Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group “Spring is coming, make way for spring”

Summary of GCD in the preparatory group on the topic: Fairytale Spring

Notes on NOD in the preparatory group on the topic: “Fairytale Spring
Author: Tatyana Vladimirovna Bochkareva, teacher of MBDOU No. 236, combined kindergarten “Golden Ray”, Kemerovo. Description of the material: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children of the preparatory group (6-7 years old) on the topic: “Fairytale Spring.” This material will be useful to teachers of preparatory groups. This is a summary of a lesson on the development of coherent speech, aimed at expanding ideas on the topic “Spring”, expanding curiosity, consolidating story-writing skills and developing memory in children of senior preschool age. Summary of direct educational activities in the preparatory group on the Topic: “Fairytale Spring” Integration of educational areas: “Speech Development”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Fiction” Goal: Activate and enrich the vocabulary on the topic “Spring” Objectives: Educational:
Expand your understanding of the topic: “Spring” b). Clarify children's ideas about the signs of spring Developmental:
Strengthen the skills of writing a coherent descriptive story. b). Develop voluntary memory c). Exercise children in agreeing numerals + nouns Speech:
Activate and enrich the vocabulary on the topic “Spring” (bloom, blossom, swell, bud, snowdrop, bloom, thawed patch). Educational:
a) Cultivate a love for spring b) Cultivate the ability to listen to each other, not interrupt c) Develop a sense of mutual assistance
Demonstration material: pictures, artificial leaves, flowers, “Spring” costume Handouts: smiling suns Methodical techniques: game situation, reading fiction, analysis of literary words, questions, collective stories, sample, examination, choral pronunciation. Progress of the lesson: An exhibition of spring paintings is organized. Children are positioned so that they can see.

Guys, have you already guessed what time of year is shown here? Decide which picture is more suitable for the weather outside the window. Why? After all, it’s already spring, which means it should be warm. The weather is so gloomy because the evil Blizzard, the witch, has bewitched the spring. Shall we disenchant her?! After all, everyone is happy when the sun is shining, when warmth and fluffy clouds float beautifully across the sky, as if they smile when you look at them. In order to save spring you need to complete several tasks. Well, let's begin! To begin with, I will tell you a spring poem: The spring princess sleeps sweetly in a snow-white sarcophagus. He is sleeping, and soon the sun will melt the white snow in the valleys. And the streams will begin to seethe through the valleys and ravines, the forest birds will fly in, the rooks will make noise, and with them, the forests and groves will light up, turn green, and come to life. Guys, it's a beautiful poem, isn't it? It looks like a fairy tale, I knew that everyone would like it, no doubt. What do you remember about these lines? What is this poem about? This poem can be called a story about how spring comes, about its main features. And you can write your own story about spring. Let's try to compose our own story about spring, for example, on the topic “Spring has come”

What happens outside when spring comes? (The snow is melting) And when the snow melts, what happens? (Streams are running.) If the sun is hot, then the streams are babbling. What happens to the trees? (The buds swell.) And where are the birds? (They fly from warm countries.) Also in the spring, insects appear, animals that change their coats. So what happens when spring comes? Collective story. The snow melted... Streams began to flow... They began to gurgle... Buds swelled on the trees... Birds arrived from warm countries... Insects appeared... Animals changed their coats.

Guys, what doesn’t happen in spring? (Blizzards, falling leaves, blizzards, frost, snowfall...) Guess this riddle: The snowball is melting, the meadow has come to life. The day remains, when does this happen? (In spring.) Now let's play. I name the word, if it is about spring, then you clap your hands. (Warms up, leaf fall, melts, blizzard, warm, brighter, cold, swells, arrives, thawed patches, ice drift, frozen, blizzard, snowfall, sunshine.) Choral pronunciation of difficult words: thawed patches, swells.

Tell me what should be correct: - Are leaves or flowers blooming? — Are birds or foxes fluttering? — Is a snowflake or a tear melting? — Are streams babbling or rooks? — Are the buds or leaves swelling? —Are insects or birds flying in? Is the ice cracking or drifting? Count to five: - one furry bear... - one fluffy bunny... - one gray wolf cub... - one little snowdrop... - one ringing stream... - one fragrant mimosa... Add the word: How is the sun shining? - Bright. The snow has melted. How was it on the street? - Damp, wet, dirty. Guys, we did it! It turned out to disenchant spring. Look - here she comes to us, the beautiful Spring. (Spring comes out in a beautiful suit or elegant dress, wearing artificial leaves. Spring thanks the children, gives out surprise pictures, smiles, leads a round dance, spins with the children.)

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