Modern priorities for the development of preschool educational institutions

Trends in education development

In conditions of individualization of learning, modern education must be continuous. The need for continuing education arises both in connection with the need of people to constantly replenish their knowledge in the process of professional activity, and in connection with the progress of science and technology.

Innovations in education are relevant and systemically self-organizing innovations that are the result of various initiatives and innovations that become promising for the evolution of education and have a positive impact on the development of all forms and methods of education. The concept of innovation, in relation to the development of modern education, can be considered as a purposeful transformation of the content of education and the organizational and technological foundations of the educational process, aimed at improving the quality of educational services, the competitiveness of educational institutions and their graduates, and ensuring the comprehensive personal and professional development of students. Innovations in the Russian education system are natural; their content, forms and methods of implementation depend both on global problems of human development and on socio-economic, legal, spiritual and political processes of reforming Russian society. Social innovation is based on the modernization and informatization of Russian education. The main goal of modernization of education is to create a mechanism for the sustainable development of the educational system, ensuring its compliance with the challenges of the 21st century, the socio-economic needs of the country's development, the requirements of the individual, society and the state. Modernization of Russian education is an innovative process of transforming the entire education system, aimed at maximizing the educational needs of students in a wide range of specialties, levels of education, educational institutions and information and educational resources.

At the same time, education must achieve the expected effect regardless of the location of both the student and the educational resource or service needed by the student, and be carried out using the most modern information and telecommunication technologies. The result of modernization should be the achievement of a new quality of Russian education, determined, first of all, by its compliance with the current and future requirements of modern life in the country. Informatization of education is aimed at implementing the idea of ​​improving the quality of education content, conducting research and development, its implementation, and involves replacing traditional information technologies with more effective ones in all types of activities in the national education system in Russia.

The introduction of innovative technologies in education requires new approaches to learning based on modern educational technologies. Educational technology is the purposeful application in education of a system of means that determines the acquisition of certain characteristics of an educational phenomenon (certain qualities of graduates, content of education, professional development of teachers, etc.). Modern educational technologies should primarily serve creative education and contribute to the creative development of the personality of each student.

Educational technology includes a set of actions related to any educational processes (management of the educational system, development of an educational institution, training of teaching staff, etc.). The structure of educational technology includes such components as goal setting, control and evaluation, and information technology is the basis of the modern educational system. It is important that innovative technologies in education require not only the development of education based on information technology, but also the creation of an appropriate information and educational environment.

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