Summary of an integrated lesson in the preparatory group on the topic: Winter

Summary of an integrated lesson in the preparatory group on the topic: Winter

Summary of an integrated lesson for children 6-7 years old: “Zimushka - winter”

Hello, winter - winter, you brought the birds to visit us
Author: Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg

Description: This summary will be of interest to preschool teachers, additional education teachers and parents. Designed for children of older preschool age. Goal: expanding and systematizing children’s knowledge about winter. Tasks: - expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Winter”; - develop the ability to maintain a conversation, select words and adjectives; develop attention, observation, fine motor skills; — to cultivate love and respect for nature, a sense of kindness, empathy for everything living and beautiful, to cultivate the ability to work in pairs; - development of emotional perception in children, create a joyful mood in children, create a desire to participate in games, enjoy winter, winter games; - practice writing sentences and stories based on the picture. Preliminary work: conversation about the signs of winter; viewing winter landscapes, pictures of animals and birds; guessing riddles, reading poems, stories and fairy tales on a winter theme; making bird feeders. Preparation for the lesson: sheets of white cardboard with printed bird patterns, glue, cereals (millet, rice, buckwheat), brushes, napkins.

Educator: Guys, you probably noticed that something has changed in our locker room? Have you noticed these changes, tell me about them? Children's answers: A lot of beautiful paintings appeared, and each child has a small but very beautiful picture on his locker. Educator: Correct. How do you think these paintings are interconnected? Answers: All the pictures show winter.

Educator: Correct. But it’s not for nothing that I decorated your cabinets with such beautiful pictures. Over the course of a week, you carefully examine your picture, study it, and then describe it to me in detail (or rather, tell me what you saw in it). On the weekend, you can ask your parents to help you write a short story about your painting, or write it yourself (after all, most children already write themselves), supplement it with your own drawing. This will be your homework. Our group is also decorated with paintings on the theme - winter. I invite you to describe this wonderful time. Children's answers. Educator: You are all great fellows, you said so many wonderful words about this wonderful time, I want to invite you to guess the riddles. - There are four brothers, each of them has three months. What kind of brothers are these? (seasons) - Covers everything with a snow-white blanket. What time of year? (winter) - This month welcomes winter, the New Year holiday invites us. (December) - He is the owner of the forest, He loves honey, and sleeps in winter. (bear) - He is always very nimble, He has a beard. He crawls into our felt boots, and our noses freeze. He even pinches our cheeks, Who is this... (frost) - Falls beautifully from the sky, And dances on the fly. It sits in the palm of our hand, and immediately turns into water. (snow) - A small animal, Loves carrots, jumps deftly. Changes color, and his name is...(bunny) - The people rejoice, When...(winter) comes to us. — The granddaughter who always goes with Grandfather? (Snow Maiden) Educator: Do you know winter fun? Which?

Children's answers. Educator: I invite you to the rug, I’m starting some winter fun. “Winter Games” The children began to ride (hold your palms horizontally in front of your chest and make movements back and forth, as if skiing), and tumble in the snow (make synchronized circular movements with your hands in front of your chest: with your right hand clockwise, and with your left hand counterclock-wise). They wanted to play snowballs (move the “snowball” from one palm to the other) They began to sculpt them and throw them at each other (“make” a snowball, and then pretend to “throw” it at someone). They began to roll snowballs (imitate the corresponding movements) - sculpt a snow woman (from the bottom up with both hands, simultaneously draw three snowballs standing on top of each other: large, medium and small) Fun in the winter! I don't want to go home! Educator: We rested a little. Guys, tell me what winter is like? Answers: snowy, cold, cheerful, blizzard, blizzard, frosty, snow-white, harsh, silver, beautiful, beloved, etc. Educator: That's right, and now the game is the other way around. You described winter in such beautiful long words, but now it’s the other way around. The word winter is long, and short is winter. Snezhnaya... – snow; Vyzhnaya... - Vga; Blizzard... - blizzard; Frosty... - frost; etc. Educator: Now I’ll start the sentences, and you finish. — In winter, the branches of the trees... are covered with snow. - Houses, forests, paths... are covered in snow. — The bear in winter...hibernates. — Children play in the snow. — Rivers in winter... become covered with ice. — We hide our hands from the cold in mittens. — White snowflakes are swirling in the air. - The bunny changes... the color of his fur coat. — In winter, the nights are long, ... the days are short. — We dress warmly... so as not to freeze. — Birds fly away... to warmer climes. Educator: guys, let's remember our little friends. Remember the birds that fly to warm countries, why they fly there and tell me about the birds that live with us in winter. What do they eat, how do they live?

Children's answers. Educator: Well done. Listen to a poem about birds. New Year's carnival. Do you know that miracles happen in winter? That in the forest on New Year's Eve, all the birds are collected? Good Grandfather Frost gives out gifts. Some people ask for a handful of grains, others for bright feathers. Having listened to the requests, Frost reasons wisely: “You need to survive the winter, find food in the morning.” And he carefully gives the little beggars a very modest outfit, there are no scarlet feathers in it. Santa Claus tries to decorate only those who live far from villages and eat in the forest. And the Woodpeckers, Hazel Grouse, and Crossbills are happy and cheerful. How good they are, in the feathers of their dreams! And the most beautiful and wonderful of all, little King. With the proud air of an autocrat, he sits down on a tree stump. The fun begins, the New Year's carnival. So much joy and laughter! It's a pity you weren't there. (Batuy Irina) Educator: A beautiful poem, isn’t it? Let us be Santa Clauses for our little friends today and give them small gifts with our own hands. These will be feeders for friends. But first, I suggest you prepare our hands and fingers. Finger gymnastics: We are friends in our group - girls and boys connect their fingers. - to the castle (several times) You and I will make friends Little fingers. One, two, three, four, five - fingers from the little finger alternately. We begin to count. - connect with each other One, two, three, four, five We’ve finished counting (Hands down, shake hands) Sit down at your workstations, in front of you are leaves with pictures of birds, I suggest you paste over our birds with different cereals. After completing our work, we will take our gifts - feeders outside and treat the birds. I turn on calm music, the children begin to do their work, and whoever needs help, I help. Educator: Our time is coming to an end, we are slowly finishing our work, cleaning up our workplaces... What wonderful feeders they turned out to be, I’m sure the birds will be very happy. Well done everyone. And now I suggest going for a walk and taking our feeders with you.

Educator: They guessed the riddles, they told me the stories. The feeders were made. And probably a little tired. To relieve your fatigue, I suggest you play. Come out here, everyone, create a gate. Through these gates, it's time for us to go to the locker room. Dress warmly, get ready for a walk.

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Educational lesson on the topic “Winter” in the preparatory group

Progress of the lesson on the topic “Winter”

Lesson 1. Introduction The song “Three White Horses” from the movie “Sorcerers” is playing

You can listen to the song in the player below


Lesson 2. Conversation - What horses are they sung about in the song? (December, January and February) - Yes, about the three winter months. The first month of winter is December. This month, winter covers the ground, trees, and houses with snow. The sun appears in the sky very rarely, so this month is earlier “khmuren”, which means gloomy. The days are short, the nights are long. At night the frost gets stronger. Towards the end of December, the days gradually begin to increase. The second month of winter is January. The frosts are getting stronger, so it used to be called “lyute”, which means fierce, harsh. The sky at night is dark with bright stars. The last winter month is February. This month is famous for snowstorms and blizzards, sweeping up huge snowdrifts. Therefore, in ancient times it was called “snowman”. The day has already lengthened quite a lot. The sun begins to warm up more often, so the snow begins to melt, become darker, and the snowdrifts settle. — Our winter lasts three months, but there are places on the planet where it never ends.

Lesson 3. Game “Say the other way around”

Lesson 4. Conversation. - White flakes are flying, quietly falling, circling. Everything turned white. What covered the paths? (with snow)

—Where does snow come from? What does it consist of? (The teacher hangs pictures of different types of snowflakes on the board)

— It’s cold in winter, so water droplets in the clouds freeze and turn into snowflakes. Look at the illustrations. Their shape changes all the time as they reach us. When it’s frosty outside and there’s no wind at all, snowflakes fly slowly, one at a time, and are shaped like stars. You can see them by catching them with a mitten. They are not alike, but each is beautiful in its own way. In mild frost, snowflakes resemble balls, which are called “snow pellets.” A strong wind breaks off the rays, and the snowflakes turn into “snow dust”. Why does snow crunch in cold weather? These rays break off when we step on them. When it’s warm outside, snow flies in flakes - snowflakes stick together and form fluffy lumps.

- Let's imagine ourselves as snowflakes and fly like them.

Lesson 5. Physical education

Lesson 6. Experiment with snow. - Take some snow in your hands and hold it. — What happened to the snow? -What is he turning into? Why? — What kind of snow does it have when it’s warm outside? — What about in frosty weather? — In what weather will you be able to play snowballs and make snowmen?

Lesson 7. Guessing riddles. — What else can you do outside in winter? (Riddles about skis, skates, snowman, sleds, snowboarding, hockey)

Lesson 8. Poems about birds and animals in winter - How do people dress in winter? - What do animals do to survive the winter, because they don’t have it at all? - Let's listen to poems about how animals and birds spend the winter. There are people who take care of wild animals - they prepare hay for them, bring feed to the forest. How can you take care of birds?

See poems about winter here

Lesson 9. Result - How interesting and informative today’s lesson was. We talked about the time of year - winter, about the three winter months, about snowflakes and their shape in different weather, about winter entertainment, about how animals and birds winter and how a person can help them survive the winter cold.

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