Notes on drawing “My Beloved Family” in the second junior group.

Step-by-step instructions for children and beginners

First of all, you need to make a plan and figure out which family members will be in the picture. Then mark the location of each object.

Advice: do not place everyone in one line, because... it doesn't look very aesthetically pleasing.

Next, the process of drawing real and cartoon families will be described.

Mom and dad holding a baby

Now you will see that a family drawn in pencil is something that even a beginning artist can do.

  1. First you need to draw the outline of the parents. For example, you can make dad taller, so the outline of his head should also be taller. Do not forget about the distance between the bodies to accommodate the child.
  2. Using ovals and straight lines, it is necessary to make the contours more pronounced.
  3. Drawing large and small elements will allow the drawing to become more alive.
  4. Next you need to remove auxiliary lines that are no longer needed.

We recommend reading:

  • How to draw a star: 10 best options for drawing five-pointed and other stars with your own hands. Pictures of finished works with descriptions

  • How to draw a dragon with a pencil - the best step-by-step instructions for beginners. TOP pictures for quick visual learning
  • How to draw a pony: TOP 10 best lessons for beginners. Detailed instructions for drawing My Little Pony step by step with a pencil

Stage two – mother and daughter

After successfully drawing the father and son, you should move on to the next part of the family. It consists of a mother and daughter running side by side.

  1. First you need to make markings for the correct location of the parts.
  2. After this, you should move on to the designation of parts. First - the oval of the face and the contour of the hair.
  3. Next you need to draw a face with all the details. Just as in the case of the son, the daughter’s face is more rounded and her features are soft.
  4. Drawing details of clothing. Don't forget about your mother's shape - bust. Now you need to draw dresses and shoes for both heroines.
  5. After removing the auxiliary lines, the coloring stage begins.

Family portrait

If you want to draw a beautiful family, then a portrait is a win-win option. This type of drawing has its own particular difficulties, but the result is worth it.

This part of the article describes the process of drawing Family Guy - the heroes of the American animated series of the same name.

  1. Draw ovals corresponding to the faces of family members. It is worth remembering proportionality. Next you need to draw ovals indicating body parts.
  2. Next, the outlines of bodies and faces are drawn.
  3. Designation of small elements of faces, bodies, appearance.
  4. The final step. If you decide to leave the portrait in black and white, then you should take care of the shadows.


Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 1 "Fairy Tale"

Sovetsky Republic of Mari El

Abstract of GCD in Fine Arts

in the II junior group

Petukhova Maria Anatolyevna

  • form ideas about the family, teach children to name their family members, about the friendly relations of relatives, about the emotional state of family members;
  • cultivate love and respect for your family;
  • form the concept: my home, my family;
  • cause children to enjoy the image they created;
  • develop the skill of careful work.
  • Make the child happy and proud that he has a family.

Equipment: envelope, pictures of family members, a picture of the whole family, a drawing of a house on paper, gouache, glue brushes, jars of water, stands for brushes, napkins, oilcloths.

Q. Guys, look, we have guests today. Let's say hello to them. (Welcoming guests) Q. Guys, I was going to work today and met Luntik on the way. When he found out that I was coming to see you, he asked me to give you an envelope. To be honest, I already looked into it with one eye and saw riddles there. Do you want to guess them?

Q. Then listen to the first riddle-poem: She emits light, and her smile gives her dimples. There is no one dearer than your own...

V. Well done guys, that’s right! (I put a picture of my mother on the magnetic board) V. Timur, what is your mother’s name? Who are you to your mom? What does your mother affectionately call you? (Answers from 2-3 children) V.V. Wonderful! Now listen to the following riddle:

Guess who it is? Kind, strong, dexterous, brave. I'm waiting for an answer, guys. Well done! Certainly…

V. Well done guys, that’s right! (I post a picture of my dad). Q. Vika, what is your dad’s name? Who are you to dad? (Answers 2-3 children)

V. Great! We read the following riddle: The whole farm: quinoa, and Corydalis - Ryabushka. But he will always feed us with cheesecakes...

V. Well, of course! Right! (I’m posting a picture of my grandmother). Q. Kira, who are you to your grandmother? What does your grandmother affectionately call you? (Children's answers)

V. Well done! And here’s another riddle: He soaks a piece of bread in warm milk, and walks with a stick in his hand. Our favorite...

V. Yes, guys, that's right! (I post a picture of my grandfather). V. Nikita, who are you to your grandfather? (Children's answers)

Q. You are all just smart. (I’m posting a picture of the whole family). Q. Guys, what do you think all these people are called together, in one word? D.V. Yes, in one word they can be called a family. Let's say it together: family. Choral answer B. Guys, let's show our family on the palm of our hand. Let's play with our fingers.

Finger gymnastics “My Family”

The movement is accompanied by the text: This finger is grandfather, This finger is grandmother, This finger is dad, This finger is mom, And this finger is me, That’s my whole family.

Q. What do you think this game is about? D. This game is about family. B. Correct. Each of us has a family. Where do families live? D. At home B. Yes, all families live at home. Some in the apartment, some in the house. Houses are different, high and low, large and small. Look at the houses I drew. Are they really beautiful?

Q. Is everything okay with these houses?

D. No. The wall and roof are not painted over.

Q. Yes, guys, I ran out of paint and didn’t have time to finish painting the walls of some houses and the roofs of some. But I know that you are very good at coloring, will you help me color the house? Then let's prepare a little.

Physical school

This is such a beautiful house: One, two, three, four, five (hands on the belt, turns to the right, to the left) We will build and play (rhythmic squats) We will build a big, tall house (on tiptoes, arms up, stretching) We will install windows , we are cutting the roof (jumping) What a beautiful house. A family will live in it. (show, hands in front).

V. Now let’s go to the table. Choose the house you will paint and the paint. (Children's choice)

Q. Have you all chosen? Then sit down at the tables and I will show you how we will color. Look what brushes are on your tables? Are they for paint?

Q. That’s right, today we will paint with glue brushes. To do this, you need to take the brush with three fingers above the metal part of the brush, dip it in paint and hold it straight, vertically, first start placing pokes along the contour of the house, and then paint over everything else. The brush goes straight step by step, does not slide across the paper, leaving behind such unusual prints.

B. Take all the correct brushes in your hands and show how you will paint (Imitation with a clean brush)

Q. I see everything is ready, then we can start working.

Individual work with children.

Well done, guys! Well done. Look how beautiful and different everyone's houses turned out to be. I wish you that when you grow up, you all have the same beautiful, cozy homes.

V. And now it’s time for us to say goodbye to our guests. Let’s say to them together: D. Goodbye!


Pencil drawing of a happy family

The following shows the process of drawing a happy family using available materials. Then coloring with gouache. A good leisure option for small children.

We recommend reading:
  • How to draw a girl - make a portrait and general drawing correctly and beautifully (150 photos and videos)
  • How to draw a child - stages of creating drawings and recommendations for their design (video + 125 photos)

  • How to draw a wolf: 115 photos and videos on how to create a stylish and original drawing of a wolf

First you need to take additional “tools”: pencils, rulers, paints, bottles and bottles.

The sheet is placed vertically, and the bottle is placed on the right. On its left side is a smaller bottle. It is necessary to circle them with a gentle pressure of the pencil.

To draw a baby wearing a hat, you need to put one bottle on top of another.

The lids will be good helpers for drawing hats. Don't forget your arms and scarves.

After marking the small details, you need to decorate the creation and fill in the background.

Topic of the week: “My Home”

Lesson 22. Fence near the house

(Brush painting. Gouache)

Target. Continue to teach children to draw various objects consisting of combinations of lines. Learn to retell fairy tales based on illustrations in the book. Develop speech and thinking.

Demonstration material. Toys are the heroes of the fairy tale “The Hare's Hut” (hare, fox, bull, dog, bear and rooster).

Handout. A landscape sheet on which a hut is drawn, gouache, a brush, a jar of water.

Progress of the lesson

Read the Russian folk tale “The Hare’s Hut” to the children in advance. During class, remember the fairy tale based on the pictures in the book, or dramatize this fairy tale for the children.

Invite the children to draw a fence around his hut so that the fox can no longer get to the bunny. Ask: “What should the fence be like?” (Long, tall, yellow (or any other color).)

Near the house, children draw two long horizontal lines with a brush, and short lines perpendicular to them - picket fences.

Tell the guys: “The fence turned out well! Now the bunny is not afraid of the fox!”

Family tree

Often children at school are given the task of drawing a family tree. And in the final part of the article, recommendations for its implementation will be given:

  1. First of all, you need to use a simple pencil to mark the roots of the tree and the trunk.
  2. Depending on the number of tribes of the family, it is necessary to designate the branches.
  3. For aesthetic design, you can conventionally depict photo frames on the branches. For example, in the form of flowers or fruits.
  4. Fill the frames with photographs or children's drawings.

Theme of the week: “Professions”

Lesson 25. Railway for Doctor Aibolit

(Brush painting. Gouache)

Target. Teach children to draw long and short intersecting lines using a brush. Create a desire to help those who need help.

Demonstration material. Toys – owl, steam locomotive, trees.

Handout. Rectangular card (landscape sheet cut in half along the long axis); gouache, brush.

Progress of the lesson

Play out the situation: an owl has flown in from the forest and is crying. It turns out her owlets are sick.

Tell the children: “Doctor Aibolit is on the train to help, but the railway has ended. Let’s continue the road so that the train (show the toy locomotive) with the doctor can travel into the forest.”

Take a rectangular card, draw parallel lines on it - these are rails - and short perpendicular lines - these are sleepers. Give the children the rest of the cards and ask them to draw the rails and sleepers. Show the kids how to correctly hold the brush with three fingers in the middle, dip it in water and pick up paint only onto the bristles.

When the children's drawings are ready, put the cards in a row - you get a road to a toy forest; Together with the kids, send a toy train with Doctor Aibolit and an owl on the railway.

At the end of the lesson, on behalf of the owl, thank the guys for their help.

Practice and final lesson

As you know, you can’t catch a fish from a pond without difficulty. To improve the quality of work, you need to constantly practice. Try drawing a picture of your family as a reinforcement. Good luck!


The whole process needs to start with its proper organization. The success of a lesson lies in planning. This also applies to activities such as drawing in preschool educational institutions. “My family” is a fascinating topic; a lesson dedicated to it should begin with a short dialogue between the teacher and the kids.

It is best to use various rhymes and short stories about the family as an introduction. This technique will attract the children to the topic and also interest them. In addition, use songs on the chosen topic. They also have a beneficial effect on the general atmosphere of the lesson.

Then it is advisable to conduct a dialogue with the kids on the topic of their family. Let each child tell who lives with him and who he loves. After all, it is not only drawing that is important in preschool education. “My Family” is a topic that will not only help develop children’s artistic abilities, but will also contribute to the development of speech.

The next stage, perhaps the most interesting, is the children’s direct depiction of their family. Offer them a variety of materials to implement their plans. If time allows, you can use more than just paper and pencils. How interesting is it to organize drawing in a preschool educational institution? “My family” is the topic of the planned lesson.

Photo tips on how to draw a family

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