Article “Environmental education of preschool children taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard.”

Article “Environmental education of preschool children taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard.”

Environmental education of preschool children taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard. Forms and methods of environmental education

The tasks set by the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool pedagogy are aimed at the end result - the formation of an integral spiritual and moral personality. One of the important aspects of this process is environmental education. Only a person who sincerely loves his land, his native land will grow up to be a true patriot of his Motherland. How is environmental education implemented in kindergarten? Environmental problems of our time have an impact on the life and activities of society in general and each individual in particular. They are global in nature and can only be resolved if all people develop an ecological worldview and increase their environmental literacy and culture. In solving this problem, the leading role belongs to environmental education. The first stage of the system of continuous environmental education is preschool environmental education. How and under what conditions children develop in the first months and years of their lives determines not only what level of development they will have, but also whether it is even possible to talk about instilling an environmental culture in them.

Environmental education of preschool children according to the Federal State Educational Standard is a continuous process of children’s development aimed at developing an environmental culture in them. Familiarizing preschoolers with the natural world around them is considered within the educational field of “Cognitive Development” and involves solving such problems as:

— to form primary ideas about objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world;

— develop the need for experimentation and research of natural objects through the creation of a developing subject-spatial environment;

— to cultivate a humane, emotionally positive, careful, caring attitude towards the natural world and the surrounding world in general.

Preschool children are characterized by visual - imaginative and visual - effective thinking, therefore the principle of my work, which contributes to the development of children’s cognitive interest, is the Chinese folk wisdom: “Tell me - and I will forget, show me - and I will remember, let me act on my own - and I will understand."

In the process of environmental education, children develop cognitive interest in the natural world, curiosity, creative activity, i.e., the child’s personal qualities, which are presented as targets in the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

In our work we use organized forms of work on environmental education, as well as joint activities of the teacher and children.

Organized: – excursions (to a forest, park, meadow, pond, etc.) – classes (educational, combined, complex), – observations of animals and plants, natural phenomena, human activities in nature. Joint activities: - observations in a corner of nature, work in a corner of nature, - targeted walks in nature, hikes, - reading works of art about nature (poems, short stories, fairy tales), - looking at illustrations in books, environmental tales, pictures from the life of wild animals , artists I.I. Levitan, A.K. Savrasov, V.D. Polenov, I.I. Shishkin, K.F. Yuon and others - stories, conversations of the teacher about animals, plants, inanimate nature. about nature reserves, reserves, natural monuments, etc., – collecting collections, seeds, stones, leaves, – environmental holidays and leisure activities (“Bird Day”, “Earth Day”, “Birthday of the Forest”), – experiments, search activities in an environmental circle or laboratory of a young researcher, - marathons, auctions, promotions, - environmental trainings with discussion and simulation of situations, - games (moving, didactic, theatrical, musical, intellectual), - various types of visual activities on environmental topics.

An excellent way to combine a variety of activities aimed at understanding the world around us is the project method. It provides for preschoolers to carry out practical, purposeful activities and contributes to the formation of their personal life experience in interacting with natural objects.

Working on a project gives the child the opportunity to consolidate theoretical knowledge, feel like a tester, and participate “on an equal footing” with adults in joint cognitive activities. With preschoolers you can implement research, practice-oriented, role-playing, and creative projects. These are usually short-term group or individual projects.

The game provides children with freedom of action, freedom and the opportunity to take initiative. However, to use gaming activities in the process of environmental education, it is necessary to organize them in such a way that there is no threat or harm to wildlife.

An obligatory attribute of children's life are toys that depict natural objects. By playing with them, preschoolers imitate the habits and lifestyle of animals.

A separate type of work on environmental education is the manufacture of toys from natural materials. Children will become familiar with the characteristics of natural objects, and the fact that as a result of such an activity a beautiful, bright toy will be obtained increases interest in these activities.

In kindergarten, story games, practical games, illustration games and dramatizations are practiced. It is very useful to offer children practical games with objects such as sand, water, clay. The purpose of these games is not only to have fun and make a figurine or make a house (splash with water, blow bubbles, etc.), but also to learn the properties of these natural materials.

The group has an environmental center, where children's and encyclopedic literature with natural history and environmental content, experimentation aids, observation diaries, collections, environmental models (“Swamp”, “Antarctica”) and other materials are presented.

We have created a corner of nature where children come into contact with the beautiful world of plants every day, learn to observe, interact with it, care for it and take care of it. Working in a corner of nature has great educational value. Children develop a careful, caring attitude towards nature, develop a responsible attitude towards their responsibilities, and children learn to respect the work of adults. In the process of care, children gain an understanding of the diversity of the plant world, how plants grow and develop, and what conditions need to be created for them.

The concept of modernization of Russian education, in connection with the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, emphasizes the exclusive role of the family in solving the problems of raising the younger generation. Therefore, working with parents is the most important aspect in the implementation of environmental education, since it is the family that provides the first experience of interaction with nature, introduces them to active activities, and sets an example of attitude towards objects of the flora and fauna. Together with parents, we hold environmental events and holidays that shape the environmental culture of preschoolers. For example, campaigns for landscaping the territory of a preschool educational institution, removing garbage, protecting trees on the site, helping wintering birds, creating toys from waste materials, etc.

Thus, we can conclude that there are broad opportunities for environmental education in preschool settings. Knowledge acquired through direct play, guided by a teacher, helps to form in the child a correct idea of ​​the world, into which he is included not as a master, but as a participant in the natural process of development.

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    Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, kindergarten of general developmental type No. 11 “Firefly” of the Municipal Entity Timashevsky District (MBDOU d/s No. 11) was opened in 1966.

    If there is an island of love, joy, and happiness on Earth, then this is MBDOU d/s No. 11 “Firefly”. Our preschool educational institution is a living organism that breathes, feels, and rejoices. We try to penetrate every child's heart, instill in it joy, love, kindness. Preschool educational institutions are parents. They are the main assistants in our work and we are very grateful to them for this. Preschool educational institutions are employees. The most hardworking, creative people who can do everything, who care about everything with their souls, who love children. A preschool is a big family. And like any friendly family, we have our own traditions. If you want your baby to feel comfortable, to develop in accordance with his capabilities and abilities, come to us at the Firefly kindergarten.

    The preschool educational institution operates in accordance with the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. A license was issued for the right to carry out educational activities under educational programs dated March 12, 2013 No. 05353. The preschool educational institution has a license to carry out medical activities dated December 5, 2012 No. LO-23-01-005240.

    The preschool educational institution ensures a high level of development of preschool children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics. Contributes to the preservation of physical and mental health, intellectual, artistic and aesthetic, social and moral development, emotional comfort of the child and his socialization.

    The preschool educational institution works according to the “Basic general educational program of preschool education.”

    In addition to the basic forms, teachers use new methods, technologies, and partial programs in their work:

    • “Education of ecological culture among preschool children” (S.N. Nikolaeva)
    • “Fundamentals of the safety of preschool children” (R.B. Sterkina,)

  • “Our home is nature” (N.A. Ryzhova).
  • “Theater – creativity – children” (N.F. Sorokina)
  • TRIZ technology by G. Altshuler.
  • Technologies O.S. Ushakova on speech development

    • protecting the lives and strengthening the physical and mental health of children;
    • ensuring the intellectual, personal and physical development of the child;
    • introducing children to universal human values;
    • interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child.


    • protecting the lives and strengthening the physical and mental health of children
    • artistic and aesthetic education of children;
    • interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child.

    The teachers will make sure that your child becomes independent, sociable, active, inquisitive, learns to think, develops his creative abilities, joins the world of art, and learns to create his own artistic creations; musical director L.E. Chernyavskaya will reveal the talents of your baby and he will become a real little artist; work on moral and patriotic education is carried out, skills and abilities in visual arts are improved, taking into account the age characteristics of children. Work is underway on environmental education in all groups, there is an environmental classroom “Ladybug” in which senior students conduct experiments and experiments, based on the developments of the programs “Young Ecologist” by S.N. Nikolaeva and “Our Home is Nature” by N.A. Ryzhova. Children develop a conscious attitude towards natural phenomena, towards themselves and their health. At the preschool educational institution a complex of health-improving and educational activities is carried out, the basis of which is motor activity, these are: physical education classes; physical education and health work during the day (morning exercises, physical education minutes, outdoor games and physical exercises, hardening activities, gymnastics after sleep, “health paths”); active recreation (physical education and holidays, health days, vacations); health services: phytoncidotherapy.

    We provide additional development of children’s individual abilities in the “Bell” - vocal circle.

    Pedagogical principles of the team:

    We raise friendly, cheerful and resourceful people. We warm you with affection, warmth, care. We develop healthy, strong, dexterous people. We sow reasonable, good, eternal things.

    Every child in our garden is a clear star. And this star shines brighter because she knows that she is loved and valued, knows that she will not be abandoned, but will be helped to achieve perfection.

    Dear mothers and fathers, grandparents!

    We are glad to welcome you to our website!

    Why did we open our website on the Internet?

    In order to tell more about the preschool institution, which has become a second home for us, about the kind and creative employees who give a piece of their soul and warmth to our dear students, as well as about the children themselves, whose upbringing and education we consider the most important activity. We strive to ensure that the preschool educational institution is for everyone who visits it a home in which comfort, coziness and kindness reign, where music and sonorous children's laughter are heard, a home to which they come with joy.

    On this website you can get all the necessary information about the life of our kindergarten.

    You can find out information about how we live. We will talk about past events and significant dates. You can look at our photo album and learn from us some experience in conducting classes and consultations.

    • In the “Guest Book” section you can contact us and leave wishes and comments on the work of the preschool educational institution in general, as well as get acquainted with the opinions of other parents;
    • The “Kindergarten Events” and “News” sections contain notes of classes and events conducted by our teachers;
    • The “Garden Tour” section contains photographic materials of the territory of the preschool educational institution, interesting events held in the preschool educational institution, etc.;
    • In the “Information for Parents” section you will find a lot of interesting things: games, poems, songs, riddles and much more;
    • In the “Recommendations from Experts” section you can find consultations for educators and parents.

    We hope that our site will be useful to both parents of pupils of our preschool educational institution and many others. If you have questions regarding MBDOU d/s 11, you can ask them to our email address.

    We are waiting for you at:

    Krasnodar region, Timashevsk microdistrict. Sugar factory 8.

    tel./fax: 8 (86130) 5-35-77

    Sincerely, Head of MBDOU d/s No. 11 Avramenko Tatyana Andreevna


    The key component of the concept of “ecology” is “interaction”, “connection”. Initially, since the time of E. Haeckel, who first introduced this term in 1864, and for a long time after that, ecology designated the field of knowledge about the connections of living organisms - plants, animals, their communities - with the environment, i.e. it was a section biology. Later, this concept began to expand to include humans.

    At the present stage, ecology can be defined as a science that examines the relationship of living organisms, including humans, and their communities with the environment.

    At the same time, the environment can be understood as both the natural environment and the environment as a whole (natural, social, material). In the first case, we talk about ecology in a narrow sense, in the second - in a broad sense.

    In environmental education of children, as a rule, they are limited to ecology in the narrow sense, i.e. consider the relationship between man and the natural environment. And this is correct, otherwise the objects to which children’s attitudes are formed become blurred, and there are too many of them. And the environmental problem itself arose precisely because the natural environment began to be destroyed as a result of human activity.

    So, the concept of “ecology” includes two components: nature as biological objects, as the natural environment and the connections between them. Consequently, preparing a preschooler for subsequent full mastery of ecology includes:

    • a) the formation in children of ideas about objects of environmental interaction - objects of nature, and first of all about plants and animals (and this is natural science);
    • b) the formation of ideas about connections, without yet dividing them into natural, environmental or other connections.

    The study of relationships (cause and effect) in preschool education is currently receiving the necessary attention, but this is not always connected with environmental education. Whereas in the educational system “School 2100” this area of ​​work is directly tied to it. As the authors of the textbook “Hello, World!” note, they begin environmental education with the idea formulated by ecologist Barry Commoner: “everything is connected to everything” [1]. And this is the beginning of the formation of an appropriate universal educational action, defined in the Federal State Educational Standard for primary education as “identifying cause-and-effect relationships.”

    However, there is an aspect in the Federal State Educational Standard for Education that is directly related to environmental education. One of the tasks there is formulated as follows: “development of emotional and value perception... of the natural world.” This task is implemented within the framework of environmental education, since the formation and development of emotional and value relations towards nature belong to the sphere of environmental education. And an emotional-value attitude is possible if children have ideas (knowledge) about nature as something valuable, i.e. elements of environmental education should also be present here.

    Environmental education

    Now about the concept of “ecological education”. In the pedagogical literature one can find many definitions of the concept “education”. Therefore, in order to avoid discrepancies, let us remember that in the law “On Education in the Russian Federation” (2014), education is considered as a single process of upbringing and training.

    In this case, environmental education includes environmental education and environmental training.

    By environmental education we mean the formation in children of environmental ideas, corresponding skills, and methods of action; by environmental education we mean the formation and development of environmental emotional-value relationships.

    In other modern sources, including those related to preschool education [6], the concept of “education” includes development along with training and upbringing.

    Taking into account the above, environmental education can be defined as the process of training, education and development of a person (child) in the field of his relationship with the natural environment .

    (Here it is necessary to note that many teachers adhere to old terminological concepts and in their development of educational activities distinguish the goals of education, the goals of upbringing and the goals of development, which in the light of the above is logically incorrect: the goals of education already include the implementation of educational goals and development goals.)

    The goal of environmental education is the formation of an environmental culture. The concept of “ecological culture” is multifaceted. It includes, in particular, the presence of environmental consciousness and ecological thinking in a person. Neither one nor the other can be formed in preschoolers. Therefore, when working with them, we can only talk about the prerequisites or the beginning of the formation of an ecological culture.

    Principles and models of environmental education

    In the theory of environmental education, the principle of interdisciplinarity was one of the first to be formulated, which involves the formation of environmental knowledge, skills, and relationships in the process of studying all or almost all academic disciplines. In relation to preschool education, this principle directs teachers to implement environmental education within the framework of all educational areas named in the Federal State Educational Standard.

    Currently, three models of environmental education : single-subject, multi-subject and mixed.

    • The one-subject model is implemented within the framework of a special environmental course (in preschool education this is “Young Ecologist”, etc.) or an integrated environmental discipline.
    • The multi-subject model is implemented by saturating all or almost all academic disciplines with environmental material.
    • The mixed model involves the study of environmental issues in each academic subject and holistically in a special subject (subjects).

    Obviously, a mixed model is most effective.

    Ecological approach in the education of preschool children

    The content of environmental education for preschoolers includes knowledge related to one or another section of scientific ecology. For example, in the approximate main program “World of Discovery” it is assumed that the formation of primary ideas that in nature everything is interconnected, and man is part of nature, as well as the interconnections and interactions of living organisms with their environment [4].

    However, much greater opportunities for the environmental education of children are not the actual environmental content of programs or classes, but the implementation by the teacher of an environmental approach in education.

    An ecological approach is understood as the inclusion of environmental aspects in most issues discussed with children, the correlation of the objects being studied with a person, his behavior, and activities. S.N. Nikolaeva includes an “ecological approach” in the definition of the concept of “ecological education of preschool children”: “... this is an introduction to nature, which is based on an ecological approach, when the pedagogical process is based on the fundamental ideas and concepts of ecology” [2].

    In the same work, S.N. Nikolaeva has sections “Ecological approach to understanding diversity in living nature”, “Ecological approach in streamlining ideas about diversity in living nature”. It is clear that the use of the ecological approach is not limited to this alone.

    Almost any natural science and sometimes social science issue under consideration can also include an environmental component. For example, when studying a plant, not only its appearance or structure is considered, but also the influence of environmental factors on its growth and development: moisture, light, heat. When studying natural areas, not only the peculiarities of climate, flora and fauna are discussed, but also questions of adaptation of organisms to environmental conditions (for example: why does the dwarf birch have a shallow root system, a low curved trunk? Why is a bear living in an icy desert white? etc. .P.).

    Age-related characteristics of preschoolers’ attitudes toward nature

    They must be taken into account in children's education. After birth, the child is unable to identify himself and his environment. Even J. Piaget established that the main feature of a preschooler’s attitude to the world is egocentrism. The child does not clearly differentiate his self and the world around him, the subjective and the objective, and transfers his own motives to the real connections between the phenomena of the world. The result is anthropomorphism, i.e. endowing objects and phenomena of the surrounding world with properties inherent in the child himself. This feature of perception is largely preserved in younger schoolchildren, and partly in adults.

    And after the child begins to realize the difference between his Self and the surrounding objects and phenomena, for some time he still does not divide the environment into natural, man-made and social. Children transfer relationships in the world of people to relationships in the world of nature and in the world of things. This is manifested in personification. Personification is the endowment of objects and natural phenomena with qualities and properties of a certain type of person: for example, a fox with cunning, a hare with cowardice. Such relationships largely persist among younger schoolchildren, often later.

    In the early stages of a child’s development, the teacher supports the anthropomorphization of nature, encourages empathy with animals and plants: “don’t touch the kitten - it hurts just like you,” “don’t break the branches - it hurts the plant.”

    An example of a game situation: the teacher turns to the children with a proposal to respond to the received telegram.

    “We are the first green, and for this we are broken. Everyone who doesn’t care about the forest breaks it. We are even afraid to be the first to bloom in the forest. So what's so good about it? They'll break it anyway. Help us! It really hurts when you get broken! Very! Your green friends: Willow, Bird Cherry, Forest Lilac.” (According to V. Bianchi. “Telegrams from the Forest.”)

    When working with older preschoolers, environmental information begins to be introduced into the content of a game built on the humanization of nature. Here is an example of a game situation similar to the one described above.

    The teacher reads a telegram from the forest.

    "I need help! Urgent! The beetles came out, climbed the trees, chewed everything. In winter they sat in the ground - they hid two meters deep, and now they attacked the trees. I work for two people, but I still can’t cope: there are a lot of them. Need urgent help! Pass this on to the kids. Urgently. Your Woodpecker."

    Here children already get an idea of ​​the relationship between birds and insects, and the ecological role of the woodpecker.

    The mentioned features of children's perception of natural objects (humanization, personification) provide an opportunity for the integration of environmental education itself and moral education.

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