Abstract of GCD drawing. “Autumn has scattered colors on the trees and bushes...”

Drawing (senior group) “Trees in autumn”

Valeria Matveikina

Drawing (senior group) “Trees in autumn”

Goal: continue to learn how to draw trees trees of different shapes and structures in the drawing . Improve visual technique (mix watercolor paints to obtain a variety of shades and convey autumn color ). Develop a sense of color and composition. Introduce a new way of tinting paper.

Materials: Watercolor paints, brushes, water, album sheet, plastic bag.

Preliminary work: observing trees while walking , looking at I. Levitan’s painting “Golden Autumn

, illustrations.
Reading the story
Autumn in the Forest , poems about
autumn , asking riddles.

Techniques for drawing a tree (from work experience)

Alla Mokretsova
Techniques for drawing wood (from work experience)

I have been working as an art teacher for three years now and I don’t have much experience in this area. I want to share with you how I teach children to draw a tree .

The main part of a tree is the trunk . If we paint with paints, then I use this technique : the upper part of the tree is thin , we paint it with the end of the brush. The tree thickens at the bottom , so we paint with a brush, laying it flat. And the speech accompaniment is as follows: “We draw the brush straight, and then we put it down.”


In children, trunks usually look like a triangle, an upside-down carrot, or “sawed down”

In this case, a very effective technique is drawing with your hands in the air .
On the main branches there are short branches - these are additional ones. They are located above and below on the main branches.

To show drawing techniques, I am posting diagrams for drawing trees .

Children's works.

Torn applique "Tree". Torn applique “Tree” For the applique you will need: green foam, brown colored paper, glue, scissors, a simple pencil. Creative design of the Mdobu territory Drawing with spoons “Lily” Crafts from the Kinder surprise “Merry Ants” Crafts from wood “Russian beauties” Drawing with spoons “White Swan”.



Gromova Yu. V., teacher

MBDOU Mtsensk "Kindergarten No. 11"

Creative workshop: “Trees in our park”

Children's age: 5-6 years

Educational areas: “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative development”.

Topic: “Drawing by Representation”

- learn to identify common essential features of trees and differences;

- learn to draw deciduous trees, conveying the characteristic features of the structure of the trunk and crown (birch, oak, aspen), colors;

-develop technical skills in drawing with pencils, paints and other materials;

- develop coherent speech, activate and replenish vocabulary.

Equipment and materials:

Sheets of paper in white, blue and gray colors; gouache paints, brushes of different sizes, jars of water, cloth and paper napkins, an easel, unfinished drawings made by the teacher to demonstrate drawing techniques (birch, oak, aspen) Reproduction of the painting “Birch Grove” by I. Levitan.

Preliminary work: Excursion to the park, looking at images of trees. Collecting leaves and fruits, compiling a collection of natural materials. Looking at pictures of trees. Acquaintance with reproductions of paintings by I. Shishkin, V. Vasnetsov, I. Levitan.

The teacher shows the children a letter from Grandfather Omniscient. In the city where he lives there is no city park where various trees grow. The motive for the creative workshop is the children’s desire to help Grandfather Omniscient plant trees in the city park and reveal the secret: how to learn to draw so that everyone can immediately find out what kind of trees they are.

The teacher invites the children to tell how they will help Grandfather Omniscient. Finding ways to solve a problem situation, updating knowledge, analyzing available information.

Getting to know reproductions of paintings

The teacher displays several landscapes on the easel. He says that many famous artists loved to paint nature. Conducts a small art history discussion on I. Levitin’s painting “Birch Grove”

Didactic game “Which tree is the leaf from?”

Teach children to identify trees. Identify common essential characteristics of trees.

Figurative movements “Falling Leaves”

The teacher suggests going to the workshop. To the music, the children, spinning like leaves, move towards the drawing tables.

Creative exercise “Now a birch tree, now a mountain ash...”

The teacher draws attention to the variety of trees growing in the park, offers to choose colors, and shows techniques for drawing different trees. Children choose a tree to depict and begin to draw.

The teacher invites the children to express their assumptions about whether they managed to help Grandfather Omniscient, give reasons for their answers, and tell how they did it. The teacher expresses confidence that Grandfather Omniscient will like the trees drawn by the children, and he will have a park with various trees in his city.


On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The material contains a summary of a lesson on drawing in the senior group using an unconventional method - printing with leaves. The lesson is aimed at developing children's creative abilities and imagination.

Summary of OOD on modeling in the senior group on the topic: “Autumn tree” Purpose of the lesson: creating an image of an autumn tree using plasticine. Educational objectives: continue to teach children how to roll.

Summary of a lesson on applique in the middle group on the topic: “Autumn tree” Purpose: to introduce children to a new type of applique - floristry, to continue acquaintance with autumn.

Abstract of GCD drawing on the topic “Colors of Autumn” senior group.

An interesting activity, the children really enjoyed it, and so did I.

Abstract of the GCD for modeling in the senior group on the theme “Autumn Tree”.

Goal: development of children's creative abilities. Objectives: - instill the ability to see beauty in the surrounding reality; - create a desire to learn new things; - develop the ability to work with a brush and paint.


Methods of drawing trees and people in senior and preparatory schools

This development describes a detailed technique for drawing different types of trees in the senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten. And also drawing a person in motion.

View the contents of the document “Methods of drawing trees and people in senior and preparatory schools”

Technique for drawing trees

in senior and preparatory groups.

The senior group teacher faces the following tasks: to develop

children have observation, imagination, initiative, independence;
to cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards the environment, to teach children to describe an object, its
shape, highlighting the most essential features, to compare objects by shape and color; convey the relative sizes of objects, form spatial imagination; learn to draw from winter chalk and from memory, achieve an expressive solution to the composition.

Summary of GCD for drawing in the preparatory group “Spreading Tree”

Shamsutdinova Flyura Rafailovna

Summary of GCD for drawing in the preparatory group “Spreading Tree”

Summary of GCD for drawing in the preparatory group Spreading Tree

Goal: To introduce children to the world of fine arts.

Improve children's ability to depict a landscape with a tree against the backdrop of the earth and a picturesque sky.

Strengthen the techniques of drawing with a dry brush using the “poke” method, longitudinal lines.

To develop the ability to build a composition of a drawing.

To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in living and inanimate nature.

Show independence in choosing composition and color solutions.

Developmental : develop : cognitive interest, mental activity, observation;

color perception in order to enrich the color scheme of the picture;

fantasy, creativity, imagination.

To educate: a sense of beauty;

accuracy, independence when designing an album;

an emotionally positive attitude towards creativity.

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Health”.

— observation of trees on the street all year round ;

- conversations with children about the beauty of nature, about the artist’s tools, about painting genres;

Activation of the dictionary: Crown, crown, spreading , “pokes”.

Methods and techniques: visual, verbal, practical.

Materials: a white sheet of A4 paper, watercolor paints, gouache, 3 brushes (thin No. 3, thick No. 8 and a hard bristle brush), a glass of water, a napkin, a palette, photo illustrations of landscapes with trees at different times of the year, an audio recording with sounds nature, folder with files for the album.

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