“Shouts” for morning exercises and physical training

Children doing exercises, senior group: movements

  • Introductory part. It requires a warm-up, so exercise should begin with alternating running and walking. Diversify all this by moving in space; moving in one place quickly gets boring for the kids.
  • Main part. It includes important exercises that develop muscles, spatial orientation and joint mobility.
  • The final part. Complete the exercise with moderate walking.

Example of morning exercises:


  • Children walk at a normal pace behind each other in a circle or column.
  • Running in a straight line or with obstacles.
  • Walking on your heels, toes, and the inside and back of your feet.
  • Walking, in which the position of the hands alternately changes, walking with raising the knees.
  • Running with stops on command (voice or clap).

Main part

  • Exercise No. 1: Place your hands behind your back, feet shoulder-width apart. Children take a breath, bend over and exhale.
  • Exercise No. 2: Children place their hands on their belts and rotate their torso to the right and left.
  • Exercise No. 3: The guys raise their hands up, stand on their toes, and reach for the sky with their fingers. Then they lower themselves onto their feet and lower their arms.
  • Exercise #4: Lie on your back. Turn onto your stomach immediately through the left, then through the right side.
  • Exercise No. 5: Hold your hands in front of your chest. Jump like bunnies in place, then around an imaginary bush.

Final part

Walking around the hall at a moderate pace.

Two in one

If you are bored with just exercises, and your baby asks you to play with him, do an exercise-game. Such warm-ups begin as physical education in verse, and end with a game element. It is better when several children participate in the exercise-game. When planning a children's party, you can also use such game physical education minutes in the program. Kroshka and Masha The little mouse is called Kroshka (they squat down and squeak like mice). The little mouse is hiding here (we point our finger at ourselves). The mouse runs out at night for a walk (we run in different directions), begins to jump noisily and laugh (we run, jump, laugh). But, as soon as the cat suddenly says “Meow” (everyone freezes in place), the Mouse freezes - everything around is quiet... Imagine, our Little One is Afraid of the Cat Masha! (everyone scatters in different directions, and the leader plays the role of a cat and, meowing, catches up with the “mice”) Heron , Bear walks with club feet, spreading his paws strongly (we depict how the bear walks, waddling), Squirrel jumps through the forest - Red-tailed princess (bounce) . A turtle walks into the field very smoothly and without fear (we get on all fours and move slowly). The horse is trotting and will give you and me a ride (we run, kicking our legs like a horse). Well, the heron, the miracle bird, the long-legged maiden, stood like a candle on one leg all evening! (Everyone tucks one leg in and stands in such a way that who can stand it as long as possible. The leader counts: one, two, three, etc., waiting for the losers. Whoever lasted the longest while standing on one leg won). Be active in activities with children, show your interest so that children are involved in fun physical education with joy. Show all the movements clearly, help the kids depict them correctly, give enough time for each new exercise. If the kids liked, for example, a line from a poem where they need to jump, give them the opportunity to do this longer. Repeat the exercises that the children liked, and replace the texts that the children did not like with others.

Where to look for fresh charging ideas

In addition to ready-made exercises in verse, you can use ordinary children's poems for home physical education. Take appropriate texts and act out what they say as you go. This will help you out when you find yourself with a child in nature or with your grandmother in a village where there is no access to the Internet. Here's how you can turn nursery rhymes into exercises: Giraffe (Samuel Marshak) Picking flowers is easy and simple For small children, (we sit on our haunches and pretend to pick flowers) But for those who are so tall, It’s not easy to pick a flower (we stand with our legs straight, socks, and “picking flowers”, bending over but not bending the knees). Boat (Agniya Barto) Sailor's hat, Rope in hand (we march in place), I'm pulling the boat Along a fast river (we start moving as if we're pulling a boat), And frogs are jumping at my heels (we crouch and jump) And they ask me: - Take it for a ride, captain! (we wave our hand). Elephant (Agniya Barto) It's time to sleep! The bull fell asleep (we put our palms under one cheek, as if we were sleeping), lay down in the box on his side. The sleepy bear lay down in bed (we place our palms under the other cheek), Only the elephant does not want to sleep (we get down on all fours). Sleep shakes his head (we stand on all fours and shake our heads), He sends his bow to the elephant (we bow).

Exercises in kindergarten after sleep: with words

The exercises are carried out for seven minutes, the teacher shows the exercises and explains them.

  • Sipping. Children lie on their backs, arms along the body, legs together. You need to stretch, stretching your spine.

  • Let's draw a rainbow. The starting position is the same. Children need to first raise their right leg, drawing a semicircle in the air, without bending their knees. Repeat the same steps with the left leg.

  • Thunder. Previous starting position. Pull your legs to your chest and clasp them with both hands. Return to starting position.

  • Ships. Children lie on their stomachs, hands under the chin, legs together. You need to rise up and arch your back. Extend your arms straight forward and swing.

Cat, open your eyes

The teacher reads poems and the children do exercises.

Songs for children's exercises

A song about exercise (from the cartoon 38 parrots)

Pay in order! We invite all animals to a fun exercise. The exercise has begun: Feet together, arms apart! One two three four. Legs higher, arms wider!

Who could help me think of: “If there are no legs or arms, What should I put wider?” How to approach the question: “The legs above are three or all four?”

Everyone take your seats! Pay in order! There is a charger for the tail and a charger for the trunk. Let the boa constrictor's long tail Bend like a bridge! One two three four. Trunk higher! Wider ears!


Sports March

Come on, sun, brighter than the spray, burn with golden rays! Hey comrade! More life! Hurry up, don’t delay, go!

So that your body and soul are young, You are young, you are young, Don’t be afraid of heat or cold, Temper yourself like steel!

Physical training! Physical education-hurray-hurray-hurray! Be ready! When the time comes to beat your enemies, fight them off from all borders! Left edge! Right edge! Do not snooze!

Come on, wind, stroke our skin, refresh our heads and chests! Everyone can become younger if you take a sip of the cheerful wind!

So that your body and soul are young, You are young, you are young, Don’t be afraid of heat or cold, Temper yourself like steel!

Physical training! Physical education-hurray-hurray-hurray! Be ready! When the time comes to beat your enemies, fight them off from all borders! Left edge! Right edge! Do not snooze!

Come on, rain, wash us with warm moisture with a huge hand, Fill us all with courage, And calm down those who are too hot!

So that your body and soul are young, You are young, you are young, Don’t be afraid of heat or cold, Temper yourself like steel!

Physical training! Physical education-hurray-hurray-hurray! Be ready! When the time comes to beat your enemies, fight them off from all borders! Left edge! Right edge! Do not snooze!

Hey, goalkeeper, get ready for battle, - You are posted as a sentry at the gate! Just imagine that the border strip is following you!

So that your body and soul are young, You are young, you are young, Don’t be afraid of heat or cold, Temper yourself like steel!


Get ready to exercise

Late in the morning only sleepyheads sleep, curled up, we get up, only the sun touches us with its oblique ray.

Pay in order, Again to the sun, again to the sun smile. Pay in order, get ready to exercise, get ready to exercise. Get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready.

On the sparkling lawn In the shine of the morning dew, Our T-shirts and panties will flash brighter than a flock of birds.

Pay in order, Again to the sun, again to the sun smile. Pay in order, get ready to exercise, get ready to exercise. Get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready.

Just to warm up in the morning And dive deeper into the pond, And then with friends take up study and work.

Pay in order, Again to the sun, again to the sun smile. Pay in order, get ready to exercise, get ready to exercise. Get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready.


Morning exercises (V. Vysotsky)

Inhale deeply, hands wider, don’t rush, three four, Cheerfulness of spirit, grace and plasticity. General strengthening, sobering in the morning. If you’re still alive, gymnastics.

If you are in your apartment, lie down on the floor three four Perform the movements correctly Away from outside influences, get used to the novelty Take a deep breath until exhaustion

The influenza virus has grown very much in the whole world, three four The disease is spreading and growing If you are frail, go straight to the grave to maintain your health so that people use wiping

If you are already tired, sit down, stand up, sit down, stand up. We are not afraid of the Arctic and Antarctic! Chief Academician Ioffe Proved: cognac and coffee will replace sports prevention for you.

There is no need to talk, squat until you drop. Don’t be gloomy and gloomy. If you really feel itchy, wipe yourself off with whatever you need. Do water procedures.

We are not afraid of bad news, we respond by running in place Even a beginner wins Beauty among those running is not first and those lagging behind Running in place is generally reconciling Beauty is among those running first is not present and those lagging behind Running in place is generally reconciling


Temper yourself if you want to be healthy...

Temper yourself if you want to be healthy. Try to forget about doctors, douse yourself with cold water if you want to be healthy.

Sun, air and water are more useful to us. They always help us against illnesses. For all diseases, the sun, air and water are more beneficial to us.

Temper yourself if you want to be healthy. Try to forget about doctors, douse yourself with cold water if you want to be healthy.


Heroic strength

It’s not the menacing sky that frowns, It’s not the blades that sparkle in the steppe, It’s the priests of Ilya Muromets that the disciples came out to fight.

The winds are praying for their victory, Thorns and crowns are waiting for them, The good fellows are roaming around, The fellows are having fun.

Eh, yes, we need to live beautifully, Eh, yes, we need to live freely, Our heroic strength, Strength of spirit and willpower.

Our heroic rule is to help a friend in trouble, to defend a just cause in the struggle, to overcome a strong man by force.

Eh, yes, we need to live beautifully, Eh, yes, we need to live freely, Our heroic strength, Strength of spirit and willpower.

Eh, yes, we need to live beautifully, Eh, yes, we need to live freely, Our heroic strength, Strength of spirit and willpower.

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Dance while sitting (M. Plyatskovsky, B. Savelyev)
So you are tired, preparing your lessons, And the lines in the textbook are unclear. So, let the fountain pen rest, So, move the notebook aside.

And not getting up, but sitting on a chair, If you haven’t fallen asleep at all yet, Instead of exercise and for the mood You need to dance this dance, friends.

First, place your hands on your belt, swing your shoulders left and right. You can reach your heel with your little finger. If you succeed, everything is in perfect order.

And finally, you must meow, grunt, croak, bark and grunt: Meow, quack, croak, woof, oink.

If you dance while sitting at a party, someone’s mother will say to you: “Thank you!” No one will touch the vase with their elbows, You won’t have to knock dust out of the carpet

At recess and on your birthday, With a song together and even without singing, Instead of exercise and for the mood You need to dance this dance, friends.

First, place your hands on your belt, swing your shoulders left and right. You can reach your heel with your little finger. If you succeed, everything is in perfect order.

And finally, you must meow, grunt, croak, bark and grunt: Meow, quack, croak, woof, oink.

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