Lesson summary - entertainment “Medicinal herbs” lesson plan on the surrounding world (senior group) on the topic

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Abstract of GCD for children 5 – 6 years old “Medicinal plants”

Goal: to consolidate ideas about medicinal herbs.


  • contribute to the accumulation of children's knowledge about medicinal plants and their benefits to humans
  • to develop knowledge about collecting and drying medicinal plants.
  • develop mental cognitive processes: attention, memory, thinking; — to cultivate a love for the native land, a desire to learn new things about it, and a caring attitude towards the plant world.
  • Reinforce ideas about the methods of plant propagation; Introduce children to an unconventional way of visual activity - drawing with an eraser

Materials: presentation, card modules with rules for collecting plants, game “find out and collect a plant” , reproduction of Eduard Panov’s painting “Field of Daisies” ; model of plant distribution, simple pencils, erasers, sheets of thick paper (shaded in advance with a simple pencil); musical accompaniment of “Flowers” ​​by Schumann and “Joke” by Bach.

Progress of activities:

Educator: Guys, look how many guests there are today. Let's say hello.

Invented by someone simply and wisely When meeting, greet “Good morning” Good morning to the sun and birds Good morning to smiling faces.


Now smile at each other and give your smiles to the guests.

My friends, I don’t see Matvey, where is he?

Children: He has a cold and is coughing. Very sad. Educator: It’s good that there are medicines in pharmacies, and Matvey will soon get better. When you are sick, how does your mother treat you? (Children's answers). Guys, they say that the forest is a green pharmacy. Why do they say this? That ointments and pills grow on trees?

Children: No. Plants grow in the forest that can be used to heal.

Educator: What are these plants called? Children: Medicinal. Educator:

The forest is like a fairy-tale kingdom, There are medicines growing all around. In every weed, in every branch - both medicine and pills.

Treatment with plants originated in ancient times. There were no pills or patches back then, but people were sick: they caught colds and were injured, they had headaches and stomach aches. A long time ago, people noticed that all animals were treated with herbs, sick animals left to find some kind of herb, which, after eating, they recovered. So man began to seek help from different plants.

Over the years, folk healers have accumulated a lot of knowledge about the beneficial properties of plants. In modern pharmacies you can see a variety of herbs and herbal mixtures. (Show)

I wonder if Matvey’s mother knows that it is possible to treat not only with pills, but also with medicinal plants? I suggest you go to the kingdom of plants and collect medicinal herbs yourself for our Matvey.

I advise you to first remember the rules for collecting medicinal herbs. We approach the cards (on the board) with modules with the rules for collecting plants.

  1. You cannot collect plants in the city, near roads. Why?
  2. Place in wide baskets, do not crush, otherwise the juice will release.
  3. Plants should be dried in the shade, not in the sun.
  4. When collecting, you cannot trample on neighboring plants or tear them up by the roots. 5. Plants should not be collected in rainy weather.
  5. Collect plants in dry weather, in the morning, after the dew has dried.
  6. You can't pick too many plants.

Well done! Well, now we’re going to collect medicinal plants.

Physical education minute.

We go into the forest with you (Children march in place.)

There are so many miracles around here! (They were surprised and threw up their hands.)

How many green Christmas trees?

Let's do so many bends. (One two Three.)

We walk through the forest together, the steps are in place, We don’t rush, we don’t lag behind. Here we go out into the meadow, A thousand flowers around the hand to the sides, Daisies have grown, showing daisies: wrists together, fingers apart, In the meadow by the river White petals, move your fingers Yellow hearts. Under the heavy flower, the stem bends and bends to the sides. A narrow leaf is barely visible. A mosquito flew in. It rang loudly. The children hide their tongue behind their lower teeth and pronounce the sound s-z-. May beetle. Calmly sat down on a daisy. Children hide their tongue with a cup behind their upper teeth and pronounce.

sound w-w-w And float through the meadow showing daisies: wrists together, fingers apart,

Wonderful daisies, move your fingers Bowing to the light, like tumblers.

Here is our forest clearing, where “green doctors” . But I don’t understand what kind of plants these are? Help, assemble a whole plant from parts. (Game “Find out and collect the plant” )

Each child needs to correctly assemble a picture of a medicinal plant cut into pieces and name it. (Music sounds)

Educator: Now let’s imagine that our plants have come to life. What can they tell us about themselves?

Masha, what will your plant tell you?

Masha: I am a plantain. I grow up near roads.

I have hard leaves, so I don't have to worry about the trampling that other plants suffer from. I am a medicinal plant

I heal wounds. The leaves can be applied to cuts, abrasions, insect bites, and burns.

If you cut your leg, don’t cry and don’t cry. Plantain for help. Call to you quickly.

Educator: In the old days they called him “reznik, rannik .

An infusion of plantain leaves is also used as a cough remedy. Use this decoction to rinse your mouth when your teeth and gums hurt.

What can your plant, Anya, tell us?

Anya: I am nettle. Nettle is used to stop bleeding, used to heal wounds, an infusion of nettle leaves is used to gargle for sore throats, and also to strengthen hair. Nettle contains a substance that kills germs. And nettle can not only cure, but also feed. Nettle leaves are edible; cabbage soup and salads are prepared from it; it contains many vitamins.

Educator: One nettle replaces seven doctors - says popular wisdom.

These lines are about her:

Ah, don't touch me

I will burn without fire.

But why do they say that nettle burns? Children's answers.

Educator: Yes, you are right: the stem and leaves of nettle are lined with stinging hairs, the sharp ends of which are very fragile. Each hair is like a needle on a syringe. There is a caustic liquid inside the hairs. If you touch it, you get injections.

Nastya, what will your flower tell us?

Nastya: - I am a yellow, mischievous flower Watered with spring water. Time flies quickly I will become white and fluffy.

I am a dandelion. I am also a medicinal flower. I am used as a means to lower the temperature, and to improve appetite, and also to treat many other diseases. Dandelion can be eaten. Soups and salads are made from young leaves, and jam is made from flowers.

Educator: Many of you played with dandelions in the spring. If you blow on his fluffy cap, he will fly away. These are scattered seeds attached to fluffy white tufts that are easily blown away by the wind. That's why they called it that - dandelion.

Let's imagine that we have white caps in our hands, let's blow on them, first barely, then harder, and then strongly, strongly, until all the parachutes fly away.

Breathing exercises.

I am a fluffy ball, turning white in a clean field. And the breeze blows - A stalk remains.

Educator: What other plants did you collect?

Children: mother and stepmother (helps get rid of cough and runny nose. Herbal infusion is used for sore throats and bronchitis).

Educator: Why were the mother and stepmother plants called that?

Children: Because the leaf on one side is smooth, cold, like a stepmother, and on the other, soft, warm, like a mother.

Yarrow (the beneficial properties of yarrow allow it to be used in the treatment of most common diseases)

Celandine (used to treat skin conditions)

Calendula, marigolds (used to treat the heart, throat, marigolds heal wounds, soothe)

And you have Arseny, what kind of sunny flower? Tell.

Arseny: I am a chamomile. Chamomile is used for colds and coughs, and for stomach pain. If you drink a chamomile decoction at night, you will have a sound and restful sleep. Gargle with chamomile decoction and add to baths for bathing. You can make tea with chamomile.)

Educator: This wonderful flower is not only a medicinal plant, but it has always inspired artists to create. Look at the reproduction of the painting. What do you like here? Do you think daisies are happy in the meadow? What do they like here? (Lots of sun, light, air). When can you see so many flowers? What happens to them in winter? Are they dying? Why then do they appear again in the spring?

I propose to look at the diagram and explain what happens to flowers at each time of the year? Who wants to help me? Story option. Spring. The gentle sun is shining. Chamomile sprouts appear. Plants

are developing. In summer the sun shines brightly and it rains. And the plants begin to bloom. By autumn, when the sun is no longer so hot, seeds ripen on the flowers. The seeds fall into the ground, where they sleep under a layer of snow all winter. And in the spring everything repeats itself.

And if we pick flowers for bouquets, what will happen? (they may disappear over time).

If I pick a flower, If you pick a flower, If everything: both me and you, If we pick flowers - All the meadows will be empty, And there will be no beauty!

What can be concluded? (we need to treat plants with care, and if we collect medicinal plants, then we cannot pick many plants, until the very last flower).

My friends, have we forgotten that we came to the clearing to choose a medicinal plant for Matvey? What kind of plant do you think we would recommend for Matvey’s mother to brew so that he recovers faster? (Children list)

And so that Matvey’s mother does not forget about the chamomile, I suggest you draw it and send it to your mother. And we will draw a chamomile in a very unusual way. Look what materials I have prepared for you? How can they be used for drawing?

After the children's assumptions, show the work technique.

On a pencil background, use the corner of an eraser to “draw” (rub) daisy petals. We outline the oval centers of the daisies in a darker tone with a simple pencil. Using an eraser, draw stems to the daisies. With thin strokes we outline the veins on the petals (children do their work, “Joke” )

At the end of the work, lay out the drawings on the table.

My friends, what did we talk about today? What new and interesting things did you learn?

Educator: Everywhere animals, birds, people can find help from nature. For every disease there is a medicinal plant. The best pharmacy is Nature. She happily gives us all her gifts, and in exchange for everything she asks that we take care of her and not pick a single flower in vain, because it can cure someone! Let's say to our nature - thank you very much! And we ourselves will try to never get sick.

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