requirement lies in the fact that at each age stage, following changes in the methods of role-playing games, gaming motivation must change.

Consequently, the teacher must be able to create IM, taking into account the methods of constructing a plot-based role-playing game.

Game motivation is a methodological technique that helps guide children’s activities in a playful way and achieve the desired result.

Game motivation should correspond to the age characteristics of children.

Let's consider the features of work on creating play motivation at different age stages.

Junior preschool age

  1. You say that something happened to some game characters (dolls living in a group, hares running from the forest, etc.) (something has broken, is in danger, or, conversely, a joyful event is coming up). As a result, they urgently need those objects that can be molded, drawn, built, etc.

The characters themselves cannot do this, but they have heard about (or have already seen for themselves) that in this group there are very kind and skillful children who will help them.

  1. you ask the children if they agree to provide the required assistance, and wait for an answer. It is very important that children express their willingness to help.
  2. You offer children to teach them to do it very well and also wait for their consent to your help. Now you can count on your showing and proposal to land on prepared ground.
  3. During work, each child should have his own ward toy character, who is nearby and rejoices along the way, expresses his wishes, etc. Therefore, it is assumed that there is a sufficient number of small volumetric or flat toys in the group.
  4. You also use these toys to evaluate the children’s work, which is given on behalf of the toys, as if from their position.
  5. At the end of the work, children must be given the opportunity to play with their charges, using the resulting product when making.

It is advisable that the teacher’s stories should mostly feature the same characters. Then children will love them and acquire a lasting interest in life and upcoming events.

Middle preschool age

When working with children of this age, two types of motivation are used.

The first type involves creating an image for some fictional game characters.

Quite often, children of this age invent playmates for themselves that no one has ever seen: fairies, gnomes and other creatures. This ability in children helps develop healthy imagination and the ability to solve various problems.

To do this, the teacher briefly but quite convincingly tells children about the needs or wants of fictional characters.

Then a game task is set (to help prepare fruits, vegetables for them, count, etc.), and on its basis - an educational task (“I will teach you how to sculpt or draw fruits for them”).

The second type of motivation involves the creation of such an image when children take on a certain role and act in it.

To do this, the teacher invites the children to play. After they agree, the teacher takes on the role of, for example, a bunny mother and asks who the children would like to be in this game. Usually they take on the role of cubs - hares. The teacher agrees with all proposals and, in the course of direct educational activities, addresses the children in accordance with the roles they have accepted. Within 1-2 minutes, you can organize the children’s role-playing (eating carrots, walking through the forest). Then, together with the children acting in the role, first a game task is set (something needs to be done: a fence from the wolf), and then a training task (let's learn how to make this fence).

Senior preschool age

The need to create play motivation continues into older preschool age.

This is due to the fact that children begin to accept learning tasks at first only in cases where the acquired knowledge and skills can be immediately used in games, drawing or other activities that are quite attractive to them. And only towards the end of preschool childhood does it become possible for children to consciously acquire knowledge “for future use” and understand that they will be needed in the future.

Understanding the meaning of educational tasks is necessary not only so that the child completes them (he can do this under the influence of the demands of an adult), but to a greater extent so that he pays special attention to the methods of action and tries to assimilate them.

An effective approach to solving this problem is to use game motivation in classes aimed at exercising self-control in the process of completing a task.

IM is of particular importance in developing the ability of older preschool children to interact with each other.

In addition, problematic situations can help this problem.

The use of problem situations in working with preschoolers has a positive effect on the development of children's creative thinking, cognitive skills and abilities.

A problem situation is a planned, specially conceived means aimed at awakening students’ interest in the topic under discussion. In other words, a problem situation is a situation in which a subject wants to solve problems that are difficult for him, but he lacks data and must look for it himself.

The main goal of creating problem situations is to understand and resolve these situations in the course of joint activities of the teacher and children, with optimal independence of preschoolers and under the general guiding guidance of the teacher, as well as in children acquiring knowledge and general principles for solving problematic problems in the process of such activities.

A correctly created problem situation helps the child:

1) formulates the problem (task) himself;

2) finds its solution himself;

3) decides and

4) self-monitors the correctness of this decision.

Example of a problem situation:

Business game

Group 1 (younger age) – creates gaming motivation for productive activities.

Group 2 (middle age) - creates gaming motivation for cognitive and research activities.

Group 3 (older age) – creates gaming motivation for communicative activities.

Abdinova Roza Rushanovna, teacher, MADOU Combined kindergarten No. 12 “Crane” Saratov region, Balakovo. To successfully build a GCD, you need to interest the child and come up with gaming motivation. In the form of play, children more successfully acquire knowledge from various educational fields, develop memory and thinking.

Date of publication: 06/29/2015

Creating play motivation in various types of educational activities depending on the age of children.

Preschool childhood is the time of initial personality formation. In preschool age, the process of cognition in a child occurs in an emotional and practical way. Every preschooler is a little explorer, discovering the world around him with joy and surprise. The child strives to be active, and it is important not to let this desire fade away and to promote his further development.

The implementation of this task requires a qualitatively new approach to teaching and raising children, organizing the entire educational process. Numerous studies by teachers and psychologists have proven that the process of learning new knowledge is effective if it is based on the child’s personal experience and area of ​​interest.

You cannot force a person to understand something, he needs to be interested. Therefore, the teacher’s task is to build the educational activity in such a way as to retain the child’s attention, interest, and passion for educational activities as much as possible. For each GCD, you need to think about the gaming motivation.

Motivation is the result of a person’s internal needs, his interests and emotions, goals and objectives, the presence of motives aimed at enhancing his activities. Motivation (from the Latin movere) is an incentive to action. It is well known that there is no activity without a motive. For this purpose, incentives are used, i.e. external incentives for a certain activity, the tasks of which are to evoke and strengthen preschoolers’ own motives for activity. One of the important incentives for the formation of motives is the game. Each GCD should contain something that will cause surprise, amazement, delight, in a word, something that children will remember. It is important to take into account the age of the children; a technique that is suitable for middle age, but not suitable for an early age or preparatory group. It could be an interesting fact, an unexpected discovery, a beautiful experience, a non-standard approach to what is already known. The teacher should be emotional, artistic, use maximum clarity, the element of a fairy tale, surprise, children should move in a group space (use dynamic, relaxation pauses, finger games, speech with movement, round dance games in their work).

The teacher’s task is to develop children’s creative imagination by imitating the movements of animals, pronouncing onomatopoeia, using dramatization games, theatrical games (board, finger, glove theater, puppet, etc.).

Motivation determines the “program” of game actions. In this case, the following conditions must be taken into account:

1 An organization in which the child is involved in the process of independent search and discovery of new knowledge, solves problems of a problematic nature;

2 Intellectual and practical activities in the classroom should be varied;

3 You should constantly change the form of questions and tasks, stimulate the search activity of children, creating an atmosphere of hard work;

4 The content of classes should be difficult, but feasible;

5 The more the new material is connected with the child’s existing personal experience, the more interesting it is for him;

6 Taking into account the individual and age, medical, psychological characteristics of educators;

7 The emotionality of the teacher, his ability to maintain interest in the content of the lesson, stimulate the cognitive activity of children.

During my time working with children, I came to the conclusion that creating playful interest in GCD from its very first minutes and maintaining interest throughout its entire duration is the key to a successful outcome of the activities of all its participants. In preschool age, especially in younger children, the role of play motivation in learning is great.

Let's consider game techniques using the example of such educational areas as “Cognition” (FEMP, “Formation of a holistic picture of the world”), “Communication”, “Artistic creativity”.

To create interest, play fairy tales should be used in any educational area, depending on the age of the children. The appearance of guests, especially fairy-tale ones, is interesting for younger and older children. Children “go” with them on a journey, into a fairy tale. Fairy-tale characters evoke a feeling of trust in them, a desire to help in performing various tasks and actions. They immediately evoke positive emotions, so GCDs take place in an atmosphere of increased effort. The child has the opportunity to show independence and responsibility, for example, at a younger age, “A doll came to our classes, let’s tell her a poem. The cat wants milk, let's make a bowl for her. Let's build a nesting doll house. Let’s draw a rug for the dog, etc.”

A special role is assigned to the substitution method, when various signs and symbols, diagrams and plans evoke associations in children with real images - this provides the child with greater freedom of imagination, thinking and promotes emotional liberation.

The role of gaming activities in the educational field of Communication is especially important. Children always find it difficult to compose stories based on a picture or subject pictures, or to retell the text. Usually, a lesson in composing a story begins with bringing in a picture and examining it, asking a riddle about what is depicted. Children quickly lose interest in it. To keep younger children interested, you can offer the game “Wonderful Box.” The teacher calls the children one by one and asks them to take out a picture and name what is drawn on it. You can use didactic games and exercises, word games “Who has it”, “What happens in autumn”, “Who hid where”, etc.

At an older age, when it is necessary to compose a story in a picture, the teacher tells the children that we will learn to compose a story from a picture, but which animal they will tell about will only be known when each of them guesses the riddle and quickly draws the answer. The riddle is written in the ear.

You can offer the game “Bring the Picture to Life” - children should voice the characters in the picture, speak for them, imitate their voices. When composing a story based on the plot picture “Spring”, children play the game “Listen and Remember”. A story is read about this time of year. The motivation is as follows: at the end of listening, you need to remember all the words on the theme “Spring” that appeared in this story and each child names the word and puts a chip in the basket.

The educational activity of inventing stories can be carried out by dividing children into two teams in the form of a competition. Children like KVN games and quizzes, they give them a sense of healthy competition and also help increase interest.

In the game “Magic Chain”, the teacher makes up a sentence, the children complete the sentence, each naming one word. For example: “There is a hare sitting under a bush.” Children say gray, fluffy, long-eared.

Game “Radio Broadcast” - this game helps shy children express themselves, show their knowledge (the speaker hides behind a screen).

Game situations with elements of competition are also used in educational activities on FEMP. Games “Field of Miracles”, KVN, quizzes, game “Confusion”, “Catch the Mistake”. When familiarizing yourself with orientation in space – “Drawing up drawings, maps, diagrams. Children with interest complete tasks in which a character from a fairy tale or cartoon needs help. For example, “Help Dunno put the numbers in order. Game “Diving into a problem” (there is a knock on the door, they bring a letter from the astronauts, they ask for help, their ship has broken down, the route is unknown. You need to understand the scheme. The presence of game characters encourages children to perform mathematical activities, overcome intellectual difficulties. You can also use riddles - encryption, riddles about geometric shapes, didactic games, labyrinths, crossword puzzles, ask children to make numbers from salt dough or plasticine. The teacher encourages children to independently search for answers to the question that arises, draws attention to but - new, unusual features of the object, makes guesses, seeks help, aims at experimentation, reasoning, assumption... And when introducing children to the world around them, fairy-tale characters, a trip to a fairy tale, to the forest, plot role-playing games, didactic and word games.Children play the game “Magic Wand” with interest - it gives children tasks or asks questions. In the older group, you can offer to solve a crossword puzzle with riddles, organize experimentation games, experiments, listen to a piece of music while getting acquainted with the seasons, listen to the sounds of living and non-living nature - the voices of birds, the sound of water, wind, waterfall, etc. .

The use of game moments in the process of visual activity refers to visual and effective teaching methods. The smaller the child, the more place play should occupy in his upbringing. Game teaching techniques will stimulate children’s attention to the task at hand and facilitate the work of thinking and imagination.

Learning to draw at a young age begins with play exercises. Children, following the teacher, first move their hand in the air, then their finger along the paper, supplementing the movements with the explanation “This is a boy running along the road. This is how grandma winds a ball, etc.” The inclusion of playful moments in visual activities at a young age is also carried out when depicting objects. For example, the Bunny knocks on the door, says hello, and asks to make a carrot.

Even with older children, it is possible to use play techniques. For example - While walking, children look at a landscape or a tree through homemade cameras; they can look at it by going to the window and depicting what they perceive in a drawing. Thus, in a playful form, the child is instilled with knowledge from various educational fields, he learns to perform various actions, develops memory, thinking, and creative abilities. The most important thing is to instill in the child an interest in learning. To do this, GCDs must be held in a fun way.

Features of constructing the organizational and motivational stage of the GCD in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards in preschool educational institutions

Features of constructing the organizational and motivational stage of the GCD in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards in preschool educational institutions

Any children's activity: play, work, drawing, educational, productive activity should contribute to the development of children. Therefore, the teacher’s activities must be structured in such a way that children not only do everything that is required of them, but also transfer this into their independent activities. And this will only happen if the new knowledge and skills that we strive to pass on to children are needed and interesting to them, if the children are motivated.

The organizational and motivational stage of GCD is considered the most important, because the success of the entire lesson depends on how this stage goes.

The organizational and motivational stage of GCD consists of the following substages:

1. Introduction to the game situation
2. Motivation.
Formation of ideas about upcoming activities. (The game situation should be directly related to the topic of the lesson: what the children need to be taught). The main task at this stage is to generate interest among students in the content of GCD, direct the attention of children, and reveal the educational task. Formation of the ability to listen and follow the instructions of an adult.

3. Statement of the problem.

-Difficulty in a game situation. This stage allows the teacher to introduce children to the features and tasks of the upcoming activity, or the creation of a problem situation that requires resolution.

- way out of a difficult situation.

Game motivation is a methodological technique that helps guide children’s activities in a playful way and achieve the desired result. Game motivation should correspond to the age characteristics of children.

In the pedagogical literature, four types of motivation are distinguished:


The first type is play motivation - “Help the toy”,

the child achieves the learning goal by solving problems with toys. The creation of this motivation is based on this scheme:

1. You say that the toy needs help, and only children can help them.

2. You ask the children if they agree to help the toy.

3. You offer to teach children to do what the toy requires, then the explanation and demonstration will interest the children.

4. During work, each child should have his own character - a ward (a cut-out, toy, drawn character to whom he provides assistance).

5. The same toy - the ward evaluates the child’s work and always praises the child.

6. After finishing work, it is advisable for the children to play with their charges.

With this motivation, the child acts as an assistant and protector, and it is appropriate to use it for teaching various practical skills.

For example:

GCD application, design, drawing.

The second type of motivation is helping an adult - “Help me”

. Here, the motive for children is communication with an adult, the opportunity to gain approval, as well as interest in joint activities that can be done together. Creation of motivation is based on the following scheme:

1.You tell the children that you are going to make something and ask the children to help you. Wondering how they can help you.

2. Each child is given a feasible task.

3. At the end, emphasize that the result was achieved through joint efforts, that everyone came to it together.

For example:

in GCD sensory, fine art, in labor activity

The third type of motivation “Teach me”

- based on the child’s desire to feel knowledgeable and capable.

For example

: In gaming activities, in GCD senior groups

The creation of this motivation is carried out according to this scheme:

1. You tell the children that you are going to do some activity and ask the children to teach you about it.

2. You ask if they are willing to help you.

3. Each child is given the opportunity to teach you something.

4. At the end of the game, each child is given an assessment of his actions and must be praised.

The fourth type of motivation is “creating objects with your own hands for yourself”

- based on the child’s internal interest. This motivation encourages children to create objects and crafts for their own use or for their loved ones. Children are sincerely proud of their crafts and willingly use them.

For example:

Artistic design, manual labor, artistic creativity

This motivation is created according to the following scheme:

1. You show the children some kind of craft, reveal its advantages and ask if they would like to have the same one for themselves or for their relatives.

2. Next, show everyone how to make this item.

3. The completed craft is given to the child. Pride in the work of your own hands is the most important basis for a creative attitude to work.

If a child is already busy with some activity of interest, and therefore already has the necessary motivation, you can introduce him to new ways to solve problems.

When motivating children, the following principles should be observed:


— you cannot impose your vision on solving a problem on a child (maybe the child will have his own way of solving the problem)

- Be sure to ask your child’s permission to do a common activity with him.

- be sure to praise the child’s actions for the results obtained.

— acting together with your child, you introduce him to your plans and ways to achieve them.

By following these rules, you give children new knowledge, teach them certain skills, and develop the necessary skills.

Using game characters.

In classes with kids you can’t do without game characters. The use of game characters and game motivation are interrelated. Game and fairy-tale characters can “come to visit”, “get acquainted”, “give tasks”, “tell fascinating stories”, and can also evaluate the results of the children’s work. There are a number of requirements for these toys and characters.

Toys or game characters:

- must be appropriate for the age of the children;

- must be aesthetic,

- must be safe for the child’s health,

- must have educational value,

- must be realistic;

- should not provoke the child to aggression or cause cruelty.

— There shouldn’t be many game characters.

Each character should be interesting and memorable, “have its own character.” For example, Dunno, Duckling Quack and Mishutka Tish can come to class. Duckling Quack loves nature and travel, knows a lot about it and tells children. Dunno doesn’t know and can’t do much; he often needs the “help” of children. Mishutka is an athlete, he shows warm-up exercises and goes in for sports. They actively express their opinions, ask questions that they don’t understand, make mistakes, get confused, and don’t understand. A child’s desire to communicate and help significantly increases activity and interest.

Features of work on creating play motivation at different age stages

Junior preschool age.

1. You say that something happened to some game characters (dolls living in a group, hares running from the forest) (something has broken, is in danger, or, conversely, a joyful event is coming up). As a result, they urgently need those objects that can be molded, drawn, built, etc. The characters themselves cannot do this, but they heard about (or managed to see for themselves) that in this group there are very kind and skillful children who will help them.

2. You ask the children if they agree to provide the required assistance. And you wait for their response. It is very important that children express their willingness to help.

3. You gradually offer your children your options for getting out of the current situation and say that you know how to do this very well and also wait for their consent to your help. Now you can count on your showing and proposal to land on prepared ground.

4. During work, each child should have his own ward toy character, who is nearby and rejoices along the way and expresses his wishes. Therefore, it is assumed that the group has a sufficient number of small toys.

5. You also use these toys to evaluate the children’s work, which is given on behalf of the toys, as if from their position.

6. At the end of the work, children must be given the opportunity to play with their ward, using the resulting product if desired.

Average age.

When working with children of this age, two types of play motivation are used.

The first type is the same as for the previous age group.

The second type occurs when children take on a role and act in it. To do this, the teacher invites the children to play. After they agree, the teacher takes on the role of, for example, a bunny mother and asks who the children would like to be in this game. Usually they take on the role of cubs - hares. The teacher agrees with all proposals and, in the course of direct educational activities, addresses the children in accordance with the roles they have accepted. Within 1-2 minutes, you can organize the children’s role-playing (eating carrots, walking through the forest). Then, together with the children acting in the role, first a game task is set (something needs to be done: a fence from the wolf), and then a training task (let's learn how to make this fence).

In older groups, the need to create gaming motivation remains.

In addition, problematic situations can help this problem.

The use of problem situations in working with preschoolers has a positive effect on the development of children's creative thinking, cognitive skills and abilities.

Problem situation

- a planned, specially conceived means aimed at awakening students' interest in the topic under discussion.
In other words, a problem situation
is a situation in which a subject wants to solve problems that are difficult for him, but he lacks data and must look for it himself.

The main goal of creating problem situations is to understand and resolve these situations in the course of joint activities of the teacher and children, with optimal independence of preschoolers and under the general guiding guidance of the teacher, as well as in children acquiring knowledge and general principles for solving problematic problems in the process of such activities.

A correctly created problem situation helps the child:

1) formulates the problem (task) himself;

2) finds its solution himself;

3) decides and

4) self-monitors the correctness of this decision.

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