“World of Toys” Summary of an integrated lesson in junior group 1

Drawing with a stamp

It requires painstaking preparation of pleasant aids and materials for each child. You will need a toy bus (preferably yellowish), A4 size paper with an image of a beautiful vehicle, rectangular and round stamps, an easel, and gouache. Ekaterina Zheleznova’s song “Bus” can be used as musical accompaniment.

Tasks. Teach children to draw rectangular windows and round wheels with stamps in a suitable place on paper, consolidate their knowledge of the yellowish color, and develop the physical activity of children.

Progress of the lesson “Wheels and windows for the bus”

Start with the folk game "Carousel". The teacher and the kids imitate a car ride and say the following: “Carousels, carousels, we got on the car” (then they pretend to travel by train, plane, bus, and then sit down at the table).

Then the rabbit brings a painted bus without windows or wheels. Children have similar vehicles on paper. The teacher clearly shows everyone where they need to stamp wheels and windows, after which each child does the same on his own sheet.

The teacher praises the kids for every job they do, without noting who did it better or worse. If you notice that someone is unable to cope, it is better to work through the lesson personally or assign it to parents as homework.

To the music of Ekaterina Zheleznova, children ride away on balls.

As we see from the course of the lesson, careful planning is needed in the first junior group.

Why is it necessary to conduct open classes in the first junior group? Basic information

Open classes in the first junior group of kindergarten need to be held for various reasons. Firstly, this will help educators exchange experiences and share exciting topics that can then be applied to other groups. Secondly, such activities will give children colorful memories and a lot of positive feelings.

The main thing is that open classes in the first junior group are not perceived by educators as appropriate, but are transformed into true creative events. Then the kids will not have an ordinary day spent in kindergarten, but a breathtaking and unforgettable holiday.

That is why open classes in the first junior group cannot be carried out spontaneously; they need to be painstakingly prepared: think about the topic, the course of the lesson in advance, choose suitable music, pleasant aids, maybe costumes for the kids. You can use a ready-made outline, but don’t forget to add your own creative ideas.

Choosing a topic for an open lesson

Choosing a topic for a particular open lesson is very important. It should be chosen in accordance with the age of the children. It is necessary to prepare tasks for the proposed topic that the 1st junior group of kindergarten will be able to cope with without effort.

It is better that the topic does not sound very ordinary, and not vague. If you can’t come up with a title without the help of others, we suggest using a list of exciting options:

  • “Our friends at home are the best in the world.”
  • "Wonderful snowmen."
  • "Birds are our good friends."
  • “Who is the most beautiful person in the world?”
  • “The runaway bunny and the golden comb cockerel visiting the kids.”
  • “What do we have inside the package?”
  • “Winter-winter, my white one.”

Class notes

Many educators note that the youngest children are recklessly curious and immediately difficult to work with. The age of such children is from 2 to 3 years. Previously, they went to the nursery, but at the moment this is the 1st junior group. It is better for every teacher to have lesson notes for such children, not only on open days, but also actively.

Only at first glance it may seem that it is not worth preparing in advance for the first junior group, because the little ones will not learn anything, and the teacher has the right to improvise.

But if you are a real teacher, you must realize that the task is not just to watch the children. At each lesson, you must develop in children certain knowledge, skills and abilities, form a personality, and cultivate the best human qualities. The main thing is to do all this not in an intrusive manner, but in an interesting and curious way.

If you have no experience, but have a great desire to teach children, then the huge amount of literature available today will help you with this. Your imagination will also serve as a beautiful source. And don’t forget: at every lesson you should try to win over the kids, be sincere, smiling and benevolent.

Lesson notes for junior group 1 “Favorite games”

Summary of an open lesson in junior group 1 “Favorite games”


contribute to the formation of children's knowledge about professions.


continue to introduce children to the professions of doctor, cook, builder, driver; activate the names of tools and professions in speech; cultivate a respectful attitude towards the work of adults; teach children to use the acquired knowledge in plot-based games.


Katya doll, stroller, house, pictures with images of people of certain professions, honey. tools, building material, crib, doll dishes, models of cakes, aprons and caps, steering wheels.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the group and sit on chairs. There is a house on the table, and a stroller with a doll is hidden behind the house.

Q: Guys, look what a beautiful house

Here is a hut on the edge,

It's a wonderful toy.

I'll come and call you

I’ll bring them to visit the children.

Listen, guys, to a riddle about a toy hiding in a house:

Who lies in our stroller, can close his eyes?

Children's answers: Doll.

Q: Well done, that’s right, it’s the doll Katya who came to visit us. Oh, guys, look, our doll is not happy today. What happened to her? Maybe she got sick? How can we check?

Children's answers:

Q: Shall we take her temperature? How will we measure?

Children's answers:

The teacher calls one of the children to find a thermometer on the table and measure the doll’s temperature.

Q: Yes, our Katya got sick. She has a high temperature. How can we help her? Guys, who heals people? (shows a picture) Let’s become doctors today and treat the doll Katya.


V. calls the child to find a medicine for high fever on the table and give it to the doll.

Q: Guys, does Katya complain that her throat hurts? Let's see if her throat is red? What can you see?

V. calls the child, who finds a spatula on the table and looks at the doll’s throat.

Q: Does our Katya also cough a lot? Let's listen to Katya, what can we listen to?

B. Calls a child, who finds a phonendoscope and listens to the doll.

Q: What can you do to treat a sore throat and cough?


V. calls the child, who gives the doll cough medicine.

Q: Guys, what can you give a doll so that it doesn’t get sick anymore?

O.d.: Vitamins.

V. calls the child, who gives the doll vitamins.

Q: Guys, for our doll Katya to get better, she needs healthy sleep and rest. Let's sing her a lullaby.


Q: Let Katya rest and sleep. Guys, I think Katya is sick because there is a draft in her house and thin walls. Let's build her a new home. Guys, who builds houses? (shows a picture)


Q: We will now become builders and build a new house for Katya. What do builders need to build a house?

Finger gymnastics “Builders”

We are builders, we are building, The child knocks his fist on his fist.

We will build a lot of houses, Bends the fingers on both hands in turn.

Many roofs and ceilings,

Lots of windows, walls, floors,

Many rooms and doors

Elevators, stairs, floors.

The residents will have fun - Says words in a cheerful voice.

Housewarming in the new house! “housewarming” loudly

raising your hands up.

V. calls the children to build a house from building material.

Q: The new house is ready. Our Katya will no longer be sick. But Katya woke up and was hungry, let’s feed her and go with you to the cafe. What will we go on?


B: You and I will go by car. Who drives the car? (shows a picture)


Q: We will become drivers and take Katya to the cafe. We take our steering wheels and let's go.

Song "Machine"

B: We arrived, there’s a cafe. Guys, who cooks for us to eat? (shows a picture)


Q: Guys, now we will be cooks and feed Katya. What does a chef need to prepare food?

V. calls the children who will prepare tea and treats for the doll.

Q: You guys are great! Doll Katya says thank you!!! Who were we today guys? Did you like it? Who did you enjoy being the most? Let's say goodbye to the Katya doll, come play with us!

Organization of the process

After selecting a topic, it is recommended to write a plan for an open lesson.

  1. The goal is to indicate what knowledge, skills and abilities you are going to develop in accordance with the chosen topic.
  2. Tasks (can be educational, developmental, educational, reinforcing, etc.).
  3. Progress of the lesson. The entire organized process can be described in the form of a detailed scenario indicating the persons involved or briefly outline the actions and questions of the teacher, the expected reactions and answers of the children.
  4. Questions for consolidation. At the end of the lesson, it is worth finding out what the children liked and did not like, what they remembered most, etc.
  5. Materials and equipment. Indicate what technical teaching aids were used.
  6. Nice benefits. These are various cards, diagrams, drawings, etc. that were used during the open lesson.
  7. List of used literature: books, teaching aids, links to sources on the Internet.
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