Non-traditional parent meeting in the middle group of kindergarten

Non-traditional parent meeting in the middle group of kindergarten

Academy of Parent Education. “Harmony of childhood. There are no untalented children.”

The form and theme of the event can be useful both in preschool educational institutions and primary school teachers.
The topic is relevant and timely. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, when training and raising a child, the priority direction is the development of his personal qualities, and special attention should be paid to gifted children. Department of Education of Moscow State Budgetary Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 1582.
Second preschool department. We invite you to make the journey from mind to mind; from experience to wisdom; We invite you to learn not just to look and listen - but to see and hear. It's not easy - but it changes everything...

Non-traditional parent meeting.
Academy of Parental Education - “Harmony of Childhood. There are no untalented children” Author: teacher Oksana Vladimirovna Uzunova The main idea of ​​the Academy’s activities: to promote the establishment and development of partnerships and cooperation between parent and child. Tasks to be solved: 1. Expanding the possibilities of understanding your child; 2. Improving the reflection of your relationship with the child; 3. Developing skills to interact with a child. 4. Activation of communications in the family. Format:
Round table model with practical recommendations.
Goal : to acquaint parents of pupils with the signs of giftedness in children, with the creation of conditions for the development and realization of the abilities of gifted children, activation and encouragement of their creative activity. Objectives : to involve parents in a discussion of the problem of the influence of educators and parents on the development of gifted children, to draw attention to this problem of society. Preparatory stage. Mini recommendations for parents and memos on the topic of the meeting are drawn up. A thematic presentation is prepared in Power Point. Equipment : Audio recordings: “Fanfare”, “Merry exercise”, calm classical music. Video equipment. Power Point presentation "Academy". Treats for tea party. Ladybug souvenirs are gifts for parents. Schemes for constructing origami, depicted on the board, games, educational toys: Rescue service telephone, Auntie Zabotushka doll, beads, checkers, matches - counting sticks. Cards for carrying out a blitz answer. Holding a meeting. To the sound of calm music, parents go into the room where the meeting will be held and take their seats. Progress of the parent meeting. The meeting is held at a round table with tea drinking.
- Good evening, our dear Concerned Parents.
We are pleased to welcome you to the Parent Academy. You are in kindergarten, the main activity here is play, and today we will play a lot, play unusual games. At the beginning of our meeting, allow me to present certificates and letters of gratitude to parents, whose contribution to the life of our group is invaluable. We are pleased that you work with great enthusiasm in close cooperation with teachers to the best of your ability and ability, help, support, and often help out in the most difficult situations. We highly appreciate your contribution to the noble cause of educating the younger generation. Presentation of thanks and souvenirs accompanied by solemn music.
In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, when training and raising a child, the priority direction is the development of his personal qualities, and special attention should be paid to gifted children.
It is very important to know that there are no ungifted children in nature. It is known that Mendeleev had only a C in chemistry, and Pushkin did not understand mathematics at all. The task of adults is to determine what the child is inclined to. Some gravitate towards mathematics, chemistry, biology and physics, others towards construction, technology and modeling, others towards poetry, music and art, and still others towards sports, travel and business. “Unable to do anything” can be creators of subtle humor and inexhaustible optimism, rainbow designers or preachers of kindness. Doesn't the modern depressed world need the healing smile of kind, pure, honest and sympathetic people! The responsible task of teachers, parents and leaders of all ranks is to identify the child’s natural giftedness and facilitate the realization of this gift. Patience and love, love and patience are the main criteria when handling and working with children! Some children are very shy and it is difficult to motivate them to compete, while others are happy at the very opportunity to compete with someone. Warm up. — Dear friends, today many things may surprise you. All the games offered to you today are aimed at developing the hemispheres of the brain... Everything we will talk about is not accidental... Everyone is accustomed to the fact that they need to develop memory, attention, intelligence, and improve their body. But for some reason, few people pay attention to the brain itself, on which the development of all this in most cases depends. Even the body will not develop and improve unless the brain is properly tuned in and thinks about how to approach work on the body. — “Mirror drawing” . Place a blank sheet of paper on the table and take a pencil. Draw mirror-symmetrical designs and letters with both hands at the same time. When doing this exercise, you should feel your eyes and hands relax, because when both hemispheres work simultaneously, the efficiency of the entire brain improves. - “Ring” . We move our fingers one by one and very quickly, connecting the index, middle, ring, and little fingers into a ring with the thumb. First, you can do it with each hand separately, then with both hands simultaneously. Main part. Discussion on the topic. — Imagine that somewhere on distant islands in the Pacific Ocean a boy with the musical inclinations of Mozart was born. What is the future of this child, considering that there are no musical instruments on the island except the drum and no song traditions other than one-voice singing? What are your opinions? — Expressing opinions. — Scientists believe that every activity requires a person to possess certain qualities. These qualities help a person cope with activities and, as it were, determine his suitability for it. They show how successfully a person can complete it. In psychology, such individual psychological characteristics are called human abilities. — Capable people are distinguished from incapable people by faster mastery of activities and the achievement of greater efficiency in them. Abilities are a complex formation that depends on and includes not only various mental processes, but also the entire development of personality. General abilities that provide relative ease and productivity in mastering knowledge in various types of activities are called giftedness. Giftedness can manifest itself in various areas of activity: intellectual, educational, creative, artistic, in the areas of communication (leadership) and psychomotor skills. — In order to develop certain abilities, it is necessary to create for the child conditions that develop in him exactly what can most effectively develop at the moment. In other words, one should take into account his sensitivity to certain influences, or, as psychologists say, his sensitivity. Once again we touched on the topic of sensitivity. The sensitive period is the period of highest opportunities for the most effective development of any aspect of the psyche. Thus, abilities have their own sensitive periods or individual moments in which they receive (or do not receive) some kind of impetus for development. — Another important condition for the development of abilities should be considered the formation of perseverance, the ability to exert maximum effort in achieving a goal. Abilities develop the more successfully the more often a person reaches the limit of his capabilities in his activities and gradually raises this ceiling higher and higher. It is important to observe one more condition: the emerging personality must be given greater freedom in choosing types of activities, in alternating tasks, in choosing ways of working. But giving a child freedom does not exclude, but, on the contrary, presupposes unobtrusive, intelligent, friendly help from adults. REMEMBER
: A family can develop or destroy a child’s creative abilities even in preschool age.
Blitz response . - Now let's rest a little, we are introducing a new tradition, at each meeting we will conduct a small blitz response. Parents are offered a card on which the age-related physical and mental characteristics of our children are written. In turn, each parent reads out what is written on his card. That is, here you not only listen, but also read and speak. This is a common form for memorization. (cards) 1. At this age, like no other, children enjoy listening to fairy tales. 2. A preschooler in his fifth year of life is highly active. 3. It is by the age of five that numerous complaints and statements from children to the teacher begin that someone is doing something wrong or someone is not fulfilling some requirement. 4. At the age of 4-5 years, the child’s growth slows down and averages 5 cm per year. 5. At the age of 4-5 years, the skeletal system is in the process of formation, the ligaments are elastic. That is why it is necessary to protect the child from excessive physical exertion, leading to deformation (primarily of the spine). 6. You can also assign children simple housework that requires little physical effort (for example, vacuuming the carpet or washing the floor). Even if everything turns out worse for him than for you, he acquires work skills and at the same time develops physically. 7. The formation of the pulmonary system continues at 4-5 years of age and usually ends by 6-7 years of age. Breathing becomes deeper. During physical activity (running, outdoor games, cycling, skating, etc.), ventilation of the lungs increases. This promotes training and development of the respiratory system; As a result, the child is less likely to develop colds. 8. Blood pressure in children 4-5 years old is approximately 95 to 59 mm Hg. Art. (in adults the norm is 120 to 80). The heart rate ranges from 90 to 100 beats per minute. By the age of 5, the weight of the heart increases, and the performance of the heart muscle increases accordingly. 9. You should pay attention to the fact that at the age of 4-5 years, the shortcomings of upbringing begin to gradually take root and turn into stable negative character traits. 10. Children develop a need for respect from an adult; their praise turns out to be extremely important for them. This also leads to increased sensitivity to comments. 11. Relationships with peers are characterized by selectivity, permanent play partners appear. Leaders begin to emerge in groups. 12. By the age of five, the ratio of the sizes of the various parts of the spine in a child becomes the same as in an adult, but the growth of the spine continues until adulthood. 13. The skeleton of a preschool child is flexible, since the ossification process is not yet completed. In this regard, children 4-5 years old should not be given strength exercises during physical education classes; it is necessary to constantly monitor the correctness of their posture. Maintaining one position for a long time can cause muscle strain and ultimately poor posture. 14. The first five years of life are the “golden time” for the development of children’s sensory abilities. The lens of a preschooler's eye has a flatter shape than that of an adult. Hence some farsightedness. However, myopia can easily develop. So, when looking at illustrations, and even at a poorly lit table, when working with a pencil or various small objects, the child strains his eyesight and bends over too much. At the same time, the muscles of the eye change the shape of the lens to better refract light rays, intraocular pressure also changes, and the eyeball increases. Repeated often, these changes can take hold. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the correct working posture in children and constantly monitor it both in class and in their independent activities. 15. In a 4-5 year old child, the process of development of the hearing organ continues. The eardrum is tender and easily wounded, the ossification of the auditory canal and temporal bone has not finished. Therefore, an inflammatory process can easily occur in the ear cavity. The vulnerability of the hearing organ and the incomplete formation of the central nervous system are associated with the greater sensitivity of preschoolers to noise. If the life of children in a group constantly proceeds against a background of noise of about 45-50 decibels, persistent hearing loss and fatigue occur. Meanwhile, falling blocks and chairs, loud conversation create a noise of approximately 70-75 decibels. That is why preschool institutions must actively combat noise: it is necessary to teach children to use toys correctly, carefully move chairs, and speak quietly. 16. To teach children 4-5 years old to follow the rules of behavior, it is not enough to explain to them what is possible, what is not allowed and what needs to be done, it is necessary to constantly train them in appropriate actions. It is important that the complex systems of connections that make up skills and abilities are strengthened gradually, using material that is repeated with more complexities. 17.The stability of attention increases. The child has access to concentrated activity for 15-20 minutes. m - Were you interested in knowing this about your child? NLP , is remarkably helpful in developing the hemispheres of the brain. It helps relieve emotional stress, improves performance, develops attention, thinking and interhemispheric connections. This exercise is difficult and yet interesting. I explain the procedure. In front of you lies a piece of paper with the letters of the alphabet, almost all of them. Under each letter the letters L, P or V are written. The upper letter is pronounced, and the lower letter indicates movement with the hands. L - the left hand rises to the left side, P - the right hand rises to the right side, V - both hands rise up. Everything is very simple, if only it weren’t so difficult to do it all at the same time. The exercise is performed in sequence from the first letter to the last, then from the last letter to the first. The following is written on the piece of paper. A B C D D L P P V L E F G H I K V L P V L L M N O P L P L L P R S T U V V P L P V H C H W I L V V P L Subject-based development environment. When organizing the PRS, we took into account many years of experience, creating a developing and comfortable modern interior together with parents. The group space consists of four so-called modules: • Game module; • Children's free activity module; • Household module; • Security module - Do you have any questions about creating a development environment? The importance of which cannot be overestimated. Examining equipment... Expressing opinions... Dramatization: A short skit (VIDEO) is demonstrated. Children act as actors. After watching a short discussion. Image of a fairy meadow. On a makeshift stage, a table on which everything is prepared for a drawing lesson (paints, brushes, etc.), Malvina appears, she calls Artemon and Pinocchio to practice. Artemon obediently sits down at the table, taking the pose of a diligent student. Pinocchio has to beg for a long time, he can’t sit still, he’s always distracted. When everyone finally sits down, Malvina says, “Today, children, we will learn to draw a daisy.” See how this is done on a large sheet of paper. Malvina draws a daisy, explaining in detail all her actions. Artemon listens carefully, doing everything exactly as Malvina explained. Pinocchio scratches his head, examines the paints, dips his brush into one of the jars and places a large blot on a sheet of paper. Then he examines it carefully, dips the brush in paint again and places another blot next to it. So, using the blot method, he draws a daisy. Malvina examines both drawings, praises Artemon, and scolds Pinocchio for the work done. On slide No. 1, the topic of the meeting is - Let's now think together which of the fairy-tale characters showed non-standard thinking abilities, how this was manifested, and whether, with such guidance of children's activities, it will be possible to preserve and develop their creativity. Parents express their opinions. (We set up parents for a discussion, exchange of opinions, ask questions) On slide No. 2 the following questions: What is “Giftedness”, how can it manifest itself? What is it like? Short discussion. Yes, dear parents, in many ways you are right. Here's what experts say about giftedness. Slide No. 3 Children's giftedness is a social and public problem. History knows cases when many outstanding people shone with extraordinary abilities from childhood. On the other hand, a child's outstanding mental or creative manifestations may turn out to be only temporary. In the course of age-related development, along with the strengthening of intellect and personality traits, raising them to a new level, there is also a limitation, or even loss, of some children's capabilities. It is necessary to diagnose and identify gifted children. Slide No. 4 Preschool age is a period of absorption, accumulation of knowledge, a period of learning new things. The successful fulfillment of this important life function is favored by the characteristic features of children of this age, trusting submission to authority, increased susceptibility, impressionability, and a naive and playful attitude towards much of what they encounter. However, early signs of ability cannot leave parents and teachers indifferent - after all, these signs may indicate the prerequisites for genuine talent. Slide No. 5 A fundamental contribution to the study of human abilities was made in the works of outstanding Russian psychologists B.M. Teplova and S.L. Rubinstein. According to B.M. Teplova - the concept of giftedness is complex, synthetic in nature and is closely related to the specific requirements that practical activity places on a person. B.M. Teplov emphasizes that it is pointless to talk about “giftedness in general”, since only giftedness to something is possible, i.e. To any activity. In accordance with this, two types of giftedness are differentiated: Slide No. 6 special giftedness, which is understood as a qualitatively peculiar combination of abilities, creating the possibility of success in some activities; The general giftedness, which, unlike the special is considered in relation to a wide range of activities. What children can be considered gifted? Parents' answers. Slide No. 7 A gifted child is a child who stands out with bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal prerequisites for such achievements) in one form of activity. Slide No. 8 Types of giftedness: giftedness in crafts; sports and organizational giftedness; Intellectual giftedness of various types; Choreographic, stage, literary-poetic, visual and musical giftedness; Leadership, i.e. the ability to attract, attract other people to themselves, cause them a sense of sympathy; The giftedness in the creation of new spiritual values ​​and meanings, service to people. Slide No. 9 Therefore, it is very important, paying attention to the development of the child’s abilities in the area where his giftedness manifests itself most vividly, to stimulate the development of his other opportunities, to promote the formation of a child in personal qualities as kindness, compassion, readiness to help, generosity, modesty, patience , reliability, etc. Slide No. 10-pastor and scientist Karl Witte believed that every child has abilities and they are the result of training and education in the first five to six years of life. This scientist conducted one of the most interesting longitudinal studies in the field of the psychology of giftedness, and his son acted as a subject. In 1800, at a meeting of the Magdeburg pedagogical society, gymnasium teachers in a hot dispute with supporters of a genetic approach to giftedness Karl Witte said his famous phrase: “If God sends me a son ... then I will make him an outstanding person.” Soon, Pastor really had a son, who was also named after Karl in honor of his father. Karl Witte Sr. has developed many pedagogical techniques that allowed him to train and develop his child. Initially, not only critics-pedagogues, but even the wife of the pastor did not believe in success. However, as they grow older, they had to change their opinion. Slide No. 11 - already at the incomplete eight years, Little Karl could read and translate Plutarch from Greek, the composition of Julia Caesar from Latin. He was not difficult to answer questions about these far from simple works. He also easily read in Italian and French, talking in these languages ​​with teachers as if it were his native language. He could solve the most difficult mathematical examples in his mind, possessed brilliant knowledge in geography and history. Already at the age of 9, the boy enters the University of Leipzig, at the age of 13 he becomes a doctor of philosophy, and at 16 he receives the degree of Doctor of Jurisprudence. At the age of 18, the young man becomes a professor of Heidelberg University. From the age of 23 until his death, he works as the head of the department in Breslau. His colleagues and students noted his erudition, the brilliant abilities of the teacher and scientist. - What opinion do you have? (Small discussion) Slide No. 12 “Talent is similar to a pearl enclosed in a sink. Sometimes the shells are open, and in this case the child’s talent is obvious: he draws perfectly, sings, composes poems, music, folds three -digit numbers in his mind ... You need to try very much so as not to notice the obvious - this child is talent. There are very few such children. ” Much more children with "closed shells". Each child has talent (and if not talent, then ability). But you need to make efforts in order to make out and develop it. In scientific psychology, two types of giftedness of children are distinguished: intellectual and creative. The first type is characterized by an increased ability to learn, its representatives amaze everyone with their encyclopedic knowledge. People of the second, creative type, have primarily non -standard thinking. They stand out sharply from the crowd. It is curious that if a person is gifted creatively, he always has high intelligence. But the intellectual, in turn, can be completely devoid of creative abilities. Slide No. 13 - the base of the future gift must be formed! The baby will develop his gift or ruin it, largely depends on the family, upbringing, and teachers. But today the statistics are sad: most children by the age of 8-10 lose their makings. Every baby really gets the makings from birth, they were laid by mom and dad. Certainly. All parents understand that the makings of the child must be developed, turning them into abilities. And then their child will succeed. Abilities are individual personality characteristics, manifesting and developing in activity, only in activity, and at the same time positive, successful, causing favorable emotional mood. In reality, abilities can be excellently developed, but more often prematurely fade away or deform. Abilities, not identified and unsolved in time, are lost. In addition, each ability has its own time. And if you just wait for the weather by the sea? Slide No. 14, by the age of 7 years, the baby may have an irreversible fading of the possibilities of effective development of abilities (B. Nikitin). The fact that in 2-3 years is known with interest is easily, at the age of 6 it can cause difficulties and, as a result, unwillingness to learn. You will miss - you will not catch up. Therefore, especially the early development of children. - Not all parents, unfortunately, have enough time and desire for this. So then mothers and dads complain that “he would only watch TV,” “just to sit at the computer,” “just walk in the yard.” And mothers and dads forget that they once had “no time to notice that the child is reaching for paints, dreaming of going in karate or looking at the Piano in love with friends in love with friends. Parents should be partners in the process of educating and educating their son or daughter. Thanks to pedagogical attention and care, children reveal and show their talent, achieving incredible heights. - One of the priority tasks of modern education is the development of the abilities of preschool children, identifying the capabilities of the child or his giftedness, which provides the possibility of achieving success in one or more areas. “Funny exercises”
(music) with exercises for the development of the hemispheres of the brain
are proposed Ex. 1 “Cloud- sun”, 2. “ear- nose”, 3. “tummy- head”, 4. “rings”, 5. “palm-fist-rib”- the introduction of advanced educational technologies, which we will tell you now: Origami classes are of the following meaning for the development of a preschooler: they develop fine motor skills of the fingers, eye, speech, attention, memory, creative inclinations, creative imagination, artistic taste, constructive thinking; Acquaintance with geometric concepts takes place; discipline, educate perseverance, responsibility, accuracy, respect for objects and material (paper); contribute to the formation of good feelings for loved ones and make it possible to express these feelings, because origami allows you to make a gift with their own hands; affect the formation of independence, self -confidence, self -esteem; allow children to experience their capabilities and show abilities: - constructive - when creating a figure from one sheet of paper by repeated folding, in the manufacture of figures of several parts composed in the technique of origami and connected with glue; - visual ones - due to partial or complete finishing the parts, using the application method, the use of color combinations, alternating color; - creative - the original application of famous models; invention of variations on classic models; invention of their figures; - design - design of postcards, premises for the holiday; - Theatrical - playing the folded models, staging with their help. The work of the hands, the movement of the fingers and muscles of the brush give signals to the central nervous system, encouraging most of the cells to activate. Excitation is transmitted to almost the entire bark of large hemispheres, the active function of the cells forces the vessels in this area of ​​the brain to expand and drive blood, glucose and oxygen in an enhanced amount. Games with pencils, beads, massages "Su Jock", tennis balls, toys - sneakers. A practical show ... The miracle of Shirma is a communicative miracle - an important direction of this work is the education of a communicative culture, which includes the tasks of speech development, the education of empathy (the ability to feel, understand the mood of another person). This is clearly a didactic manual can be used in any type of educational activity, in regime moments, in individual work with children. Checkers - develop the ability to concentrate, the ability to build a chain, the concept of priority, game by rules, perseverance, a sense of healthy excitement, requires the playing enhanced activity in thought, ingenuity and quick wits, contributes to the development of analytical abilities. Collecting has great opportunities for the development of children. It expands the horizons of children, develops their cognitive activity. In the process of collecting, first, the process of accumulation of knowledge occurs, then the information received is systematized and the readiness to comprehend the surrounding world is being systematized and formed. The objects of the collections give the originality of the game, speech and artistic creativity, activate the existing knowledge. In the process of collecting, attention, memory, the ability to observe, compare, analyze, generalize, distinguish the main thing, and combine the ability to observe. Formation of perseverance, conclusion . - Dear parents! Concluding our meeting, I hope that at the initial stage - preschool childhood, our contribution to the future success of children will be the identification and development of their abilities. I think that by joining efforts, we will certainly achieve success. Talent is the gift of God, which must be tried and increased.
And every person has its own "highlight", its own unique "I" presentation on the topic: Non -traditional parent meeting in the middle group of kindergarten

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Organized activities for children are carried out in the following educational areas:

“Cognitive development” - develop interest in the world around us, form ideas about objects, their characteristics and the materials from which they are made; generalize knowledge about public transport; about traffic rules; about your hometown (city name, home address); we will introduce you to indoor plants, trees, fruits, berries, mushrooms, birds, insects, wild and domestic animals, birds; sequence of seasons.

We will develop knowledge about geometric shapes, study the number series, solve logical problems and much more.

“Speech development” - be able to name words that begin with a certain sound; coordinate words in a sentence, understanding their meaning; the ability to describe objects and toys; tell from the picture; write short stories.

“Social and communicative development” - to form a caring attitude towards your family, towards kindergarten, towards your hometown (village); develop a child’s positive attitude towards himself, his peers, adults and the world around him.

“Artistic and aesthetic development” - develop children’s ability to listen to works of different genres and themes (fairy tales, stories, poems), involve children in predicting familiar works, memorizing poems, proverbs, sayings;

Develop interest in visual arts. Reinforce the techniques of painting with gouache paints, introduce them to the features of working with watercolors. Improve the ability to draw lines and rings with the entire bristle of the brush, and also learn to draw dots, lines, and rings with the end of the brush. Learn to draw a circle.

“Physical development” - consolidate skills in basic types of movements and enrich the child’s motor experience; develop physical qualities: speed, endurance, agility, etc.; develop organization, independence, and initiative in children.

Familiarizing parents with the goals and objectives of the preschool educational institution for the new school year.

Educational activities correspond to the approximate basic educational program of preschool education “Mosaic Park”,

according to which our kindergarten operates. Developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO), approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013, Moscow, edited by Victoria Yuryevna Belkovich, Natalya Valentinovna Grebenkina.

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Summary of the parent meeting in the middle group “KVR - CLUB OF FUN PARENTS”
Author: Tashkinova Svetlana Alekseevna. Place of work: JV "Yurlinsky kindergarten" Purpose: Establishing partnerships between teachers and parents. Objectives: To develop the skills of parents to analyze their own educational activities, evaluate them critically, and find the reasons for their pedagogical failures and miscalculations. Maintain parents' confidence in their own teaching abilities. Participants: teachers, parents, children. Plan of the event: - Introductory part. — Competition “Fun Relay Race” — Creative work: “Make a toy with your own hands and play with it” — Discussion “Is it necessary to develop the hand of children 3-5 years old — Musical break. — Conversation with parents: “Choosing a book for a child” — Imitation of a fairy tale — Comic humorous quiz. — Brainstorming “The Amazing World of Nature” — Final part. Move. Good evening, dear friends! We welcome you to this hall. Today, for the first time in our kindergarten, the KVR (Cheerful Parents Club) is being held. And let the jokes and successful answers to funny questions continue today. Where there are songs, dances, dancing, laughter No one gets discouraged. The fun swirls like a whirlwind and doesn’t stop for a long time. And now we ask the parents to line up and pay for the 1st, 2nd. (parents are divided into 2 teams and seated at tables on which the names of the teams are written in advance). “Smeshinki” “Fidgets” Let me introduce the jury: -chairman, members The competitions will be assessed on a 5-point system. There is no doubt that they will judge today's meeting fairly, and the smiles on their faces indicate that the jury will appreciate the teams. The role of the family is great; it is the family that lays the foundation for a little person and influences his entire inner world. What is most important is the health of the child. What should you do to keep your child healthy? Where to begin? Start with yourself! The health of the child largely depends on the health of the parents. So, 1 COMPETITION in the form of a warm-up. “Fun Relay Race” 1 “Dribbling the Ball” Each team is given one stick and one air ball. Three pins are placed. Participants dribble the ball with a stick while circling the pins. They come back the same way. 2 “Bring a bagel” Props: 2 skirts, 2 scarves, 4 baskets, bagels. Task: You need to put on a skirt, a scarf, take a bagel, run to another chair with a basket, put the bagel in an empty basket, come back, pass the baton to another. The one who completes the task faster wins. 3 Jump forward with the ball held between the knees. 4 “Well” Each team member on the command “March” runs with a ball in his hands, throws the ball into a bucket, returns to the start, the next participant pulls the ball out of the bucket and runs back, etc.
Do not forget that children are very sensitive to the personal example of their parents.
2 COMPETITION “Family is the most important thing in life for each of us. A person feels good when everything is good at home, when he is loved, when there are loved ones, relatives, and friends nearby. The remarkable French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said: “The greatest luxury in the world is the luxury of human communication.” Do we devote enough time and attention to our children? Do they feel comfortable? Listen to the poems that the children have prepared for you: Dear dads, dear moms, Organize some leisure time for us. Play games together Or read a fairy tale Skiing in the forest, for a walk Don’t forget to take it with you I had a dream that my dad came home on time He caressed me, little sister, He read a funny book He didn’t hide in the newspaper He made a rocket with us, But that’s only sometimes All: We want it to always be like this. And then there will be no need to punish us, scold us, it will be interesting for all of you to educate us, raise us. More games, more jokes, trips to the circus, theater, cinema. Dads, moms, at least five minutes should be given to us. All children love to play with toys. They especially enjoy toys - homemade products made before their eyes. Children have a desire to make the same toy themselves or to participate in its creation. And so, the following competition is announced: “MAKE A TOY WITH YOUR OWN HANDS AND PLAY IT” (while the teams are preparing the task, the children sing the funny song “Chizhik”)
Questions for parents: - Do you think it is necessary to develop the hand of children aged 3-5 years?
For what? - What else besides homemade paper toys can we make at home with our children? - drawing - appliqué - modeling - designing Parents are given a “Memo”, “What a child 3-5 years old should be able to do in visual arts” 3 COMPETITION – MUSICAL BREAK – Dance (first children, then adults)
* A good book is my companion and friend , Leisure time can be interesting with you. We have a great time together, and we slowly carry on our conversation. You teach us to be truthful and valiant, to understand and love Nature, people.
I cherish you, I take care of you, I cannot live without a good book. “Only a book can enrich a child’s world, make it interesting, full of unusual discoveries and the pleasure of new knowledge. A child should love a book, reach out to it, expect a holiday of mind and soul from communicating with it” (Grischenko). Now you can buy a variety of literature in our stores. What books do you buy for your child? What are you guided by? (parents speak out)
- 2 books are put on display for comparison.
Each team must find positive and negative in them, special attention is paid to illustrations. We talked about books, and now let's check if you know fairy tales. And so, 4 COMPETITION - IMITATION OF A FAIRY TALE (each team must come up with an excerpt of a fairy tale and act out it. Rivals must find out what kind of fairy tale it is)
While the teams are preparing - a competition for fans.
QUIZ “HUMORIC” 1. Which of the heroes of the Russian folk tale was a bakery product? (Kolobok) 2. Name the heroine of a Russian folk tale who was an agricultural product (Turnip). 3. Which fairy-tale character was very fond of the saying “One head is good, but two is better?” (Snake Gorynych) 4. Which Russian folk tale solves housing problems, or, in smart adult language, problems of housing and communal services? (Teremok) 5. In which Russian folk tale does the brother not listen to his sister, once violate the sanitary and hygienic rules and pay dearly for it? (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka). 6. Name the heroine of a French fairy tale who did unskilled labor, cleaned stoves and cleaned the house. What was her nickname for this? (Cinderella). 7. Name the heroine of the French fairy tale who got her nickname thanks to her headdress? (Little Red Riding Hood). 8. What kind of hero of the French fairy tale was very fond of shoes and what was his nickname for this? (Puss in Boots). 9. What type of energy did Baba Yaga use when flying in the mortar? (Devilry). 10. Name the hero of a famous fairy tale (the author of the fairy tale is a Russian poet), who at the end receives a traumatic brain injury, loses the ability to speak and goes crazy. (Pop, in “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda” by A.S. Pushkin) From the first click the priest jumped to the ceiling. From the second click I lost my tongue And from the third click I knocked out the mind of an old man 5 COMPETITION The amazing world of nature. He greets the child with a sea of ​​sounds and smells, thousands of different riddles and secrets. Let us, dear parents, try together to take a closer look at what surrounds the child in order to make acquaintance with nature a source of joy. TASKS 1. What flowers are named after a person? (Lily, cornflower, rose, Ivan and Marya....) 2. What cities are named after fish? (Pike perch, Kaluga...) 3. What bird is named after the dance? (Tap dance) 4. The name of which herb tells where it grows? (Plantain). 5. What insect “bears the rank” of a naval officer? (“Butterfly – Admiral) 6. What mushroom is named after a forest predatory animal? (Fox). 7. The biggest fish in our river? (Pike). 8. Which bird screams like a torn cat? (Oriole) 9. What is the largest bird in the world? (Ostrich) 10. The tallest grass? (Bamboo). The jury is given the floor to sum up the results. The teams are lined up! FRIENDSHIP WON. We all had a great time and the winners are rightfully worthy of praise and awards. And we are happy to give them prizes. Thank you for their participation. Here are souvenirs for your good luck. (scissors are given, parents must cut off the prizes tied to the rope with their eyes closed)
Thank you all for your attention, For the enthusiasm and ringing laughter, For the fire of competition, Guaranteed success. Now the moment of farewell has come. Our speech will be brief. We say “goodbye” to you. Until happy new meetings.

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summing up the results of the joint activities of teachers, children and their parents.
to develop interest in learning about your child, to promote active interaction with him;
to develop the ability to critically evaluate oneself as a parent and one’s educational activities. Preliminary work:
— Development of an event scenario. — Issue of a leaflet “About summer holidays”. — Showing a presentation on individualization — Conversation with children “What I love most” — Children making heart souvenirs for their parents.

Progress of the event:

Dear parents, I am glad to see you again. Our meeting today is dedicated to the end of the school year. But before we move on to the topic of our meeting, answer one question: “What do children really love?” (Parents' statements). As always, our children love to play and watch cartoons. That is why I want to invite you to watch the cartoon. You may not find it entertaining, but I hope it will make you think. Watching a cartoon about raising children.

Questions for parents:

What is the meaning of the cartoon for you?
Do you recognize your child in the children's characters? And yourself, as adults? How would you like to see our children: as correct as the bulk of the children of this fictional planet or “wrong”? Why? What did the authors want to show us adults? (Each child comes into our world already as a personality. And you and I can either help her develop, or break her, trying to make our child like everyone else or, at least, no worse than others). Speech by the teacher “What are modern children like?”
How often do we hear: how much modern children have changed - they are not at all the same as they were before.
Do we ourselves remain the same? We change along with the changing circumstances around us, with technology, with the rushing modern life. That’s why modern children have a different, modern childhood! So what are they like today's children? • Smart, persistent, demanding, but at the same time more anxious and aggressive.
• More sociable, but often cannot concentrate on any activity, are absent-minded, do not show interest, and are difficult to keep in one place. • They are more active, while at the same time the number of children with poor health and hyperactive children is rapidly increasing. • More informed, “on-screen” children. The result of this is one of the main features of modern children - a lag in speech development. Most of the children in our group need the help of a speech therapist; • More practical and independent, simply because parents devote more time to work than to communicating with them, at the same time, there has been a tendency towards a decrease in self-care skills; • More dependent on gadgets and computers, and, as a result, insufficient development of fine motor skills, which indicates the underdevelopment of the corresponding brain structures and, in addition, they do not know how to play - in modern toys and games everything is provided and there is nothing to think about; • They often violate generally accepted rules and prohibitions, because they have no heroes or idols and do not hear instructions. Modern children are neither difficult nor easy, they are different. They are ordinary children who need the warmth of their mother’s hugs and the reliable support of their father’s hands. Great social changes have taken place in our country, and, above all, the lives of adults have changed. It's difficult for parents now. We all want to have a good income in order to create excellent conditions for our children. We are very busy, often late at work, and the child lacks parental attention. But this is the most important of the “excellent conditions”. We can give our child toys every day, but years later he will remember not dolls and cars, but the time when we read a book in an embrace with mom or dad, when we made a gift for grandma together or went fishing.

Try to spend time WITH your children, not next to them.

And, of course, we see our reflection in our children.
Do you know yourself? There are different ways to define character. It turns out that his initials can tell something about a person’s character. Want to check it out? I suggest you find out what your initials mean, and at the same time learn something about children. If you believe research on this topic, the letters stand for: A
– strength and power;
– ability to have great feelings;
– inconstancy, lack of systematicity;
– mystery;
– sociability, ability to attract people;
– ability to mobilize, resilience;


– uncertainty;
– tendency to doubt, material difficulties, dissatisfaction;
– impressionability, tension;
– big demands and nervousness in achieving them;
– pettiness, logic, great ingenuity;
– hard work and pedantry;
– great energy and creative ambitions;
– great emotionality, mysterious excitement;
– modesty, distance, but also loneliness;
– constant tension, strong emotionality;
– frequent depression, depression, nervousness;
– endless search, pursuit of the ideal;
– frustration, fear, intuition;
– tenderness, ability to adapt;
– sexual problems, instability of feelings;
– tendency to external manifestation of internal experiences;
– fidelity;
– jealousy, uncompromisingness;
– vindictiveness, developed intellectual abilities;
– search for psychological balance;
– lack of systematicity, great ambitions;
am intelligence, creative abilities. Does scientific research agree with your ideas about yourself, your loved ones and your children? We have 23 such different girls and boys. From morning to evening the group is noisy and fun. Games, activities, entertainment fill our lives. And even the smallest residents of our group increasingly see off their relatives in the morning with a smile and rush towards new things to do. We never get bored. With the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard, kindergarten became the initial stage of the Russian educational system. However, this does not mean that the kindergarten must teach the child to read and write by the time he enters school. The task of kindergarten is to develop the child’s desire to learn and learn new things. The educator is not a teacher; the child acquires all knowledge through play. Therefore, do not be surprised when your question: “What was your activity today?” get the answer: “None.” It is while playing that we observe, and talk, and sculpt, and work.

We try to present any knowledge, even the most complex, to the child in a game where you can run around, hear a fairy tale, and reason. We try to create conditions so that every child feels emotionally comfortable, psychologically protected, and feels loved and unique. We make a lot of efforts to ensure that children can choose some corner of the group room to play. Of course, we cannot do without your help, dear parents. Children love you so much, are proud of you, imitate you in everything, and we share their feelings. I am pleased to note that throughout the year you responded to requests to take part in joint competitions and exhibitions, holidays and entertainment. Our children together with you took part in exhibitions and competitions of crafts “Autumn Fair”, in a New Year’s party, in the “Individualization” project (presentation), and a reading competition, where Vika Dubinina received a 3rd degree laureate diploma. The Creative Family festival, where our three families participated: the Sinelnikovs with magic tricks, the Azarenkos with a poem, the Krimarenko and Khotko families, the sketch “How an Old Man Sold a Cow.” Each participant, each family that took part showed their imagination and showed themselves as creative, enterprising people. The holidays for the New Year, February 23, March 8, were a success.

Our children have grown up and become a year older; almost all of them are now 5 years old. The children have learned a lot this year. They grew up, became stronger, and became more independent. They also became very inquisitive, just like the restless boy from today’s cartoon. Have you noticed how many questions your children are asking? Want to listen to some? *
Why don't the spines ring? * And if you blow your nose too much, your brains will fly out? * Why do girls have ponytails on their heads? * How do you know if this word is bad? * And if you don’t go to kindergarten, then they won’t let you go to school?
Every parent is proud of their child.
And I suggest you now take turns to “boast” about any quality, skill, or ability of your child that he has acquired this year, to name his strengths. Speeches by parents.
At the beginning of our meeting, we talked about how children love to watch cartoons and play.
We've already watched the cartoon, it's time for games. I offer you the game “Loves or dislikes”. This game will help you find out how well you know your children. The rules of the game are as follows: each of you has a form with questions that your children have already answered. Now you answer these questions, and then compare your answers and your children's answers. The game “Loves or does not love.” (see in the appendix)
Yes, it’s not easy to raise children. After all, even brothers and sisters, children raised in the same family, by the same parents are completely different. But so beloved. We don't want anything bad to happen to them, so we protect them in every possible way. I suggest making a talisman for your child. One of the easiest amulets to make that you can make with your own hands is a bird made from salt dough.

Children are happiness, children are joy, Children are a fresh breeze in life. They cannot be earned, this is not a reward, God gives them to adults by grace.

Children, oddly enough, are also a challenge. Children, like trees, do not grow on their own. They need care, affection, understanding. Children are time, children are work.

Children are like life starting over again: First smiles, first steps, First successes, first failures. Children are experience, children are us.

Presentation of thanks to parents.

Summer is coming - a happy time for everyone. Bright sun, fresh air, colorful nature are always attractive for both adults and children. How favorable and memorable your summer vacation will be depends on you, caring parents. I offer you a reminder on how to ensure a safe summer holiday for children (see Appendix 2)


Dear Parents! So our meeting has come to an end. We want to wish you and your children health, good luck, and patience! See you again!

Annex 1

Approximate form for the game “Loves-dislikes”

Your favorite cartoon Your favorite toy What do you like to do at home? Favorite book, fairy tale Your favorite food Your friend

Appendix 2



When planning a vacation with a preschooler, mothers and fathers are often faced with many questions. How to organize summer time so that it brings benefit and joy to all family members? Many adults, who do not have the opportunity to leave their official duties and take a vacation with the onset of summer, find a wonderful solution - these are grandparents. Try to travel outside the city as often as possible: walks in the forest, relaxation on the banks of a river or lake promote relaxation and unity with nature. If you are planning to make a long trip to the sea, treat this event responsibly and take into account the following details: when changing climate zones, the optimal duration of the trip is 3 weeks, during which time the child will get used to the new conditions; Equip your first aid kit in advance: take care of remedies against fever, food poisoning, blood-sucking insect bites and diarrhea; try to stick to your usual diet and do not give your baby exotic dishes; plan your vacation for the cool months (June, September), besides, the beaches are not so crowded at this time; You should not go on a trip immediately after a vaccination or any illness. In the summer, at home, it is advisable for parents to carry out hardening procedures - barefoot walking, water and air baths. Summer is a time of action, testing, testing strength, a time of mastering and understanding the world around us. In summer, children actively grow physically and intellectually. It is necessary to train the child's memory. This is a repetition of poems that we have learned throughout the year, reading fairy tales. Of course, during your summer holiday there will be a lot of photographs that you will bring to decorate the “Summer 2016” exhibition. There are always high hopes for summer time, because, without exaggeration, it can be called special. Every family needs a joint holiday: it is a great opportunity to improve your health, find common interests and enjoy together. Don't miss it! Dear parents, remember that you are your child’s closest and most faithful friend for life. Treat him with respect, listen carefully, do not interrupt. Feel free to express your love, smile and praise your child often and you will see beneficial results.

Parent meeting in the middle group “Travel to the country of Speech Development”

"Journey to the country of Speech Development."


gaming workshop.


increasing the competence of parents in matters of speech development of children of middle preschool age, including parents in the unified educational space of preschool educational institutions.
developing parental competence in the field of children's speech development;
strengthening the skills of effective interaction between parents and children in the process of organizing joint play activities; Parents mastering game techniques for speech development. Participants:
parents, teacher.
group premises.
Plan of conduct:
1. Introductory stage: -introduction to the problem;
-creation of a problematic situation. 2. Main part: -game in the form of traveling on a train 3. Summing up the meeting: -feedback; -reflection. Progress of the Event:
Good evening, dear parents!
We are glad to meet you. Thank you for taking the time to come to the parent meeting. In order for our children to have a happy childhood, play should occupy the main place in their lives. In childhood, a child has a need to play. And it must be satisfied because while playing, the child learns and experiences life. Young children are happy adventurers eager to explore the world. And, of course, you really want to share your discoveries, especially with those you love the most. But, unfortunately, dad is very busy at work, and mom has so much trouble around the house that she has no time left for her child. And yet we are sure that it is necessary to find time and opportunity to communicate with the child, play with him and teach him something. Today we will hold our meeting in an unusual way, in the form of a game-traveling around the country “Speech Development”. But first, a little science. Speech is the main form of communication. In preschool age, it develops in two interrelated directions: - the child’s speech improves in the process of communication with adults and peers; - speech becomes the main restructuring of thought processes and turns into a tool of thinking. A child’s well-developed speech contributes to successful learning at school. Speech disorders affect the formation of a child’s character, because a speech defect that is not corrected in time makes the child insecure, withdrawn, and irritable. Speech is one of the important lines of child development. Thanks to his native language, the baby enters our world and receives ample opportunities to communicate with other people. Speech helps to understand each other, forms views and beliefs, and also plays a huge role in understanding the world in which we live. In the speech development of a child, the age of 4 years is of particular importance. It is from this time that individual characteristics and shortcomings in the speech development of children begin to appear, and the development of the qualitative side of speech begins. A normally developing child at 4 years old actively enters into a variety of relationships with people around him; Peers and other children play an increasingly important role in his life. The ability to communicate with peers and other people is one of the necessary conditions for the normal personal and social development of a child. Poorly speaking children, beginning to realize their shortcomings, become silent, shy, and indecisive. Their communication with other people (adults and peers) becomes difficult, cognitive activity decreases. This happens because a child with various speech disorders becomes a “difficult” interlocutor, it is difficult for him to be understood by others. Therefore, any delay, any disturbance in the development of the child’s speech is negatively reflected on his activities and behavior, and therefore on the formation of the personality as a whole. Dictionary of children 4-5 years old
A word is a significant unit of language. The richer the dictionary, the more opportunities to more accurately and expressively convey thoughts to the interlocutor. With normal speech development and favorable conditions conditions of upbringing, the child's active vocabulary quickly increases and reaches approximately 2300 words by the age of 4. During the fifth year of life, the vocabulary increases by approximately 600-800 words. In the fifth year of life, children correctly name surrounding objects and phenomena, verbally designate their qualities, properties, actions , functions.They try to actively use specific and generic concepts through generalization words.
This is due to the expansion of the child’s life experience and his social circle. Children aged 4 begin to learn simple antonyms and synonyms. There are a number of factors on which successful speech development depends.
What do you think these factors are? From the emotional communication of parents with a child from infancy From the child’s communication with peers From the structure of the articulatory apparatus From the speech of adults (as a model for children) From the development of fine motor skills From regular reading of fiction to children From the child’s games with adults and peers From the ability to sculpt All these factors influence the child’s speech development. What do you think we should teach a child in preschool age?

• Formation of sound culture of speech.
• Enrichment of vocabulary. • Formation of the grammatical structure of speech. • Teaching storytelling and coherent speech. • Development of expressive speech. And so, ideally, by the age of 5, a child:
• Pronounces vowels and consonants correctly, knows how to convey a question, request, exclamation intonationally;
• accumulates a certain vocabulary that contains all parts of speech. The main place in the children's vocabulary is occupied by verbs and nouns. However, children use adjectives, adverbs, pronouns and prepositions in their speech. • is actively aware of the generalizing function of words; • through the word masters the basic grammatical forms of speech (this is the plural. Accusative and genitive cases, diminutive - affectionate suffixes); • uses the simplest types of compound and complex sentences in speech. Some peculiarities are noted in the speech of 4-5 year old children.
• Children aged 5 years incorrectly pronounce or do not pronounce hissing sounds (“sh”, “zh”, “ch”, “shch”, sonorant sounds (“r”, “ry”, “l”, “l”), and some miss them. • Children are not able to identify the essential features of objects, for example, they find it difficult to name parts of an object. • The intonation aspect of speech requires improvement. • Work is needed on the development of the articulatory apparatus, as well as on the sound culture of speech, diction, tempo, strength of voice. • Not all children are able to coordinate words in gender, number and case. • When constructing simple common sentences, they omit individual members of the sentence. • The desire to create new words appears as a result of the creative development of the riches of their native language. • Children of this age have access to a simple form of dialogic speech. • Children are often distracted from the content of the question.

Each age stage has its own tasks and teaching methods. Work on developing a child’s speech in kindergarten is carried out in different types of activities: in special classes on speech development, as well as in all other classes; outside of class - in gaming and artistic activities; in everyday life. Forget for a while that you are adults and let's play. You want? Then we go on a journey to the country of Speech Development! The first station is articulatory gymnastics. Now we will perform several simple but very useful Smile exercises.

Keeping your lips in a smile.
The teeth are not visible. Proboscis (Tube).
Pulling the lips forward with a long tube.
Well-fed hamster.
Inflate both cheeks, then inflate the cheeks alternately.
Hungry hamster.
Pull in your cheeks.
The mouth is wide open.
The anterior and lateral edges of the wide tongue are raised, but do not touch the teeth. Watch
The mouth is slightly open.
The lips are stretched into a smile. With the tip of the narrow tongue, alternately reach at the teacher’s count to the corners of the mouth. Football
Roth is closed.
With a tense tongue, rest on one or the other cheek. Painter.
The mouth is open.
Using the wide tip of the tongue, like a brush, we move from the upper incisors to the soft palate. Delicious jam.
The mouth is open.
Using a wide tongue, lick your upper lip and move your tongue deep into your mouth. Let's lick our lips. The mouth is slightly open. Lick first the upper, then the lower lip in a circle. Finger gymnastics station. Days of the week On Monday I did the laundry (we rub my fists together) I swept the floor on Tuesday. (relaxed hands down and make imitative movements on the table) On Wednesday I baked kalach, (baking “pies”) All Thursday I was looking for a ball, (we bring our right hand to our forehead and make a “visor”) I washed the cups on Friday, (fingers of my left hand half bent, the palm is on the edge, and with the index finger of the right hand we move in a circle inside the left hand) And on Saturday I bought a cake. (palms open and joined together on the side of the little fingers) all my girlfriends on Sunday for their birthday. (we wave our palms towards ourselves) Next station Game “Pure Talk”. Goal:
to develop in children the ability to correctly pronounce a given sound.

Station "Compose"

At this station the artist left us an unfinished picture.
Our task is to complete it with our joint efforts. Answering my questions, we will complete the drawing together. (schematic image of a man) Who is this, a boy or a girl? What is her (his) name? What's on her head? What colour? What color are her eyes? What is she wearing? What colour? What's on his legs? What colour? What's in her hands? What time of year is it now? What did the girl (boy) do and where is she going now? Very good! Now let's try to tell you what we did. Station "Terminal"
- Our train arrived at the final station.
Look how many different games we encounter that develop children's speech. Here, games bought in the store and made by the hands of teachers and parents. -Today you and I confirmed the fact that adults should see the world around us for themselves and open the eyes of a child to it. With spontaneous speech development, only a few children reach a high level. Therefore, targeted training is necessary to create children's interest in their native language and promote a creative attitude towards speech. The development of speech directly affects the development of thinking. Thanks to speech, children master the norms of social behavior, which contributes to moral education. Thus, mastering the native language is necessary for the full formation of the child’s personality. Summing up the meeting.
-We would like to know your opinion about today’s event (the teacher hands the wand to the parents and asks questions).
-Did you like today's meeting?
— How is this meeting useful for you? — What specific gaming techniques will you use at home? -What can didactic games teach a child about speech development? — Your wishes for the next meeting. Educator:
I believe that the purpose of the meeting has been achieved.
We drew your attention to the fact that it is necessary to conduct didactic and finger games for speech development with children in kindergarten and at home, the task of which is to help children enrich their active vocabulary, develop coherent speech and speech creativity. So that you can study with your children at home, we have prepared small reminders for you. Reflection
Please evaluate our meeting. On whatman paper is drawn the outline of a train and colored polygons “cars”: if you are completely satisfied with the content of our meeting, then attach a red rectangle, if partially, a yellow rectangle, and if you are not satisfied, a green rectangle. Those interested can write reviews and suggestions. Thank you for your active participation and creative work! Thank you all very much! Goodbye.

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