Master class We play with children and develop “TRIZ - games and teaching aids used in preschool educational institutions”

What if the child answers “I don’t know”?

In fact, those who work using the TRIZ method are faced with a variety of situations, including childish stubbornness, reluctance to make contact, and getting involved in games using the TRIZ method. And we have already prepared recommendations for you on what to do in these cases [K. Nesyutina, 2014]. As a rule, such situations happen due to shortcomings on the part of adults. If desired, such situations are completely correctable, and over time, you can ensure that, upon hearing a question, the child begins to think about the answer, and not just remain silent or say “I don’t know.”

What to do to get your child to start thinking and reasoning:

  • Never scold children for giving the wrong answer! Very often, “playing the silent game” is a consequence of the fact that the child has already said or done something wrong, received a bunch of comments, and is now simply afraid of making a mistake again.
  • Reason with your child and don’t act like an examiner or a know-it-all. Children are acutely aware of falsehood, and if the child is already accustomed to the fact that you always know the correct answer and ask questions only for the purpose of testing, he may not want to be a test subject. Especially if, in case of an incorrect answer, he will also be scolded.
  • Ask so-called “open” questions, for which there cannot initially be one single correct answer. This will make it easier for you to reason with your child, and the child will not be afraid to make mistakes. At the same time, he will understand that a different opinion is not necessarily wrong.
  • Answer the questions your children ask you. Otherwise, children will quickly learn that they don’t have to answer or answer all “Whys” with “Because it ends in “y.” As a rule, children pick up such excuses from adults.

We wish that your children are healthy and happy, and that you always find a common language with them! We remind you that our program “TRIZ in practice: a creative approach at work and in life” and a screening test on the topic of the article are waiting for you:

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Secrets of inventors: a selection of useful materials
  • TRIZ fairy tales in pedagogy
  • A selection of useful materials about creativity and creativity development
  • TRIZ and design thinking in everyday life
  • Invention: a selection of useful materials
  • Creativity Development Digest
  • TRIZ classes for children: raising geniuses and simply happy people!
  • Good books for self-education
  • Charette procedure
  • TRIZ, RTV and TRTL in practice: dealing with the Soviet intellectual past

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