Drawing lesson in the first junior group “Leaf fall, leaf fall - leaves are flying from the tree”

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Lesson notes for the second junior group: artistic creativity: “Falling Leaves.”

District Specialized Children's Home.

Completed by: Belozerova I.A. Position: teacher. Urai 2012

Software tasks:

Formative tasks:

  • Expand children's understanding of the natural phenomenon of leaf fall.
  • Learn to identify yellow, green, red colors, draw leaves using the dipping method, evenly placing the drawing over the entire surface of the sheet of paper.
  • Form an active and passive vocabulary for children;
  • Create conditions for the development of oral speech components in various activities.

Developmental tasks:

  • Develop brush skills.
  • Develop memory, attention, imagination, emotions, logical thinking;
  • Develop aesthetic perception; Creative skills.

Educational tasks:

  • Cultivate a desire to work;

Practical tasks:

  • Establishing cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Use of ICT.

Preliminary work:

  • Creation of a subject-developing environment.
  • Watching the animated film: “Lessons from Aunt Owl”
  • Looking at the illustration “Autumn”
  • Target walk to the park: “observations of leaf fall” .
  • Work on the development of the articulatory apparatus.
  • Outdoor game: "Leaf Fall" .

Vocabulary work:

  • Subjects: autumn, leaves, leaf fall.
  • Actions of objects: Fall, spin, rustle, fly.
  • Signs of objects: golden, yellow, beautiful.

Materials and equipment:

  • a bouquet of fallen leaves of different trees, green, red, yellow paints, brushes, half a sheet of whatman paper. Flannelograph, pictures for flannelgraph (leaves), easel, multi-colored flags, cones, napkins.

Progress of the lesson.

Organizing time:

Invite the children to go for a walk in the park.

Vos. Guys, I suggest you go to the city park, and we will eat on bicycles. Children lie on their backs and perform the bicycle exercise to the music from the cartoon “Leopold the Cat” “Twist, spin, pedal .

Vos. So you and I arrived at the park. Look how beautiful he is!

View slides accompanied by music (an excerpt from Tchaikovsky’s “The Four Seasons,” autumn) is played.

Slides: “autumn forest” , “autumn rain” , “birds fly south” , “leaf fall” )

Vos. Guys, what time of year is it?

Children: Autumn.

Vos. Guys, what signs of autumn do you know?

Children: In autumn, a cold wind blows, it rains, the leaves turn yellow, leaves fall, birds fly south.

Vos. Children are offered diagram cards with signs of autumn and one card with snowfall (rain, wind, leaf fall, snowfall).

Vos. Guys, choose the sign that does not relate to autumn.

Children. Complete the task. It's snowing.

Vos. What can you say about autumn? What is she like?

Children: children's answers (autumn is beautiful, autumn is sad, etc.)

Vos. How beautiful are the trees in their golden and crimson robe! See how colorful leaves, quietly spinning, fall to the ground. There are so many of them on the ground, as if everything is covered with a beautiful, bright carpet.

Didactic game “Colorful leaves” .

Vos. On our walk we saw beautiful colorful leaves. What color are they? (Children's answers.) We have green, red, and yellow leaves (shows pictures for the flannelgraph - multi-colored leaves).

Carrying out the game.

The teacher lays out pictures of leaves on the table and suggests first choosing and attaching green, then red and yellow leaves to the flannelgraph.

Autumn leaves are so beautiful that you feel very sorry for them, because they quickly dry out and crumble. How can we save the leaves? We can draw them. To do this you need to choose a paint. Here I have a box of paints. Who can help me choose green, red and yellow paints? (Children choose.)

physical education minute.

We are autumn leaves. They were sitting on branches, the wind blew and they flew away. They flew, flew and landed on the ground.

The wind came again and lifted all the leaves, turned them, twisted them and lowered them to the ground.

Children perform actions (squat, spin) in accordance with the text.

— Drawing “Multi-colored carpet of leaves . The music of Vivaldi “The Seasons” . Autumn.

Educator. Today we will draw a lot of beautiful leaves, creating from them the same carpet that lies on the ground. To paint, we need a brush, which we must first wet in a glass of water. Then you need to put a little paint on the bristles of the brush and remove the excess on the edge of the jar. Now I can draw the first leaf (draws a leaf using the luring method). To paint a leaf of a different color, I need to rinse the brush well in a glass of water and only then pick up the paint of the desired color. (The teacher draws several leaves of different colors.) I need help. We need to draw a lot of leaves to make a carpet. Can you help?

The teacher invites each child to choose the color of the leaf and draw it on a piece of Whatman paper. The most prepared children can work 2-3 people independently. The teacher works individually with the rest of the children. During the drawing process, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that the leaves should be located over the entire surface of the paper.

At the end of the work, the teacher reminds that the brush will last a long time if, after painting, it is thoroughly washed and dried.

Exercises, outdoor didactic game.

"Find your color".

The teacher gives the children flags of different colors (red, yellow, green) and invites the children, on command, to run to a cone colored in the color of the flag. During the game, the teacher stimulates the children’s actions with words, for example: “Now the fastest team is the green flag team. But the teams of red and yellow flags will come together even faster .

Summary of the lesson.

Vos. Look what a wonderful drawing we made! Multi-colored leaves completely covered the white sheet of paper. This is how we all together created a beautiful carpet that will decorate our group.

Outside the window, an autumn leaf turned yellow, broke away, spun, and flew. The yellow leaf made friends with the breeze, Everyone is spinning and playing under the window.

And when the cheerful wind flew away, the yellow leaf on the asphalt became bored. I went into the yard and picked up a leaf, brought it home and gave it to my mother.

O. Chusovitina

Next >

GCD move.

Educator: I really like autumn leaves . They are beautiful. They can be called in one word – multi-colored. (Asks 2-3 children to repeat this word, then choral response)

Do you want to know how such beautiful leaves ?
Then listen to me. Educator: (comes to the easel and sets up a drawing of a tree with green leaves ). Beautiful green leaves lived on the tree all summer . But then autumn came and painted all the trees with yellow, red, orange paint. The leaves have become even more beautiful - multi-colored. (Shows an autumn tree)

Suddenly a mischievous breeze blew, plucked leaves from the tree and swirled them in a cheerful round dance! The leaves have begun !
(Focuses the children’s attention on the word, asks why they say that, asks them to repeat the word in chorus). Let us also turn into leaves and dance around.

(The children are given autumn leaves made of paper . To the music of S. Maykapar “In Autumn”

children perform musical-rhythmic movements).

The leaves are falling, falling

It's leaf fall in our garden .

Red, yellow leaves

They curl and fly in the wind.

Educator: soon all the leaves will fly off the trees . But we can preserve the beauty of autumn leaves as a keepsake . We will draw leaf fall and colorful leaves on paper ! Want to? Then sit down at the table and we’ll draw .

Educator: Let's draw with paints , our fingers will help us!

Educator: How to draw leaf fall ? Look how I will draw . (Children draw. The teacher provides individual assistance.)

Educator: while our drawings are drying, we will play the game “Collect leaves "


( Paper leaves . Children collect leaves in a vase ).

Educator: (exhibits drawings on the stand)


Look what beautiful drawings we made with leaf fall ! How to call yellow, red, orange leaves in one word ? Multi-colored. Who will you give your drawings to? (Children's answers)

Photo report on the lesson on drawing with a leaf print “Falling Leaves” in the first junior group Autumn is a wonderful time!
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