Final parent meeting in the middle group of kindergarten. Topics, algorithm


The final parent meeting in the middle group involves a child psychologist or teacher conducting a detailed analysis regarding the physiological and intellectual changes that occurred with the children during the period under review. A music worker, a nurse, and a physical education teacher are invited to talk with parents.

The procedure for holding the meeting also includes the protocol of the final parent meeting in the middle group. A representative from the preschool institution is selected to conduct it. In addition, a chairman is selected, who can be the teacher himself. Parents are introduced to the issues that will be considered during the conversation and are encouraged to ask questions after completing the theoretical block. The final parent meeting in the middle group is aimed at finding solutions to problems and developing directions for activity in the senior group of the kindergarten.

Progress of the conversation

Where to start the final parent meeting at the preschool educational institution? The middle group is characterized by the fact that the children already have certain communication skills, so the teacher has the opportunity to conduct research on the activity of their children and identify their creative abilities.

To begin with, the teacher greets the parents and talks about the topic of the meeting. Next, the teacher invites moms and dads to talk about what their kids love. Listening to the parents' answers, the teacher accompanies them with remarks that were expressed by the children themselves. In order to confirm your words, you can make a short video for the general parent meeting in which the children talk about their interests, hobbies, favorite subjects and activities.

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Final parent meeting

The school year has come to an end.

Your children have matured, wiser, stronger and simply grown up.

Finally, the long-awaited summer is approaching. Kids can take long vacations, schoolchildren have long holidays, and even adults are going on vacation.

Besides, vacation is a time of new discoveries.

But at the beginning there is a comic quiz.

  • How many boys are there in the group? 8
  • Which guy is the tallest?
  • How much does the pan with the first course weigh 2.9
  • Which person is the most important
  • What is the greatest joy a child has?

Summer is a great time to organize outdoor games

Since we almost live on the site, let’s see how best to make it safe and beautiful. We accept any help.

What to do with a child? Teach to see the beauty of nature, to admire nature. In the garden, in the front garden, you can carry out various observations.

Watching the sun

Note that at noon the sun is high overhead and there is no shadow from the pillar. And in the morning and evening the shadows are very long. Read the poem to your child:

The sun is red, Shine and burn clearly!.. Swim in the sky like a fish, Revive our land,

Keep all the children in the world warm and healthy!

E. Blaginina

Watching the beauty of a summer day

Teach children to notice the beauty of a summer day, blue sky, bright greenery.

Summer smells very nice:

With grass heated by the sun,

Scarlet sweet strawberries And steppe blackberries.

T. Golub

Observation of flora

Notice the changes taking place in the plant world. The trees and bushes already have large green leaves. Many flowers in the meadow, in the forest. There is no need to pick them, because they will quickly wither.

I picked a flower in the meadow while running. Why I did this, I can’t say. The flower stood in the glass and withered. How long would he stand in the meadow?

S. Vurgun

Watching the rain

When it rains, ask the children what kind of rain it is: warm, heavy, shallow. If a strong wind blows, the rain will fall obliquely. Ask the children if rain is good for plants. Observe the plants together before and after the rain.

Rain, rain, more - in the forests! On flowers, on bushes! Let it go harder! Water the wheat, don’t skimp on the water, Water it, water it - there will be a good harvest!

V. Bardadym

Thunderstorm watching

Draw the children's attention to the approaching thunderstorm. The sky is quickly covered with heavy, dark clouds. The rising wind shakes the trees violently. It's gradually getting dark around. Birds fly screaming, rushing to take shelter from the thunderstorm. Lightning flashes in the distance and thunder rumbles. Explain to children that people are not afraid of thunderstorms, but take shelter from them. Calm the kids down with joke sayings:

No matter how the thunder thunders, everything will be silent. And a thunderstorm is not formidable for everyone. Rainbow watching

Sometimes after the rain a rainbow appears. Invite the children to look at it and list the colors of the rainbow. Say that the arrangement and number of flowers in

The rainbow is always the same: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

*.. The rain has passed, the grass is shining, There is a rainbow in the sky... Okay, okay! By the rainbow, by the iris,

Along a colored arc, on one leg, Down the rainbow astride And to the ground somersault!

S. Marshak

Be careful when traveling with children. Even before your eyes, a child can fall, cut himself, or get sunstroke.

Stock up on peace of mind and... a first aid kit.

The younger the child is, the more sensitive he is to the effects of heat and sunlight. This usually happens when a child walks in the sun with his head uncovered. With mild sunstroke or heatstroke, the symptoms are mostly the same. This is dizziness, headache, weakness. In such situations, you need to urgently call a doctor, and before he arrives, move the child to the shade, moisten the head and chest with cold water, place a cold compress on the bridge of the nose, and raise the head. Give the child something to drink

If you go swimming with your baby, the swimming place should be shallow, level, and with a slow current. Before giving your child the opportunity to independently enter the water, you need to make sure that there are no holes, glass, or sharp stones in this place. Be sure to be in the water with your child. In water it must be in motion. If chills occur, remove your child from the water immediately. After this, rub the baby's body well with a terry towel.

The situation is even more frightening when children walk on their own, and mothers sit on a bench and talk. Everything is fine, the child does not scream, but you may not notice what was in his mouth, what he picked up, where he stepped.

Watch what your baby does in the grass. There are many poisonous herbs, and you can cut yourself with herbs. Explain why the grass should not be tasted.

Remember that only you can protect your child from danger. And most importantly, don’t stop your baby from having fun. Warm weather, when you can run barefoot on the grass, catch raindrops, play with sand, water, pine cones, look at bugs and catch butterflies, unfortunately, does not always happen.

Achieving mutual understanding between educators and parents is a long process that requires patient pursuit of the chosen goal. On this path, you need to refrain from outbursts of emotions and disappointments. If we are constant, unwavering, tolerant and friendly, then the result will definitely come.

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Teacher's speech

We are starting our final parent meeting. Middle group, end of the year, it's time to find out what we managed to do? What should you pay attention to? We will have to figure this out together with you, dear parents. First, let's try to figure out what kind of modern preschoolers they are.

Adults often say that children have become completely different; they don’t want to communicate, study, or help around the house. But haven't the parents themselves changed? The society in which we live is rapidly changing, information technology is improving, and the rhythm of life is increasing. Our children spend their childhood in different conditions, so the main task of adults is to help them adapt.

Parent meeting at the end of the school year

Parent meeting at the end of the school year.

Goal: - to summarize joint activities to develop creative and physical abilities

- increase motivation for a healthy lifestyle,

- create a good, optimistic mood

-give recommendations for the holidays

Teacher. Good evening. OUR PARENTS MEETING ON THE EVE OF THE HOLIDAY MAY 15 – FAMILY DAY. Today we have gathered with you to sum up the results of the school year. Another year has flown by. It turned out differently. Some were successful. Someone is just on the way to them. I would like to thank the parents who did not stay away from our problems and participated not only in the life of the class, but also in the life of each child. It is very important when the teacher, family, and child cooperate. By telling you about some actions of your children, I am seeking your understanding and support. So that the child understands that we care about him. Maybe he will understand this not now, but a little later. Not in all cases, a child should be scolded for his misconduct; we should try to explain to him. We need to talk. Parents are always busy, they have a lot of problems, but they need to find a moment to just go up to the child, pat him on the head, caress him.

I conducted the “Me and My Family” questionnaire, the results of which I want to share with you (survey results). This is how children see their family

Psychologists say: if a child is not stroked on the head every day, then his brain “dries out.” Of course, this is a figurative expression. But it is not far from the truth. Not only kids, but also middle schoolers and even teenagers need affection. It has been proven that children whose parents often pat their heads, hug, kiss, are more optimistic, smarter, and open in communication. Caress your child, sit next to him for a few minutes before going to bed, read a book, say a few kind words, say good night, and tomorrow’s difficult school day will be much easier! .

Children spend most of their free time at the computer.

Summer is ahead. The children will have a lot of free time. Try to limit the time they spend on the computer.

Spending a long time at a computer negatively affects many functions of our body: nervous activity, endocrine, immune and reproductive systems, vision and the human musculoskeletal system... What can this mean for a person? This ranges from impaired vision to varicose veins in the legs. Honestly, you can “earn” all this without a computer, simply by leading an unbalanced lifestyle.

The computer is just another link in the same chain: insufficient rest, sedentary lifestyle, inorganic nutrition, etc.

All of the above ailments will certainly affect your mental state.

And if vision and hearing can be damaged by the keyboard, mouse or monitor, then the psyche is primarily affected by more, so to speak, virtual things - games and the Internet. This is something that “addicts”, something from which it is impossible to tear yourself away, something without which many can no longer imagine their lives - this is a manic addiction to the Internet or to games. If you like, internet mania, gaming mania.

Here are the psychological symptoms a person may begin to experience if he belongs to the risk group of Internet addicts:

· feeling good or euphoria at the computer;

· inability to stop;

· increasing the amount of time spent at the computer;

neglect of family and friends;

· feelings of emptiness, depression, irritation when not at the computer;

· lying to family members about your activities;

· problems with studying.

Danger signals are also:

· obsessive desire to constantly check email;

· anticipation of the next online session;

· increased time spent online;

· increasing the amount of money spent online.

For example, this may affect them emotionally; there may be increased aggressiveness and outbursts of violence.

Another observation is that children stop fantasizing, become unable to create their own visual images, and have difficulty summarizing and analyzing information.

The computer can cause long-term disorders in the mental and intellectual development of children. The so-called computer generation has poorer performance in some types of memory, emotional immaturity and irresponsibility. Just the other day, when the conversation turned to the fact that we would go on an excursion and green parking at the end of May, many said, why, if there is a computer and a TV at home?

Of course, it is impossible to protect children from the computer, but we must try to limit the time they spend on it.

Let them spend more time outdoors.

Speech by a child psychologist

What are modern preschoolers like? Research conducted in a preschool institution has revealed the psychological characteristics of children:

  • in the middle group, the guys are anxious, demanding, sometimes even aggressive;
  • they are sociable, but are not always able to concentrate on one type of activity;
  • the kids are restless, it is difficult for the teacher to keep them in place during class;
  • many are lagging behind in speech development; there are children in the group who require professional help from a speech therapist;
  • the children are addicted to electronic devices, have problems with fine motor skills, have been shown to have underdeveloped brain structures, and are unable and unwilling to think while playing;
  • Not all children follow the rules of behavior.

The kids did not become difficult, but simply changed. But they still need mother's love, father's hugs, and grandmother's affectionate hands. Considering the social changes that are taking place in our country, we note that it has become much more difficult for parents. Many people have to work late. To count on good material income, you have to sacrifice time to spend communicating with your child. Do not forget, dear parents, that first of all the baby does not need bright and expensive toys, but attention and parental care. When he grows up, there will be no cars or dolls in his memory, but happy moments associated with going fishing, reading books, and making a delicious cake. Try to find as much free time as possible to communicate with your kids!

Next, you can offer parents an interesting test, which can also be done with children.

Final parent meeting in the middle group “Rostok” “What have we learned in a year”

Purpose: summing up the educational activities.

Objectives: to introduce parents to the achievements and successes of their children; summarize the joint activities of the teacher, children and parents.

Our meeting agenda:

  1. Speech by the head of the kindergarten T.F. Chesnokova
  2. Screening of the presentation “What have we learned in a year” by T.A. Tyrykin
  3. Miscellaneous.
  4. Speech by the head of the kindergarten T.F. Chesnokovo

2. Display of the presentation “What we have learned in a year” by T.A. Tyrykin

Good afternoon, dear parents! We are pleased to welcome you to the final meeting of our group. How we lived this year, what was interesting in our lives, what we learned and what we still need to work on - this is our conversation today.

The school year has come to an end. Each of you has noticed how our children have matured and become wiser. They are no longer kids, they know a lot, are interested in a lot, and get to know the world around them. Everything they have achieved is primarily due to our joint work with you.

The children in our group are mostly 4-5 years old. At the same time, the child is already a person! It should also be noted that children have acquired adequate self-esteem: “I know this, but I don’t”; “I can do this, but I can’t do that.” The range of cognitive interests has become much wider.

How often do we hear: how much modern children have changed - they are not at all the same as they were before. Do we ourselves remain the same? We change along with the changing circumstances around us, along with technology, along with the rushing modern life. That’s why modern children have a different, modern childhood! So what are they like today's children? • Smart, persistent, demanding, but at the same time more anxious and aggressive. • More sociable, but often cannot concentrate on any activity, are absent-minded, do not show interest, and are difficult to keep in one place. • They are more active, while at the same time the number of children with poor health and hyperactive children is rapidly increasing. • More informed, “on-screen” children. The result of this is one of the main features of modern children - a lag in speech development. Most of the children in our group need the help of a speech therapist; • More practical and independent, simply because parents devote more time to work than to communicating with them, at the same time, there has been a tendency towards a decrease in self-care skills; • More dependent on gadgets and computers, and, as a result, insufficient development of fine motor skills, which indicates the underdevelopment of the corresponding brain structures and, in addition, they do not know how to play - in modern toys and games everything is provided and there is nothing to think about; • They often violate generally accepted rules and prohibitions, because they have no heroes or idols and do not hear instructions. Modern children are neither difficult nor easy, they are different. They are ordinary children who need the warmth of their mother’s hugs and the reliable support of their father’s hands. Great social changes have taken place in our country, and, above all, the lives of adults have changed. It's difficult for parents now. We all want to have a good income in order to create excellent conditions for our children. We are very busy, often late at work, and the child lacks parental attention. But this is the most important of the “excellent conditions”. We can give our child toys every day, but years later he will remember not dolls and cars, but the time when we read a book in an embrace with mom or dad, when we made a gift for grandma together or went fishing.

With the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard, kindergarten became the initial stage of the Russian educational system. However, this does not mean that the kindergarten must teach the child to read and write by the time he enters school. The task of kindergarten is to develop the child’s desire to learn and learn new things. The educator is not a teacher; the child acquires all knowledge through play. Therefore, do not be surprised when your question: “What was your activity today?” you will receive the answer: “None.” It is while playing that we observe, and talk, and sculpt, and work.

Who among you did NOT play “Mother and Daughter” as a child? Let's play now. Acting out and discussing pedagogical situations. (Pedagogical situations taken from the book by B. S. Volkova, N. V. Volkova “CHILD PSYCHOLOGY IN QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS”) 1. Mom: Why are your clothes wet? Dima: We sculpted buildings from snow. The teacher said that I tried very hard. Mom: ( without listening to her son) “How many times do I have to tell you - put your mittens and pants on the radiator.” Dima: I’ll try to make such a bird at home. Mom: You'll go in wet. Dima fell silent and began to reluctantly get dressed. 2. Daughter. Mom, I drew the beetle myself! Mother. My God, look at your blouse! Daughter. Look, he has blue wings and a yellow belly! Mother. You better look at yourself! How can you go home like that? Daughter. Mom, I drew this beetle for you! Mother. My grief, let's go and wash you off! Why didn’t a dialogue between mother and child take place? What can you advise your mother at such a moment? Yes, it's not easy to raise children. After all, even brothers and sisters, children raised in the same family, by the same parents are completely different. But so beloved.

And now a little about what we did during this year

During the year, modern pedagogical technologies were used in working with children; educational activities were carried out using videos, didactic materials, magnetic boards, various toys, manuals, etc.

We used new forms of games, such as: games - fairy tales, travel, experimentation, surprises.

An important role was played by the subject-development environment in which the educational process takes place. Of course, we couldn’t do it without your help, dear parents. We are pleased to note that throughout our work, we have not encountered any refusals to our requests: help in repairing the group and garden, taking part in joint competitions and exhibitions, holidays and entertainment.

This year, various exhibitions were held in which you took an active part. Each participant, each family, showed their imagination and showed themselves as creative, enterprising people.

I remind you that in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO), educational activities are carried out in 5 educational areas:

  • Social and communicative development
  • Cognitive development
  • Speech development
  • Artistic and aesthetic development
  • Physical development

At the beginning and end of the year, a diagnosis of the planned intermediate results of children’s mastery of the program was carried out. According to the monitoring results, at the beginning of the school year, children generally had an average level of development, and at the end of the year, we generally managed to achieve good results.

During the year, all children developed according to their age, mastered the program material and showed positive dynamics in all areas of development.

So, my speech will be accompanied by a presentation, on the slides of which you will see some interesting moments from the lives of the children of our group.

Slide 1

“We will tell you about how we have a lot of fun in our kindergarten! »

Slide 2 “Morning exercises”

The day begins with morning exercises. Gymnastics complexes are performed in a playful manner accompanied by music. (I include exercises and video)

Slide 3We are funny guys, we love to run and play, Well, try to catch up with us!”

During the day we play outdoor games, conduct physical education sessions, and pay attention to breathing and finger exercises. Our children really love to play games where someone catches up with them: “Geese and Swans”, “At the Bear in the Forest”.

We also love to celebrate birthdays; for the birthday person, we always drive a “Loaf”.

Slide 4 Walking along the “Health” massage paths

We carry out health-improving work before bedtime (barefoot walking, air baths, according to the temperature regime. Walking on massage paths with buttons)

Slide 5 Physical development

We conduct active physical development activities: walking on benches, long jumps, throwing a ball at a distance, etc.

At the end of the year, it is worth noting that children are developing physically, moving with desire, they are interested in performing a variety of physical exercises, they have learned to perform various actions. In accordance with their age, they develop coordination of movements, are able to quickly respond to signals, and switch from one movement to another. They have learned to complete tasks and are eager to take part in game activities.

Slide 6 Cultural and hygienic skills

Over the course of the year, children developed the simplest cultural and hygienic skills. While washing, children wash their hands on their own: lather them with soap, rinse them off, and dry them with a towel. All children know their towel and carefully hang it in place.

Slide 7 Not everyone knew how to hold a spoon correctly, but they grew up a little when they were a year old. Now look quickly, we know how to hold a spoon!

During meals, we teach children to eat carefully, use a napkin and say thanks after eating. Children are good helpers in setting the table: they hand out bread and spoons. Fulfill requests. We teach them to clean up toys.

Slide 8 Self-care skills

With a little help from adults, children can undress (take off tights, shoes) and neatly fold their clothes on a chair. Dressing is a little more difficult for us, but we are still learning.

Slide 9 Artistic - aesthetic development

Children know that they can draw with pencils, felt-tip pens, paints and brushes. They know how to hold them correctly in their hands. There are different colors. We learned to draw horizontal, vertical and rounded lines.

Children know how to use plasticine, roll out a lump of plasticine with straight and circular movements of their hands; Break off small lumps from a large lump of plasticine and flatten them with your palms. Sculpt simple figures.

In educational activities, we learned 6 primary colors: red, yellow, green, blue, white, black, size (large, small, shapes (circle, square, triangle). Name one and many objects.

Children know and name domestic and wild animals and their young. There are vegetables and fruits. Have an understanding of natural seasonal phenomena.

Slide 10 In music classes

Which are led by the musical director - Yulia Alexandrovna. children actively participate in joint activities, sing, know many songs, and reproduce dance movements. Children react emotionally to familiar children's songs.

Slide 11 In constructive activities:

In the process of playing with tabletop and floor building materials, children became familiar with the details (cube, brick, plate, and are able to construct elementary buildings according to a model (pieces of furniture, houses, turrets, paths). And they play with them with pleasure.

Slide 12 Game activity:

Children enjoy playing didactic and educational games. They put together a pyramid and put together puzzles. Mastered the skills of role-playing games. Children transfer familiar actions into play. A doctor treats, a driver drives a car, a hairdresser cuts hair. And of course, they love playing outdoors.


And to confirm the success of your children, I would like to provide you with their portfolio, where you can see that they tried very hard to do all the work carefully.

This year, the group purchased new toys: cars, a hairdresser for girls, pyramids, balls, construction sets, jump ropes, dishes.

Our parent meeting has come to an end. We would like to thank you for your help and cooperation throughout the year. We are very glad that you came to our final meeting and I hope you were happy for the children, saw the results and their small achievements

.Children are happiness, children are joy, Children are a fresh breeze in life. They cannot be earned, this is not a reward, God gives them to adults by grace. Children, oddly enough, are also a challenge. Children, like trees, do not grow on their own. They need care, affection, understanding. Children are time, children are work. Children are like life starting over again: First smiles, first steps, First successes, first failures. Children are experience, children are us.

Summer is coming - a happy time for everyone. Bright sun, fresh air, colorful nature are always attractive for both adults and children. How favorable and memorable your summer vacation will be depends on you, caring parents.

All the best!

Test for work

Psychologists offer a different designation for each letter. If you analyze the initials, they can tell about some personality traits, creative abilities, and inclinations. Of course, the results obtained cannot be considered reliable, but it doesn’t hurt to take a closer look at them. What does each letter mean?

  • A is a symbol of power and strength.
  • B – tendency to have serious feelings.
  • B – lack of consistency, inability to systematize events.
  • G – mystery.
  • D – the ability to attract other people to communicate.
  • E – resistance to life’s difficulties.
  • F – lack of self-confidence.
  • Z – suspiciousness, financial difficulties, constant dissatisfaction.
  • And – tension.
  • K – significant demands and excessive nervousness.
  • L – excellent logic, creative ingenuity.
  • M – propensity to work, punctuality.
  • N – enormous energy and ambition.

  • O – excessive emotionality, constant worry.
  • P – excessive modesty.
  • R – emotionality, constant tension.
  • C – systematic depression, nervousness, depression.
  • T – a state of constant search, a dream of ideals.
  • U – fear, increased intuition.
  • F – ability to adapt.
  • X – instability of feelings.
  • C – the desire to hide experiences in oneself.
  • H – constancy.
  • Ш – uncompromisingness, jealousy.
  • Ш – excellent intellectual capabilities.
  • E – constant search for stability and harmony.
  • Yu – huge ambitions.
  • I am overly intelligent.

Do you agree with the research that scientists have conducted? Do children have these qualities? We are different, but each baby is individual and unique. Together we must help him show his creative abilities, gain communication skills, and give the child the opportunity for self-development.

When drawing up the minutes of the final parent meeting in the middle group, the teacher indicates all the parents’ proposals for further joint activities.

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