"It was in the forest." Theatrical fairy tale dedicated to Mother's Day (middle group)

Summary of the dramatization of the fairy tale for Mother's Day "Mom's Bun"

Presenter: I was visiting the grandparents of Roma’s granddaughters. He missed his mother very much.

(There is a wooden house, near the house there is a table with dishes and flour)

The boy Roma comes out of the house.

Roma: Rain, rain, water - there will be a harvest of bread. There will be buns, there will be baked goods, there will be delicious cheesecakes.” “The bag was rolling from a high hump. This bag contains bread, salt, wheat. Who do you want to share with?

Mom's holiday is coming soon, I need to prepare a gift for her.

(Addresses the audience)

What should I give her?

(Scratches the back of his head and spreads his arms)

Children run out dressed as berries and fruits. Polka dancing.

Roma: I came up with it! Mom loves bread. I’ll bake her a bun, not a simple one, but with berry and fruit jam. Let mom have some fun. Presenter: Roma kneaded the dough, baked a bun and put it on the window to cool.

(Roma performs all the actions related to baking bread and sings)

Roma: (singing) I baked a bun for a treat for my mother’s holiday, I baked it skillfully so that it would be delicious! So my bun is ready.

(Picks up the bun and places it on the windowsill)

Now you can play. (Goes into the house)

Presenter: As soon as Roma left the house, a bear came from the neighboring forest at the smell of freshly baked bread.

A child comes out in a bear costume.

Bear: I walked through the forest for a long time. I found berries and mushrooms. Suddenly I felt (sniffs) the aroma of freshly baked bread.

(He goes to the house by the smell)

Bear: Who are you? Very tasty and round! Kolobok: It’s easy and quick to guess: soft, fluffy and fragrant, it’s black, it’s white, and sometimes it’s burnt. Guess who I am? Bear: Yes, you are a bun of bread, a ruddy bun. I will eat you.

(He grabs the kolobok with his paw, it falls into the house and a child in a kolobok costume runs out of the house)

Kolobok: Don’t eat me, bear, Roma baked me for his mother as a gift. Do you want me to sing you a song? Bear: Sing, and I’ll think about whether you’re there or not. Kolobok: (sings and dances) I am a ruddy bun. I'm ready for mommy. I'm stuffed with stuffing. My bread is sweet and aromatic. If anything happens to me, Roma’s mom will be upset! So Kolobok: What's going on here? you don't eat me, better show me the forest. Bear: Okay, let's go along that path over there.

(Kolobok and a bear are walking through the forest. They see animals in the clearing knocking on spoons, drumming and dancing. A re-enactment of the song “Peddlers”)

Bear: Animals also want to congratulate their mothers on the holiday. The concert is being prepared. Kolobok: What else do you have interesting? Bear: Here, look. (Shows him with his paw) Presenter: And the bear brought the bun to the flower garden. There the animals grow flowers for their mothers.

(Children dressed in flower costumes run out. They squat down. To the music, a squirrel runs out with a watering can and waters the flowers. The flowers slowly “rise”, “grow.” Dance “Waltz of the Flowers”, music by P.I. Tchaikovsky)

Bear: It’s strange that Roma decided to give your mother not flowers, but you. Kolobok: There is nothing strange here. Firstly, I am a gift made with love and with my own hands, and secondly, bread is the head of everything, if there is bread, there will be lunch. We say: the sky is glad for the sun, the little pole is a sunflower. I’m glad to see the tablecloth with some bread: it’s like the sun on it. So Romina’s mother will be glad to see me. Okay, bear, I have to go. I have to go back to Roma, because he baked me for my mother.

(The song “Mom’s first word” plays, everyone waves after the departing bun)

Presenter: and the bun rolled into Roma’s house. Meanwhile, Roma had had enough of playing and decided to see how his gift for his mother was doing. He went out onto the porch, and the bun was already lying there on the window. The boy took it and carried it to his mother.

(Roma takes the bun and goes out to the middle of the hall and reads V. Orlov’s poem “Spikelet”)


In every grain of wheat, Summer and winter, the power of the sun is stored, And the power of the native land. And grow under the bright sky, Slender and tall, Like an immortal Motherland, An ear of bread.

This is the best gift for mom, it looks like the sun.

(He approaches his mother and kisses her, hands her a bun)

Bread to the house, happiness in it! Happy holiday mom!

Host: This is where the fairy tale ends! Well done to those who played in it! Everyone remembers that BREAD is the crown of everything! Roma and animals: Yes!

Author: Irina Anatolyevna Pavlova, teacher, Secondary School No. 311, Moscow, Russia

The article is published in the author's edition

Poems for Mother's Day for children for a matinee

I live as if in a fairy tale - the Fairy is next to me. Gives me care, affection, surrounds me with kindness. This is my dear mother, just like a sorceress, who fulfills all wishes and drives away sorrows. I wish that my mother never gets sick and shines with her kind smile for us like a star!

In honor of the holiday for mother, we will sing songs, and on such a wonderful day we will read our poems. Flowers and gifts - Everything is dear to her, After all, there is no one more beautiful than her - Beloved, dear!

I love my mother very much, I honestly want to wish her, So that joy, like snow, is abundant. Suddenly they begin to shower my mother! I wish that in your mood there will be no place for sadness, and with your mother on hand, luck will go along all the paths!

Today is a holiday in the kindergarten, Today is mother’s holiday, After all, the quiet one and the prankster adore mother: For the beloved mothers, We will sing songs, We will tell poems for them, Congratulations on the best day.

Early in the morning - a holiday, A wonderful day for mothers, I prepared the most beautiful gift for her myself. I am a mother’s son, I appreciate my mother, I give my wonderful gift with all my heart!

I congratulate my beloved mother, I wish you to be healthy, so that your eyes glow with happiness, so that no tears shine in them. Be joyful and cheerful, Let things get done quickly. There is no better mother in the world, And all children know this!

We dance fieryly, And very excitingly, In honor of the beautiful holiday For mothers - charming!

Mom is the dearest person, After all, there is no closer mother in the world! I love my mother very much and I will give her the whole world!

We sang a song for mom, For the best, dearest one, It sings about our love, And no, for us - mom is more beautiful!

Give mommy bouquets, hug her tenderly, and give her your warmth, take care of mom, take care.

For whom are the gifts, Delicious sweets, For whom are all these Bright bouquets? Everything for our mothers, mothers of relatives, the most beloved, the most dear!

Mom is an eternal word, the most heartfelt. We cherish it sacredly, We associate it with goodness. Mom is the best friend, better than all friends, girlfriends. “Take care of your mother” - We’ll say this directly!

Mother's Day is a wonderful day, the children are all so happy: they congratulate, they congratulate, they hug very tightly.

I prepared a bouquet, Greetings from me to my mother, And such a big poem I’ll read to her with my soul!

For whom is the bouquet large? For whom is a poem with a soul? For my beloved, I call her mom!

We give our mothers Bright bouquets, And we read Kind poems at the same time. And we sing songs to them - our beloved ones, congratulating them together on the best day.

The holiday is the best, the most dear, It is a holiday for mom, it is dear to her: We will congratulate the dear ones with kind poems, Mothers will smile tenderly with us.

There are no mothers dearer, kinder and sweeter. Congratulations to mommies, the best ladies. Both mothers' sons and daughters hide gifts for them. They buy them flowers and put them in vases in the morning!

The flower for mom is beautiful, so very bright and cute, I made it with my own hands, for the best, only mother!

Mom is dear and dear, I don’t understand life without her, Without her there is no happiness on earth, Mommy - come to me quickly...

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