Work program for group work “Plasticine Miracle” in the second junior group

My kindergarten

Compiled by: Elesina L.N. , teacher, Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution Combined Kindergarten “Malvina” of the municipal formation of Noyabrsk.

Explanatory note

The content of this area of ​​the Program includes visual activities (modeling) - a traditional type of activity for Russian preschool education, united by the general concept of “productive activity of children.”

The basis for developing a work program for artistic creativity was:

  • Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of November 23, 2009 N 655,
  • Model regulations on a preschool educational institution Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of October 27, 2011 N 2562,
  • SanPiN
  • Basic general education program for preschool education “Learning by Playing”

Training and metodology complex:

  • T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, M, publishing house “Mosaika-Sintez”, 2006
  • E.A. Yanushko “Modeling with young children”, Moscow publishing house “Mosaic-Sintez”, 2005.
  • D.N. Koldina “Modeling and drawing with children 2-3 years old”, M, publishing house “Mosaika-Sintez”, 2008

The total number of direct educational activities is 36, per week - 1. The duration of continuous direct educational activities for children of the 3rd year of life is 10 minutes. The content of the educational field “Artistic Creativity” in the work program is aimed at achieving the goals of developing children’s aesthetic feelings and interest in visual arts through solving the following tasks:

  • Development of a child’s productive activity (sculpting);
  • Development of children's creativity;
  • Introduction to fine arts.

The work program is written in accordance with federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education. The priority intellectual direction is implemented as part of direct educational activities only in some topics.

Integration of educational field content

Educational areaObjectives, content and means of organizing the educational process
"Health"The use of physical education minutes lasting 1-3 minutes. Forming the habit of keeping your body clean, your clothes and hair tidy. Familiarization with the basics of safety precautions when working with plasticine. and rules of conduct in organized activities.
"Physical Culture"Formation of correct posture, the ability to consciously perform movements.
"Safety"Strengthen the ability to follow the rules of being in kindergarten.
"Socialization"Developing the ability to coordinate your actions with the actions of your partners. Creating conditions for creative self-expression. Creating an atmosphere of creativity and trust. Nurturing creative independence. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards others. Formation of empathy and responsiveness. Continue to enrich children's vocabulary with “polite” words (hello, goodbye, please, excuse me, thank you, etc.). Encourage the use of folklore (proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, etc.) in speech. Development of the desire to express one’s attitude towards the environment, to independently find various speech means for this.
"Work"Formation of labor skills and abilities adequate to the age of pupils, hard work in various types of productive activities. Teach with care, treat what is made by human hands. Introduce children to the work of people in creative professions: artists, writers, masters of folk arts and crafts. Show the results of their work: paintings, books, objects of decorative art.
"Cognition"Formation of a holistic picture of the world, expansion of horizons in terms of fine arts and creativity. Develop perception, the ability to identify various properties and relationships of objects (color, shape, size, location in space, etc.), including different senses: vision, hearing, touch, smell. Continue to develop the ability to compare objects, establish their similarities and differences. Continue to introduce the colors of the spectrum: red, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. Develop the ability to group objects according to several criteria. Continue to introduce children to various geometric shapes. Develop the ability to examine objects of different shapes.
"Communication"Enrich children's speech with nouns denoting objects in their everyday environment; adjectives characterizing the properties and qualities of objects; adverbs denoting relationships between people, their attitude to work. Develop the ability to maintain a conversation. Improve the dialogical form of speech. Use of literary words in classes: nursery rhymes, riddles. By performing practical actions, kids are able to learn many new words and expressions from the active and passive vocabulary of children, develop the communicative function of speech, and develop coherent speech.
"Reading fiction"Continue to develop children's interest in fiction and educational literature. Learn to listen carefully and interestedly to fairy tales, stories, poems; memorize counting rhymes, tongue twisters, riddles. Continue introducing books. Draw children's attention to the design of the book and the illustrations.
"Music"Continue to develop interest and love for music, musical responsiveness to it. To form a musical culture based on familiarity with classical, folk and modern music.

Forms of working with children

Job ObjectivesForms of workForms of children's organizationApproximate volume (per week)
Direct educational activities
Development of children's productive activity, children's creativity and introduction to art in visual activities (modeling)Examination of aesthetically attractive objects (vegetables, fruits, trees, flowers, etc.), patterns in the works of folk craftsmen, illustrations, works of art. Games. Subgroup Individual10 min.

Basic requirements for the level of training of pupils of the 1st junior group

Children should be able to

  • Roll out a lump of plasticine with straight and circular movements of your hands; break off small lumps from a large lump and flatten them with your palms; connect the ends of the rolled stick, press them tightly against each other;
  • Sculpt simple objects; use plasticine carefully.

Children need to have an idea

  • about basic means of expression;
  • about works of fine art: Yu. Vasnetsov, E. Charushin, V. Chizhikov.
  • about Russian folk applied art: Dymkovo, Bogorodsk.
  • about folk toys and amusements: matryoshka, vanka-vstanka, pyramid, Bogorodskaya toy.

Thematic planning for modeling

Estimated dateN GCDSubjectNumber of gcdIncluding: practical GCD
01.09.20141“This is such plasticine”11
01.09.20142"Plasticine mosaic"11
15.09.20144"Cooking cutlets"11
29.09.20146"Let's feed the chicken"11
06.10.20147"Eat my apple"11
27.10.201410"Little Snakes"11
17.11.201412"Worms for the Chicken"11
24.11.201413“The Hedgehog Has Needles” (regional)11
15.12.201416"Christmas tree"11
19.01.201519"Tasty pie"11
26.01.201520"Berry Glade" (regional)11
02.02.201521"Pies for Mashenka"11
02.03.201525"Colour pencils"11
23.03.201528"Flowers" (regional)11
18.05.201534"Cookies for the cat"11
Diagnostic GCD2
08.12.201415"Nose for a Snowman"11

Contents of work on mastering the educational component “Modeling”

Arouse children's interest in modeling. Introduce plasticine. Learn to use the material carefully. Develop the ability to break off lumps of plasticine from a large piece; sculpt sticks and sausages, rolling out the lump between your palms with straight movements; connect the ends of the stick, pressing them tightly against each other (ring, lamb, wheel, etc.). Develop the ability to roll out a lump of plasticine using circular movements of the palms to depict round-shaped objects (ball, apple, berry, etc.), flatten the lump between the palms (flat cakes, cookies, gingerbread); make a depression with your fingers in the middle of the flattened lump (bowl, saucer). Learn to combine two molded shapes into one object: a stick and a ball (rattle or mushroom), two balls (tumbler), etc. Teach children to put plasticine and molded objects on a board.

Methods for checking the mastery of elements of the content of a component of the educational field

A way to check the assimilation of the content of the component of the educational field “Artistic Creativity” is through diagnostic GCDs, which are organized as part of monitoring in December and April of each academic year.

List of literature and teaching aids

For teachers:

  • Basic general education program for preschool education “Learning by Playing”
  • T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, M, publishing house “Mosaika-Sintez”, 2006
  • E.A. Yanushko “Modeling with young children”, Moscow publishing house “Mosaic-Sintez”, 2005.
  • D.N. Koldina “Modeling and drawing with children 2-3 years old”, M, publishing house “Mosaika-Sintez”, 2008

For pupils:

  • fiction (fairy tales, nursery rhymes, short stories).

Material and technical (spatial) conditions for organizing artistic creativity of children 2-3 years old

  1. Group art corner;
  2. Artistic and creative folder “Our creativity” for the parent community of the group;
  3. Exhibition of works in the reception group.

Technical training aids

  1. Record player;
  2. CD and audio material

The work program provides for the use of various types of didactic games on artistic creativity, namely:

  • For the targeted development of color perception;
  • On the perception of form;
  • On the perception of size;
  • For the number of items;
  • For the development of speech and thinking;
  • On the development of initial ideas about nature.

Visual and figurative material

  1. Illustrations and reproductions;
  2. Visual – didactic material;
  3. Game attributes;
  4. “Living toys” (teachers or children dressed in appropriate costumes);
  5. Poems, riddles;
  6. Postcards for viewing.

Calendar and thematic planning for modeling. Educational field "Artistic creativity"

Date (month)Content
According to planIn factNSubjectBasic programDOW componentMaterialLiterature
01.09.20141This is some plasticineIntroduce children to plasticine, its properties (it is soft, you can pinch it off), teach them to knead with the fingers and palms of both hands, and develop fine motor skillsmedium-sized pieces of soft plasticine in different colors, modeling boardYanushko, pp. 15
01.09.20142Plasticine mosaicIntroduce plasticine and its properties, teach how to pinch off small pieces from a large piece.Development of fine motor skillsmedium-sized pieces of soft plasticine in different colors, modeling boardYanushko p.16
08.09.20143PancakesContinue to introduce plasticine and its properties, learn to flatten plasticine balls.Development of fine motor skillsmedium-sized pieces of soft plasticine in different colors, modeling boardYanushko page 17
15.09.20144Cooking cutletsContinue to introduce plasticine and its properties, teach how to flatten balls by pressing them onto the surface.medium-sized pieces of soft plasticine in different colors, modeling boardYanushko p.18
22.09.20145SausageTeach how to roll out sausages from plasticine, develop an interest in working with plasticinemedium-sized pieces of soft plasticine in different colors, modeling boardYanushko p.67
29.09.20146Let's feed the chickenContinue to introduce plasticine and its properties, teach how to place plasticine balls at an equal distance.Enriching your vocabulary with animal namesmedium-sized pieces of soft plasticine of different colors, a modeling board, a chicken toy.Yanushko p.19
06.10.20147Eat my applelearn to roll small balls of plasticine and flatten them with your finger on topenrich your vocabulary with the names of fruitsplasticine in red and yellow colors, an apple tree cut out of cardboard, a board, a small plate, red and yellow applesKoldina, page 8
13.10.20148Sunflowercontinue to teach how to tear off small pieces of plasticine, roll them between your palms and flatten them with your finger, cultivate responsiveness and kindnesslearn to accompany the words of a poem with appropriate movementsblack or gray plasticine, cut out yellow sunflower template, board, granny doll, sunflower with seeds (dummy)Koldina, p.9
20.10.20149fly agaricTeach how to pinch off small pieces of plasticine and roll them into balls and attach them to the base.White plasticine, mushroom template cut out of cardboard, mushroom dummiesYanushko p.29
27.10.201410Little snakesteach to roll out a roller (sausage) on a board with straight hand movements, cultivate responsiveness and kindnessplasticine balls (4-5 pieces), a board, a toy snakeKoldina, p. 10
10.11.201411Applelearn to roll a ball from plasticine in a circular motion between your palms and give it the shape of an appledevelop logical thinking green and brown plasticine, board, apples (fake)Koldina, p.19
17.11.201412Worms for chickenteach to roll out a roller (sausage) on a board with straight hand movements, cultivate responsiveness and kindnessdevelop speech, learn to name poultry correctlyfour balls of brown plasticine for each child, a board, a toy chickenKoldina, p. 11
24.11.201413The hedgehog has spines (region)learn to make a large ball of plasticine, roll it in a circular motion on a board, learn how to decorate a craft, develop fine motor skills.Development of attention, imagination, memoryneedles or juice straws, cardboard stand, board, toy hedgehogKoldina, p. 11
01.12.201414Ladybugcontinue to teach how to tear off small pieces of plasticine, roll them between your palms and flatten them with your fingerenrich your vocabulary with the names of insectsBlack plasticine, a ladybug template cut out of cardboard, insect models.Yanushko page 32
08.12.201315diagnostics Nose for a snowmanDemonstrate the ability to roll a ball using circular movements of the palms, roll out a thick column giving an elongated carrot shapeenrich your vocabulary with words - names of vegetablesorange plasticine, a board, natural carrots, a snowman cut out of cardboardKoldina, p.15
15.12.201416Christmas treecontinue to teach how to roll small balls in a circular motion between your palms and roll out “sausages”develop speech, thinking, memory of childrenChristmas decorations (unbreakable), pine cone, plasticine of different colors, boardKoldina, p.13
22.12.201417Cucumbercontinue to teach how to roll a ball out of plasticine in a circular motion between your palms, roll out a thick column, giving it an oval shapecontinue to learn how to correctly name the color and shape of vegetablesgreen plasticine, knife (stack), board, vegetables (dummy): cucumber, potatoes, carrotsKoldina, p.14
29.12. 201518BarankiLearn to roll plasticine sausages with straight movements, roll the sausage and press the ends tightly.Development of memory and imaginationtoy squirrel, rope, boardKoldina, p. 12
19.01.201519Tasty pielearn to flatten a plasticine ball between your palms, giving it the shape of a flat cake, learn to decorate with the help of additional materialpeas, buttons, beans, plank, toy catKoldina, p.16
26.01.201520Berry glade (region)continue to teach how to roll a ball out of plasticine using circular movements between your palmsRed plasticine, board, dummies of berries (lingonberries, cranberries)Yanushko p.38
02.02.201521Pies for Mashenkacontinue to teach how to tear off small pieces of plasticine, roll them between your palms and flatten them with your finger on topDevelopment of attention and memoryyellow plasticine, silhouette of a box cut out of cardboard, boardKoldina, p.17
02.02 201522Candiescontinue to teach how to roll balls with circular movements of your hands, and roll out thick columns with straight movementscandy wrappers, tablet, dollKoldina, p.18
09.02.201523Airplanecontinue to teach how to roll out columns on the board with back and forth movements and connect themenrich your vocabulary with words - names of transport, develop attentionpictures of an airplane, car and ship, boardKoldina, p.24
16.02.201524Kolobokconsolidate the ability to roll a ball in a circular motion between the palmsSpeech development, thinkingyellow plasticine, peas, beans, board, toys: hare, wolf, bear, foxKoldina, p.21
02.03.201525Colour pencilscontinue to teach how to roll balls using circular movements of your palms, roll out columns with back and forth movements, and use your fingers to flatten one end of the column, giving it the shape of a pencilstrengthen the ability to distinguish and name colorsplasticine of red, blue, yellow and green colors, board, 4 boxes of different colorsKoldina, p.23
16.03.201526Bananalearn to apply plasticine in a thin layer on a limited surfaceDevelopment of memory and attentioncardboard with an outline image of a banana, a board, natural fruitsKoldina, p.20
23.03.201527Caterpillarcontinue to learn how to roll small balls in a circular motion between your palmsenrich your vocabulary with the names of insectsshort twigs or matches, a piece of woodKoldina, page 26
23.03.201528Flowers (region)continue to learn how to roll balls using circular movements of your palms, press your finger on the ball and attach it to the base.Plasticine of different colors, a board, artificial flowers.Yanushko p.40
30.03.201529Tumblerlearn to create the image of a toy by attaching plasticine balls to each other: large on the bottom, small on topdevelop perception of the shape and size of an object, imaginative thinkingtoy - tumbler, 2 peas, boardKoldina, page 29
06.04.201530BeadsLearn to press plasticine in a certain order to create an image, develop interest in the workDevelop fine motor skillsPlasticine of different colors, a board, beads of different shapes.Yanushko p.48
13.04.201531diagnostics OrangeDemonstrate the ability to roll balls from plasticine, develop interest in work, and develop fine motor skills.enrich your vocabulary with the names of fruits.Orange plasticine, board, fruit (orange, tangerine).Yanushko p.62
20.04.201532DryingTeach how to act by demonstration, develop interest in work, and develop fine motor skills.Yellow plasticine, toy squirrel, rope, boardYanushko page 72
27.04.201533CherriesStrengthen the skill of rolling plasticine balls, teach how to press parts into plasticine.enrich your vocabulary with the names of berriesRed plasticine, dummies of berries.Yanushko page 65
18.05.201534Cookies for the catintroduce the properties of plasticine: wrinkles, rolls, flattens, tears, cultivate responsiveness and kindness.arouse interest in working with plasticinestrips of yellow plasticine, plastic plate, board, cat toyKoldina, p. 7
18.05.201535BunLearn to roll plasticine balls on a flat surface, develop interest in work, and develop fine motor skills.Board, yellow plasticine, pies, buns (dummies).Yanushko p.61
25.05.201536CarrotContinue to learn how to roll sausages from plasticine, connect parts by pressingenrich your vocabulary with the names of vegetables.Red plasticine, board, carrot.Yanushko p.68

System for monitoring children’s achievement of the planned results of the Program

Monitoring of child development and educational process is carried out twice a year: December, April. Monitoring of the educational process is carried out through tracking the results of mastering the educational program, and monitoring of child development is carried out on the basis of an assessment of the development of the child’s integrative qualities and are formulated in accordance with Federal State Requirements (FGT). Using educational process monitoring tools, you can assess the degree of progress of a preschooler in the educational program. Diagnostics are carried out within the framework of direct educational activities, as well as individually. The form of monitoring is primarily observation of the child’s activity during various periods of stay in a preschool institution, analysis of the products of children’s activities.

Diagnostic technique

N p/pCriterionExercise
1.Rolls out the roller (“sausage”) with straight hand movements, bends it into a ring, and connects the ends. Rolls small balls in a circular motion on the board. The child is asked to make a treat for the doll and place it on a plate: candy - in a circular motion, a bagel - by rolling out a column and connecting its ends.
2.Without difficulty, he breaks off small lumps from a large lump of plasticine and is able to flatten them in the palm of his hand.Invite the children to make pies for Mashenka. Everyone rolls a ball out of plasticine and flattens it in the palm of their hand, giving it the shape of a pie.
3.Knows how to sculpt simple objects and use plasticine carefully.Children are invited to choose their own plasticine for modeling. Ask: “What can you sculpt?” Offer to make sausages, balls, rings, etc.

Assessment of the level of development: 0 points – this characteristic has not been formed, and its appearance is random (low level); 1 point – the characteristic assumes a periodic manifestation, depending on the characteristics of the situation, the presence of control by an adult, the child’s mood, etc. (average level); 2 points – the emerging characteristic is stable and does not depend on the characteristics of the situation, the presence or absence of an adult, other children, the child’s mood, the success or failure of previous activities, etc. (high). The results of monitoring the educational process are entered into a table, which indicates all the results of the level of mastery of the necessary skills and abilities in educational areas.

Modeling (1st junior group). Educational field "Artistic creativity"

Group N:__________ Teachers: _____________________________________________________ Monitoring date:______________

N p/pchild's FIRolls out the roller (“sausage”) with straight hand movements, bends it into a ring, and connects the ends. Rolls small balls in a circular motion on the board. Able to sculpt simple objects and use plasticine carefully.He knows how to break off small lumps from a large lump of plasticine, and he knows how to flatten them in the palm of his hand.Average markLevel indicator
1st half of the year: B – M – L –2nd half of the year: B – C – L –
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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