Summary of a lesson on speech development in the second junior group “Telling the Russian folk tale “Kolobok”

Lesson summary for an early age group. Journey to the fairy tale "Kolobok"

Summary of the direct educational activity “Journey to the fairy tale “Kolobok”” Early age group
Goal: to create conditions for involving children in the world of the fairy tale “Kolobok”, to create a desire to help the fairy-tale character. Objectives: Educational:
- To consolidate children’s knowledge about wild and domestic animals, - To strengthen children’s sensory abilities, the ability to recognize and name the color of an object.
— Strengthen your skills in working with plasticine (knead, roll out in a circular motion between your palms). Developmental:
- Develop a sense of rhythm, emotional responsiveness to music through movement, and respond to the nature of the music.
— Develop visual perception, memory, attention, thinking. Educational:
- To develop communication skills with adults and peers.
- Cultivate a friendly attitude towards the fairy-tale character. - Cultivate a love of fiction. — Cultivate accuracy and independence in working with plasticine. Preliminary work: - Reading the Russian folk tale "Kolobok", - dramatization of the fairy tale "Kolobok", - Studying the names and appearance of wild and domestic animals using visual aids, comparing wild and domestic animals, - Learning movements for the dance game "Gray Wolf" ", - Didactic games for the development of sensory abilities, - Modeling round objects, - Drawing a “kolobok”. Materials and equipment: - bi-ba-bo:
bun, hare, wolf, bear, fox;
— forest and house scenery; a set of pictures with wild and domestic animals; flat picture of a house and flat picture of a forest; berries in red, yellow, blue and green; red, yellow, blue and green baskets; yellow plasticine; wet wipes, tape recorder, - musical material:
phonogram “Visiting a Fairy Tale”, musical game-dance “Wolf”, song “Kolobok”, sounds of the forest.
Planned results: - has knowledge about wild and domestic animals, - distinguishes between primary colors, classifies objects by color, - communicates in dialogue with the teacher and peers, - takes an active part in productive activities, - is active when performing simple dance movements to music, — listens to works of art with interest, examines illustrations.
Progress of the lesson
The musical composition “Visiting a Fairy Tale” is played. Educator: Guys, would you like to go on a trip? Children: Yes! Educator: Great, then go ahead! Listen to the riddle. Riddle It’s mixed with sour cream, It’s cold on the window, The round side, the ruddy side Rolls……. Children: KOLOBOK Educator: Of course, smart girls! And here is the bun! Main part The song “Kolobok” plays (the kolobok appears be-ba-bo) Kolobok: Hello, guys! Educator: Guys, let's say hello to the kolobok. Children: Hello, Kolobok! Educator: Did you run away from Grandfather and Grandmother again? Kolobok: Yes. Kolobok: Oh, guys, I’m very afraid that the fox will eat me, I want to go back to my grandparents, help me get home, because the road is not close, it goes through the forest. Educator: Guys, are we brave? Children: Yes Educator: Well, then we’ll help our Kolobok return to his grandparents, and we’ll hit the road. Educator: - Quiet, quiet, don't make noise. Don't frighten away our fairy tale (put your finger to your lips shhhhh)
One - two - spin around in our fairy tale
(children are spinning) (The musical composition “Sounds of the Forest” is playing)
Educator: Guys, look where we ended up? Children: in the forest! Educator: Correct! And here is the forest path, let’s move on quickly! Educator: Oh, look who’s sitting under the bush? Children: Hare Teacher: Guys, let's say hello to the bunny. Children: - Hello, bunny! Hare: Hello, guys! Where are you going with Kolobok? Educator: To grandpa and grandma. Educator: Let us go, Bunny. Hare: Well, of course I’ll miss it, but first complete my task. D/game “Wild and Domestic Animals” Bunny: Well done, guys! You did a great job, pass! Educator: Let's guys say goodbye to Bunny. Children: Goodbye, bunny (the teacher and the children move on) Teacher: Guys, who is that sitting there on the path? Children: Wolf Educator: Let's say hello to the wolf. Children: - Hello, wolf! Wolf: Hello! Where are you going with Kolobok? Children: To grandpa and grandma. Educator: - Let us pass, Wolf: Wolf: Okay, but play with me! Educator: Guys, let's play with the wolf? Children: Yes Physical exercise: The game-dance “Wolf” is being played Wolf: How fun we played, come on in! Educator: Guys, let's say goodbye to the wolf. Children: Goodbye, wolf (the teacher and the children move on) Teacher: Oh guys, listen, someone is growling behind the tree (roar of a bear)
I wonder who's there? Children: Bear. Educator: Let's say hello to the bear. Children: - Hello, Mishka! Bear: Hello guys. Where are you going with Kolobok? Children: To grandpa and grandma. Bear: (sighs heavily) Educator: Bear, what happened to you? Bear: Trouble!. I collected and collected berries, and scattered them. I have three baskets - red, green, yellow. I need to collect the berries in baskets, but I forgot the colors. Educator: Don’t worry, Bear, I think our guys will be able to help you. Really guys? Shall we help the bear? Children: Yes D/game “Place the berries in baskets” Bear: Thank you, guys, for your help. Educator: Guys, let's say goodbye to the bear. Children: Goodbye bear! Educator: Guys, look who is running towards us? Children: Fox! Educator: - Hello Lisa! Lisa: Hello. Where are you going with Kolobok? Children: To their grandparents. Educator: - Let us pass. Grandfather and grandmother are waiting for us. Lisa: No, I won’t allow it? Give me the bun! Educator: What should we do, guys? Are we really going to give Kolobok away? Children: No! Educator: Guys, let's make another bun for Fox and give it to her? Children: Yes! Modeling Educator: Guys, sit down at the tables and we will sculpt koloboks from plasticine. Educator: Take the plasticine in your hands. Let's knead it so that it becomes soft. (Children crumple plasticine in their hands)
Educator: And now we sculpt our koloboks in a circular motion (Demonstration of sculpting techniques - with palms, in a circular motion)
Twist, twist the round piece Twist, twist the round piece It turned out (who are the guys?)
(choral answers)
Educator: Look, these are the koloboks we got. Round, yellow, beautiful. How many koloboks did we make? Children: A lot. Educator: Fox, you like our koloboks. Fox: Yes Educator: Hold our gift. Lisa: Thank you. (The teacher gives the koloboks to the fox.) Educator: Let's say goodbye to the fox. Children: Goodbye little fox. Educator: Guys, look, here is the grandfather and grandmother’s house. Kolobok: Thank you guys for showing us off (sits on the window)
Educator: Kolobok, don’t run away from your grandparents anymore. Educator: We walked the kolobok boys home, and it’s time for us to return to the group. 1,2,3 – turn around, find yourself back in the group. Reflection Educator: - Guys, who came to visit us? (Kolobok)
- Where did the Kolobok want to return?
(to grandparents)
- Did you like our trip?
- Who did we meet in the forest?
(bunny wolf bear fox)
- What task did we do with the bunny?
(We settled domestic animals near the house, and wild animals near the forest)
- What did we do with the wolf?
- What trouble happened to the bear?
How did we help him? (collected berries in baskets)
- What gift did you give for the little fox?
(made koloboks)
- Well done! We completed all the tasks of the forest animals, we helped Kolobok, we did a great job! - And the bun has prepared a surprise for you!

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