Card index of walks for the month of November in the younger group
Progress of observation: Bring the children to the bush, ask how this plant differs from birch and spruce.
Long-term plan for design in the second junior group
Long-term plan for design in the second junior group Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten
Methodological recommendations "Organization of children's play activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education"
Methodological recommendations “Organization of children’s play activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education” Ershova Elena Viktorovna
Planning educational work in preschool educational institutions
Summary of a drawing lesson in the first junior group “Introduction to pencils”
Summary of a drawing lesson in the first junior group “Introducing Pencils” - Guys, look,
Classes on speech development in the second junior group of kindergarten. Lesson Plans
From the author Successful implementation of program tasks depends on a number of factors and, above all, on
Summary of the routine moment in the middle group “Preparing for lunch, serving in the canteen, lunch”
Basic principles of organizing a daily routine Definition 1 A daily routine is a measured order of actions,
Integration of educational areas in educational activities with children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard
Stages of development of ideas about integration in education Integration entered pedagogy in the early 1980s
Summary of educational activities for speech development in the second junior group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard Topic: “The wonderful bag of a running bunny”
Economic education of preschool children
Economic education of preschool children VIOLETTA MARDANOVA Economic education of preschool children Report “Economic
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