NOD OO "Cognitive Development" in the senior group on the topic "What is summer?"

Weekly calendar plan on the theme “Summer”

Topic: “Summer” from 06/1/20 to 06/5/20



1. Conversation on the topic: “Why do you love summer?” Looking at pictures about summer. Target. Systematize ideas about the seasons. Expand your understanding of berries that grow in the garden and forest. Learn to distinguish between forest and garden berries.

2. D/I “What first, what then.” Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the changing seasons.

3. Canteen duty. Objectives: to promote the improvement of children’s table setting skills, to teach them to independently perform the duties of an attendant from start to finish.

4. D./i. “Compare by size.” C: train children in the ability to establish relationships between colored circles by size, arrange them in descending order.

Musical and recreational leisure “Summer, summer has come to us”

Software tasks:

to give children basic knowledge and ideas about the international holiday “Children’s Day”, to develop in children creative inclinations, expressiveness, the ability to solve riddles, physical activity, to cultivate a desire to show creative initiative, providing equal opportunities for this to all children.


1. Observing the weather. Purpose: to give children an idea of ​​the weather conditions in summer; fix the names of seasonal clothing.

2. P/i “Dodgeballs”. Purpose: to practice catching and throwing the ball; teach children to play in a team.

3. P/i “Draw the sun.” Goal: to develop the vestibular apparatus; physical endurance; attention, intelligence, dexterity, speed of reaction.

4. Role-playing game “Transport”. Target:

5. Labor: watering the garden. Goal: teach to take care of plants; cultivate hard work

2nd floor day.

1. Reading the story by V. Dragunsky “The secret becomes clear.” Conversation on content

2. I./r. mathematics. "Geometric figures". C. consolidate knowledge, learn to make figures from counting sticks Construction from construction sets of different sizes

3. Application “Summer”. C: development of fine motor skills of the hands. Attributes: pencil, paper, glue.

4. P/i “Paints”, consolidate the rules of the game.

5. Work assignment in a corner of nature. C: learn how to care for indoor plants, wipe leaves, water them, pick off yellowed leaves.


1. I.r. in PHYSIO: Development of movements. Goal: learn to run in a circle and stop at a signal.

2. Outdoor game “Burners” Objectives: to consolidate the rules of the game

3. D/i “Wonderful bag”, learn to answer the questions: “Which one. which"



1. Conversation: “Is the sun beneficial, is the sun dangerous?” Purpose: To form ideas about the dangers associated with exposure to the sun.

2. D/i “Call it affectionately”, develop speech and memory

3. P/N “Find yourself a partner.” Goal: teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other

4. Drawing on a free topic Goal: to develop imagination and artistic creativity.

5. Put things in order in the center of the image, sort through pencils and markers, develop neatness

GCD 1. Speech therapy

2. P.R. FEMP “Dividing the whole into parts”

Software tasks:

consolidate the skills of quantitative and ordinal counting within 10, the ability to divide a whole into equal parts, consolidate time concepts (day of the week), develop mental and speech activity, coordination of speech with movement, attention, fine motor skills.

Vocabulary work:

regiment position, part, whole composition.


numbers, 3 squares, scissors, “Days of the Week” clock, notebooks, pencils, pictures of toys, typesetting cloth, ball.

Methodical techniques:

org. moment “What figures is the object made of”, d/i “Toy Store”, dividing a square into equal parts, physical exercise, d/i “Days of the week”, d/i “In the Summer”, work in notebooks, summary.

3. F.R. Physical education No. 69

day H.E.R. Drawing “Colors of Summer” Program tasks:

create in children a joyful mood, delight and surprise from the variety of colors, summer colors, teach them to feel the character of flowers and create their own image of summer, improve compositional skills: the ability to create a composition on a specific topic (landscape), highlight the main thing, make connections, arrange an image on a piece of paper, cultivate neatness, good relationships.


paints, brushes, cups of water, napkins, sheets of paper, an envelope with silhouettes of trees, plants in different seasons, a large sheet of paper; music by P. Tchaikovsky “July”.

Vocabulary work:

landscape, thin head, fire-breathing.

Methodical techniques:

org. moment - a letter from the penguins, the game “Make a Landscape”, children’s stories about summer, physical exercise, reminder of drawing techniques, independent and other. work, result.


1. Targeted walk to the flower garden. Objectives: To introduce children to the flowers growing in the flower garden. Introduce children to the structure of a flower: stem, leaves, flowers, roots, has a smell.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards plants.

2. Plot - role-playing game "Family" - plot "Birthday!" Goals: teach to follow the rules of the game.

3. Outdoor games “Homeless Hare”, “Crucian carp and pike”. Goal: to practice running and the ability to act on a signal.

4. Individual work “Empty space”, “Throw for the flag”. Goals: strengthen the ability to run quickly; develop the eye.

5. Game exercise “Soldiers” - train children to form a column one at a time, change into a column in twos, threes, develop the ability to perform alignments to the back of the head, turns right, left, stepping in a circle, jumping.

6. Labor activity: cleaning up garbage from the site. Goal: to ensure participation in work activities of every child.

2nd floor day.

1. Reading fairy tales of the people of the North Caucasus. “Who is more needed” (Abaza fairy tale). Conversation on content

2. I.r. Help each other get dressed and comb their hair after sleep, get themselves in order

3. Imitation game “Bear”. Goals: expand knowledge about animals; learn to use words with diminutive suffixes in speech.

4. Working with Dienesh blocks. Consolidating knowledge about the differences and similarities of circles, about code designations: “many - one”; "thick - thin"; "small big".


1. Observations of clouds. Goal: to teach children to draw conclusions from observations, to develop imagination

2. P/I “Catch up”, develop physical activity

3. I/R - throwing a bag into the distance.

4. Outdoor game “I am”! - develop motor activity



1. Conversation about the holiday Russia Day C: introduce children to the history and meaning of the holiday, so that our children know more about the holidays.

2. S/R and “Family”, consolidate the rules of the game

3. Canteen duty. Table setting. Ts: Teach children to correctly lay out cutlery, dishes, and maintain the distance between them. Teach children to understand the importance of the duty officer’s work.

4. Ind. Job. Help children list the characteristics of bread and roll in the speech game “Which one?” Which?"

5. Mathematical game “Listen and Count” - teach students to listen carefully and answer questions.

6. Experimentation Center. Problem situation: What's in the package? Goal: Detect air in the surrounding space.

GCD 1. Speech therapy

2. S.K.R. Life Safety and Health “Safe Summer”

Software tasks:

create conditions for the process of educational and research activities “Safe Summer”, teach to understand the danger of weather and natural phenomena, find the right way out of a dangerous situation, develop attention, thinking, develop coherent speech, and safe behavior.


illustrations depicting lightning, insects, mushrooms, rivers, fire, dry tree branches, audio recording with the sound of thunder, fire, wind.

Vocabulary work:

thunderstorm, rain, hurricane, forest fires

Methods and techniques:

org. moment - “What summer will bring us”, conversation about summer natural phenomena, reading A. Barto’s poem “The Thunderstorm”, looking at illustrations, adopting rules of conduct in case of a thunderstorm, fire, swimming in the water, physical exercise, riddles about insects, mushrooms, d/i “Pick mushrooms in a basket,” a story about safety rules in nature, reflection, summary.

3. H.E.R. Musical


1. Observation of the sun. Goal: to help discover connections between certain signs of weather, seasonal changes in the life of flora and fauna, and the influence of the sun on living and inanimate nature.

2. P/N “We are funny guys.” Goal: to teach children to run from one side of the playground to the other side at a signal, trying to prevent Trap from getting dirty. Develop the ability to act on a signal, dexterity, and speed of movement.

3. Individual work. Goals: to teach high jumps from a lateral run;

4. Labor activity - cleaning the area from twigs and debris. Goal: develop the desire to work together, helping each other.

2nd floor day.

1. Reading fiction: “The Big Book of Rules of Conduct.” Purpose: To remind children about the rules of conduct in a store by looking at the illustrations.

2. C\r game: “Barbershop”. Goal: Clarify the rules of conduct in a public place.

3. Individual work - score within -10

4. Didactic games: “Find your house”, “Broken telephone”.


1. Observation: "Beetle". Goal: to create a desire to take care of beetles, to develop observation skills.

2. Outdoor game: “Planes”. Goal: develop dexterity.

3. Role-playing game “Shop”. Goal: Enrich children's vocabulary (groceries, check, cashier).

4. Individual work: fix the stick sculpting method

5. Board games: “Favorite fairy tales.” Goal: to consolidate knowledge of fairy tales, the ability to recognize and

name fairy tales based on the picture.



1. Thematic conversation: “Our Motherland” Purpose: To introduce children to the holiday “Russia Day”.

2. Finger game: “Ducklings”. Goal: learn to clearly pronounce the words of the text

3. S/R AND “Family”, consolidate the rules of the game, sociocultural competencies.

4. P/i “Wolf in the Ditch”, teach children to jump over the ditch and back at a signal, quickly run forward in pairs, develop dexterity, speed, and attentiveness

5. Canteen duty. Table setting. Ts: Teach children to correctly lay out cutlery, dishes, and maintain the distance between them. Teach children to understand the importance of the duty officer’s work.

6. Mathematical game “Listen and Count” - teach to listen carefully and answer questions.

GCD 1. Speech therapy

2. P.R. FEMP “Coins and bills”

Software tasks:

improve computational skills, the ability to solve examples, introduce coins in denominations: 5,10, 50 kopecks, 1,2,5,10 rubles and bills of 50,100, 1000 rubles, determine the time on a mechanical watch, develop mental and speech activity, coordination of speech with movement , attention, fine motor skills, creative imagination.

Vocabulary work

: bills, coins, kopecks, rubles.


coins and bills, watches, notebooks with examples and graphic assignments, pencil, ball.

Methodical techniques:

org. moment – ​​“Match a pair of figures”, solving examples on addition and subtraction within 10, d/i “Collect the required amount”, physical exercise, playing with a clock, working in a notebook, summary

3. H.E.R. Drawing "Summer"

Program content:

to form children’s ability to reflect their impressions of summer (to convey the content of a song) in a drawing, placing images on a wide strip: higher, lower on the sheet (closer, further), consolidate techniques for working with a brush and paints, the ability to compose the necessary shades of color on the palette, using mixing white and watercolor, learning to talk about what you drew, developing a sense of rhythm, color, composition, and cultivating a love of nature.


watercolor, gouache, whitewash, sheets of paper, brushes, recording of the song “This is what our summer is like,” presentation – paintings by artists Levitan Isaac Ilyich (1860-1900). June Day (Summer), Levitan Isaac Ilyich (1860-1900). Summer evening. River, Rylov Arkady Alexandrovich (1870-1939). Flowery meadow, Meshchersky Arseny Ivanovich (1834-1902). Bridge over the river. Summer herbs, Kuindzhi Arkhip Ivanovich (1842-1910). Rainbow, Volkov Efim Efimovich (1844-1920). Field of daisies

Vocabulary work:

swarm, boxwork, mowing.

Methodical techniques:

org. moment - a riddle about summer, a conversation about summer, singing the song “This is what our summer is like,” looking at paintings by artists on the screen, physical exercise, reminders of drawing techniques, choosing a topic for everyone, independent and ind. work, exhibition of works, result.

Physical education in games on a walk No. 36


1. Observation of the sun. Goal: to help discover connections between certain signs of weather, seasonal changes in the life of flora and fauna, and the influence of the sun on living and inanimate nature.

2. Experimental activities. Why should you wear light clothes and a light hat in summer? Place the pieces of fabric in the sun after a while and feel to see if they are equally heated. Help draw a conclusion

3. Role-playing game “Mail”. Goal: to expand children’s understanding of how to send and receive correspondence, to cultivate respect for the work of postal workers, the ability to listen carefully to the client, to treat each other in a polite manner, to expand children’s vocabulary: “parcel”, “parcel”, “magazines”, “ postman; develop imagination, thinking, speech; the ability to jointly develop a game, negotiate and discuss the actions of all players

4. Outdoor games “Pass - stand up.” Goal: to foster a sense of camaraderie in children, develop dexterity and attention. Strengthen the muscles of the shoulders and back.

5. Individual work. Goals: to teach high jumps from a lateral run;

6. Work on the site: “Let’s loosen the beds.” Goal: to create a desire to work.

2nd floor day.

1. Reading stories about animals by V. Bianchi. Goal: Develop speech, attention, memory.

2. Plot-role-playing game: “Chauffeurs”. Goal: to teach how to assign roles before the start of the game, to cultivate friendly relations.

3. Individual work: consolidate the ability to name and classify geometric shapes

4. Conversation “Why do there be fights?” Goal: to develop communication skills in children; develop an understanding of the meaning of norms and rules of behavior among peers; cultivate the habit of behaving with dignity in every situation

5. Manual labor “Portraits of road signs” (drawing). Goal: Improve the ability to draw road signs and notice their characteristic features.


1. P\I “Be the first.” Goal: to teach children to run in a column one after another, at a signal to stand first, finding the shortest path. Develop the ability to act on a signal, attention, orientation in space.

2. Outdoor game: “Colors”. Goal: to develop attention and reaction speed.

3. Work on the site: “Sweep the paths on the site.” Goal: to teach how to use it correctly


4. Experimental activity “Living Sand”. Goal: consolidate knowledge about sand, develop observation skills.



1. Thematic conversation: “What is good and what is bad.” Goal: to develop attentive

listening to the speaker; learn to use polite words and expressions.

2. Finger game: “Teremok”. Goal: develop speech, fine motor skills

3. Low mobility game: “We won’t say where we were...”. Goal: develop skill

recognize display actions.

4. Individual work: learn to describe the named object

GCD 1. Speech therapy

2. P.R. Ecology “Hello, summer!”

Software tasks:

expand children's ideas about the characteristic signs of summer, teach to distinguish and name flowers (their parts, functions), insects, introduce new names of forest flowers, develop imagination, speech, attention, memory, logical thinking, develop the ability to observe and see the beauty of nature, protect and love her, cultivate curiosity in children.

Vocabulary work:

destroyed, anemone, lungwort, coltsfoot.


a letter from a magpie, pictures of summer flowers, insects, nature, a recording of the song “The Earth is our common home”

Methodical techniques:

org. moment - a riddle-letter, conversation about summer, game “Seed”, psycho-gymnastics “Flowers”, poem “If I pick a flower, if you pick a flower...”, physical exercise, drawing a picture of summer, song “The Earth is our common home”, result .

3. H.E.R. Application “Summer Fantasies”

Software tasks:

continue to teach children how to work with paper, how to make appliqué in various ways (in this case, paper mosaics); teach how to work with glue, develop fine motor skills of the fingers, spatial imagination, eye, abstract thinking; develop the ability to follow verbal instructions; teach listening comprehension of poetic texts; develop creative interest in work, logical thinking, development of imagination, cultivate patience, perseverance, hard work; to cultivate neatness and aesthetic taste, to reveal the concept of mosaic, to form knowledge about its types, technology of execution, to develop sensorimotor skills - consistency in the work of the eyes and hands; improve coordination of movements, flexibility, accuracy in performing actions; develop auditory attention.


album sheets, PVA glue, brushes, napkins for removing excess glue, shaped hole punches (flower, cat, leaf, etc.)

Vocabulary work:

mosaic, summer, fantasy, flowers, butterfly, applique.

Methodical techniques:

org. moment - reading the poem “What is summer?” N. Balashova, introductory conversation, demonstration of finished work, teacher’s story, physical training, safety reminder, explanation of work technique, independent and other. work, result.

day F.R. Physical education No. 70 Walk

1. Observing the weather. Goal: to help discover connections between certain signs of weather, seasonal changes in the life of flora and fauna, and the influence of the sun on living and inanimate nature.

2. Outdoor game: “Birds and Cat.” Goal: to teach to start moving on a signal, to develop dexterity.

3. “From bump to bump.” Goal: to create a desire to play a familiar game.

4. Plot-based role-playing game “Pharmacy”.

5. Individual work, Movement development. Goals: to teach high jumps from a lateral run;

6. Work on the site: “Let’s collect twigs.” Goal: develop the desire to work.

2nd floor day.

1. Theatrical activity: Plane theater based on the fairy tale “Aibolit” by K. Chukovsky.” Goal: to encourage children to demonstrate creative abilities, to develop the emotional sphere of children.

2. Role-playing game “Polyclinic - Hospital”. Goal: to enrich, expand and systematize children’s knowledge about the medical profession and the work of the clinic; cultivate respect and gratitude for the work of doctors and nurses; activation of the dictionary: ophthalmologist, therapist, pediatrician, surgeon, phonendoscope, procedures, thermometer, prescription

3. Didactic games “Name it, what is it?” Goal: to teach children to define and guess an object related to health and hygiene based on its distinctive features.

4. Board games: “A fun daily routine.” Goal: expand children's knowledge about the time of day


1. Observation: "Sky". Goal: to develop fantasy and imagination.

2. Outdoor game: “Planes”. Goal: to develop friendly relations.

3. Learning proverbs about the Motherland. Goal: to develop interest in oral folk art among children of senior preschool age;

4. “Conversation about health.” Goal: to introduce children to the basic values ​​of a healthy lifestyle; develop knowledge about health, how to maintain and protect it; give children an idea of ​​habits; Systematize good and bad habits with your children

Summary of GCD in the senior group on the topic: Summer

Summary of direct educational activities in the senior group on the topic “Visiting the summer months”
Author: Tatyana Vitalievna Nepomnyashchikh, teacher of MKDOU “Kindergarten” No. 3, Taishet city. Description of work: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities on the topic “Visiting the summer months” for children of senior preschool age (5-6 years old). This material will be useful for educators working with children of older preschool age. This is an educational summary that introduces children to the summer months. Summary of direct educational activities in the senior group on the topic “Visiting the summer months” Educational activities: “Communication”, “Cognition”, “Safety”, “socialization”. Purpose: To introduce children to the summer months. Objectives: Educational: To introduce the names and order of the summer months, the variety of cereal crops, and their use by humans. Strengthen knowledge of the names of vegetables, fruits, berries, flowers. Learn to solve riddles, classify fruits by name. Developmental: Develop attention, perception, memory, thinking, coherent speech. Educational: Cultivate friendly relationships between children, the ability to listen to a friend. Vocabulary work: Cereals (wheat, barley, rye, oats, natural pantry, inedible berries (crow's eye, wolf's bast). Preliminary work: Examination with children of illustrations of berries, vegetables, fruits, cereals, reading fiction. Methods and techniques: surprise moment, playful, visual. Materials and equipment: Basket with fruits and vegetables, models of flowers and flower beds, attributes for the brother months, pictures of berries, a ball. Progress Organizational moment Educator: Guys, I invite you to go on a journey to the summer months, let's stand in a circle and say the cherished words: Quiet, calm music sounds. You roll, roll in a ball, past our porch, Past autumn, winter and the beauty of spring. Hurry to the red summer, show all your riches. Three boys are sitting in the clearing - months. one has a wreath of forest flowers on his head, the second has a wreath of garden flowers and berries, and the third has a wreath of ears of various cereals (holds a basket of vegetables and fruits) . Hello good people! Why did you come, what are you looking for? Educator: We would like to learn about the riches in nature’s pantry. Brothers - months. Yes, we have a lot of wealth, and we will be happy to tell you about them. June: I am June, the first month of summer, long-awaited, with the delicate aroma of flowers, the sonorous singing of birds, the first vitamins from nature’s pantry. And now, guess what flowers bloomed in my clearing: There is a curl in the garden - a white shirt, a golden heart, what is it? (chamomile). I dress the steppes in red silk and give the candy a name. (poppy). The ball grew white, the wind blew and flew away. (dandelion). A wonderful flower, Like a bright light, Lush, important, Like a gentleman, Delicate velvet. (tulip). Everyone, I think, will know if they visit the field, This little blue flower, Known to everyone.....(cornflower). Children solve riddles and find a picture with the answer. July: Come to me, dear guests. I am in the second month of summer - July, the hottest, but I have so much entertainment in store for you. What summer activities do you like? Children: (list). Swim, sunbathe, play with sand, water, travel, eat berries and fruits. July: You know guys, in my pantry there are a lot of berries, they are sweet and tasty, but there are some that are not healthy, and even harmful - you can’t eat them. Help me figure out which berries can be put in the basket, and which ones should be avoided. Children choose edible berries that ripen only at this time of year and put them in a basket. July: How well, you know the berries, those that you did not put in the basket are inedible, poisonous. This is a raven's eye and a wolf's bast, you cannot pick them up. Come to my forest and garden, a tasty and healthy treat always awaits you. August: And now it’s my turn to invite you to visit. I'm August, the month of harvest, look at my basket, it's heavy. You know what I have in my hands. Children: These are ears of wheat, bread. August: That’s right, bread is the greatest wealth in my pantry, it’s not for nothing that they call it gold. Ears of oats are used to make grains for oatmeal; rye is used to make flour and bake very tasty bread; from barley, aromatic barley porridge is made. In August, housewives make supplies for the winter. Look what's in my cart? Children: vegetables and fruits. August: Help me figure out what to make compote and jam from. Game “Delicious jam and compote” August: Well done guys, you know what to make jam from and what to make compote from. Educator: Thank you, take it - you have taught us a lot over the months, you have revealed many secrets. Brothers - months: guys, we would like to treat you to berries, fruits Educator: Thank you brothers - months for the treats, and it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. Quiet, calm music sounds. Close your eyes, dream a little, the breeze picked us up and moved us to kindergarten. Educator: Here you are, guys, in kindergarten. Did you enjoy our trip? Who did we meet? How many summer months are there? What new and interesting things did you learn?

We recommend watching:

About the seasons for younger schoolchildren (7-11 years old) Summer. Folk signs, calendar for children 5-7 years old About summer for kindergarten children 5-7 years old Leisure time on the topic: Summer in the senior group

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