Summary of a swimming lesson in the preparatory group “Naval Exercises”

Organizing and conducting a swimming lesson[edit | edit code]

From a pedagogical point of view, the most appropriate and basic form of organizing classes is considered to be lesson-based, which has proven itself in long-term practice. During the lesson, interactions between the teacher and students are based on direct contact. This allows the teacher to timely monitor and direct the cognitive motor activity of all students.

The educational process in the classroom is considered as a system of continuous interactions between the teacher and a constant group of students.

The main benefits of the lessons are as follows:

  • continuity and clarity of organization and management of the educational process;
  • close contacts and the opportunity for the teacher to better study the students, and the students to study each other;
  • the stimulating influence of an organized team on everyone.


- a form of organization of training that provides active and systematic educational and cognitive activity aimed at solving the assigned tasks. The main feature of the lessons is the teacher’s guidance, for a precisely set time, in a specially designated place, of collective motor activity of a relatively homogeneous group of students, taking into account their characteristics and individual capabilities. The lesson form of swimming lessons involves a teacher guiding the process of learning, improvement, and training, which takes a certain amount of time and is organized in a special location. The quality of the lesson depends on the teacher’s preparation for the lesson, the organization of students’ activities during the lesson, and ways to increase its effectiveness. The lesson includes content, has a structure, organizational support, contains requirements for the content and methodology, implies the preparation of the teacher and the implementation of pedagogical control in the lesson.

Swimming lessons are classified as follows:

  • by target area (physical training lessons, specialized swimming training, sports training, applied swimming, exercise therapy, etc.);
  • according to the content of educational orientation (with selective educational orientation, with multilateral influence, control);
  • according to the program content of classes (subject-specific and complex);
  • with a hygienic focus (general developmental and compensatory, restorative);
  • according to the content of the educational focus (introductory lessons for learning new material, improvement lessons, control and mixed lessons; combined lessons (methodological)).

There are four sides to the lesson content.

1. Objectives and composition of physical exercises (educational material). The content is determined by tasks that reflect the subject and focus of the classes, the nature of the activities of the teacher and students, as well as projected (expected) changes in the state of the body, knowledge, skills, qualities and behavior of students. Usually the entire content of the lesson is reduced to just a set of physical exercises. However, they constitute only the substantive content of the lesson and should be considered as one of its important aspects.

2. Activities of the teacher. In a lesson, teacher and student always interact.

3. Activities of students in connection with performing physical exercises (listening to the teacher, observing what is shown, comprehending what is perceived, designing and performing given motor actions, self-control and self-esteem, mutual control and mutual evaluation, mutual assistance, discussion of emerging issues, etc.).

4. Physiological and mental processes, representing the internal side of the activities of those involved, lead to the desired changes in the state of their body, knowledge, skills, qualities and behavior.

All aspects of the content of a swimming lesson are interconnected and interdependent. It is up to the teacher to ensure such consistency between the various aspects of the content that would lead to high effectiveness of the lesson. This is achieved by correctly constructing the lesson and organizing its structure.

In order for a lesson to receive a complete, harmonious expression, its diverse content must be organized, ordered in time and put into the necessary form.

Lesson structure

- this is the ordering of all aspects and components of the lesson content, taking into account the laws of physical education, available time resources and working conditions.

In swimming, a lesson structure is used, consisting of three parts - introductory (preparatory), main and final.

Introductory (preparatory) part

lesson performs a service function, since it only ensures the creation of prerequisites for the main educational work. Typical tasks of the preparatory part are as follows:

  • organize students;
  • activate their attention;
  • familiarize students with the intended content of the lesson;
  • create an appropriate psychological attitude and positive emotional state;
  • prepare the body of those involved for the upcoming loads.

This part includes: organization of those involved (construction, calculation, report, marking those present, etc.); a brief repetition of what has been covered with an analysis of general and individual mistakes; preliminary explanation and demonstration of new educational material.

One of the goals of the preparatory part of the lesson is the development of motor skills. This is achieved through exercises that do not require a long time for preparation and execution, and are easily dosed. These include walking, running, and general developmental exercises aimed at preparing the body of students to more successfully perform the exercises of the main part of the lesson.

The peculiarity of the preparatory part of a swimming lesson is that in addition to organizing students and preparing them for the main part of the lesson, it includes showing and performing simulation exercises so that students clearly understand these movements even before entering the water, performing previously learned and new auxiliary exercises.

After the preparatory part of the lesson, before entering the water, a roll call is required.

Main part

lesson performs the main function, since it is in it that all categories of physical education tasks are solved (educational, physical development). These include the following tasks:

  • develop knowledge in the field of motor activity;
  • teach motor skills of a general educational, applied and sports nature;
  • develop general and special functions of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems; form and maintain good posture; harden the body;
  • cultivate moral, intellectual, volitional and aesthetic qualities.

In the main part, the main objectives of the lesson are solved, aimed at mastering the technique of sports swimming, developing and improving the motor qualities of those involved. This part includes: exercises for studying and mastering technical elements of swimming methods and their coordination, techniques for starts and turns, exercises for improving the technique of the method of swimming being studied, as well as games and entertainment in the water that increase the emotional state of those involved.

In the final part

The lesson provides for a gradual reduction in the load and an increase in the emotionality of the lessons.

Typical objectives for the third part of the lesson are as follows:

  • bring the body and psyche of those involved into an optimal functional state; maintain correct posture;
  • summarize the educational activities;
  • introduce students to the general content of the next lesson so that they can independently perform some exercises, etc.

Usually in the final part of the lesson there are games, relay races, diving, diving, free swimming, doing exercises you like, etc.

At the end of practical exercises in the water, the students exit the water in an organized manner, line up, count out in order, the trainer makes brief comments and instructions on the quality of the exercises performed by those involved in this lesson and individual comments that have educational value. He gives general and individual tasks for self-study at home.

The main feature of a swimming lesson is that the preparatory part is carried out mainly on land and partly in the water, the main part is completely in the water, the final part is in the water, then on land.

Non-classroom forms of organizing classes differ in focus, objectives, content and structure, composition of students, regularity of attendance, time and conditions, leadership (independent or under the guidance of a teacher). Their peculiarity is a simplified structure; the activity requires initiative, independence, interest, and inclination.

The main objectives of active recreation are to strengthen or restore health, maintain or restore performance, and develop motor skills. Depending on the number of students, individual, group and mass forms of classes are distinguished, which in terms of frequency can be regular or episodic.

In the first swimming lessons, explaining and correcting errors when performing simulation exercises takes more time than in subsequent lessons, so the preparatory part can be quite long (up to 30 minutes).

If classes are held in an open reservoir and the water temperature is low (18 - 20 ° C), the duration of stay in the water is reduced; Due to this, you can increase the duration of training on land. In cool weather, the motor density of the preparation part should be higher.

During swimming lessons, the teacher should be in a place where he can clearly see the whole group and everyone involved, and those in the water can see him. When improving swimming technique, the teacher should observe students from various places in the pool: in front, on the side, behind and, if possible, even from above (usually from the springboard).

At the end of classes on open water bodies, it is necessary to quickly conduct a roll call of students; after this, give them the opportunity to do light gymnastic exercises, dry themselves and get dressed.

When summing up the lesson, the group’s successes and mistakes that need to be corrected in the future are noted.

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