Conversations in the “Good Manners” circle for preschoolers

Note to parents

It is difficult to name the exact age when you need to start teaching your child good manners. It is necessary to instill in a child norms of behavior with family members and society from birth, even when the child does not understand the whole essence. He understands the intonations, the mood of his family and sees the picture of what is happening.

The table below clearly illustrates the approximate age range when you can introduce your child to the rules of behavior.

Table “When and how to teach a child etiquette”

AgeWhat to pay attention to
Up to 1 yearWe use polite words in our speech (“thank you”, “please”, “good morning”, “good night”)
We wash our hands before eating, saying out loud why we need to do this
1-3 yearsWe instill neatness - use a bib or napkin, change soiled clothes after eating, wash your face and hands
We instill norms of behavior and communication in the family, showing by example respect and politeness
We teach to eat with a spoon and fork, we replace the sippy cup with a mug
3-5 yearsWe improve the skill of using cutlery, teach how to eat carefully - do not move away from the table, lean towards the plate so as not to spill the soup, and not to spread “dirt” around you
We actively teach independent personal hygiene - brushing teeth, washing hands, using a handkerchief or napkin.
We teach you to cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing; don’t forget about polite wishes addressed to another person (“Be healthy”)
We introduce the child to the rules of behavior in public places, transport, at a party, at cultural events, in kindergarten
5-6 yearsWe continue to introduce the child to table etiquette, adding the use of a knife to everyday life
We improve our knowledge of guest etiquette, apply the rules if we go on a visit; we correct mistakes, explain to the child why some actions are unacceptable
By our example we constantly show how to communicate in the family and in society outside it, we monitor our behavior
School ageLet’s not forget everything we instilled in the child before; we remind you how to behave at the table (in the school canteen), in lessons (speech etiquette, respect for the teacher, peers), in transport (independent trips) and public places

Rules of conduct for preschoolers in pictures

You can teach your child etiquette both by example and by visual aids. You can explain how to behave in society and show illustrations. The book “Etiquette for Kids” in pictures by E. V. Sokolova and N. N. Yankovskaya is suitable for this.

When showing your child a picture, you can ask leading questions: “What do you think is shown here? How should you behave?" Let the child try to formulate the rules of behavior himself.

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