Report from work experience “Innovative experience of working with preschool children on civic-patriotic education”
Summary of the organization of household labor in the second junior group
Household work in the 1st junior group Irina Khoreva Household work in the 1st junior group
Long-term planning for FEMP in the senior group based on the book by L. S. Metlin “Mathematics in kindergarten”
Arithmetic classes for older preschoolers in kindergarten The material in this section is
Summary of direct educational activities on LEGO construction “Playground through the eyes of children” preparatory group for school
Abstract of an educational activity for light-duty construction "Goalkeeper" with children of the preparatory group Abstract of an educational activity for light-duty construction "Goalkeeper"
Notes for preschool educational institutions on the section “Cognition” on familiarization with maritime professions.
Relevance of maritime professions In order to decide to enroll in a maritime university, you must first
Card file of musical and didactic games (for middle group) card file on music (secondary group) on the topic
From the work experience of a speech therapist at a preschool educational institution “Innovative pedagogical experience of a speech therapist at a preschool speech center”
“The development of the child as a whole, and not just the purity of his native speech, then, everything intellectual
Modeling a traffic light in the preparatory group. Lesson on traffic rules in the preparatory group “School of the Little Pedestrian”
PD summary on modeling for children of the second junior group PD summary on modeling for
Outdoor competitions (20 in one article): a fun child’s birthday party at a picnic
To be honest, holding such a holiday is quite difficult. Firstly, when it comes to a picnic, the last thing children want is
Summary of a lesson on the basics of mathematics for 5-6 years old on the topic “Whole and parts”
DIDACTIC GAME “ASSEMBLE A WHOLE FROM PARTS” Purpose: To train children in the ability to assemble (make a drawing)
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