Summary of the organization of household labor in the second junior group

Household work in 1st junior group

Irina Khoreva
Household work in the 1st junior group

Contents of the work : “Washing toys”

Form of work : joint.

1. Tasks aimed at developing the ability to set a goal and motive.

* Teach children, with the help of a teacher, to feel the need for work

(the goal is set by the teacher)


*Arouse interest in joint activities with adults and peers.

2. A task aimed at developing planning skills.

Teach children to establish a sequence of work actions according to

telling and showing the teacher.

3. A task aimed at developing skills in work .

Teach children, with the help of a teacher, to do feasible work

(for example, bring toys for washing, put clean ones in their place)


4. A task aimed at evaluating actions and results.

Teach children and their teacher to evaluate joint work .

5. Tasks aimed at moral education at work .

*Cultivate a positive attitude towards working together with

adults: willingness to help (bring a toy for washing)


*Nurture qualities: activity, determination, patience.

Materials and equipment: basins, oilcloths, toys, rags

(sponges, soap, brushes, diapers (cloth)

for drying toys,

cleaning equipment.

1. A technique aimed at solving the problem of setting a goal, motive

Question: “The toys are dirty and we can’t play with them, we need to wash them (encourage children to take socially significant actions)


2. Methodology aimed at solving the problem of action planning:

Note: in the 1st junior group, the teacher himself plans his actions and the actions of the children, while talking and explaining about each of his actions, getting the children interested in washing toys. The teacher prepares everything necessary: ​​basins, soap, rags (sponges)

brushes, soap, cloth, pours water into a basin, asks children
(1-2 children)
to bring dirty toys and put them in the basin, the teacher himself soaps the toys or can offer the children, while
the child’s hand in his hand, then rinse toy in clean water, make sure it is clean, lay out the oilcloth, then put the cloth
and lay the toys, pour out the water, put all the materials in their places. After the toys have dried, put them in place (the teacher can ask the children to help put them in place, while looking at the clean toys).

3. Methodology aimed at developing skills and abilities: in the process of performing the simplest labor actions together with children, the teacher leads the process, using the children’s feasible work , instructions, requests, while developing knowledge, skills and abilities.

4. Methodology aimed at evaluating actions and results: the teacher, together with the children, evaluates joint actions and results.

5. Methodology aimed at moral education at work :

In the process of performing labor actions, the teacher explains how to do the work carefully, treat toys with care, encourages for the help provided (activity, determination, thanks for joint work .

Project “Involving children in work is the most important component of spiritual and moral education” Labor education is an obligatory component of the development of a child’s basic and creative abilities, the most important means of formation.


The importance of a collective form of work for the formation of a child’s personality

Showing social activity, each student perceives the team as an arena for self-expression and self-affirmation as an individual. Thanks to pedagogical support of social life, the desire to assert oneself in the eyes of one’s own and peers finds favorable soil in the team. Only in a group are such important personality traits as self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-respect formed, that is, acceptance or non-acceptance of one’s own person.

The educational team, as defined by I.F. Kozlov, who specifically studied Makarenko’s work, is a scientifically organized system for educating children’s lives. The organization of collective educational-cognitive, value-oriented activities and communication creates conditions for the formation and implementation of intellectual and moral freedom. Only in the activities of collective life are the intellectual and moral orientations of an individual, his civic position, and a set of socially significant skills and abilities formed.

The role of the team in organizing the work activities of children cannot be replaced by anything. In a team setting, this stimulates the manifestation of mutual responsibility for the final results of work and mutual assistance.

The formation of collective planning skills contributes to the emergence in children of a desire for self-control, independent improvement of methods and skills necessary for the implementation of an independent plan, and an increased sense of responsibility. And the result of collective planning is the high quality of the jointly obtained result of work activity.

Successful achievement of a goal largely depends on the ability to control one’s own activity. Children 3-4 years old do not notice mistakes in their work and consider it good, regardless of how and what result is achieved. They are critical of the work of their peers. At the age of 5-7 years, preschoolers try to correctly evaluate their work, although they do not notice all the mistakes, but only the most serious ones. They are interested in the quality of work. Therefore, they turn to an adult with questions about the correctness and quality of their own work activities.

The teacher invites all children to bake cookies, plant onions, wash the dolls’ clothes (the number of children can be very different: from 2-3 to 6-7, and in older groups even more). Each of the children is given a specific task, for example: take a piece of dough, roll it out and cut out cookies with a cookie cutter, or take several onions, let the teacher show which path, marked with a line, needs to be planted, and start working, etc.

Children work side by side. But when the work process is completed, the mentor sums up the results. Thus, he can point out the advantage of teamwork: Everyone did a little work, but together they achieved a lot. This is the simplest join; only the results are joined. But in this task, the teacher tells the children as they work: “We must try to keep up with others. Don't keep your friends waiting. And taking into account the capabilities and level of ability of a particular child, he will provide such an amount of work for everyone that everyone can do the work at approximately the same time.

This form of association is a transition from working side by side to working together.

As children gain experience in participating in work and master skills, as well as the rules for organizing their own work activities, as their development of certain principles of hard work increases (that is, as they solve previously set educational tasks), the teacher begins to move on to more complex tasks.

It is important to develop in children the beginnings of collectivism, the ability to work together, help each other, see the difficulties of comrades and offer their services, seek help from peers, rejoice at their successes, overall results of work, and so on. These tasks are most successfully solved when children work together.


Summary of educational activities on labor education in a corner of nature

Author: Natalya Vasilievna Masalskaya, Municipal Educational Institution No. 163, Kemerovo “We water indoor plants - we do good deeds”

(second junior group)

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive and research.

Goal: acquaintance with violet, creating conditions for labor education in a playful way.

Educational: to consolidate and supplement children’s knowledge about plant care techniques: to teach the difference between a watered plant (dark, damp soil) and an unwatered plant (light, dry soil); Developmental: to develop the ability to perform work in a certain sequence. Educational: continue to cultivate interest and love for plants, the desire to care for them.

Vocabulary work. Encourage students to use words in speech: violet, care, water, wipe leaves, smooth, shiny.

Daily care of plants in a corner of nature; knowledge of plant names; ficus, consideration of visual and didactic material on the topic: “Indoor plants” (Flowers).

Materials and equipment:

On the teacher’s desk there is a violet plant (specimens) and a watering can with water. There are children's chairs and oilcloth children's aprons in front of the table.

Contents of organized activities for children:

(Children are next to the teacher)

Educator: Guys, do you know what good deeds are? (Children answer) Yes, guys, good deeds bring joy to everyone, lift everyone’s spirits, take them away from trouble, etc. Tell us what good deeds you have already learned to do (wiping dust from toys, untying each other’s shoelaces, laying out pencils, plasticine, boards for activities, watering indoor plants, etc.).

— When we water and wash a flower, to whom are we doing a good deed? Children: flower (plant).

- That's right, without our care the flower will not grow and bloom.

Educator: guys, let's see who came to us?

Children: girl daisy.

Educator: That’s right, this is a girl called Daisy.

Girl Romashka: Hello, guys!

Children: Hello, Daisy Girl!

Educator: Guys, what is the Girl holding a daisy in her hands?

Children: a pot with a houseplant.

Educator: Yes, guys, this is a pot with a houseplant that has limp, drooping leaves. What is the name of this plant?

Educator: Guys. This houseplant is a violet.

Girl Chamomile: No matter how much I washed this plant, it still remained somehow not beautiful and sad. How to help the violet plant?

Educator: What needs to be done with the plant to make it beautiful again?

Children water the plants and place them in a sunny place.

The teacher invites the children and Girl Romashka to go and sit on the chairs.

Educator: In front of you, children, are plants. What is the name of this plant?

Educator: Look: what kind of soil does this (show) plant (which stood on the teacher’s table), what color?

Educator: come and touch the ground. What does it feel like?

Educator: Now look at the soil of the other plant (which the Chamomile Girl brought). Same color?

Children: No, light.

Educator: come and touch the ground. What is she like?

Educator: Which of these plants do you think has already been watered and which has not?

Children: The one that stood on the table was watered, but the one that the Chamomile Girl brought - no, it was not watered.

— How can you find out whether a plant needs to be watered? (By the color of the earth and to the touch).

Girl Chamomile: Can I water the plant?

Educator: Of course, come and water the plant.

Girl Chamomile: I know how to do this, and suggests pouring a bucket of water on top of the plant.

Educator: You can’t water plants like that. Children, why can’t this be done? (Answers from children and teacher).

— You can flood the plant, pour water on the floor, etc.

The teacher asks the child to come up and water a plant that has not been watered. Is it right. chose a plant? Is he watering it correctly? The teacher comments on his actions and encourages: . holds the watering can correctly, the spout of the watering can rests on the edge of the pot. In the absence of moisture (water), the plant (leaves, stem) lose their elasticity and droop. You need to water until water appears on the tray. . So we watered your plant. Now we will put the violet in a sunny place, because... flower - will grow well where there is a lot of light and warmth.

- But our guys not only know how to water the plant, but also wash them well (wipe the leaves). The teacher shows a houseplant known to the children (ficus) and asks them to remember its name.

(Children answer) saying the name of the plant.

Then the teacher asks the children what the “ficus” looks like, a tree or grass, what kind of leaves it has, large or small, what color are they? (Children answer).

- We took care of the plant (ficus), watered it, washed it - and now it has grown - it has become like a small tree, it has large green smooth leaves.

(Children complete the task), the teacher comments: “Take rags, wet them, wring them out so that water does not drip from them, straighten them; place a leaf on the palm of one hand and, supporting it from below, slowly and carefully run the cloth over it in one direction from the petiole to the end at the top, and then at the bottom. You need to wash it carefully so that the leaf does not break. Rinse the cloth and also wipe the next sheet.”

- And now all the children will wipe the leaves of the plants.

The teacher invites the Camomile Girl to help the children.

- Well done, guys, they work well (praises the teacher).

Teacher: “We’ve done our work, rinse the cloths, wring them out, we’ll hang them on the radiator to dry. Next time we wash the plants, the cloths will be clean.”

After all the leaves of the plants are clean, the teacher invites one of the children to take watering cans and water the plants that have not yet been watered today. Watering the onion is our garden.

Reading the poem by I. Voronko “Don’t stop me from working.”

Don't stop me from working

I'll bring some water

And well water

Of course, I’ll treat everyone.

He drinks water too!

The children work, the teacher helps them with advice if necessary. Then the teacher offers to look at the plants - how clean and beautiful (well-groomed) they have become.

The teacher, chamomile and children arrange indoor plants in a corner of nature.

Game "Find the flower".

Goal: to teach children to correctly find and name flowers, develop memory, thinking, and cultivate a love of nature.

(The teacher shows a card with a picture of a flower - the children find the same flower - in a corner of nature.)

At the suggestion of the teacher, the children give Pinocchio a clean, blooming and well-groomed plant - balsam (light) with the request that Pinocchio does not forget to care for the plant.

Chamomile thanks and says goodbye to everyone.

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