Parents' meeting in the preparatory group (September)

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Summary of the parent meeting in the school preparatory group “Preschooler’s readiness for school in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard”

Winner of the all-Russian competition “The most popular article of the month” October 2017

Conditions of the competition:

Description of work: I offer you a summary of the final parent meeting in the preparatory group, where the main part is to familiarize parents with the Federal State Educational Standard and, in particular, the problem of the transition of children from kindergarten to school, the psychological preparation of children for school in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Summary of the final parent meeting in the preparatory group:

Hello, dear parents! We are pleased to see you and thank you for taking the opportunity to come to our event. Our meeting today is dedicated to discussing the problem of children transitioning from kindergarten to school. We, parents, are interested in our child’s school success, so we begin to prepare him for school as early as possible. What needs to be done so that a child goes to school prepared and studies well, while receiving only positive emotions - the goal of today’s conversation.

Within the framework of the law on education, the “Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education” was issued, or, in short, the Federal State Educational Standard. and it came into force on January 1, 2014. At the moment, state educational standards are still available in elementary schools, and now we have been given 2 years to fully move to these requirements.

The standard of preschool childhood is, in fact, a definition of the rules of the game in which a child should be doomed to success. Rules for the development of a child, not his education. Why did scientists suddenly start developing a standard for preschool education? Because for the first time in the history of our culture, preschool childhood has become a special, intrinsically valuable level of education - this has never happened before, i.e. Previously, preschool age was considered as one of the stages for preparing children for school. Now preschool age is valuable in itself. The essence of the change concerns the model of the educational process. The educational model needs to be completely eradicated from it. Preschool children need not to be taught, but to be developed. Development is at the forefront. They need to develop through activities accessible to their age - games. As a result, the entire educational process will be built into the game and the children themselves will learn without noticing it. Also, the word occupation is not used in the text of the Federal State Educational Standard. However, this does not mean a transition to a position of connivance. We work with children, but the very concept of an activity is now considered as an entertaining activity without identifying it with an activity as a form of educational activity. The standard takes into account the individual needs of each child related to his life situation and health status.

The changes also concern the position of the adult. The adult interacts, but the interaction is not considered in a formal context (I am in a group, I control, make comments, teach, but in a substantive manner (partnership). The adult interacts with children: together they set goals, together they act to achieve these goals and together they evaluate the product , what was the output.

Structure of the education system.

In the Russian Federation the following levels are distinguished:

First - Preschool education (for the first time) is the first level of general education

Second-Primary general education

Third-Basic general education

Fourth-Basic secondary education

For the first time, preschool education is recognized as an independent level of general education

In essence, what the Federal State Educational Standard is are the requirements that are specified in the program and every teacher works according to this program. (show, tell in your own words)

The main thing under the new law was the psychological preparation of children for school, which includes:

  • intellectual readiness;
  • motivational readiness;
  • emotional-volitional readiness;
  • communicative readiness.

Intellectual readiness involves the development of attention, memory, formed mental operations of analysis, synthesis, generalization, the establishment of patterns, spatial thinking, the ability to establish connections between phenomena and events, and make simple conclusions based on analogy. For example, carrots - vegetable garden, mushrooms - ... forest

By the age of 6–7 years, a child should know:

  • his address and the name of the city in which he lives;
  • name of the country and its capital;
  • names and patronymics of their parents, information about their places of work;
  • seasons, their sequence and main features;
  • names of months, days of the week;
  • main types of trees and flowers.

He should be able to distinguish between domestic and wild animals, understand that the grandmother is the mother of the father or mother.

Motivational readiness...

In other words, it must be oriented in time, space and implies the child’s desire to accept a new social role - the role of a schoolchild.

To this end, parents need to explain to their child that studying is work, children go to study to gain knowledge that is necessary for every person.

You should give your child only positive information about school. Children should not be intimidated by school, upcoming difficulties, strict discipline, or demanding teachers. “When you go to school, they will take care of you, no one there will feel sorry for you. Remember that your grades are easily borrowed by children. The child should see that his parents calmly and confidently look at his upcoming entry into school, that at home they understand him and believe in his strength.

The reason for the reluctance to go to school may be that the child “hasn’t played enough.” But at the age of 6–7 years, mental development is very plastic, and children who “haven’t played enough” when they come to class soon begin to experience pleasure from the learning process.

Volitional readiness presupposes that the child has:

  • ability to set goals
  • make a decision to start activities,
  • outline an action plan,
  • complete it with some effort,
  • evaluate the results of your activities,
  • as well as the ability to perform unattractive work for a long time.

The development of strong-willed readiness for school is facilitated by visual activity and design, since they encourage one to concentrate on building or drawing for a long time.

Do not scold your child for a mistake, but figure out the reason for it.

The structure of the brain responsible for voluntary behavior is formed by the age of 7, so your requirements must be adequate to his age.

Treat your child like you treat yourself, we value ourselves by what we can and are able to do, since it is impossible to know everything.

Communicative readiness.

It manifests itself in the child’s ability to subordinate his behavior to the laws of children’s groups and the norms of behavior established in the class.

It presupposes the ability to become involved in the children's community, to act together with other children, if necessary, to give in or defend one's innocence, to obey or lead.

In order to develop communicative competence, you should maintain friendly relationships between your son or daughter and others. A personal example of tolerance in relationships with friends, family, and neighbors also plays a big role in the formation of this type of readiness for school.

It would seem that each of you believes that the child is ready for school, but going to school he will experience difficulties and you agree with this. I want to draw your attention and read out

“Portrait” of a first-grader who is not ready for school:

  • excessive playfulness;
  • lack of independence;
  • impulsiveness, lack of control of behavior, hyperactivity;
  • inability to communicate with peers;
  • difficulty in contacting unfamiliar adults (persistent reluctance to contact) or, conversely, lack of understanding of one’s status;
  • inability to concentrate on a task, difficulty perceiving verbal or other instructions;
  • low level of knowledge about the world around us, inability to generalize, classify, highlight similarities and differences;
  • poor development of finely coordinated hand movements, hand-eye coordination (inability to perform various graphic tasks, manipulate small objects);
  • insufficient development of voluntary memory;
  • delayed speech development (this could be incorrect pronunciation, poor vocabulary, inability to express one’s thoughts, etc.).

2. Another of the main tasks for the school is to foster independence in the child.

  • The child must be able to take care of himself, undress and dress independently. It is very important to teach your child hygiene.
  • Teach your child to clean his workplace and treat things with care.
  • In order for a child to quickly adapt to school, he must be sufficiently independent. Try to patronize him less, give him the opportunity to make independent decisions and be responsible for them.
  • Entrust him with some household chores, he has learned to do his work without the help of adults. Older preschoolers can set the table, wash dishes, clean their clothes and shoes, look after younger children, feed fish, birds, a kitten, and water flowers. Parents should not do what their children forgot or did not want to do. Practice shows that if children, before entering school, had responsibilities at home that were feasible for them, they could more easily cope with educational activities

Children's hostel rules that you and your child should discuss

  • Don’t take someone else’s, but don’t give everything that’s yours
  • They asked - give it, they try to take it away - try to defend yourself
  • Don't fight without offense
  • Don't be offended idle
  • Don't pester anyone yourself
  • If they call you to play, go, if they don’t call you, ask. It's not shameful.
  • Don't tease, don't whine, don't beg for anything. Don't ask anyone for anything twice
  • Don't cry over grades. Be proud. Don't argue with your teacher about grades. And don’t be offended by your teacher’s grades. Do your homework, and whatever grades you get will be the same.
  • Don't snitch behind your comrades' backs
  • Don't be dirty, children don't like dirty people, don't be neat, children don't like clean people either.
  • Say more often: let's be friends, let's play, let's hang out, let's go home together
  • And don't show off. You are not the best, you are not the worst, you are my favorite
  • Go to school, and let it be a joy for you, and I will wait and think about you

Cross the road carefully, take your time

Formulas for verbal (verbal) communication that a child can master by the end of preschool age

Greetings. Hello, good afternoon, good morning, good evening, glad to see you or you, hello

Parting. Goodbye, good night, see you tomorrow, bon voyage, good night.

Apology. Excuse me, please; I'm sorry; I'm sorry.

Appeal. Tell me please; please, could you; it won't bother you.

Acquaintance. Let's get acquainted, my name is... meet this...

Adults, remember!

By imitating adults, children easily learn the rules of politeness

Here is a portrait of a preschooler who is ready to study at school according to the Federal State Educational Standards:

Physically developed, mastered basic cultural and hygienic skills. The child has developed physical qualities and the need for physical activity. Complies with basic rules of healthy lifestyle.

Curious. Interested in the new and unknown. Asks questions to adults, likes to experiment. Able to act independently in various types of children's activities.

Emotionally responsive. Empathizes with the characters of fairy tales, stories, stories. Reacts emotionally to works of fine art, music and art, and the natural world.

Mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers. The child uses verbal and non-verbal means of communication, has dialogical speech and constructive ways of interacting with children and adults.

Able to manage one’s behavior and plan one’s actions aimed at achieving a specific goal. A child’s behavior is primarily determined not by immediate desires and needs, but by demands from adults and primary value ideas about “what is good and what is bad . The child is able to plan his actions aimed at achieving a specific goal.

Capable of solving intellectual and personal problems (problems appropriate to age. The child can apply independently acquired knowledge and methods of activity to solve new problems posed by both adults and himself. The child is able to propose his own idea and translate it into a drawing, construction, or story.

Thus, the portrait of a graduate reflects the child’s personality qualities and the degree of their formation, and not knowledge and skills as it was before.

But the most important thing, and this is stated in the law on education, is that the first and main thing in the educational process for children is you parents, and we educators can provide assistance in education, advise you and are always glad when you contact us.

Author: Dudikova Zhanna Yuryevna, teacher at MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 35” in the village of Bolshoye Kozino, Balakhninsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region.

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