Methodological development. Topic: "Formation of the foundations of safe behavior for preschoolers 4-5 years old"

From the experience of working on life safety in a preschool educational institution

Galina Filatova

From the experience of working on life safety in a preschool educational institution

Fundamentals of children's life safety.

"Beware of troubles while they're gone"

Life in the 21st century poses many new problems, among which the most pressing today is the problem of preserving the health of children and adults, ensuring the safety of the younger generation. The relevance of my topic is due to the objective need to inform children about the rules of safe behavior, their acquisition of experience of safe behavior in everyday life, in nature, rules of behavior in traffic, knowledge about the deterioration of the health of preschool children, the importance of targeted activities in this area of ​​parents and preschool employees . That's why I was interested in this question. Preschool age is the most important period when human personality is formed.

It is very difficult to determine whether a person behaves correctly or incorrectly in certain circumstances. However, it is necessary to highlight rules of conduct that children must follow unquestioningly, since their health and safety depend on this. These rules should be explained to children in detail and then monitored for their implementation. And in order for children to be interested in perceiving these rules, the teacher must be familiar with them, be able to present the material intelligibly, age-appropriate, emotionally, gradually involving children in the world of safety.

Having determined the theme of the experiment , its main idea, I outlined the main goal of the work : teaching a child the correct behavior at home, on the street, on the road, in transport, when communicating with strangers, interacting with fire hazardous, sharp, piercing objects, animals and poisonous plants in nature, formation in preschool children

healthy lifestyle.

Based on this, I set the following tasks:

1. Familiarize children with the simplest methods of safe behavior in a variety of dangerous situations.

2. Development of awareness and voluntariness in following the basic rules of safe behavior at home, on the street, in nature, and when communicating with strangers.

3. Enriching children’s understanding of the main sources and types of danger in everyday life, on the street, in nature, and in communicating with strangers. 4. Formation of a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle among preschoolers.

5. Formation of knowledge about the rules of safe road traffic as a pedestrian and a passenger in a vehicle.

My system of work was created on the basis of the program of N. N. Avdeeva, O. L. Knyazeva, R. B. Sterkina “Fundamentals of the safety of preschool children”

,methodological manuals: K. Yu. Belaya “Formation of the foundations

safety for children" (for classes with children 2 - 7 years old)


T. F. Saulina “Introducing preschoolers to the rules of the road”


7 years).

E. Ya. Stepanenkova “Collection of outdoor games”

. For classes with children 2-7 years old."

L. Yu. Pavlova “Collection of didactic games for familiarization with the environment


A. I. Shalina “Young Ecologist”

Partial program (3-7 years)

We introduce preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle and my own observations, my experience working with preschoolers . Having studied this literature, I came to the conclusion that the formation of conscious behavior is a long process. Work on teaching the basics of safety must be systematic. For it to bring results, one lesson is not enough. Children should receive systematized knowledge and feel part of the world around them. In order to be more competent in this matter, the topic of my experience is : “Safety of a preschooler”


We must see, take into account, anticipate,

If possible, avoid everything

And where necessary, call for help.

Practical part:

preparatory work with children to familiarize themselves with safety rules by providing the material and technical base: pedagogical requirements, modern level of education, the group was created, equipped and replenished

, which has a sufficient variety of equipment, manuals, games, etc. All materials are periodically updated and are available to children at any time.

"Safety of your own life"


"Take care of your health"


"Safety on roads and streets"


"Safe outdoor recreation"


«Working with parents»


And they are embodied in children's activities: playing, drawing, looking at special pictures, photographs, diagrams, tables.

The system of children's ideas about safe behavior was provided by educational activities, excursions, presentations, and final events. All material is selected taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers.

For it to bring results, one lesson or conversation with children is not enough. The work must be systematic.

And one more important requirement: children need only theoretical knowledge; they must apply it in practice.

At the first stage, I tried to interest the children, clarify and systematize their knowledge about life safety rules. Find out the level of knowledge and skills about the rules of safe behavior. At the same time, I worked with parents in order to assess the relevance of the problem of life safety of their children and the feasibility of carrying out specially organized activities on life safety. In the form of questionnaires, individual conversations and consultations.

At the second stage, I tried to implement these rules in the lives of children, showed their possible manifestations in various life situations, and trained preschoolers in the ability to apply these rules in extreme situations.

At the third stage, based on the acquired knowledge and skills, there was a conscious application of practical actions in various situations. Based on the age characteristics of preschoolers, I have developed the main directions for forming the foundations of children’s life safety.

So in the section: “Safety of your own life”

introduced children to household items that are sources of potential danger to them.
Using thematic conversations, looking at illustrations, making mock-ups, reading fiction, watching cartoons, presentations. She paid great attention to familiarizing children with fire safety rules, conducted training sessions on evacuating children from the kindergarten building, and visited the Fire Department to familiarize themselves with the profession of a firefighter, examine special firefighting equipment, and a fire truck. The group created a “Safety Island”
, equipped with various visual aids for children.
Thanks to the didactic game “Objects - Sources”
“The Fourth Wheel”,
children formed ideas about objects that children are strictly prohibited from using. Conducted conversations:
“Is fire friend or foe?”
“Sharp, prickly!”
“Remember kids, pills are not candy!”
“Electrical appliances in everyday life”
Watching the video film “Lessons from the Careful Aunt Owl”
. I tried to give children an understanding of strangers, what dangers await them when contacting strangers, and
to develop skills of correct behavior in extreme situations. At the GCD “Home Alone”
We studied with children how to behave correctly at home when they are alone.
Thanks to the staged situation, preschoolers formed the idea that they should not open doors to anyone outside. Rescue numbers were assigned: 01, 02, 03. Each child acted as a child left at home. And the dramatization of “The Adventures of the Kolobok”
helped children understand that the pleasant appearance of a stranger can be deceptive and does not always mean his good intentions.
Together with the children, we looked at the illustrations and learned to understand a situation that carries danger, to react correctly in such cases: to draw the attention of passersby and adults to themselves, to be able to call for help, to be able to say “no”
to the proposal of an unfamiliar adult.

In the course of working together with the children, I compiled the “Five NOs”


1. Don't go out alone.

2. Do not engage in conversation with strangers on the street or in public places.

3. Never agree to go with strangers and strangers, no matter how much they persuade you or what they offer you.

4. Don't trust a stranger if he says he knows your parents or offers to buy or give you something.

5. Don't get into a stranger's car.

And if we can provide theoretical knowledge in kindergarten, then its practical application falls on the shoulders of parents, holding the event “Safety of children of middle preschool age”

I tried to create the willingness of parents to cooperate with me on the problems of developing safe behavior skills in children.

One of the areas in my work is the section : “Take care of your health”


My preschool group includes children belonging to different health groups. One of the main tasks of middle preschool age is to pay attention to the formation of practical skills and skills in observing hygiene rules.

Children during the block received a basic understanding of the structure and functions of internal organs. Have you figured out in a game form what is happening in their body? So that the eyes see and the ears hear”, “Habit Sisters”

children understood the meaning of basic hygiene procedures. Preschoolers learned to conduct experiments and exercises: listened to
the work of the heart , identified and explained sensations, their causes, developed observation skills, and a culture of behavior. Reading works by K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”
A special role in this section is given to the formation of ideas about the value of a healthy lifestyle, as well as the emotional well-being of the child. In work on this section, together with children, they identified the importance of movement for health, the benefits of outdoor games and sports. Thus, children through educational activities with ICT: “Plants that heal”
, conversations
“I love vitamins - I want to be healthy”
, through didactic games
“Guess the sport by showing”

theatrical, plot-role-playing games “Polyclinic”

(at an appointment with a doctor, certain knowledge, skills and abilities were formed.

Expanding the section: “Safety on roads and streets”

learning traffic rules received in childhood is most durable; learned at this age, they subsequently become the norm of behavior, and their observance is a human need.

It is impossible to raise a disciplined pedestrian if such important qualities as attention, composure, responsibility and caution are not instilled from childhood. Indeed, often the absence of these qualities becomes the cause of road accidents. Explaining to children the theory of road rules for pedestrians does not mean teaching them how to cross the road correctly; practical consolidation of knowledge is necessary. The most effective form is game-activity, walks, excursions, outdoor games, didactic games. It is important to carry out observations taking into account the age of the children and environmental conditions. Observation of children showed that children use their knowledge in everyday life, in games and communication with each other. Knowledge and skills regarding traffic rules are reflected in children’s drawings. An interesting form of consolidating knowledge about traffic rules are conversations and games: “Show me what I’ll name”

“Red, yellow, green”
“Find the mistake”

Examination of posters about traffic rules. Reading and conversation based on the book by V. Nosov “Car”


By playing and practicing at the same time, children firmly grasp the rules of the road. Immediately upon entering the territory of the kindergarten, a “Car area”

, children must be able to cross the street on a pedestrian path, past existing traffic lights or special signs.
Playing out the simulation of situations with “Road Signs and Crossroads”
. After the rules for pedestrians have been learned, children

started using them in games on their own.

“Safe outdoor recreation” were very interesting.

, we went on a fabulous
“Journey into Nature”
, a journey in which we learned to take a responsible and thrifty attitude towards nature, invented and made prohibition signs.
We learned all these rules in poetic form, which contributed to their quick memorization. During these classes, children’s knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms and berries was consolidated, poisonous plants were clarified, what can be eaten and what is not, and the didactic game “Edible - Inedible Berries
During the “Winter Fun”
, children consolidated their knowledge of outdoor behavior in winter. We remembered the safety rules during the winter games.

Reading T. A. Shorygin “Cautious Tales”

"Visiting the Forester"

At each lesson, they cultivated a respectful, friendly and caring attitude towards each other. Conducting a conversation: “Cats and dogs are our friends”

, learned to understand the state and behavior of animals, to know that each animal has its own character.
Children have formed an idea of ​​what can and cannot be done when interacting with animals. We learned with the children the poems by A. Dmitriev “The Stray Cat”
and G. Novitskaya
, which aroused interest in the life of animals, as well as kind and caring feelings towards them. And together with their parents at home, the children drew on the theme:

Working with parents work on developing the basics of safety in preschoolers in close contact with the students’ parents. At parent meetings and conversations, parents got acquainted with the system of work of the preschool institution to develop safe behavior in children on roads and streets, and received advice on the problem of children’s life safety. Through individual conversations, consultations, meetings jointly with children and parents, I try to convince the fathers and mothers of our students that an adult is always an example for a child. The work done gave a positive result. With the help of parents, attributes were made for organizing role-playing games: badges, a baton, hats.
On the site there is a small parking area, markings, a pedestrian crossing - a traffic police post. Here, with the help of play vehicles (pedal cars, bicycles, during games and leisure time, children learn what some road signs mean, and become familiar with the rules of traffic and safe behavior in the environment. Effectiveness of the experience .

I consider the result of my . The main goal has been achieved - the children’s initial knowledge has been formed, they have knowledge about the rules of the road and the culture of behavior on the road and in transport, ideas about dangerous and harmful factors, emergency situations have been developed, and life-saving behavior skills have been formed.

Children have become more attentive on city roads, in transport, in everyday life, and in nature. Learned how to behave correctly with strangers. They began to pay more attention to hygiene procedures. Parents noted that their educational level on this topic had increased, they began to think more about the healthy and safe lifestyle of their family, and the need to observe it not only in kindergarten, but also at home. The work done with children and parents is only part of the interesting work and practical activities. In the future, I plan to continue studying this problem, I will pay more attention to the culture of behavior on the street and in the everyday life of parents themselves in the presence of children. Preventive work to prevent child injuries will always come first. Our children should have a trauma-free childhood.

The most important result in working with children was that they realized that the main thing for a person is his life and health, so they need to be protected!

Formation of the fundamentals of life safety among preschool children as part of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard

Oksana Klimova

Formation of the fundamentals of life safety among preschool children as part of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard

The problem of life safety is recognized throughout the world and represents a serious problem of our time.

According to WHO, about 2,300 children die every day worldwide due to unintentional injury or accident:

• In road traffic accidents - 720 children

• From drowning – 480 children

• From burns – 260 children

• As a result of falls – 130 children

• From poisoning – 125 children.

Russia ranks first in the world in terms of childhood injuries.

Often, being drawn into the cycle of everyday life, we forget about how many unexpected dangers await a person on the path of life .

Today, despite serious steps taken by the state in the field of legislative regulation of issues of ensuring normal labor protection conditions and updating the regulatory framework, in practice the root causes of serious accidents are still insufficiently established,

cases involving children, as well as the low level of protection of their health and life .

It becomes obvious that education plays a key role in ensuring the national security of any state and the life of an individual and society. Modern life proves the need to ensure safe life and requires training preschool employees, parents and children in a safe lifestyle in difficult conditions of social, man-made, natural and environmental troubles.

A child, due to his physiological characteristics, cannot independently determine the full extent of the danger of his existence, therefore, an adult is entrusted by nature with the mission of protecting his child - to provide basic knowledge of the basics of safety .

The period of preschool development can be called a kind of foundation from which the construction and development of everything further begins - character, abilities, skills. It is during this interesting and difficult period that the process of socialization begins, the child’s connection with the leading spheres of existence is established: the world of people, nature, the objective world, the foundation of health is laid, solid foundations are laid for the experience of life , a healthy lifestyle .

Working in kindergarten, we notice that children have become less independent, often lack initiative, cannot make decisions on their own, do not know who to turn to for help, do not know how to make the right decision in extreme situations, and do not know safety rules .

We agree with the opinion of many teachers that it is impossible to raise “alienated”

life .
In the federal state educational standard for preschool education , the target guidelines state that at the stage of completing preschool education, a child should try to independently explain the actions of people, have basic knowledge about the social world in which he lives, and be capable of making his own decisions, relying on his knowledge and skills, and can follow the rules of safe behavior .

The main goal of instilling safe behavior in children is to give each child the basic life- threatening situations and the characteristics of behavior in them. Safety is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave correctly in various situations. Therefore, teachers are faced with the need to systematize work in three areas: to anticipate, to teach, to protect.

The concept of safety in preschool educational institutions previously included the following aspects: protecting the life and health of children , ensuring safe working conditions for preschool educational institutions employees. But the modern world has changed its approach to the problem of security ; it also includes such concepts as environmental disaster and terrorism.

The organization of the educational process is associated with the creation of conditions for its implementation, including safe conditions . Today, a lot of attention is required to properly build interaction between all employees of a child care institution.

Life safety is a large block , which includes many aspects: occupational safety, fire, anti-terrorist safety , road safety , healthy lifestyle, lifestyle, valeology, joint activities with medical workers (checking first aid kits in group rooms, conducting classes with preschool employees to provide first aid medical care, etc.).

How can you ensure the safety of the educational process in a preschool educational institution:

safe environment (fixed cabinets, shelving; absence of poisonous and thorny plants; safe arrangement of plants in a group; equipment of rooms where children are located in compliance with fire safety )

- proper storage of various materials, medicines (scissors, needles are kept out of the reach of children, comply with the requirements; medicines, as well as detergents are kept out of the reach of children);

— furniture selected according to the height of children and its markings;

— marking of bed linen and towels; correct lighting.

— organizing the ventilation process and ensuring the necessary thermal conditions in winter; organization of drinking regime.

— it is necessary to have an automated fire warning system and be provided with the necessary amount of fire fighting equipment;

— all emergency exits must be easily accessible and in good order;

— fire safety ; fire safety regulations must be observed.

— it is necessary to have a plan for the evacuation of people and instructions that determine the actions of personnel to ensure rapid evacuation.

- according to the plan, systematically conduct evacuation exercises in which to practice the actions of all participants in the educational process and kindergarten workers in the event of an emergency.

safety rules with various categories of kindergarten employees; Do not use electrical devices in groups.

Most modern scientific schools and directions have recognized the decisive role of the family and family relationships in the formation of a culture of life safety in children .

Educational organizations, as a rule, play a leading role in the implementation of such components of the process of fostering a safety , such as the formation of a system of knowledge about sources of danger, means of preventing and overcoming them, and the formation of physical readiness to get out of dangerous situations.

The main goals and objectives of forming in preschoolers the foundations of the safety of their own life activities and the formation of prerequisites for environmental consciousness ( safety of the surrounding world )

involves solving the following problems:

- formation of ideas about situations that are dangerous for humans and the natural world and methods of behavior in them;

— familiarization with the rules of that is safe for humans and the natural world around them;

— transferring to children knowledge about safety as a pedestrian and a passenger in a vehicle.

When implementing these goals and objectives, it is imperative to observe the following principles when working with children:

— developmental education;

— scientific validity and practical applicability;

— completeness, necessity and sufficiency;

— unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives of the education process for preschool ;

— taking into account the integration of this educational area with other educational areas.

In order for our work to produce positive results, it is necessary to involve parents. We, as people who are more knowledgeable in matters of education, must explain to all raising adults what techniques can be used to teach a preschooler the most effective course of action in order to avoid those alarming situations that the child and his parents have to face in life .

safety measures dictated by common sense may seem elementary, but with a preschool it is necessary to understand and discuss what at first glance seem to be very simple rules of behavior. You can protect yourself and your children from the many problems that a family may face if you constantly care about safety .

safety factor consists of several components:

— protect life and health (biological safety )


— maintain the integrity of real estate (material security )


- maintain moral, moral and psychological well-being and build human confidence and security (social, psychological safety )


When talking about the safety of a preschool child , the following features must be taken into account:

- the child’s desire for independence ( “I myself”

) and the inability to adequately assess one’s strengths and capabilities;

- insufficient experience or (lack of it)

behavior in difficult situations, inability to use safety rules
etc. ; We can roughly identify the main sources of danger for a preschooler :

- dangers that he may encounter at home (or household)


- dangers of contact with strangers (at home or on the street)


- dangers that he may encounter on the street and on the road;

- dangers in nature

activities to form the foundations of security in 5 areas:

Informational - training in the Rules , formation of knowledge on safe behavior .

developmental - the formation of practical skills and habits of safe behavior .

Educational – formation of motivation for responsible behavior.

methodological - methodological support, creation of an environmental development environment (indoors, on playgrounds, territory of preschool educational institutions)

control - a system of control measures to assess the effectiveness of the knowledge and skills acquired by children (questionnaires, monitoring, testing)

We are confident that if you follow certain rules of behavior and teach this to your child from an early age, then most of these dangers can be avoided.

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