DIY crafts on the theme of state symbols of Russia
DIY crafts on the theme of state symbols of Russia
Paper application for Russia Day On the twelfth of June, citizens of our country will celebrate the day
Entertainment for kids
Recommendations for parents “What to do with a child aged 2–3 years: games for indoors and outdoors”
A children's birthday is a wonderful occasion to feel like a wizard and give
Card index of didactic games based on applications for preschool children
Victoria Lysova Card index of didactic games using applications for preschool children Junior group “Vesely”
Modeling for children from 3 to 4 years old. Lesson Notes (3 pages)
Didactic modeling games for preschool children
Didactic modeling games for preschool children “Candy for dolls” Purpose: to reinforce techniques
Features of memory development in older preschool age
Main types of memory In psychology, memory refers to a number of abilities that record the received
Notes on drawing in the preparatory group on the topic: “Horses are grazing.”
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes Collective work of children of the senior group. completed in
Lesson on speech development in the second junior group. Sound culture of speech. Repetition of the poem “Horse” by A. Barto. Working on the “I” sound.
Goals: To clarify the articulation of the sound “O”. Learn to pronounce the sound “O” correctly. Learn to intonate the sound “O”.
“Miracle Tree” educational activity for children of the first junior group
Summary of a lesson on cognitive development in the first junior group “Friends of Nature” Tatyana Kalnitskaya Summary
Game for children: cook compote according to the recipe
Game - dramatization "Let's make a delicious soup from vegetables" entertaining facts on speech development (junior group) on the topic
Didactic game “Let’s make soup and compote” Getting to know the world around us, its diverse vegetation and, in
Rhetoric. Exercises for developing oral speech for children
Author's program of additional education "Rhetoric of communication for preschoolers" work program on speech development on the topic
Exercises for children of senior preschool age Rhetoric (exercises for the development of oral speech are trained by centers
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