Project “Miracle - a vegetable garden grows on a window” in the senior group

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Lesson notes at MBDOU “Our Vegetable Garden”

Galina Vakhrusheva

Lesson notes at MBDOU “Our Vegetable Garden”

Lesson summary on the topic : “Our cheerful vegetable garden . "

in MBDOU "Kindergarten 136"


Goal: To teach to distinguish objects in the garden , to introduce them to work activities on a personal plot, to expand children’s vocabulary, to develop playing skills, to continue to introduce the names of objects in the immediate environment (plants in the garden )

promote the development of speech as a means of communication.

1. Strengthen children’s knowledge about vegetables.

2. Develop the ability to correctly identify the signs of vegetables and enrich speech.

3. Teach children to understand and distinguish between vegetables and fruits.

1. Toy vegetables (onion, tomato, cucumber, eggplant, potato, carrot.)

2. Pictures of vegetables (onion, tomato, cucumber, eggplant, potato, carrot, pepper)

3. A toy basin or saucepan.

4. Masks (for the game “We have a vegetable garden

5. Vegetable garden on the windowsill . (Observation)

Project “Vegetable garden on the window” in the senior group

Natalia Semenova

Project “Vegetable garden on the window” in the senior group

This work is aimed at developing the search and cognitive activity of children, which gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize acquired knowledge, develop cognitive and creative activity, independence, the ability to plan, and work in a team. Such qualities contribute to the successful learning of children at school, and participation in the pedagogical process on an equal basis with adults is an opportunity to design one’s life in the space of a kindergarten, while showing ingenuity and originality.

The influence of the surrounding world on a child's development is enormous. Acquaintance with endless, constantly changing phenomena begins from the first years of a child’s life. Natural phenomena and objects attract children with their beauty, bright colors, and diversity. By watching them, the child enriches his sensory experience. A vegetable garden on the windowsill in a kindergarten promotes the development of curiosity and observation in children, this helps to better understand plant life. He is able to expand children’s ideas about plants as living organisms, about the conditions necessary for growth and development, develop an ethical sense, the ability to enjoy the beauty of the plants grown and the result of their work.

Methodological passport of the project

Topic: Vegetable garden on the window

Type of project : educational and research

Duration: long-term (February - April)

Project participants : teacher, senior and parents of students.

Object of study: vegetable garden on the windowsill .

Subject of study: the process of growing cultivated plants indoors.

Goal: to develop children’s interest in experimental and research activities in growing cultivated plants indoors.


Help expand children's knowledge about cultivated and wild plants.

Continue to familiarize children with the features of growing cultivated plants (peppers, onions, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, oats, legumes, radishes, etc.)


To help generalize children’s ideas about the need for light, heat, and soil moisture for favorable plant growth.

To help strengthen children’s ability to care for plants indoors.

Promote the development of a sense of responsibility for the healthy condition of plants (watering, loosening, weeding)


Continue to promote the development of observation, the ability to notice changes in the growth of plants, associate them with the conditions in which they are located, and correctly reflect observations in the drawing.

Promote the development of cognitive and creative abilities in children.

Foster respect for work and respect for its results.

To instill in children a sense of love for nature and respect for it.

Relevance. This work is aimed at developing the search and cognitive activity of children, which gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize acquired knowledge, develop cognitive and creative activity, independence, the ability to plan, and work in a team. Such qualities contribute to the successful learning of children at school, and participation in the pedagogical process on an equal basis with adults is an opportunity to design one’s life in the space of a kindergarten, while showing ingenuity and originality.

The influence of the surrounding world on a child's development is enormous. Acquaintance with endless, constantly changing phenomena begins from the first years of a child’s life. Natural phenomena and objects attract children with their beauty, bright colors, and diversity. By watching them, the child enriches his sensory experience. A vegetable garden on the windowsill in a kindergarten promotes the development of curiosity and observation in children, this helps to better understand plant life. He is able to expand children’s ideas about plants as living organisms, about the conditions necessary for growth and development, develop an ethical sense, the ability to enjoy the beauty of the plants grown and the result of their work.

Expected result: during the project activities, children will learn to distinguish and confidently name vegetables and fruits, their features and differences. With the help of experimental research work, the variety and variety of seed material will be revealed, children will gain knowledge about the necessary conditions for the growth and development of plants in indoor conditions, learn to care for plants and become familiar with the conditions of their maintenance, strengthen the ability to draw simple conclusions, establish cause and effect communications. The interest of children and parents in joint cognitive and research activities will be increased. A collection of vegetable seeds has been collected. Created in a vegetable garden group on the windowsill and decorations for it were selected. A diary of observations of seedlings in the garden . Skills of cultural behavior in nature, the ability to protect and care for it must be developed. Children will develop a respectful attitude towards work. project participants received positive emotions from the results obtained.

Methodical passport of the project Vegetable garden on the window

Type of project : educational and research

Duration: long-term (February - April)

Project participants : teacher, senior and parents of students.

Object of study: vegetable garden on the windowsill .

Subject of study: the process of growing cultivated plants indoors.

Goal: to develop children’s interest in experimental and research activities in growing cultivated plants indoors.


Help expand children's knowledge about cultivated and wild plants.

Continue to familiarize children with the features of growing cultivated plants (peppers, onions, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, oats, legumes, radishes, etc.)


To help generalize children’s ideas about the need for light, heat, and soil moisture for favorable plant growth.

To help strengthen children’s ability to care for plants indoors.

Promote the development of a sense of responsibility for the healthy condition of plants (watering, loosening, weeding)


Continue to promote the development of observation, the ability to notice changes in the growth of plants, associate them with the conditions in which they are located, and correctly reflect observations in the drawing.

Promote the development of cognitive and creative abilities in children.

Foster respect for work and respect for its results.

To instill in children a sense of love for nature and respect for it.

Relevance. This work is aimed at developing the search and cognitive activity of children, which gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize acquired knowledge, develop cognitive and creative activity, independence, the ability to plan, and work in a team. Such qualities contribute to the successful learning of children at school, and participation in the pedagogical process on an equal basis with adults is an opportunity to design one’s life in the space of a kindergarten, while showing ingenuity and originality.

The influence of the surrounding world on a child's development is enormous. Acquaintance with endless, constantly changing phenomena begins from the first years of a child’s life. Natural phenomena and objects attract children with their beauty, bright colors, and diversity. By watching them, the child enriches his sensory experience. A vegetable garden on the windowsill in a kindergarten promotes the development of curiosity and observation in children, this helps to better understand plant life. He is able to expand children’s ideas about plants as living organisms, about the conditions necessary for growth and development, develop an ethical sense, the ability to enjoy the beauty of the plants grown and the result of their work.

Expected result: during the project activities, children will learn to distinguish and confidently name vegetables and fruits, their features and differences. With the help of experimental and research work, the diversity and variety of seed material will be revealed, children will gain knowledge about the necessary conditions for the growth and development of plants in indoor conditions, learn to care for plants and become familiar with the conditions of their maintenance, strengthen the ability to draw simple conclusions, establish cause and effect communications. The interest of children and parents in joint cognitive and research activities will be increased. A collection of vegetable seeds has been collected. Created in a vegetable garden group on the windowsill and decorations for it were selected. A diary of observations of seedlings in the garden . Skills of cultural behavior in nature, the ability to protect and care for it must be developed. Children will develop a respectful attitude towards work. project participants received positive emotions from the results obtained.

Stages of work to implement the project

Stage 1 – preparatory (collection of information)

1. Setting the goals and objectives of the project ;

2. Study of methodological and children's literature;

3. Selection of fiction, poems, riddles, songs, fairy tales, myths, legends on the topic;

4. Exhibition of books, illustrations, albums about cultivated plants;

5. Selection of board, mobile, finger, didactic games, interesting questions and exercises on the topic of the project .

6. Preparation of vegetable seeds and the necessary equipment for growing and planting seeds and seedlings.

7. Search activity - can cultivated plants grow in indoor conditions and will we be able to get a harvest?

Stage 2 – main

1. Conducting conversations with children on the topic of the project : “In the world of plants”

“It all starts with a seed”
“Sowing seeds”
“First shoots”

Vegetable garden on the window ,
“Where do vegetables come from?”
Safe work in the garden " ,
"How to care for vegetable crops"
Create conditions for clarifying children’s knowledge about vegetable crops, introduce and justify the classification of plants as wild and cultivated (based on relationships with humans)
. Create conditions for children to meet interesting representatives of the plant world.

2. Examination of thematic posters, photographs and illustrations. Arouse interest in vegetable crops and nature in general;

3. Listening to music: P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Cycle of the Seasons”

“Waltz of the Flowers”
, Y. Chichkov
“This is called nature”
, Y. Antonov
“Don’t pick the flowers”
, B. Mozhzhevelova

Garden round dance .
Listening to the Russian folk song “In the garden or in
the vegetable garden . To promote the development of the ability to perceive music, feel its mood, promote the development of creative imagination and fantasy, improve auditory culture skills;

4. Consideration of diagrams, models of plant structure, drawing up diagrams of their growth and development. Promote the development of attention, memory, logical thinking;

5.Reading fiction: D. Rodari “Cippolino”

, N. Nosov

Gardeners ,
, E. Blaginina
“Come to
the Garden , V. Volina
“Our Garden Bed”
, E. Nadezhkina
“Cucumber Seed”
, G. Yudina “The Tale of How Vegetables Fought, G H. Andersen
“Five from One Pod”
, V. Suteev
Garden ,
“Uncle Misha”
Memorizing poems by V. Korkin “What grows in our garden bed?”
, G. Sapgir
Reading proverbs, sayings, riddles about vegetables and the garden .
Introduce children to the works of Russian and foreign poets, cultivate respect and caring attitude towards plants. Arouse interest in vegetable crops and a desire to take care of them. To help deepen and expand children's knowledge about cultivated plants. 6. Conducting didactic games on the topic: “Find the plant according to the description”

“Guess the vegetable by description”
“Guess the vegetable by riddle”
“Guess the name of the vegetable”
“Guess by touch”
“Find out by taste”
“Root tops”
“What plant is the part from”
“One - many "
"Say kindly"
"Wonderful bag"
To help consolidate the ability to distinguish vegetables, name them quickly, find the right vegetable among others, name it. To help consolidate children’s ability to group plants by color and place of growth.
7. Drawing with paints, pencils, crayons, using different techniques: “How vegetables grow”

garden on the window , what it will be like” ,
“Vegetable fantasies”
“Diary of observations”
. An exhibition of drawings was organized. Exercise children in drawing with colored pencils and paints, conveying the shape and appearance of vegetables and seedlings, as well as consolidate their knowledge of vegetable crops.

8. Modeling: “Vegetables”

"Our Harvest"
. To help consolidate children’s ability to convey basic forms and characteristic details, and to promote the development of creative abilities.

9.Applique: “Harvest”

Vegetable garden on the window " . To help consolidate the ability to cut out in various ways and place your composition in the center of the sheet, select the colors of the composition.

10. Outdoor games: “Harvest”


Gardeners ,
“Hares in
the garden ,
“Baba sowed peas”
“Plant and harvest potatoes”
. Contribute to expanding children's knowledge about vegetable crops; contribute to the replenishment of vocabulary, the development of the ability to act on a signal, coordinate movements with words, and develop dexterity.

11. Conducting role-playing games: “Vegetable store”

. Introduce children to the professions of agronomist and machine operator. To promote the formation of the ability to distribute roles, develop a plot and act according to the role assumed.

12. Observations: examining seeds through a magnifying glass, observing the growth of onions, radishes, potatoes, observing the seedlings and growth of plants, the growth of seedlings, stretching them towards the sun, the appearance of fruits, the condition of leaves in the morning and afternoon, changes in condition plants. To help consolidate children’s ability to notice changes in the growth and development of plants, draw conclusions, and establish cause-and-effect relationships.

13. Work in the garden on the window : caring for seedlings - watering, loosening the soil, thinning, replanting. To promote the development of interest in growing seedlings, to cultivate a caring attitude towards plants and caring for them.

14. Conducting experiments and research activities:

Experience “Soil selection”

: examining different types of soil through a magnifying glass, what it consists of, comparing soils. In which soil did the seeds germinate faster? Create conditions for identifying the influence of soil quality on the growth and development of plants, identify soils that differ in composition.

Experience “Seed Selection”

: examining vegetable seeds through a magnifying glass. Give the concept that the shape and number of seeds varies from plant to plant. Use a magnifying glass to determine what helps the seeds survive the winter.

Experience "What's faster"

: Determination under what conditions seeds germinate faster, where the plant takes root faster - in or without water. Create conditions for identifying favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants, identify the dependence of plants on the soil. To promote the development of attentiveness, observation, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions.

Experience “How plants feed”

: observing the coloring of the stem and flower, lowered into tinted water. To promote the development of interest in experimentation, the formation of cognitive activity, and interest in objects of living nature.

Experience “With and without water”

: if you don’t water the seedlings for a long time, the leaves fade and the flower falls.
What happened to the plant when it was watered? Create conditions for the release of environmental factors necessary for the growth and development of plants (water, light, heat)
. To help consolidate the ability to find cause-and-effect relationships, draw conclusions, and cultivate a caring attitude towards plants.

Experiment “Where plants grow faster”

: growing seedlings from seeds and monitoring their germination and growth
(preparing a seedling growth calendar)
Observations of where the seeds will germinate quickly (in the sun, in a dark place or away from the sun's rays)
. To help consolidate techniques for planting and growing seedlings, developing skills in planting and caring for plants.

Stage 3 – final

1. Design of a collection of vegetable seeds.

2. Arranging a vegetable garden on the windowsill and caring for it.

3. Making an observation diary.

4. Consultation for parents “How to plant gardens and vegetable gardens on the windowsill


Practical significance of the work

Knowledge of the peculiarities of the formation of cognitive interest in children, as well as the peculiarities of organizing experimental activities, allows us to purposefully build educational and developmental work with children. Work in this direction can be adapted to any preschool age.

Summary of the lesson on familiarization with the environment “Vegetables. Vegetable garden" in the senior group

Gamar Aliyeva

Summary of the lesson on familiarization with the environment “Vegetables. Vegetable garden" in the senior group



(senior group)

plants that are grown in the garden for food).

• Deepen knowledge about the conditions necessary for plant growth, about environmental

connections between inanimate and living nature.

• Clarify ideas about the variety of vegetables .

• Develop the ability to generalize based on essential features and reflect the results

generalizations in a detailed speech judgment.

• Develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and peers, to answer the question posed accurately and completely.

• Tray with vegetables .

• Cards to reveal the stages and conditions of plant growth.

• Two hoops (green and black, a set of vegetables (carrots, beets, onions, parsley,

cucumber, cabbage, peas, tomato, potato, turnip) for flannelgraph.

• Subject pictures Vegetables


SUMMARY OF NOD “Vegetable garden on the window”

Summary of GCD on FCCM topic:

"Vegetable garden on the window"

in the older group.

Educator: Ivanova Natalya Anatolyevna

MKDOU "Station-Oyashinsky kindergarten" Moshkovsky district


To form children's understanding of the variety of plants and methods of planting them.



Learn to establish the relationship between the state of the plant and environmental conditions.

Lead children to the ability to draw basic conclusions about the relationship between plants and how to care for them.


Cultivate a desire to achieve results; love for plants, desire to care for them; ability to work in a team.

Methods and techniques:

1.Gaming - using a surprise moment.

2. Visual - examination of the seeds of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants. Sowing seeds, observation.

3. Verbal - conversation, questions, individual answers from children.

Preliminary work:

Looking at albums about vegetable crops.

Conversation about plants.

Reading poems and riddles about the plant.

Material and equipment:

Grandmother costume. Germinated seeds for planting. Pieces of chopped carrots. Aprons, a box, 4 cups of soil, sticks, a watering can, plant seeds in bags, photographs of vegetables, a basket of vegetables, a plate.

Progress of the lesson

A grandmother (an adult) comes to the children with a basket of vegetables and brags about her harvest.

Grandmother: Guys, do you know what needs to be done in order to get such a harvest? (children's answers)

Do you have a vegetable garden in your kindergarten? When should you plant plants to reap a good harvest? (children's answers)

Grandmother: when it gets warm, seeds are planted in the ground, and some seeds are planted in special pots for seedlings at the end of winter. Do you know what plants can be planted now? (children's answers)

In February, many gardeners and summer residents begin to sow seeds to plant seedlings - small plants - in the garden. To get a good harvest, you need to work hard. To get a tomato harvest, you must first sow the seeds, then grow the seedlings, transplant the seedlings into a greenhouse or greenhouse, and only then plant them in the ground.

All summer you need to take care of the plants - watering, loosening, picking off unnecessary leaves. And only at the end of summer you can try delicious and juicy fruits - tomatoes. This is a very long process - winter, spring, summer.

Grandmother takes seeds out of her pocket and asks: can the children name what plant these seeds come from? (children's answers)

Grandmother names plant seeds.

Educator: How can you tell from such a small seed what will grow from it?

Grandma: It's very difficult! Even I can get the seeds mixed up. That’s why I always buy seeds in bags with pictures of the vegetables that should grow from these seeds. (shows bags with drawn vegetables).

Physical exercise "Vegetables"

Let's go to the garden, (march in place) Let's collect the harvest. (walk in a circle, holding hands) We will drag carrots, (imitate how they are dragged) And we will dig up potatoes, (dig) We will cut a head of cabbage (cut) Round, juicy, very tasty. (show with hands) Let’s pick a little sorrel (“tear”) And we’ll go back along the path. (walk in a circle, holding hands)

Grandmother: Guys, for the seeds to sprout, you need to sow more of them. Before sowing the seeds, I prepare them - I soak them in a special solution so that the plant does not get sick, then I tie them in a damp gauze knot and put them in a warm place so that the seeds “hatch”. (shows the children the hatched seeds). Would you like to sow plant seeds for seedlings? (children's answers)

Grandmother shows how to plant a plant.

Children put on aprons. Each child chooses a box with four cups to plant seeds. Select 6-7 seeds of one plant. Seeds are planted in four cups.

Educator: Guys, what else is needed for seeds to grow? (children's answers)

Yes, there is water, so let's pour it.

Educator: What else is needed for growth? (children's answers)

Educator: Light and warmth. Let's put our boxes on the window.

Grandmother: Now you need to constantly care for and monitor the plants. I will treat you to the harvest that I saved from last summer. I have a good cellar where I store all the vegetables I grow. (invites the children to try carrots (pieces).

The children try it and thank their grandmother for the gifts.

Grandmother: Guys, take good care of the plants. Goodbye!

Educator: Guys, what did we look at today?

What plant seeds do you remember?

What conditions are necessary for plant growth?

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