GCD for children of senior preschool age on the topic: “My favorite books.”

Conversation on the topic “Books are my friends.”

Summary of the conversation on the topic “Books are my friends.”

Goal and tasks:

develop an interest in books, the ability to listen and understand works of different genres, and respond emotionally to imaginary events; consolidate the skills of careful handling of books, intensify cognitive activity.

The teacher invites the children to gather in the book corner. Reads the riddle: There is a leaf, there is a root, And not a bush or a flower. No paws, no hands, But he comes into the house as a friend. He'll lie on mom's lap and tell you everything. - What it is? (book) - Today, my friends, we will talk about the book and caring for it. The teacher shows the book.

— They often say: “books are our friends.”
Why is a book considered a friend? What is the book for? Books, wise, good friends, introduce us to an amazing and beautiful world - they talk about earth and space, about the lives of children, and introduce us to the natural world. With the help of books we can take interesting journeys; By reading books, we learn poems, riddles, proverbs and sayings. It’s not for nothing that the proverb says: “A book is a source of knowledge.” Educator:
Just imagine for a moment, How would we live without books? What would a student do if there were no books? If everything disappeared at once, what was written for children: From good fairy tales to funny stories?.. You wanted to dispel boredom, Find an answer to the question. He stretched out his hand for the book, but it wasn’t on the shelf! No! It’s impossible to imagine that such a moment could arise And all the heroes of children’s books could leave you. (S. Mikhalkov)

- Guess the riddles. They sat down on the pages of Thirty-three sisters. They sat down next to each other - they were not silent, they told us riddles. (letters)

Not a bush, but with leaves, Not a shirt, but sewn. Not a person, but a storyteller. (book)

Near the wall is large and important - The house is multi-story. We're on the bottom floor. We've already read all the tenants! ( bookshelf)

The teacher suggests playing the game “Guess which book has disappeared.” There are 5 - 6 books laid out on the table. Children close their eyes, the teacher puts away the book, the children guess which book has disappeared and who its author is.

Physical education lesson
We are funny monkeys, We play too loud. We all stomp our feet, we all clap our hands, we puff out our cheeks, we jump on our toes. Let's jump together to the ceiling, raise our finger to our temples, and even show each other our tongues! Let's open our mouths wider and make grimaces. As soon as I say word three, everyone freezes with grimaces. One two Three!

— What will happen if all the books disappear? Where can I get the book? — Guys, you all know that books are made of paper. But paper tears easily! What. Will the books soon get torn and disappear completely? How should you handle a book so that it pleases readers for a long time? — Books are our friends. But they don’t offend friends, they take care of them. Children with a teacher look at books. - Now look at these books and tell me. How were they treated?

- Yes, some books are very sick. Why? Because they took them with dirty hands, tore off the leaves, and drew scribbles on them. Now these books are crying bitterly: “Dear children, take care of us!” — How should books be handled? (children's answers) A prepared child reads a poem.

You can take the book Read and see. But we ask you very much: You need to take care of them! Don't tear the pages! Don't throw it on the floor! And don’t write words between the lines! If you love books. They are constantly friends with the heroes. If they see that they are being protected... Books will never run away from you!

Consultation for parents

"Children's Friendship"

Consultation for parents “Children's Friendship”.

“Friendship is the consonance of souls in the connection of destinies” Eastern wisdom.

What is true friendship? How does it manifest itself? Who does a person have the right to call a friend? There are no clear answers to these questions. But everyone should think about these questions. The opposite of friendship is selfishness. If a person is an egoist, then he cannot have a real friend... Vladimir Ivanovich Dal in his famous “Explanatory Dictionary” gives the following definition of friendship: “friendship is... an unselfish, persistent attachment.” The famous scientist and writer puts selflessness in first place. You are friends with a person not so that he will do something good to you, not because it is beneficial. You are friends with a person because he is close to you, his interests and views are close. There are, of course, guys who choose a friend “for beautiful eyes.” If a person knows how to dress well and fashionably, if he has toys, I will be friends with him, if not, I will not. Such guys will never have real friends. And without friends a person cannot be happy... Today we will talk about what a true friend should be and try to formulate the rules of friendship. Parents need to be attentive to children's friendships. Friendship mutually enriches children, expands children's interests, they have a desire to help each other, to experience joy or sorrow together. Do you know your child's friends? Does he have friends? Are you to blame for this? Think about how you meet your child's friends. Are you always friendly to them, friendly, do you always smile at them? Parents need to protect the feeling of friendship that has arisen in their child, support and develop this feeling, because it is easier and more joyful to live with friends. Sometimes adults deprive their children of the right to choose a friend. Parents are not happy that the child with whom their son or daughter is friends is from a dysfunctional family, or is a poor student, or behaves badly. In such cases, it is not enough to simply forbid making friends; try to get to know your child’s friends better, show concern for their reasonable leisure time, games, and help them organize a useful business. It is important for parents to know whether their child knows how to be a good friend, whether he values ​​friendship, and whether he often quarrels with a friend and complains about him. It is necessary to instill in children that they should not argue over trifles, or become arrogant; they should not envy, but rejoice. In friendship, you must be able to accept help and provide it. Sensitivity and attentiveness should be demonstrated in every detail. We need to teach children to turn to each other, to listen to each other. In the event of a conflict between children, they themselves will find a way out of the situation. If necessary, help children resolve the dispute fairly. Do not forbid your child to keep his promises to his friends. Don't be indifferent, but be respectful towards children.

In the book “The ABC of Moral Education” edited by I.A. Kairov. There are the following partnership rules:

1. Help a friend, if you know how to do something, teach him. If a friend is in trouble, help as much as you can. Learn to empathize with a friend not only in grief, but also in joy.

2. Try to help out your friend. Share with him interesting books, toys, school supplies - anything that could help a friend.

3. Stop your friend if he is doing something bad. Good friendship means telling each other the truth. Don't snitch. If a friend is wrong about something, tell him first.

4. Don’t quarrel with your comrades, don’t argue over trifles, try to play and work together, don’t be arrogant, don’t envy, but learn to enjoy other people’s successes. If you did something bad, don’t be shy to admit it and correct yourself. It will be much easier to teach a child these rules if he sees them being implemented in the family. The child subconsciously copies the behavior of his parents and transfers what he sees into his relationships with friends. Psychologists have long noticed that the better a child’s relationship with his parents, the easier it is for him to find a common language with his peers. So let peace and love reign in your family, and let your child have the best, most loyal friends.

Lesson topic in kindergarten: “A book is your best friend”

Lesson on the topic: “A book is your best friend”


Arouse interest in the world of books, create a need for reading.



Summarize children’s ideas about the genres of children’s fiction, about the world of objects; introduce the history of the creation of the book; contribute to broadening your horizons; activate your dictionary and add new words to it.


Develop cognitive interest; improve the ability to correctly construct an answer to a question posed, clearly express your thoughts; continue to develop memory, attention, thinking, ability to analyze.


Cultivate love and interest in the book, caring for it; continue to develop the ability to communicate with adults and children; show a friendly attitude towards each other, work together.

Progress of the lesson:
Educator: The first book (A. Usachev)
I take my first book and I love it. Although for now it’s syllable by syllable, I read it myself - Both from the end and from the middle, It has beautiful pictures, There are poems, stories, songs. Life is more interesting for me with a book! Guys, you probably already guessed what we will talk about. (Children's answers) That's right, well done, about books. A book is man's best friend. How many different proverbs about the book:

-From time immemorial, a book has raised a person.

-Whoever reads knows a lot.

The teacher looks at books with the children in the book corner. Educator:

Guys, look, we have a lot of different books on our bookshelf in our group!
In the book hall there are books in a row, all on the shelves. Children come to visit them and here they find knowledge. Educator:
Please look at them and tell me whether all the books are the same or not?
(children's answers) Educator:
Tell me, children, who writes children's books?
Children's writers.
: Guys, what children’s writers do you know?
K.I. Chukovsky, A.L.
Barto, S.Ya. Marshak. Educator:
Children, why do you think we need books?
We need books to read, learn something new and interesting, and look at pictures.


A book can tell us a lot. But you need to know about the long path she herself goes through before she is born. Until a book becomes a book, it will go a long way. And how much knowledge and labor is required for her to be born!

Initially, the printing machine printed sheets day and night...

But the sheets are not yet a book, you won’t read it like that!

While the paper is being made, guys, it will be hard work.

A writer writes a book on paper.

Then they take it to the editorial office.

There are so many working days, sleepless nights, living crafts behind the book... We are very grateful to the writers, we respect them for their persistent work.

And now the manuscript is ready. And the editor will read it.

Then it will be sent to print.

It needs to be glued, cut, and bound into a good binding.

You must answer to the people for every word in this book!


Each book is the result of a lot of collective work and this work must be protected. We all need to remember the rules for using the book.

Educator: -

Guys, you know how to handle a book. (Children's answers) Let's now conduct experiments that will help us remember the rules of communicating with a book.

Experience No. 1.

The paper is wrinkled, now try to smooth out the sheet of paper. Conclusion: You can’t crush books.

Experience No. 2.

The paper is torn. Conclusion: You can’t tear books.

Experience No. 3

. "Water and paper." Conclusion: Paper gets wet, don't get books wet.

Experience No. 4.

The paper gets dirty. Conclusion: do not handle with dirty hands.


So let's set the rules:

Rules for using the book for children. 1.Take books with clean hands; 2.Flip carefully beyond the upper left corner of the page; 3.Do not tear; 4.Do not wrinkle; 5.Do not use for games; 6.Always put the book back in its place.

Physical school is being held

Open the book quickly! Spread your arms to the sides. In the book, there is a midge, a mouse, a bear, according to the text. In the book, the ball is round on its side, Up, down, jump, hop. There is an umbrella in the book, open it and sing, Raise your hands up above your head. The rain is pouring, but you are dry! Fingers on the knees Pussy in the book close - close Stroking hands. In the color picture I stroke the pussy with my hand for a long time - After all, the pussy has such fur


And now we will solve riddles:

They were waiting for mother with milk, And they let a wolf into the house... Who were these Little children?
As a child, everyone laughed at him, They tried to push him away: After all, no one knew that he was born a White Swan.
She bought a samovar, and a mosquito saved her.
She was an artist, as beautiful as a star, and ran away from the evil Karabas forever.
While eating rolls, a guy rode on a stove. I rode around the village and married the princess.
Both the little hare and the she-wolf - Everyone runs to him for treatment.
I went to visit my grandmother and brought her pies. The Gray Wolf watched her, deceived her and swallowed her.
She is the most important mystery of all, Even though she lived in the cellar: She helped grandma and grandpa pull a turnip out of the garden bed.
Here's a very easy, short question: Who put the wooden nose in the ink?
The beautiful maiden is sad: She doesn’t like spring, It’s hard for her in the sun! The poor thing is shedding tears!
He treats small children, Heals birds and animals, The Good Doctor looks through his glasses...
It was baked from flour and mixed with sour cream. He was chilling at the window, He was rolling along the path. He was cheerful, he was brave, and on the way he sang a song. A bunny, a gray wolf and a brown bear wanted to eat him. And when the baby met a red fox in the forest, he couldn’t get away from her. What kind of fairy tale?
The nose is round, with a snout, It is convenient for them to rummage in the ground, The tail is small with a hook, Instead of shoes - hooves. Three of them - and how similar the friendly Brothers are. Guess without a hint, who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
Near the forest, on the edge, Three of them live in a hut. There are three chairs and three mugs, three beds, three pillows. Guess without a hint, who are the heroes of this fairy tale?


Now we need to name the author:

“The blanket ran away, the sheet flew away, and the pillow, like a frog, jumped away from me.” (

Korney Chukovsky “Moidodyr”
“- Oh, you grimy girl, where did you get your hands so dirty? Black palms; there are tracks on the elbows.” (“The Dirty Girl” by A. Barto)


Now look at the illustrations, what fairy tale are they for? (The game “Guess the fairy tale from the cover” is played) “Kolobok”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Snow Maiden”, “Swan Geese”, “Frog Princess”, “Emelya”.


Today we looked at books, found out how many different books exist in our lives, how they come into being, and established the rules for using books.
You guys are great, you were very good conversationalists. Promise to treat each book with care. Promise to make friends with the book. And in conclusion, I will read you a poem by S.Ya.Marshak I am the Book! I'm your comrade! Be careful with me, baby... My clean appearance is always neat: Protect me from stains! Don't bend my binding: Don't break my spine! Give up the bad habit: Don’t slobber on your fingers while leafing through! Don't forget me in the garden, Suddenly the rain comes as a misfortune. Wrap me in paper! Where you found me, return me there! Don't bend my sheets! Do you remember about the bookmark? Remember: I am your best friend. But not for dirty hands.


To provide knowledge about the main points in the history of the creation of books, to introduce the first written materials (clay, fabric, birch bark, paper).

Touch on the history of book printing and recall modern technical means of data storage.

Develop the child’s cognitive initiative and creative skills by performing various types of artistic activities during the pedagogical process.

Equipment: projector, screen, laptop.

Materials: sand, water, clay, hoop, Chinese characters, silk, palette, gouache, brushes.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Hello guys,

I'm so glad to see you.

My name is flash drive

Look, I can store a lot, a lot, a lot of information.

And the room you are in is called a data storage center. Data about everything is stored here. And today I invite you on a journey to the “past of the book.” Do you like to read books?

Children's answers.

Educator: What books do you read?

Children's answers.

Educator: You see how many books you read.

Then you will enjoy my journey. After all, you will learn a lot of new things about how your wonderful books appeared. Shall we go on a trip?

Children's answers.

Educator: But we need to go back in time. How do we get there?

Children's answers (by magic, in a time machine).

Educator: You and I will go in a time machine. I'll tell you a secret, she's in front of you. Please turn on the time machine for us (turns to the assistant). We want to go back in time.

Turn on the time machine

Educator: Guys, let's get into the time machine. Look. There is a large flow of information here (points to the glowing light bulbs), try not to step on them. Agreed? (children enter the time machine).

Educator: The book’s past began in a country called Egypt. The first book was opened there, and now we will move there.

(Beautiful cosmic music sounds, an image of an Egyptian pyramid appears on the screen).

Educator: Well done, guys, look, we ended up in Ancient Egypt. Look, Egypt is a beautiful country. There are many deserts, there are seas with beautiful fish, even mountains and rivers. Children, and this country was ruled by kings - pharaohs, and they were helped by priests. The priests were smart and educated. They knew how to read and write. Let's sit down at the tables. For you, on the tables there are some natural materials that the priests used to write books; they had to be written on something. Really, guys? Let's see what lies in front of you.

(Children sit at the tables, look at what is on the tables, and name these objects).

Educator: Well done, you learned all the materials. Let's try something on them, write, draw. Take the wooden sticks that are in front of you. Try writing in the sand first. Tell me, is your image visible?

Children's answers:

Educator: Now put down your wooden sticks. Let’s imagine that you and I took our inscription to someone to read. We carried and shook our inscription along the way, shake the plate. What happened to our inscription?

Children's answers:

Educator: Why?

Children's answers:

Educator: Let's now try to draw on the water. Dip your stick into the water and draw something there. What's going on, kids?

Children's answers:

Educator: That's right, children, water has no shape, therefore, what you are drawing now is not visible. Now move the clay closer to you and try to draw something on the clay.

(Children draw on clay)

Educator: Now let's check if this information can be saved? Take your tablet and shake it, blow on it. What happened to the information?

Children's answers:

Educator: So clay is suitable for writing something down?

Children's answers:

Educator: The ancient priests came to the same conclusion. Let's see how they did it. To record information, they used clay tablets almost identical to those on which they wrote using wooden sticks made from reeds. They pressed the stick with a stick, as you do on clay, and an image was obtained, and then these plates were fired and stacked on top of each other and the result was book pages made of clay. This is the secret in Ancient Egypt.

Well, it’s time for us to move on, another country is waiting for us.

(Children enter the time machine, beautiful cosmic music sounds, and an image of the Chinese Wall appears on the screen).

Educator: Children, and now we are going to Ancient China, this country is the birthplace of many discoveries. Let's get out of the time machine and look at the screen (showing the Great Wall of China, the Emperor's Palace, and this is the Temple of Heaven, tea and rice are grown in China, and this is the New Year - it is considered the most important holiday in China.) Do you know that the Chinese devote a lot of time to their health, take care of their body, and therefore I suggest you do Chinese gymnastics. Let's stand so that we don't interfere with each other when doing gymnastics.

(Children, together with the teacher, perform Chinese gymnastics)

Educator: I suggest you sit down (children sit on the floor).

The history of the origin of the book in China was very interesting. At first, the Chinese wrote on silk (this is a very delicate material), then these pieces of material were sewn together and these silk books were obtained. And now I invite you to become the creators of your own silk book. Just as we are going to write, let me show you. The fact is that in China they use special symbols called hieroglyphs, repeat after me (showing hieroglyphs - mountains, river, rice field, man, grass, tree). I suggest choosing the hieroglyph you like and writing it on your silk pages.

I will tell you a secret that the Chinese are very inventive people and the next thing they invented was paper, but we will talk about it in another country and in another time. Agreed? Let's quickly go to the time machine.

(Children enter the time machine, an image of Ancient Rus' appears on the screen).

Educator: You and I moved to Ancient Rus'. Rus' has always been famous for its beautiful wooden cities, mighty and strong heroes, its handicrafts and, of course, cheerful holidays. Guys, do you know that at first in Rus' they wrote on birch bark. What is this, who can tell me? Birch bark is the bark of a birch tree; they wrote on it using a sharp stick, and then paper appeared and chroniclers began to write on it. Their work was very hard, which is why they were so happy when a real printed book appeared. How did this happen? Look here. The letters were cut out of wood, then paint was applied to them, and then pressed onto sheets of paper. This was the first printed book.

The lesson is summed up, and the children return to the kindergarten by time machine.

Conversation in the senior group about the library

Summary of a conversation with children of the senior group on the topic: Library

Goal: Clarify knowledge about the library. Objectives: 1. Give children an idea about the library and the rules for visiting it;
2. To develop knowledge about the librarian profession; 3. Continue to cultivate a caring attitude towards books. Progress of the conversation:
Educator: Guys, tomorrow we are going on an excursion to where books “live”. Where do you think we'll go? Children's answers. Educator: You and I will go to the children's library. There are a lot of different books there. What do you know about books? What are they? Children's answers. Educator: The library has encyclopedias, fairy tales, dictionaries, textbooks, magazines, newspapers, collections of writers, poets, books with and without pictures. Books come in big and small, thick and thin.

Educator: Why do you think books are needed? Children's answers. Educator: Encyclopedias are needed to learn new things, fiction is needed to read interesting stories and poems. Fairy tales are needed to calm and delight children, to instill in them kindness, hard work, and respect for elders. And not only for this. Books are very important in a person’s life; they help him in many ways. Do you like books? What book is your favorite? Children's answers. Educator: Who works in the library? Children: Librarian. Educator: Correct. Librarian is a very interesting and honorable profession. It helps you choose or find the book you need. Is it possible to take the book home forever? Children's answers. Educator: Of course not. Books are given for one month only. Then you need to bring it and return it to the library. The library has two halls. One of them is a reading room. There people read selected literature. The second hall is a subscription hall. There, the books that readers take home are recorded in a form. The form is a small book. Each reader has his own.

Educator: Let's remember the rules for handling a book. 1. The book cannot be torn; 2. The book cannot be thrown away; 3. You can’t draw in a book; 4. You cannot take a book with dirty hands; 5. You need to turn the page carefully from the top, without wetting your finger; 6. Sheets cannot be folded; 7. Use a bookmark; 8. You cannot read while eating, so as not to stain the book; 9. The book must be wrapped in a cover. Educator: Books must be taken care of, because books are very important in a person’s life. There are many proverbs and sayings about books, let's remember them. — A book raises a person; - The book is small, but it gave me some sense; - The book is your friend, without it it’s like having no hands; - He who reads a lot knows a lot; — A book is a storehouse of wisdom; - The book will help in work, help out in trouble; - Reading is the best learning. The teacher conducts a discussion on each proverb. Educator: The library has its own rules of behavior. I want to tell you about them. Rules of behavior in the library: 1. Do not borrow books without asking; 2. If you took a book, say “thank you”; 3. Handle books with care; 4. Don’t make noise or disturb others. Educator: Now you and I can safely go on an excursion to the library.

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Work assignments: we keep order in the book corner.


Objectives: Teach children to carry out work assignments during the week as part of a group, highlight the front of work | distribute responsibilities, maintain order. Form a conscious attitude to order, responsibility for fulfilling work assignments.

Socialization. Reading
Reading. Artistic creativity

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Exercise “Name the word.” Objectives: To develop the sound culture of speech, to update children’s knowledge of the sound composition of words. Teach them to select words with a certain sound, evaluate the correctness of their answer, correlating it with the task.

Project activity: project “Earth is our common home.”*


Objectives: During the production of a model of Eurasia, systematize children’s knowledge. To develop design and research skills, to teach how to choose the most appropriate way of activity and to use it productively, to stimulate the development of cognitive abilities.

Morning. Walk


Observation: puddles after frost. Objectives: To draw children's attention to the ice that has formed on puddles, to help formulate a conclusion about the relationship between ice formation and low air temperature. Suggest coming up with a way to check the statement: “Ice on puddles is fragile.”_____________________________________________

Outdoor game "Colors". Objectives: Organize a conversation to identify children’s understanding of the rules of the game. Offer to all the guys

tell the rules together, complement each other’s statements, ask the children what the driver should do. Contribute to improving the performance of game actions.
CommunicationDidactic game "Tender names". Objectives:
To teach children to create diminutive derivatives from the names of comrades, to compose speech structures with the resulting words. Form friendly relationships between children, develop empathy, decentralization.
Physical CultureExercise "Mirror". Objectives: Exercise children in walking in combination with other types of movements (squatting on a signal, lifting the right leg and clapping under it). Enrich children's motor experience and develop coordination of movements.
WorkLabor assignments: covering perennial plants with foliage. Tasks: Invite children to talk about the purpose of this work operation, select the necessary equipment, and distribute responsibilities. Foster love and respect for living nature.
Evening. Walk
Cognition. Communication Observation: chestnut in late autumn. Objectives:
Expand children’s understanding of trees, teach them to recognize chestnut trees by their characteristic structural features, and identify the peculiarities of life in late autumn. Learn to write a story about what happens to a tree in different seasons.
Physical CultureOutdoor game "Rabbits". Complication: players move along a gymnastic bench on all fours and overcome obstacles. Objectives: Teach children to perform play actions. Develop dexterity, courage, endurance, creativity and imagination in motor activities.
Physical CultureIndependent motor activity. Objectives:
To teach children to independently organize outdoor games, find activities of interest, and use a variety of sports attributes in physical activity.
Evening. Group work
ReadingReading the poem by D. Kharms “The Cheerful Old Man.” Objectives:
Introduce children to the work, offer to tell the story of the hero, highlight what is funny in his actions, characterize the emotions evoked by the poem. Develop a sense of humor and literary taste.
MusicPlaying with singing “Guselki” (Russian folk song arranged by M. Iordansky).

Objectives: To teach children to perform a song in groups one by one, to use means of expression in accordance with the content of the song and the characteristics of the melody. Develop a sense of rhythm in dance improvisations.

Listening to the Russian folk song “You’re a head”, arranged by N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Objectives: To develop musical and auditory perceptions, musical and aesthetic consciousness. Activate and expand the vocabulary associated with determining the nature of a musical work.


Role-playing game "Barbershop". Objectives: To develop in children the ability to plan and “judge the actions of the players, to use the attribute” To develop the ability to convey the features of a hairdresser’s work in game actions.


Morning. Group work

Reading the story by E. Nosov “How a crow got lost on the roof.”


Tasks: Invite children to listen carefully to the presentation in order to find answers to questions; the teacher is taught to convey inferences in speech. To instill in children a love of reading, to cultivate a caring attitude towards living beings.

Work. Communication

Canteen duty. Objectives: Teach those on duty to independently organize their work and the self-service of other children. Learn to use polite words, formulate requests clearly and correctly, and be courteous.

Games with Lego: building according to plan. Objectives: Expand children's understanding of the capabilities of the designer, the options for buildings that can be built from it. Learn to create new designs based on familiar ones, and be creative.

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Preparation for the role-playing game “Builders”: ri

poking on the topic “My city”; reading the story by D. Chiard “About the One Who Has Three Eyes.”

Work. Cognition
Socialization. Artistic creativity. Reading

Objectives: To develop sociocultural competencies in children (possession of knowledge and experience in performing typical social roles, the ability to imitate actions

sphere of labor relations), develop children's play activities.
Artistic creativityManual labor: we are preparing an exhibition of autumn crafts. Objectives:
To teach children to make crafts from natural and other materials, to compose compositions from them, using previously mastered techniques. Develop imagination, visual perception, cultivate hard work.
Cognition. Communication Conversation about late autumn. Objectives: To clarify and supplement children’s ideas about this season of the year. Learn to write short stories about animals and plants, autumn natural phenomena. Help to identify the relationship between individual natural phenomena.
Morning. Walk
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CommunicationDidactic game “First syllable”. Objectives:
To organize the use by children of the ability to divide words into syllables and highlight the first syllable. Teach them to correctly correct mistakes made by their comrades and explain their position.
Physical CultureOutdoor game “Migration of birds”. Objectives: To contribute to the improvement of game actions, to develop the ability to compare one’s actions with the rules of the game, to learn to monitor one’s posture.
Socialization. Communication Independent play activities of children. Objectives:
To develop in children skills related to the communicative and regulatory functions of speech. Learn to act as organizers of game interaction.
SocializationRole-playing game "Trip around the city." Objectives:
Expand children’s understanding of their hometown, tell about memorable places, and introduce them to the role of a tour guide. Learn to take on a role and conduct role-playing dialogues.
Evening. Walk
CognitionObservation: “How do coniferous trees prepare for winter?” Tasks: Invite the children to examine the spruce branches and carefully remove the scales from the bud located at the tip of the spruce paw. Show how tightly the kidney is blocked with a resinous substance. To help draw a conclusion about how spruce prepares for the onset of cold weather.
Physical Culture. Health

Healthy walking around the territory of the kindergarten. Objectives: To improve children’s ability to change the speed of movement, to facilitate the development of race walking techniques. Develop endurance, strengthen leg muscles, promote children's health.

Physical Culture

Outdoor game “Magic wand”. Objectives: To introduce children to the rules of the game. Improve the ability to correlate your actions with the actions of other players, the driver, and navigate in space. Develop reaction speed.

Evening. Group work

Work in the book corner: restoration of worn-out copies.


Objectives: To organize the use of appropriate work skills by children. Learn to choose rational work methods and provide mutual assistance. To inculcate hard work and respect for books.


Round dance game “Steep Mountain” (Russian folk song, arranged by M. Iordansky). Tasks:

To improve children's performance of play actions, to develop vocal and performing abilities, musical and aesthetic consciousness, and the need for music.

Preparation for the role-playing game “Sailors”: lesson “Travel around the country”; paper construction (binoculars, glasses); reading the story by A. Lyapidevsky “To the North”.


Objectives: Enrich the plot by setting more complex gaming tasks for children. Create an atmosphere of creativity and trust, giving each child the opportunity to express themselves in preparation and during the game.

Individual work on FEMP: didactic game “Name the days of the week.”

Socialization. Artistic creativity. Reading

Tasks: Exercise children in naming the days of the week from any day, teach them to pronounce the names correctly, choose the number corresponding to the serial number of a specific day of the week


Conversation on the topic “Rules of conduct on the road.” Objectives: Consider various situations with children, discuss how to act in each of them, what rules must be followed, what rules are violated by the heroes of the situations under consideration.


Morning. Group work

Reading the poem by S. Gorodetsky “The First Snow”. Objectives: Discuss the content of the work with children, teach them to listen to the rhythm of the text, highlight expressive

ny means. Help to feel the anticipation of the imminent arrival of winter.
WorkDuty during class. Objectives: To teach children to perform duty duties efficiently and independently, to organize the work of other children. Learn to see the meaning of work, carry out work processes holistically - from goal setting to obtaining and evaluating results, and exercise self-control.
Cognition. Communication Games with large building materials: constructing a three-deck passenger ship. Objectives:
To teach children to apply their knowledge and design experience in the process of work, to look for rational solutions, to negotiate, to work collectively. Develop verbal imagination, dialogical speech.
WorkWork in a corner of nature: loosening the soil. Objectives:
Discuss with children the essence and purpose of the process of loosening the soil, when it needs to be done and how. Develop appropriate work skills and cultivate a caring attitude towards plants.
SocializationRole-playing game “Builders”: the plot is “Selection of building material and its delivery.” Objectives:
To contribute to the enrichment of the game with new solutions (changes in attributes), to create conditions for creative self-expression. Develop play activities, introduce basic generally accepted norms and rules to relationships with peers and adults.
CognitionObservation from the window: the first snow. Tasks:
Invite children to tell what is happening outside the window, make assumptions about where the snow comes from. Draw a conclusion about the connection between snowfall and cold weather.
Physical CultureOutdoor game "Crucian carp and pike". Objectives: Exercise children in performing game actions, teach them to compare their actions with the rules. Develop endurance, speed qualities, and help improve motor skills.
Morning. Walk
Cognition. Communication Observation: birch in November. Tasks: Invite children to look at a tree, tell how it prepares for winter, summarize and supplement the children’s answers. Learn to write a short story based on the results of a series of observations.
CognitionDidactic game "Who's first?" Objectives:
To teach children to visually assess the length, draw a segment of a certain length by eye
Physical Culture

in two parts. Develop visual perception, eye measurement, learn to formulate the results of work.

Outdoor game "Colors". Complication: players need to move in a half-squat with a heel-to-toe roll in a gymnastic step. Objectives: To develop in children the ability to compare their actions with the rules of the game, to teach them to use the knowledge of colors and shades in the game, to monitor their posture and movement time. Develop attention, coordination of movements, dexterity, creativity in motor activity.

Physical Culture
Cognition. Communication

Exercise "Circus performers". Objectives: To train children in jumping over a long rope, to improve the performance of basic movements, to enrich motor experience. Develop leg muscles, endurance, agility.

Evening. Walk

Observation: spruce and pine needles. Tasks: Invite children to compare spruce needles and spruce needles, characterize their color, length, features of position on the branches. Activate in speech and clarify relevant concepts. Learn to compose a short description story using speech constructions of comparison and contrast._____

Physical Culture

Exercise “This is how I can!” Objectives: Exercise children in jumping over a large handle used as a jump rope. Develop dexterity in the calf muscles.________________________________

Physical Culture

Outdoor game "Stop". Objectives: Contribute to the improvement of action games, develop the ability to compare your actions with the rules of the game; learn to monitor your posture

Evening. Group work


Work in the sensory education corner. Objectives: To teach children to examine objects and determine their various properties using different organ senses. Strengthen the ability to record your impressions in speech.


Round dance game “Trees” (Russian folk song arranged by M. Iordansky). Tasks:

Teach children to perform game actions, sing a song that characterizes the tree, the name of which the child has chosen. Develop creative activity in song improvisations.

Role-playing game "Sailors". Objectives: To promote the creative use of game ideas about the surrounding life, skills.

I. "pick up items and attributes for the game, use substitute items.
CommunicationIndividual work on speech development. Objectives:
To train children in the use of nouns in the genitive case, in the plural, to teach them to use them correctly in various speech constructions.
Socialization. Cognition Designed according to the design from the building material "Lego". Objectives: Develop creativity, learn how to build collectively, use previously mastered skills and abilities to realize the plan. Form the habit of tidying up your workspace after games.
Morning. Group work
1, IReadingReading works of children's choice. Objectives:
Teach children to choose a book for collective reading, motivate their choice, answer questions about the content of a familiar book.
Work. Cognition Working in a corner of nature: growing green food. Objectives:
To teach children to grow green food for the inhabitants of a corner of nature, to independently determine what needs to be planted and when. Cultivate responsibility, hard work, observation, and caring attitude towards the environment. Learn to evaluate the results of work and share your impressions.
I.CognitionGames with building materials: building bridges. Objectives:
Teach children to use their skills to build various buildings. To consolidate ideas about the purpose and general structure of bridges. Learn to observe the principles of proportionality, symmetry, stability.
Cognition. Communication Working in a corner of nature: looking at the album “Animals of Africa”. Objectives: Continue to introduce children to the animals of Africa, invite them to look at the drawings, characterize the features of the appearance and vital functions of various animals. Develop coherent speech, develop the ability to establish a relationship between the structure and characteristics of the life of animals.
V. O. Socialization. Work Role-playing game "Mail". Objectives: Invite children to play out various situations, acting as postal workers. Learn to choose optimal behavior patterns and convey in the game the features of a postman’s work.
SocializationIndependent play activity.

Objectives: Offer children printed board games; during observation, track the extent to which the children understand the rules and essence of the games, how diligent they are, and their desire to complete the game.

Conversation on the topic “Cleanliness and Health.” Objectives: To form in children ideas about the importance of compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards for health, about microbes as the cause of some diseases.

Morning. Walk


Observation: aspen in November. Tasks: Invite the children to look at the tree, guess what happens to it in late autumn. Show the children how tightly and securely the aspen buds are covered, remove several rows of scales from them and examine the earrings. P' be able to draw conclusions about how trees prepare for winter.

Didactic game “What is where?”


Objectives: To teach children to designate with words the position of objects in relation to themselves, to enrich their vocabulary, to teach them to choose from a synonymous range of concepts that most accurately characterize the position of an object


Game activities based on children's interests. Objectives: To develop independence and activity in children, to develop the ability to spend leisure time interestingly and usefully.

Physical Culture. Health

Outdoor game "Mirror". Objectives: To train children in running, to teach them how to perform various movements correctly (running with high knees, small and wide steps, straight legs, etc.). Expand motor experience, increase the functionality of the body__________________________________________

Evening. Walk

Cognition Physical culture. Health

Observation: larch and juniper. Tasks: Invite children to examine plants, compare the structure of trunks, branches, leaves, using tactile capabilities for inspection. Help create a comparative story, summarize the results of the observation._________________________________________________

Independent motor activity of children. Objectives: To develop health-preserving competencies (a positive attitude towards one’s health, knowledge of methods of physical self-improvement, emotional self-regulation, variety of motor experience, the ability to use it). Teach children to select sports attributes for various types of physical activity. _________________________________

Outdoor game “Magic wand”.

Objectives: Teach children to act in accordance with the rules of the game. Develop attention, memory, speed of reaction, endurance.
Evening. Group work
CognitionIndividual work on FEMP. Objectives:
Exercise children in ordinal counting within 20, teach them to correctly pronounce ordinal numbers, and include them in various speech structures.
MusicPlaying with singing “Oh, I got up early” (Russian folk song arranged by N. Metlov).
Objectives: Teach drivers to dramatize a song performed by a children's choir. To promote the development of children's creative activity in the transmission of musical images.
SocializationRole-playing game "Firemen". Objectives:
Teach children to convey the labor actions of firefighters in a game, offer to play out the situation “Training of firefighters.” Develop creative imagination and the ability to develop a game together.
MusicSong creativity: work with the song “Lullaby”, music by V. Agafonnikov, words by A. Shibitskaya. Objectives:
Teach children to compose melodies based on a model on a given topic. To develop a modal sense, the ability to emotionally distinguish the modal functions of melody sounds, to feel the emotional expressiveness of pitch movement.
Physical CultureWork in the physical education corner: learning to throw the ball. Objectives: Organize repetition of the rules of safe behavior with the ball in the group. Exercise children in throwing the ball to each other with their right (left) hand and catching it with both hands. Develop the eye, improve motor skills.
DAY 10
Morning. Group work
Cognition. Reading Observation: heather flowers. Reading the poem by A. Barto “For flowers in the winter forest.” Objectives:
Invite children to examine the heather, talk about the features of the appearance and vital functions of this plant. Invite the children to guess how to care for the heather.
SocializationRole-playing game "Staff Police". Tasks: Teach children to play together, prepare the environment for the game, select attributes. Work to develop and enrich the plot of the game.
SocializationConversation “...I’ll teach my little brother how to put on shoes!” Objectives:
To form sociocultural competencies (possession of knowledge and experience in performing typical tasks

cial roles; the ability to act in everyday situations in the family and everyday sphere, to determine one’s place and role in the surrounding world, in the family, in a team; mastery of cultural norms and traditions lived in one’s own activities). Teach to understand the dependence of good relationships in a team on the personal qualities of each person.

Exercise “My Appearance”. Objectives: To strengthen children’s ability to use individual personal hygiene items (handkerchief, comb, towel), and to monitor their appearance. Foster a hygienic culture, create a conscious need for cleanliness._____________________________________________

Artistic creativity

Drawing on the theme “Russian folk costume”. Objectives: Continue to introduce children to decorative and applied arts, consolidate ideas about the features of Russian folk costume, and develop the ability to decorate clothes with various details. Develop aesthetic taste.

Working in a corner of nature: learning to maintain order.

Labor Cognition

Objectives: Discuss with children what work actions need to be performed regularly to maintain order in the corner, teach them to use rational work methods._____________

Morning. Walk

Observation: trolleybus and bus. Objectives: Teach children to identify significant similarities and differences between vehicles, talk about the results of observations, and use information from personal experience.

Physical Culture

Outdoor game "Two Frosts". Objectives: To teach children to correctly perform game actions and the rules of the game. Develop dexterity, speed of reaction, coordination of movement.________________________

Labor Physical education

Work assignments: collecting fallen leaves. Tasks: Organize the collection of leaves for making crafts, herbarium, group decoration, consolidate children's knowledge about trees and shrubs. To form an interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, to teach to see the beauty of nature.

Exercise “Gymnastic balance beam”. Objectives: Exercise children in walking with side steps to the right and left along a log. Develop leg muscles, attention, coordination of movements, promote the formation of correct posture.

CognitionDidactic game “What has changed?” Objectives:
To train children in determining the spatial arrangement of objects. Develop observation skills, introduce memorization techniques, and activate your vocabulary.
Physical CultureSports game football (played on the veranda).
Objectives: To organize children’s further development of the elements of football, to teach how to dribble the ball around the pins, and how to hit a simulated goal. Improve the technique of dribbling the ball, develop creativity in motor activity.
Evening. Walk
Cognition. Communication Observation: evening sky. Tasks: Invite children to characterize the changes that occur in the evening, tell how the sky changes. Learn to use epithets, figurative expressions, and see the beauty of nature.
Physical CultureExercise “Jump, Jump.” Objectives: Exercise children in jumping on two legs over various objects. Develop flexibility of the knee joints, increase the functionality of the body.
Physical CultureRelay game “Running with a ball”. Objectives: Teach children to perform movements at a fast pace and follow the rules of the competition. Develop speed, agility, build self-confidence, and help strengthen the body.
WorkWork assignments: cleaning the site. Objectives:
Teach children to determine what needs to be done to restore order in accordance with the season of the year, weather conditions, and what equipment is needed. Foster hard work, create a work culture, teach people to act together.
Evening. Group work
HealthConversation on the topic “Dangerous invisible people.” Objectives:
Invite children to reproduce the most important rules of hygiene, tell what their violation leads to, consider various situations, suggest what can happen to those who wash their hands irregularly or poorly.
ReadingReading M. Voloshin’s poem “In Autumn”. Objectives:
To teach children to listen to poetic lines, to see descriptions of seasonal changes in nature in works of art. Cultivate a love of nature and poetry.
MusicListening to musical works by P.I. Tchaikovsky “Russian Song”, “Morning” from the “Children’s Album” cycle.

Objectives: To teach children to compare musical works of different nature, to develop the ability to hear and express the changing moods of music in rhythmic movements.___________

Preparation for the role-playing game “Library”:

Socialization. Reading

a conversation about how books are created; reading the book by I. Ilyin and E. Segala “Stories about what surrounds you.” Objectives: To promote the improvement and diversification of children’s play ideas and skills. Stimulate the need to organize role-playing games.

Work in the music education corner: learning to play the Russian folk melody “I went up the hill” on the metallophone.

Cognition. Reading Socialization. Reading Socialization

Objectives: To teach children to correctly convey the melody and rhythmic pattern of the work. Develop a musical-rhythmic sense, the ability to actively experience music, feel the emotional expressiveness of a musical rhythm and accurately reproduce it.

DAY 11

Morning. Group work

Observation from the window: snow in November. Objectives: To introduce children to Russian folklore that conveys signs associated with the first snow. Concretize the meaning of proverbs. For example, “From the first snow to the sleigh ride is six weeks.” Offer to check certain signs, discuss with the children how this can be done.______

Preparation for the role-playing game “Atelier”: conversations about the atelier, its purpose, about the people working in the atelier, about the social significance of their work; reading the poem by A. Barto “My Bear”. Objectives: To expand ideas and enrich children’s play experience on this topic, to teach them to convey the content of play roles in a new way. Develop the emotional sphere of children.

Conversation on the topic “Our Motherland Russia!” Objectives: To develop in children an understanding of citizenship and patriotic feelings. Learn to determine your place and role in the world around you, in the family, in the team, in the state. Form initial ideas about your native country.

Exercise “My locker”. Objectives: To develop self-service skills, teach children to keep their locker clean and tidy, and to correctly perform appropriate work actions. Develop a conscious attitude towards order, teach how to take care of personal belongings.___________________________

Artistic creativityA conversation about how the artist G.D. Pavlishin came up with drawings for the Nanai fairy tale “Mergen and his friends.” Objectives: To develop focus of visual perception in children. To develop the ability to see the features of the artist’s manner (decorativeness, stylization of the image of trees, flowers, animals and birds, contour and silhouette of the image).
CognitionWork in a corner of nature: observing plants. Tasks:
To form educational and cognitive competencies: teach to plan and analyze cognitive activity; ask questions to observed facts, look for the causes of phenomena, indicate your understanding or misunderstanding in relation to the problem being studied ⇐ Previous2Next ⇒

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