Abstract of GCD on drawing with elements of homeland studies “Drawing city houses”

Summary of GCD for drawing on the topic “My House”

author: Somova Svetlana Aleksandrovna

Teacher of MBDOU "DS "Golden Key"

Summary of GCD for drawing on the topic “My House”




TARKO-SALE, PUROVSKY DISTRICT ______________________________________________________________________________

Abstract of GCD for drawing

in the middle group

on the topic “My Home”

prepared by: Somova S.A.

Summary of direct educational activities in drawing in the middle group on the topic “My Home”


  1. Teach children to draw houses, conveying the rectangular shape of the walls and the triangular shape of the roof.
  2. Develop the ability to supplement the image with elements based on impressions of the surrounding life.
  3. Activate children's vocabulary.
  4. To form in children an awareness of the need for a home for everyone.
  5. Arouse a desire to help others, a feeling of compassion.


presentation of houses, paints, brushes, jars of water, napkins, puppy toy.


T.S. Komarov “Lesson notes on fine arts in the middle group”, book by A. Barto

Integration of areas:

artistic creativity, communication, socialization, patriotic education, legal education.


  1. Game situation “Let’s help a puppy in trouble.”


Guys, look who I found near our door (brings in a toy puppy). His name is Druzhok. He's kind of sad. What happened, do you think? (children's assumptions)

- It turns out that the evil owners kicked him out of the house. What do we do? How can we help him in trouble?

Children's answers.


I propose to draw houses for our guest. And he will choose one of them and settle in it.

  1. View a presentation of houses, highlighting the main parts of the house.


First look at the screen. What is shown on the slides?


At home.


Look carefully and tell me how they are similar and how they are different.


They have a roof, walls, windows, doors. They are different in color and height.


What are houses made of?


Made of wood, brick.


If a house is made of wood, then it is ... (wooden), if it is made of brick - ... (brick), if it is made of stone - ... (stone).


What kind of houses do you live in?

Children's answers.

  1. Physical exercise “A puppy was running around the yard”


Somehow our guest got bored. Let's cheer him up a little.

A puppy was running around the yard, He saw a piece of pie. He climbed under the porch and ate it, He fell down and began to sniffle.

  1. Drawing houses.


And now we will go to paint houses for our guest.


We are at home. Let's draw one-story ones. Of course, they will be a little papery. Of course, they will not be very brick, but they will be white-walled, but they will be nice. For sure, no one will ever drive a puppy away from these houses.


Who can tell me where to start drawing a house?


From the walls.

One child at an easel shows painting techniques at home.


Let's get to work. Let's remember how to hold the brush correctly and how much paint to put on it. Don’t forget to rinse the brush thoroughly and blot it on a napkin.

Children's work.

  1. Exhibition of children's works. Analysis. Reflection.


Let's see what kind of houses we got.

—Are all parts of the house drawn?

- Is it good to have your own home? Why?

Children's answers.

V-l reads A. Barto’s poem “At Home”


It’s raining continuously outside, But at home it’s warm and light. And you can calmly look at the brown downpours through the glass. Here you can hide from the heat, Save yourself from the frosty day. I’m drawn to a good, dear place - I’m drawn home.


Now the puppy has a home, and not even one.
He liked all the houses. Therefore, he will live in everyone in turn. And it’s time for us to say goodbye to our guest. Goodbye, Buddy. Summary of GCD for drawing on the topic “My House”

Fairytale house

If you don’t want just a sketchy house, then you can always draw a house from a fairy tale. Because there are no rules here, only your imagination. Here are some tips to guide your imagination:

  • You can start drawing from the roof, make it slightly curved, asymmetrical.
  • Next, we draw the bottom so that it matches the roof and does not go beyond its boundaries.
  • Then we draw windows, you can make them of absolutely any shape, doors.
  • Add a few details, for example, a lawn, a path, flowers, firewood, whatever you like.
  • Decorate with bright colors.
  • The house is ready.

Drawing such buildings is perfect for stimulating the imagination and relieving the head of unnecessary thoughts.

Drawing of a three-dimensional house

In order to add a little reality to the house, it can be made voluminous. To do this you need:

  • Prepare drawing materials;
  • Let's draw a drawing: start it with a rectangle of any size, whatever is more convenient for you. It's best to start with small sizes first.
  • Mentally divide the rectangle into 3 equal parts; you can also use a ruler. And separate one part with a straight vertical line.
  • For most of them we find the middle and mark it with a dot. This is how we will outline the roof.
  • From the point we draw two straight lines to the side parts of the house. You should get a triangle.
  • From the lower right corner of the triangle, draw a horizontal line to the side of the smaller side of the rectangle. That is, we outline the roof of a smaller part of the house.
  • Adding windows to most of the house, or living room.
  • Let's draw a door.
  • You can add a foundation by drawing a narrow rectangle at the bottom of the house.
  • Using wavy lines we draw the tiles on the roof. You can also make an edging.
  • Add a chimney of the shape you want to the roof.
  • We divide the door into two equal parts and draw handles.
  • Add a threshold at the bottom of the doors.
  • We draw bricks on the foundation.
  • We add frames and shutters to the windows.
  • You can add a lawn, flowers or a tree.
  • All that remains is to color the drawing.
  • Our three-dimensional house is ready.

Drawing an igloo

If you want to add a little exoticism to your drawing of houses, you can draw an ice house - an igloo.

The algorithm is as follows:

  • Draw an even semicircle.
  • At the bottom we draw an oval.
  • Erase the top part with an eraser.
  • We draw in a semicircle, stepping back approximately a centimeter from each.
  • We mark bricks on each semicircle.
  • We decorate the cubes with suitable colors.
  • The ice igloo is ready.

Ice house is very easy to draw and you can teach it to your child.


In order to draw a hut, you don’t need much time, you just need to take a pencil and follow the instructions:

  • Draw a straight horizontal line.
  • Next, draw lines a little sideways and up, forming the outline of the hut.
  • We mark the middle on the horizontal line, draw a straight line upward with a stroke, mark a point at the top.
  • We draw two straight lines through this point, you should get a cross.
  • We mark the boundary between the roof and the house.
  • We draw windows in the attic, facade.
  • Add shutters, draw logs.
  • We decorate the hut.
  • The drawing is ready.

Multi-storey building

In order to draw a multi-story building, you need to calculate the height, number of floors, as well as windows and doors.

All this must be taken into account in order for the design of the house to be harmonious.

The algorithm is as follows:

  • First we sketch the facade, drawing a rectangle of the required height.
  • We designate the places where windows and doors will be located. You need to make outlines along horizontal lines so that it is even. It's better to use a ruler.
  • If the markings of windows and doors suit us, then we draw the windows and doors.
  • We add additional details such as pipes, ladders to doors, foundations.
  • If you want the house to be brick, then draw the bricks on the facade of the building.
  • We color the drawing.
  • The multi-storey building is ready.

Note: if you want to draw a house sideways, you can first, after drawing a rectangle, dividing the house vertically into three parts, draw a line, separating one smaller part, thus creating the impression that the house is not facing straight, but sideways.

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