LEXICAL MATERIAL ON THE TOPICS: “SEASONAL CLOTHING, FOOTWEAR, HATGEAR” educational and methodological manual on speech development on the topic

Tale about Irishka's clothes

Once upon a time there lived a girl, Irochka.
She didn't like to dress. Every time she had to get dressed, she ran around the room and shouted: “I don’t want it, I won’t, put it away, I won’t put it on!” But one day, when Irishka was getting ready to visit her grandmother, this is what happened. Mom, as always, prepared clothes for Irishka. “Put on a blue blouse,” mom said. “I don’t want a blue one,” Irishka was angry, pushing away her mother’s hand. “Which one do you want?” Mom asked. “I want a green one with red flowers,” answered Irishka. And then the blouse turned into a bush with prickly green branches and red flowers appeared on them. The girl reached for the branches and pricked herself. - Oh, why is he injecting himself? “You yourself wanted this,” my mother answered. “What kind of tights do you want to wear?” Mom asked. “Soft and fluffy, like a cat’s fur,” the girl moaned. And at the same moment the tights turned into a small kitten with fluffy and soft fur. Irishka reached out to the kitten, and the kitten spread its claws and scratched the girl. - Oh, why is he scratching? “You wanted it that way,” my mother answered. “Let’s put on overalls,” the girl’s mother asked. “I don’t want overalls, I want a fur coat like a bunny,” the girl squeaked. And then the overalls turned into a bunny that ran away. Somewhere in the distance someone was crying. “Listen, daughter, someone is crying,” said the mother. -Where is he crying? – Irishka asked. “Let’s go and have a look,” the mother suggested, and the girl and she followed the sounds of crying. Approaching the shoe cabinet, they saw Irishka’s shoes, which were crying bitterly. - Why are you crying so bitterly? - Mom asked the shoes. - How can we not cry, all our friends, blouse, tights, overalls abandoned us. Who will we hang out with and be friends with now? Irishka thought about it. - Don’t cry, little shoes, I will be your friend and walk with you. “Mom, let’s get dressed quickly,” the girl shouted. “But your clothes are not there, daughter,” my mother answered. “Why not?” Irochka was surprised. “She has completely left you and can only return when she is disenchanted,” my mother answered. “Who can cast a spell on her?” the girl asked in surprise. - Only you, and only you. “You made her like this,” my mother answered. - Blouse, tights, overalls, come back to me, please, I will dress myself, and I will never argue with my mother! I'll be your friend. Immediately the bunny jumped up and turned into overalls. The kitten turned into tights, and the green thorny bush with red flowers turned into a blue blouse. The girl quickly got dressed, put on her shoes and went happy with her mother to her grandmother.


The first fabrics from different countries

The first tissues that man mastered were:

Silk was first produced in China. It is unknown where linen was first created. Clothes made from it were worn in Ancient Egypt and the Middle East. Cotton threads were first learned to be produced in India, and wool began to be produced simultaneously in China and Babylon.

Cultivation of flax in ancient Egypt

At first they were made by hand, and then using special machines.

To introduce children to their first fabrics, you can prepare a presentation.

For this you will need:

First you need to prepare several clothing stencils: dress, shirt, trousers, headscarf, skirt and blouse. Using them, cut out shapes from scraps of fabric and paste each type of fabric onto a separate A4 sheet.

Separately prepare printed photographs:

In the pictures, children will clearly see the source of the fabrics. Additionally, for older children, you can explain the technology of obtaining fabrics using pictures.

A therapeutic tale about clothes - read online

I created this fairy tale about clothes for the little son of TV presenter Regina Todorenko and singer Vlad Topalov. Once on the TV personality’s Instagram account, I read a post that two-year-old Michael (Regina’s son) really doesn’t like to wear jackets and overalls. Todorenko noted that they had already tried a lot, including therapeutic fairy tales, but nothing had any effect on her son. To help them and other parents whose children do not like outerwear, I created this healing story. Enjoy reading!

Author: Yulia Lavrenchenko

Therapeutic tale about clothing “Jacket with a secret.” Author - Yulia Lavrenchenko

Jacket with secret

In one big city there lived a little boy who did not like to wear outerwear. All kinds of jackets and overalls were offered to him - with cars, and with astronauts, and blue, and red, and yellow, and different ones. But the baby didn’t like any of them!

— I don’t like jackets, I don’t like getting dressed! - the little boy just repeated to his parents.

It got to the point that even in winter the baby refused to put on a warm jacket or fashionable overalls. Mom and dad were very upset because instead of going out with the baby, everyone was forced to stay at home. You can't leave home without a jacket in winter.

And there is such beauty outside - sleds, slides, snow, icicles! How great it is to walk in the fresh frosty air and not freeze in your warm jacket. One day, when the boy once again refused to put on outer clothing, she suddenly spoke to him in a human voice.

- Hello, my friend! What a pity that you don't like me. “I have a secret mission, but I can’t do it without your help,” said the jacket.

- Hello! And how can I help you? — the kid was surprised.

“If you put me on, we can go outside with you and launch a secret message into space,” the jacket answered.

- Into the space? So how do we do this? — the boy suddenly became interested.

- Very simple! - answered the jacket. - Here's a magic paper airplane for you. You put it in one of my pockets and put it on me. And when you go outside with your parents, take out an airplane and launch it straight into the sky. He will definitely reach space, and you and I will be the heroes who successfully completed the secret mission!

The boy really liked this idea. He put on his jacket and put a small paper airplane in his pocket.

- Mom, dad, I'm waiting for you! “Let’s go for a walk,” the baby called to his parents.

When mom and dad saw the boy dressed in a jacket, their joy knew no bounds. The parents also quickly got ready, and everyone went outside together. There, the kid launched a magic airplane into space and has since fallen in love with his jacket.

After all, with her outside it is not only warm, but also very interesting. Now almost every day the boy and the jacket completed secret missions and rejoiced at their success.

Ancient world

Over time, people learned to spin and make fabrics from plant fibers and wool. The style of clothing became more complex and changed depending on the climate where the person lived. Men and women dressed similarly. Both wore something similar to a cloak or dress, only the length differed.

In Ancient Greece, everyone dressed in a tunic, over which they tied a fabric, grabbing it on one shoulder.

Greek tunic Chiton

In Ancient Rus', men wore shirts and ports (wide trousers). The shirt was slightly above the knees and was tied with a thin belt. Women wore a long shirt reaching to their toes, an apron or a belt. This is how the peasants dressed, they sewed all their clothes themselves from flax, and then they always embroidered patterns on them, often in red. Noble people wore silk outfits. Materials were brought from other countries by merchants.

Prepare in advance templates in the form of a man and a woman and a separate shirt: one for the height of a paper doll, the second shorter for a man. Invite your child to draw a pattern on the clothing with a red felt-tip pen, imagining that they are embroidering it.

"What's more important?" A fairy tale for kids on the topic “Clothes and shoes”

Natalia Dementieva
“What is more important?” A fairy tale for kids on the topic “Clothes and shoes”

There was a child's dress and shoes. For a long time they had been arguing among themselves about who was more beautiful and more useful to the girl Masha.

They would have been arguing until now, but then Mashenka woke up. She got up from her crib, stretched and began to put on her dress, saying: “Today in kindergarten I will be the most beautiful, because I have such a magnificent dress!”

-Here you go! I told you that he is more important and more beautiful than you ! - the dress said to the shoes .

And suddenly the girl went to the mirror, looked at herself and thought:

- No, I won’t be beautiful in just a dress... But I’ll put on these wonderful shoes. They are very comfortable and complement my outfit perfectly.

And Mashenka, putting on her shoes and dress, pleased with herself and her beauty, went with her mother to kindergarten.

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Thematic week “Clothes. Shoes. Hats" Notes on speech development in the senior group "Clothing" Purpose: To familiarize children with the purpose of clothing. Develop the ability to classify types of clothing. Introduce the professions of tailor and knitter. Exercise.


XVI-XIX centuries

People design clothes to decorate themselves.
In Europe, they came up with a special frame, over which a skirt was put on, and the waist was very tightly compressed by the corset. Often women wearing such clothes fainted. There was a fashion for high hairstyles. They were worn by both women and men. Sometimes hairdressers built entire ships or flowerpots on their heads.

Invite your child to try a large soft toy on his head and try to keep its balance.

Since the end of the 19th century, clothing has become less voluminous and more sophisticated. Women wear fitted, elegant dresses, and men wear long tailcoats and tall hats - top hats. Later they begin to produce, first of all, comfortable clothes. Women start wearing trousers.

New costume: Fairytale

Once upon a time there was a little gnome named Timm Pixie.

One day, while winding a thin thread of cobweb into a ball in the thorny blackberry bushes, he tore his beautiful suit.

Arriving home, Timmy tried to sew up the hole, but nothing worked, the patch was in the most visible place - on the back, and it was terribly ugly.

“I myself, of course, won’t see this hole,” Timm consoled himself, “but what will people think?” I think I need to make a new suit.

And the poor gnome hurried to the tailor.

- Good morning, Timm! - said the tailor. - How can I help you?

“I want you to sew me a new suit, as beautiful as this one,” Timm answered. – My old suit was very comfortable and warm, it had large pockets in which you could carry whatever you wanted. I want you to sew me the same one.

“Okay,” agreed the tailor. He took Timm's measurements and wrote everything down in his tailor's book.

“Only I would like,” Timm said in parting, “for you to make it from green cloth.”

- Okay, the suit will be ready by tomorrow.

The tailor cut a piece of emerald cloth and was about to start sewing when Timm shouted from the yard:

– I think blue suits me better.

“But I’ve already cut off the green material,” the tailor was surprised.

“Nothing,” replied Timm, “after all, I will wear the suit, and that’s why I order the material, and I want it to be blue.”

Shrugging his shoulders, the tailor was about to cut off the blue fabric when Timm shouted:

- Perhaps make it red!

- Are you sure about this? – the patient tailor asked doubtfully.

“Yes, of course,” Timm answered, but after a few minutes he said that it would be better to make the suit yellow.

Ten minutes later, Timm decided that the suit needed to be made from blue fabric, then from purple.

- But what color do you want the suit? - The tailor lost patience.

He laid out fabrics of all colors in front of Timm and suggested:

- But what should I do? “I like all the colors and it’s so hard to choose one,” Timmy replied.

“Then go home, I’ll choose a good color myself.”

On the way home and all night, Timmy, without sleeping a wink, thought about what color the tailor would choose for him. As soon as it was dawn, he was already standing at the master’s door.

He had to wait several hours. The tailor knew that Timmy was waiting for him outside the door, but was in no hurry to let him in. First he had breakfast, then washed the floor and put everything in order.

At exactly nine o'clock he let Timmy into the house.

- Well, are you ready? What colour is he? “Oh, I hope you chose the best color,” Timmy asked, jumping up and down with impatience.

The tailor took him into the room and showed him a suit. Timm grabbed it and began to examine it. He was delighted with the new suit.

- Well, did I choose the right color? – the tailor laughed.

- Yes Yes! Timm was happy.

– You are the smartest tailor in the world.

“Try it on,” advised the flattered tailor.

Timm tried on the new suit, and it suited him just right.

What color was Timm's new suit?

A clever tailor took a piece of each fabric and sewed Timm a suit from all the colors of the rainbow.


Primitive society

Nowadays people often choose clothes that look more beautiful, while we have the opportunity to make clothes comfortable. But primitive people thought about how to protect themselves from the cold.


Ask your child a question: what clothes might a caveman choose? At that time there were no tools, fabrics or threads, and people did not yet know how to sew. The appearance of the first clothes can be roughly divided into stages:

The first primitive clothing was in the form of a rectangular piece of skin or intertwined plants. They were thrown over the hips or wrapped around the body. Invite your child to wrap himself in a blanket or wide shawl.

A little later, stone needles appeared, with which people could sew together several pieces of skin.

A tale about how clothes got offended

Once upon a time there lived a boy, Andryusha. He really didn't like to dress. In the summer, grandma managed to cope with it, because Andryusha didn’t have to wear anything special, but with the onset of cold weather, difficult times began. “I don’t want to, I won’t, I won’t wear it...” Andryusha shouted and ran away from his grandmother. But one day this happened. Andryusha and his grandmother were going for a walk as always. “Put on tights,” granny begged. - I won’t! – Andryusha pushed away his grandmother’s hands. - Why? - Grandma was upset. “They are ugly,” Andryusha answered. — What kind of tights would you like? - I would... I would... I would like green ones, like the leaves on the trees. Here! – Andryusha blurted out and looked triumphantly at his grandmother. At that moment, the tights suddenly turned into two thin branches covered with thick green foliage. - Oh, what is this? – Andryusha was surprised. “Tights, just as you wanted,” answered the grandmother. The branches bent and loudly slapped the harmful Andryusha on the butt. “Oh, they’re fighting,” Andryusha got scared. “But you yourself wanted these,” answered the grandmother. – Don’t you like the sweater either? - I do not like! He's nasty and prickly! -What kind of sweater do you want? - I want it to be soft, like bird's feathers! - Andryusha answered. Suddenly the sweater flapped its sleeves and turned into a huge bird. The bird stretched out its neck and tried to pinch the naughty boy on the knee. “Oh, he’s pinching,” Andryusha was scared. “But you yourself wanted one,” answered the grandmother. – Will you wear overalls? - No. It has too many fasteners, I don't like putting my arms in the sleeves and my legs in the legs! I want it to be alive and put on me by itself! Once! And the overalls came to life, stomped its legs, flapped its sleeves and swung at Andryusha. “Oh, what is he doing?” Andryusha got scared. “But you yourself wanted one,” answered the grandmother. – Don’t you like boots either? - No, they have laces. I don't want to tie them. I want them to fit on my feet themselves, and there are no laces! At that moment, the laces, like two nimble snakes, jumped out of the shoes and crawled away somewhere. And the shoes themselves turned into two small dogs and, with their tongues dangling, began to jump at Andryusha, trying to bite him. “Oh, they bite,” Andryusha got scared. “But you yourself wanted these,” answered the grandmother. - Well, don’t you like the hat either? “No,” Andryusha answered stubbornly. - She’s bad, with a pom-pom! And I want her to have ears like a bear cub! Immediately the pom-pom jumped up like a ball and ran off after the laces. And the hat turned into an eared bear head, and how it growled: “Well, what else don’t you like, you mischievous boy?” Let's get dressed. Now all things are the way you wanted! “Grandma,” Andryusha cried. – I want my old things back. Unenchant them, please! - How can I break them if you made them like this? Only you can bring everything back. - Tights, sweater, overalls, boots, hat! - Andryusha shouted. – Please come back to me! Now I will always dress myself and won’t argue with grandma! Once! And the green branches turned into Andryushin’s blue tights. Two! And the angry bird folded itself into a neat sweater on the chair. Three! And the overalls obediently lay down next to him. Four! And from somewhere the laces came crawling, and the dogs stopped yapping and turned into Andryusha’s shoes. Five! A pom-pom galloped up like a colorful ball, jumped onto the bear's head, and it again became Andryusha's hat! - Hooray! – Andryusha was delighted. – Hello my dear things! How wonderful you turn out to be. Granny! Let's get dressed and go for a walk. I definitely have to tell my friends this magical story.


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