Lesson summary for the preparatory group “Journey to the Land of Mathematics”

Traveling through the country of young mathematicians

Leskina Olga Nikolaevna teacher, MDOU “Kindergarten No. 17”, Moscow region.


Goal: creating conditions for the development of cognitive abilities and the formation of mathematical skills in children during the game.


  1. Educational

involve each child in an active creative process to acquire new knowledge and consolidate existing knowledge, teach them to solve problematic problems; develop computing skills;

  1. Developmental

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promote the development of thinking, speech, intellectual and creative abilities, search activity, communication skills;

  1. Educational

foster mutual understanding and a sense of camaraderie, personal responsibility for the performance of work; develop skills of interaction with peers.

Materials for play: soft toys: dog, squirrel; snakes, dog bones, mushrooms and baskets made of cardboard; cards with halves of geometric shapes; casket; key pieces made in the form of a puzzle; multimedia presentation “Visiting the Smart Hedgehog”; an envelope with a letter from the Queen of Mathematics; map with travel stations; image of the country "Mathematics" and Queen Mathematics on the screen.

(Download the presentation for the lesson HERE)

Progress of the game.

Part 1 of the game is the prologue.

Educator: There is such a country - Mathematics. Where is it? (children's answers) This is a magical country.

Here numbers and numbers live side by side. Here they will definitely answer in ten minutes, When your ship reaches the moon, And they will tell the boa constrictor how long it is!

They will decide how many apples the monkey got, And how many she gave to the bunny, And how many sweets the girl gave to her brother... This is what this country is like - Mathematics!

Educator: today I invite you to this country because

Mathematics is necessary Mathematics is important It will be useful everywhere Without it we will be nowhere! If you are friends with her, life will be more interesting!

– Do you want to go on a trip to the country of “Young Mathematicians?” We will travel by train.

Part 2 – exposition

But our train went off the rails and all the cars got mixed up. Let's assemble the train. (Children assemble a train of ten cars. Each car has the number of the first ten.)

Well done, look at which country we will be traveling through (The teacher shows a picture of the country on the screen).

- Now let's look at the route of our trip.

- Look how many stops there are here. Let's outline the route of our journey using arrows. (The teacher shows the map, and the children mark the route using arrows, using the orientation on a sheet of paper: up, down, left, right)

During the journey we will stop at different stations and complete tasks. Only after completing the task can we move on. For each completed task we will receive a part of the key. This key will be useful to us at the end of the journey in order to open the magic box in which the prize lies. The box is waiting for us at the last station.

But to get on the train you need to buy tickets.


Here's half of the ticket, and you can find the other half yourself. (The teacher gives the children cards that show half of the geometric figure, and cards with the other half are laid out on the table).

- Well done. Take your seats. Let's go.

(A cheerful song about the train “ STEAM LOGOBUKASHKA” . The author of the text is A. Morozov, the composer is A. Ermolov).

1 stop. Station "Guess it"


- Guys, look at the snakes lying at the station. You need to guess what numbers they lost. Then we can move on. (Two snakes made of 10 circles each are laid out on the floor. Each circle is marked with a number. But on some circles there are not enough numbers. Children lay out the missing numbers).

– Now you have earned the first part of the key for the magic box.

- Take your seats. (Children move on to the music.)

2nd stop. Zadachkino station


- Look who's in our way. (There is a toy dog ​​in front of the train)

- She wants to eat. What can you feed your dog? Look how many bones I have. (The teacher shows the children bones made of cardboard; on each bone a task is written in verse)

- Let's feed the dog bones, and she will give us the way. On each bone there is a problem written that needs to be solved.

1. The duck was carrying carrots in a basket. She was pleased with this purchase. If I buy her more carrots, how many will there be? Can you fold?

2. The Hedgehog brought three apples from the garden. He gave the most rosy thing to Belka. Squirrel happily received the gift. Count the apples on the hedgehog's plate! (2)

3. A rooster flew up onto the fence. Met two more there. How many roosters are there? Who has the answer ready? (3)

4. Once a neighbor’s friend came galloping to the bunny’s place for lunch. The bunnies sat on a tree stump and ate two carrots each. Who's counting, guys, how dexterous? How many carrots were eaten?

5. Here are the mushrooms on the lawn. There are yellow caps: Two mushrooms, three mushrooms. How many will be together?


– The dog says thank you and gives us the way and the second part of the key. – Let’s move on, the next station is “Play a little.”

3rd stop. Station "Let's Play"


Goal: to develop the ability to compare objects in the surrounding world by size, auditory-motor coordination of movements.

Progress of the game: The teacher names objects and items: elephant, soccer ball, bicycle, tennis ball, tree, pin, etc. If the named object is larger than the previous one, then the children stand on their toes, hands up. If the named object is smaller than the previous one, they squat. The one who never makes a mistake wins.

Option: In the same way, knowledge about the concepts of higher - lower, wider - narrower, thicker - thinner, longer - shorter, etc. is consolidated.


– Let’s move on, the next station is “Count it”

Stop 4 Station "Count it"

- Guys, we are visiting the smart Hedgehog. And he also prepared tasks for you.

Interactive game “Tasks from the Smart Hedgehog”

– All tasks were completed correctly. We have another piece of the key.

- Let's look at the route sheet, we have another station.

Stop 5 Station "Decide"


(Mushrooms and baskets are laid out on the floor. On each mushroom there are circles from 5 to 10, and on the baskets there are numbers from 5 to 10. A Squirrel toy is hidden under the napkin).

We found ourselves in a mathematical forest. Look here at a whole field of mushrooms.

Who's hiding here? Guess the riddle and find out.

– Who threw a pine cone at the children from the tall dark pines? And flashed through the bushes like a light through a stump? (Squirrel)

The squirrel turns to you for help. She wants you to help her collect mushrooms in baskets. There are a lot of mushrooms, but only five baskets. There is a number on each basket, it indicates the number of circles that are on the mushrooms. You need to put the fungus in the correct basket.

- Well done, all the mushrooms have been collected. The squirrel thanks you and gives you the last piece of the key.

- Look, we've collected the whole key.


– Our journey ends. And we go to the last station.

Station "Surprise".

Part 3 – epilogue


- Look how beautiful the box is. What's interesting lies here. Now we will open it with the key. Guys, here is a letter from the Queen of Mathematics.

(Queen Mathematics appears on the screen and the teacher reads out the letter)

-Dear travelers, I watched you during your journey through my country. I saw that you are good with mathematics. You know numbers, can count and solve problems; you know geometric shapes and know how to plan a route. You are very friendly and always help those who need help. Thank you very much for helping my friends: the dog, the squirrel, the snakes. I want to thank you. But to get the treat you need to guess the riddle about it.

All the kids love him - both girls and boys. It’s on a stick, but still it doesn’t look like a cockerel at all, but looks like a bun. It has a transparent side. And also strawberry flavor. Did you guess it? CHUPA CHUPS!

(The teacher takes out a lollipop from the box and treats the children)


– You liked our trip, and now we’re going home. Take your seats.

(Music “ STEAM LOGOBUG” sounds)

Bibliography :

  1. Andreeva, A. D. The problem of play motivation of modern children // Journal of practical psychologist. – 2008 – No. 5.
  2. Bachurina, V. Educational games for preschoolers. – M. LLC IKTC “LADA”, 2007. – 176 p. – (Series “To a talented teacher – to a caring parent”).
  3. Gavrishova E.V., Milenko V.M. Quest - an adventure game for children // Directory of a senior teacher of a preschool institution. – 2015 – No. 10.
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